The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 22, 1916, Image 3
. . vf*" ' ■ Citation (il'.OHOIA: (Irmly County. A. C. Dirkey, Guardian of Stubbs’ Ib'ifs, lms applied to mo for n discharge from his guardianship of said heirs. This is therefore to notify nil persons eon* eerneii to l,le their objections if any they have, on ur before the first Motuluv in October next; else A. C. Dickey wilt b discharged from his guardianship ns ap plied for. This Sept. 4th 1015. ~ 1’. It. Herring, Ordinary. WHEREFORE, Petitioners prny to lie incorporated under nnmc and style nforc- sniil with tire powers,- privileges nnd im munities herein Ret fourth, nnd ns are now or mny hereafter bo allowed n cor poration of similar, character under the laws of Georgia. -1 LEDFORD & CHRISTOPHER, At'Vbrnoys for Petitioners. Filed in office this the 21st day of August, 1010. „ .1. M. McNAIR, Jr. c. s. c. Notice Cl 1.011 Cl IA: Grady County. Notice is hereby given that the under signed hns applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave to sell Intid belonging to the Estate of A. Nelson for the pay ment of debts. Said application will be heard at the regular term of court of Ord inary for said county to be held on the first Monday in October 10*10. This Sept, 4th min, it. E. MITCHELL, Administrator upon the Estate of Admiral Nelson. Notice GEORGIA: Grady County. J. 8. Weathers, Guardian of Willie Moore has applied to me for n discharge from his guardianship of Willie Moore. '1 his is therefore, to notify all perrons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in October next, else he will be discharged from his guardianship ns applied for. P. H. Herring, Ordinary. GEORGIA, GRADY COUNTY: L J. M. McNair, Jr,, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the application for charter of C. A. Vandutco, II. (1. Cannon W. C. Jones, J. R. Wight, W. 8. Wight nnd J. S. Wight, ns the same appears on file in this ofliee. Witness my official signature and the sen! of said court, this the 21st day of August, 191(1. J. M. McNAIR,’ Jr., C. S.C..G. C. Ga. This the 21st day of August, 1910. (SEAL) A Proclamation Submitting a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Georgia, to be voted on nt the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 7, 1910, said amend ment to amend Article 0, Section 13 Paragraph I, of the Constitution, rela tive to the salaries of certain judges of the Superior Courts. By His Excellency, NAT E. HARRIS, Governor Citation GEORGIA: Grady County. The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support to the family of C. Greene deceased, having been filed in my office, all persons con cerned are cited to show cause by the 2nd day of October 191(1, why said appli cation for twelve months' support, should not. be granted. This Sept. Gill 1910. P. II. Herring. . Ordinary. Petition for Charter Georgia, Grady County; To the Superio Courtof said county: The petition of C. A. VanDuzcc, II. Cl. Cannon, W. C. Jones, J. B. Wight. W. S. Wight and J. S. Wight., respectfully shows: 1st. That they dosire for themselves, their associates nnd successors to be in corporated nnd made a body politic under the name and style of the CAIRO PECAN' SALES COMPANY, for the period of twenty years. 2nd. The principal office of said company shall lie in the City of Cairo, state and county aforesaid, but the peti tioners desire the right to establish branch offices within this state or elsewhere whenever the holders of h majority of the stock may so determine. Urd. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to itself and its shareholder till. The business to be carried on by said corporat ion is that of buying, selling, drying and grading pecan nuts, and to deal in nil other articles necessary to the successful carrying on of said business. 5lh. The cnpitnl stock of said corpora tion shall he . 55,000.00, divided into shares of $100.00 each with privilege of increasing thosnme to the sum of Twenty Five Thousand dollars ($25,000.00),by a majority vote of the stockholders. Ten (10) per cent of the amount of capital to be employed by Ihfcm .Jias been ac tually paid ill ... Gth. Petitioner* desire , the right to have the subscription to said capital stock to lie paid cither in money or.prop erty, and if in property same In be taken nt a fair valuation. 7th, Petitioners desire the right to sue nnd ho sued, ta plea and be impleaded, to have and use common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may he necessary for the successful carrying on of said business, including the right to ' buy, bold and sell real estate and person al property suitable to the purposes of the corporation, and to execute, notes and bowls lis evidence pf indebtedness in curred or which may be incurred in the conduct of the a (fails of the corporation nnd to secure the snmo .by- mortgage, security deed or other form of lien under existing laws. 8th. They desire for said incorpora tion the power nnd authority to apply for and accept amendments to its charter of either form or substance by vote of the majority of its stock outstanding at the time. They also ask authority for said incorporation to wind up its affairs, liqui date nnd discontinue its busincs at any t ime it may determine to do so by a vote of two-thirds of its stock outstanding at the time. OLh. They desire for the said incorpo ration tho right of rcnewul when and as p ,vidcd by the laws of Georgia, and that it have all such rights, powers, privileges immun'.lioa as are incident to like in- cirporatious, or promissnble under the laws of Georgia. State of Georgia, Executive Department, August 28,1910. Whereas the General Assembly at its session in 1910 proposed an amendment to the Constitution of this State as set forth in nil net approved August 8, lDlfl, to wit: AN ACT To amend Paragraph 1, of Section 13 of Article 0, of the Constitution of tie State of Georgia, regulating the sal aries off he judges, of tho Supreme am Superior Courts by providing for tin payment from (lie County Treasury ol Clarke County to tho judge of the Supe rior Courts of the Western Cirjuit, o! which said county b a part of addt tional compensation, and by providinf for the payment from the County Treas ury of Floyd -County to the judge oi the Superior Courts of the 'Rome cir cuit, of which said County of Floyd is r par-t of additional compensation, and by providing for tho payment from tin County Treasury of Sumter County to the judge of the Superior Courts of the Southwestern Circuit, of which said County of Sumter is a part of addition al compensation, and by providing for the payment from the County Treasury of Muscogee County to tlie judge of the Superior Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, of which said County of Mus cogee is n part, of additional componsa. lion, and for oilier purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gcr- eral Assembly of the State of Georgia, that Paragraph 1, of Section 13, of Ar ticle 0, of the Constitution of the Slate of Georgia, ns amended by the act of tlie General Assembly, approved August 3, 1910, and duly ratified by tlie people according to law, lie and the same is hereby amended by inserting' tlie words “Clarke, Floyd, Sumter, Muscogee’’ in the proviso nontninod in said amend ment between tho words, “the uountics of’’ and the word “Bibb" so that said proviso so amended by this, amendment shall read as follows: “Provided, how ever, that tho Countlos of Clarke, Floyd. Sumter, Muscogee, Bibb, Chatham, Ful ton and Richmond shall pay from their respective County Treasuries to the Su perior Court judges of the circuit of which they arc a .part, and VtJie County of Fulton to the judge oftiic. Stcno Mountain circuit; or the judge of. such other circuit as may hereafter tie're quired to regularly preside therein, . for additional services rendered in tlie Su perior ' Court of Fulton C'oitnty such sums, as will, with tlie. salaries paid each judge from tho State Treasury, mako a salary of So,000 per annum to each judge; and suid payments arc declared to be a part of tho court expenses of such counties, such payment to be made to the judges now in office ns well as to (heir successors.” Sec. 2. Be it- further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if this constitutional amendment shall be' ugroedf to by two-thirds of tlie mcm- bera.of.the General Ascembly of each House, the sonic shall lie entered on each journal, with tlie ayes nnd nays taken thereon, and tlie Governor shall cause the amendment to be published In one or more of the newspapers in each Congressional District for two months immediately preceding tlie next gen eral election, nnd tlie voters thereat shall have written or printed on their tickets "For ratification of amendment to Para graph 1, Section 13, Article 0, of tho Constitution" (providing for additional compensation of tho Superior Court ‘judges in Clarke, Floyd, Sumter and Muscogee Superior Courts), or “Against ratification of amendment to Paragraph 1, Section 13, Article 0, of the Consti tution" (against providing additional compensation for. the Superior Court judges in Clarko, Floyd, Sumter and Muscogee Superior Courts) ns they mny choose, nnd if a majority of the electors (|Unlilicd to voto for members of tlie next General Assembly voting, shall vote in favor of ratification, then said amendment shall become a part of Ar ticle 0, Section 13, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of tliis State.and tho Gov ernor shall mnkc proclamation thereof. Sec. 3. Tlie City Court of Ameri- cus shall not he abolished, nor shall tlie Hilaries of the officers thereof be in creased or diminished prior to January 1, 1921. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted by the authority aforofaid, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with tliis act be, nnd the same, are hereby re pealed. Now, therefore, I, Nat E. Hnrris, Gov ernor of said State, do issue this my proclamation in roby deelnring that the foregoing proposed amendment to tlie Constitution is submitted for ratifica tion or rejeotion to (lie voters of tho State qualified to vote for members of I lie General Assembly at tho general election to lie held Tuesday, November 7, 19 0. N. E. HARRIS, Governor. Superior Court to bo Held in October By the Governor: PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. a proclamation Proposed amendment t Lonstiuitton ot Ueorgiu, to Go voteu general election lu be lie.d on •Tuvsituy. November I. ms, mild amend ment lu amend Article 6, Section 13. i“‘' a j f ™P h 2, of the Constitution, in ref erence lu abolishing fees of the Solicitor Generals By Ii la Excellency ~ & NAT .ARIUS, Governor. State of Georgia, Executive Department, „ August i!S, 1916. i ere , as .tho General Aaacmbiy at Its flepplon ip 1916 proposed an amendment to the Constitution of Glia gtate as act forth in n»i no* *......... .V Sj» Y>«. Constitution of thin State ns set to" wit- “ cl dPP rov ed Aii/uhi js. _ _ . AN ACT To amend Article 6, Section 13, Para graph 2, of the Constitution of this , Ji te ' ,f° tu authorize the General Assembly, by a majority vole of eucn branch, at any time, to Hbollsli the fees us present accruing to the office of Su- . ll ; a j)>' particular Judi- cial Circuit, and in lieu thereof to pro- scribe a salary for such office, In uddt- ‘JPJM® the salary prescribed In para graph 1. of said section, of suid Article, and without regard to the uniformity or such salaries in tho various circuits: and to authorize the General Assembly .1 : uioiii/oututi biiuii uo made of the fines, forfeitures and foes accru ng to the office of Solicitor Gen eral, in any Judicial Circuit, where the fees arc abolished; and for other pur poses. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gen- *. h oiitiatu uy mi oral Assembly of Georgia, and it Is '*** 4t * - ** “ of the ..oov.MO,, UVUIfilU, lllJt hereby enacted by the authority oi same, that Articlo 0. Section 13, I*. urnnh 2. of I'niiNiitiitiiii, n ( # , ui ueorgiu, amended by uddlng at the end of 7 # Jf-ra-s-e n.-—» *- liollsh tne fees accruing to the office of ioIIc tor dgneruk In any ' lelul circuit - - ■ *■ ,-ny particular Ju- Snq in lieu thereof, to prescribe a salary for bucIi offleo, In ud- dltlon to the salary prescribed in para- eroplt 1 of this section of this Article, Dmo, w i, l . l i' n qu , 1 r «P r '\ to the uniformity oi fbch salaries fii the various circuital and shall have the further power to de termine What disposition shall he mado pf the flues, forfeitures and fees accru ing to the office of Solicitor General, in any such Judicial Circuit, where the fees are abolished:".so that suid para- graph 2. of suid section, of saw"Article; When 80 amended, will read -- i, ,wm rcan ns follows: The Qencral Assembly Paragraph j. .... nDacmuiy may at any time, by a two-thirds vote of each branch, prescribe other and dlf- - * ‘ •“ of the V* v-w.. H.HHVtl, 1'IVOUIUU UlIKT I ferent salaries for any or all uj uiv above officers, but no suolt change shall affect the officers then In commission: Provided, however, That the General As. eenibly shall hnve power, at any time, >y a majority voto of each branch, to bollsh the fees at present accruing to abolish .... **- H 1 .acui aeuruillK ro. the office of Solicitor General, In any particular Judicial circuit, and In lieu thereof, to prescribe a salary for such office. In addition to the salary pre scribed In paragraph 1 of this section of this Article, and without regard to the uniformity of such salaries In tho va rious circuits; and shall have the fur ther power to determine what dispusi- tlort shall be made of the lines, for- feitures apd fees accruing to the nfflo* of poll,cltor General, in any jiuoh Judl- ished' , rcU *’ w lpro t,le rovs ure abol- Hec. 2. Be tt further enacted, that If this amendment shall oe agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the Gen- arat.Aracmbly of each House, the same shall be enterod on their Journals with the yeaB and nays taken thereon, and the Governor shall cause the amend ment to be published In one or more of the newspapers tn each Congressional District for ot least two months Imme diately preceding the next gonoral elec tion, nnd the same shall be submitted to GEORGIA, Grntly County. r “ Hip Superior Court, Sept, lerm, 1910. It appearing that it is expedient that the said term of the said Su perior Court be adjourned over to some near convenient time. It ia hereby ordered and adjudged that the said Sept. Term, 1910 of said Court be and the same is.hereby adjourned over to the 1st Monday in October, 1916, at. 10 o’clock a. m., then io lie reconvened and held so long as tlie presiding .Judge may deem proper to keep the same in se-sion lor the tiini or disposition of any matter or cause, or for the j transaction of any business that j nny come before the Court.. I-ot all parties, witnesses, jurors, counsel officers nnd others con cerned take notice and be governed accordingly. this Sept, 4, 1910, in npen co,irt ' E. E. COX, •Judge Superior Court Albany Circuit. Filed in office 4th day of Sept. 1910. J. M. McNAIR, JR. ■Clerk. WHEN you WANT THE BEST IN GROCERIES COME TO US. be wel1 " U PP««» with the best the market afford,if yon buy your groVeri. aTpro^S *» a r7?? T BanK Account will be amply safe guarded because our prices are away down, as low as posi- tty aST Pr ° Vi9i0nS ° f qUR,ity ' even l0 ™ Your Health will be amply protected because we sell only goods of known purity and excellence. wo Jr Appetite will bo well satisfied because we sell groceries of quality that possess an unusual amount of nutriment, and they are good to the taste. Calvary Dots Your Friends will remark on tho exwllence of vonr chotoug, for tho good, wo sell, combino,! with your T„ hood sense, will produce a meal fit, for the gods. White & Stringer The Leading Grocers Protracted meeting started at tne methodisi church Sunday. School opened Monday mornsng with about eighty pupils and more coming in every day. Rev. Chambers conducted the Devotional exercises, Professor Whaley gave a good talk, Miss Simalton made a few remarks and Mr. B. II. McNair, made a talk. Several of tho patrons attended the opening of the school. Mr. J. II, Strickland wont over to Thpmasville Monday, to sec lira brother, who is in the hospital. Mr. Joe Strickland is getting along very nicely now from being hurt by tlie -smoke house falling in on him. WJOW about that buggy or wagon you have been thinking of having repaired? Now is the time to have them put in first class shape. am 3 , 1 j S ° f klacksmithing and repairing. All work done at my shop is guaranteed, to give satisfaction. First class Horse shoeing a Specialty. The kind that satisfies. CP, HUTTO, Cairo Ga Next to F. B. Walsh’s stables. Several large rattle snakes have been killed around here lately. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Rowe, of Havana, Fla., spent the day In Calvary Sunday. Messrs P. L. Herring and D. G. Whaley nitidc a business trip to Cairo Saturday. Sheriff Chrr was in Calvary Mon tiny looking after business, Mr. C. G. Stephens was in Cal vary Monday. lll-AI. bCIICtai CICUIIUII, the voters thereat t*hn»l have writ ten or printed on their ballots “For rat- -i uii ...el. udmi.H r _. iflcation of ainomtment to Parasraph 2, file Con or Section 13. of Article fi, of me uon- stltutiun of this Stuie, abolishing fees of Solicitors General," or "Agalnat rntl- -- -ji,-„., u, against rnu- flcalion of amendment to Paragraph 2, of Section 13. of Article 0, of the Constitu tion of this Slate, anollshlng fees ot SoMr.ltcira General" as they mny choose -- 1 ' 1 -‘- I--1 ns .I|.y may cnooae, and If a majority of Ills electors qual ified to vote for members of tho next General Assemb'y, voting, shall vote In favor of ratlflcatlon. as shown by tho consolidation thereof and returns made, as now provided by law In elections for members pf the General Assembly, then said amendment shali become a part of earn Article c, Section 13. Paragraph 2, ?L th n® Con8lUu i Io .\ l of lh,a State, and thereofV ern ° r 8hft11 make Procjamation thereof. 3 ' ¥ e 11 further enacted, that ‘aws, and. parts of laws In conflict W'th. {his act he. and the Bame are, hereby repealed. ‘hurufuro, I. Nat E. Harris,. Gov- s,™^'f ,tsr ?i or ^i E - Harris.. Gov- d * d0 iss ue th^s my proclamation hereby declaring; that the ^'ovosed amendment to the Constitution Is submitted for ratiflca- r 1?« ct } on to the voters of the ru tate « quall ^ etl . lo vote ^° r members of en ® ra J Assembly at the general ber° 7 OI 19i6 1)0 ke * d on TueBt,tt V* Novem- N. H.AHRI3, Governor. ^ GOOD TO THE LAST DROP SLAIED ( TINS OtUY AT YOUR GROCCRS Chee^NealCoffeeCo. «y t mori ’OK, Secretary of Stats. When the bowels feel uncom fortable and you miss the exhilar ating feeling that always follows a copious morning operation, a dose of HERBIN-E' will set you right in a couple of hours. If taken at bedtime you get its beneficial cf- feet after breakfast next day. Price ,60c. Sold by Wight & Browne. NASH VIU P H 0 0 ST 0 1 JACKSONVILLE. Money Loaned ON EASY TERMS Farm loans promptly made At six per cent, interest, pnyable annually. The borrow er lr.e the privilege of paying part or all the principal at any interest per.od, stopping interest on such payment. I will PnV o you money. Come to see mo, or write. Prompt attention given all written inquiries. W. M. BRYAN, Office Over Post Office Thomasville, GeorSTa 6 Percent _ 6 Per Cent FARM LOANS Loans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly made at lowest rates and best terms Gall on us or wright us stating your needs. We can save you money. Barrow Loan & Abstract Company “The biggest farm loan concern in South Georgia’* Pelham - . Georgia 6 Per Cent 6 Per Cent Yellow complexion, pimples and disfiguring blemishes on the face or body can be gotten rid of by doc toring the fiver, which- is torpid HERBINE is a powerful liver cor- rectant. It purifies the system, stimulates the vital organs and puts tlie body in fine vigorous con dition. Price 50c. Sold by Wight & Browne. About Meat Any old kind cf teeth will do when you eat •that meat - that we sell There is none tenderer, none juicier, none better, an 1 nothing as satisfying R. P. BENNETT, The Grocer Who Seeks to Pleas