The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 15, 1916, Image 4

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'""•St m^>i | T''»«iiw<>i'iiw.~»wwniiii>Tr<i'iT*i , ~t “~T —■■ THt GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS QWADV OOWTV WUBMim ■ttMinuaaaaA THE OFFICIAL PRINT SHOP OF GRADY COUNTY. D. L. WILLIAMS, Editor and Proprietor Entered iih matter uf tlic second clans at the Cuiro, Georgia, Post Office, under the Art of March 3rd, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.00 ’a Year; 00 cents for ('• Months; 25 cents for Three Month? ADVERTISING RATES: Most Reasonable and Made Known Upon Application. MAKING GOOD My toy, y hi think tii all you have to t'do is “make a hit;” To catch the public eye and ear, then wo cast stones evermore he "it You think one stroke sullieicnt for one lifetime—maybe two; That once n man i famous there is nothing left to do. 1 hate to walte you, runny, from four iridescent dream And keep your skill from drifting any further down the stream, But here's what I’ve discovered: He who'ir done t ho heat he could Is merely obligated just to keep on mak ing good. One little Might's a promise spread your wings and r One decent jobWii earnest that you’ll do a thousand more; One leaj) to public favor ia a pledge that you will stay— You can’t do Hint unless you make a new marl; every day. The jump you made to wealth and fame will do less good than harm If by your desultory stylo you prove n "false alarm." One well-directed arrow never made a Robin Hood; One winning stroke but binds you to tire . * task of making good. This world was not constructed for Hie lazy man of dreams; One flush is not. a nugget—gold is con stant with its gleams; The world keeps looking highnr than the tho level you've attained And think? you retrograding lib 'tis cer tain you have gained. in tide by I lie most of us. Unless we n-e very sure Hint wc nrc wit li mit sin h t us bo enroful ns to how Wo repent, t hnl I Grtuly county'needs the efforts of every citizen to push forwnrd her advancement and we earnestly plead with all, whether victor ot vanquished to refrain from putting brakes on the wheels of her prog ress by keeping alive any of 1 lit bitterness that may have been engendered during the recent cam paign. Ih : 11 J ' ou ’ 1! COMMITTEE’S FOR GRADY DAY No standstill will it tolerate, slide hack, and you will see Your name among the "has-beens" as n ■^harmless "used-to-be.” Tli'i standard you established when you dill the host, you could Was but your affidavit thnt you’d keep on making good. —Strickland W. Giliilan. FINANCE COMMITTEE ,J. Id. Forsythe, Chairman., A. \V Miller, .). M. Ppulk, Mrs. W . L Wight, Miss Addie Lou Powell. EXHIBIT COMMITTEE P. IT. Ward, ('airman; ('. It. Beale, It. M. Johnson, Mrs. W. <’. Jones, Mrs. .1. l L > Smith, Mrs. F. T. Brown. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE li. II. Wind, Clinirumn; ,W- ® Oliver, It. P. Wight. SCHOOL COMMITTEE J. S. Weathers, W. L. Ufyuu. GROUNDS COMMITT (’. V. Poulk, L. W. Rigsby, Golden, W. E. Dunn. PARADE COMMITTEE. Wh. Searcy, Chairman; W. -M. Ik Mnxwe)!, -W. lfc Hinv- I. P Elbert •lie After the Election—What? The primary lias been -held and in almost every instance the result is conclusive. There is no room for doubts or quibbling. The re sults are surely not pleasing to ail, but a majority have spoken and we are a democratic people. Wc are founded on the principle of majority rule. If the results in the recent election have gone to please us let us conduct ourselves with moderation and a spirit of full con sideration for the feelings of others. If wc have been disappointed we should yield gracefully,to the will, of the majority and let no spirit of bitterness find place in our hearts. After all this m ittur of elections does note deserve all t he seriousness with which we usually dignify it. Friends and neighbors have many tilings that are of so much more importance to themselves and to the community interest, that these matters that loom so large seme- time during a campaign should im mediately be laid aside when the result is known, and all fall in line for striving to advance the common good. Wc trust that in Grady county in particular that the inn Rot's of the campaign will he allowed to sink into a forgotten past without any effort on the part of any one to embalm them. Grady comity stands at the threshnolil of great things if we ns citizens will all work together. And why should we not. Is it any crime that should keep us apart that wc have not all had the same opinions as concerning some man who is run ning for office? We call upon Gra dy county to let the dead past bury its dciul. There is much ahead of us for live men to do. We must not be dragging dead carcasses around with us if we are .to do the work of men. No doulT mistake^ have been \ | \Yh. Searcy; Chairman; W. T. Crawl'onl, K. it . VmiLamlingliuiii, j Mrs. J. B. Warncll, Mrs. A. C. lloil- ,denhery, Mrs. M. M. McMancus, Mrs. J. li. White, Mrs. \V. It. Robinson. RURAL AUXILIARY BEACIITON—Herbert Beach, Jas. S. Mason. BAY POLE—('. E, Brinson, Odus Powell. BETIIPAGE—A.C. Dickey, .Beach- Ion, Gn., M. C. T. Collins, Bcnehton, On. CALVARY—Edgar Rawls, Joe Higdon. C1LASON—J. J. HURST, J. A'. Al ii redgo. CONNELL—C. L. Cannon, O. P. Ominous. FAIRVIEW—J. T. VnnLnndinghain, J. 11. Collins, N. M. Sasser, J. II. Jeffries. ELUINO—\Y. A. Shiver, J. L Pinson. EUREKA--Sum McKown, Pclhan: (ia., R. F. I). No. 4., W. It. Robbins, Pelham, (la., li. F. 1). No. 4. GREENWOOD—A. 11. Sasser, C F. Walker. GOLDEN ROD—It. W. Maxwell, Walter Ilarpor. HAWTHORN—Frank Key, T. J. Braswell. HICKORY HEAD—Hal Mitchell, Jim Mitchell. HUMPHRIES—II. M. Wilder,'Pel ham, Oa., Amzio Fain, Pelham, Gn LIVE OAK- It. L. COLLINS, AAV. Wamble.' MIDWAY—W. It. Collins,' O. J. Cook. MAGNOLIA—Orren More, Tom Taylor. alOORE—B. B. Martin, O. W. Dees OAK GROVE—A' Powell, E. F. Dollar, Tom Clietf. OAK IIILLt— Carl Gainey, Tom Gainey. PROVIDENCE— (’has. Walden. John Barrinenu. 1’INE FOREST—M. Pope, W. L. Smith. PINE SUMMITT—rW. C.'Barrow, ■f. It. Sutton. PINE UNION—C. It. Ulm, C. W. .'bason. PINE HILL— Qlias. Maxwell, N. II. Butler. PAWNEE—Harmon Harrell, Pel- 'mm, Gn., S. D. Oliver, Whighnm, Ga PLEASANT HILL—L. A..Ragan, W. R. Miller. PLEASANT VALLEY —Jim. L. Reagan, R. W. Davis. PLEASANT GROVE—J. F. Fores ter, Whit Stunnlnnd. llENO—Cadar Connell, J. F. Max well. SOFKEE—Jno. M. Harrison, Aus- t'on Maxwell. HI LOAM' Mnloy, SHADY GROVE- tliorn, C. C. Belcher. SPRING HILL—A. JJ. Wliighnm, W. II. Thompson. Spence—Courtlund Mize, John Butler. SUNNY SIDE—M. Joe Penrce, E. F. Thomason. SW1CORD—D. S. Swieoi’d, Donnie Hinson. UNION ACADEMY—H. L. Watson iV, T. Willis. UNION BILL—Will Ingram, 1VI- .i.iiii, (la., R. F. D. No. 4; B. M (hirer, Pellmm, (hi., li. F. D. No. 4. PINE PARK—E. L. Alderman, J. 0. Moore. WOODLAND—Jno A. Wynn, W. M. Prince. WHIG1IAM—T. J. Mills, i Impman, Grover Hodges, I'ruloek. WALKER—D. P. Ward, T. L. Latimer. The following prizes wore offered >y the Executive committee mid ac cepted : PIG CLUB. Duroek Jersey Boar, 1st Prize..'$5.(10 Duroek Jersey Boar, 2nd Prize..$3.00 Jnrock Jersey Boar, 3rd Prize $1.1)0 Duroek Jersey Sow, 1st Prize.. $5.00 Duroek Jersey Sow, 2nd Prize,. .3.00 Duroek Jersey Sow, 3rd Prize. .$1.00 Poland China. Poland China Board, 1st Prize.$5.00 Poland China Bonn, 2nd Prize.$3.00 Poland Chinn Boar, 3rd Prize. .$1.00 Poland Chinn Sow, 1st Prize. .$5.00 Poland Chinn Sow, 2nd Prize,. .$3.00 Poland Chinn Sow, 3rd Prize..$1.00 Beikshires. 1st Prize (Sow or Boar) $5.00 2nd Prize (Sow or Hour) $3.00 h'd Prize (Sow or Boar) .. . .$1.00 Hampshire 1st Prize, (Sow or Boar) ... .$5.00 2nd Prize, (Sow or Boar) ....$3.00 3rd Prize, (Sow or Boar) $1.00 Tam worth 1st Prize, (Sow or Birnr) . . . .$5.00 2nd Prize, (Sow or Boar) .. . .$3.00 3rd Prize, (Sow or Boar) .. . .$1.00 SWEEPSTEAKS PRIZE Swccpstonks Prize, all pigs exhibited $5.00 COLT-CLUB PRIZES. Horse Colt, under one year, 1st prize, $5.00. 1 Horse Colt, under 2 years, 1st prize, $5.00. Horse Colt, under 3 years, 1st prize, $5.00. Mule Colt, under 1 year, 1st prize, $5.00. Male Colt, under 2 years, 1st prize $5.00. Mule Colt, under 3 years, 1st prize $5.00. CORN CLUB PRIZES. lest Acre of Corn, 1st prize Best. Acre of Corn, 2nd prize. .$5.00 SCHOOL DISTRICT AGRICULTUR AL FLOAT PRIZE (Any School District.) Agricultural Float, 1st Prize. .$25.00 Agricultural Float, 2nd prize. .$15.00 Agricultural Float, 3rd prize. ..$10,00 Agricultural Float, 4th prize,. .$ 5.00 Commercial Float, (Horse Drawn) 1st prize, $5.00. Best Decorated Automobile ih Phrndo, $5.00. J. L. OLIVER’S SON Grady County's Largest Store my, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 22 and 23rd. We will have on display the newest the newest ideas in Coat Suits, Ready-to-Wear and Millinery. All the Ladies Cordially Envited. MISS A. R. OLIVER, v MISS SUSIE GRIFFIN, MISS MARY SPEARS n IL J. L. OLIVER’S SON 0 i lost 10 stalks Green onne... .$1.00 lost 10 stalks Red cane, $1.00 test 30 ears'Seed Corn, $1.00 lest 10 Swtfet Potatoes, $1.00 test Exhibit Velvet Bonus,. . . .$1.00 lest 10 Turnips $1.00 Best Bale Hay $1.00 ‘Best Slienf Oats $1.00 lest Exhibit Cow Peas $1.00 test Exhibit Peanuts $1.00 NEEDLEWORK EXHIBIT 1st. Prize $5,00 2nd. Prize $2.50 3rd. Prize $1.00 EXHIBIT CANNED FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. 1st. Prize . . $5,00 2nd. Prize, .... $2.50 3rd. Prize?.'. $1.00 Finest Baby under 1 yenr of nge living in county, $5.00. Largest Rooster Exhibited, (Open to all) nil) $1.00 Tile Tickicst Cow Exhibited $1.00. FIDDLER'S CONVENTION FIDDLERS’ C0NVETI0N, ETC. 1st Prize in Fiddlers’ Convention, (Open to nil,) $5.00. Winner, Nail Driving Contest, (Open only to Ladies.) $1.00. Winner Cracker Eating Contest, (Open to Boys under 12 year's,) $1.00 It was moved and spcondcil that the date for the celebration of Grady Day, be changed from Wednesday, October lltli; to Tne'-dny October the 12tli. Motion carried. 1 * -**i DURING TRE MONTH DF SEPTEMBER We will give with every Stove, Range or New Perfection Oil Stove that we sell this $8.00 set of pure Aluminum Cooking Ware for, We Have Recently Added Three new Ranges to our Line—These Ranges Are Special Values Selected From Three of America’s Best Lnnes. The Isabel High Grade Cast Range, The Standard, Steel Range, with 15 gallon ;soiid copper resejrvor and Cole’s Hot Blast Malleable.