The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 22, 1916, Image 5

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    Local and Personal Items
Conducted by Mrs. D. L. Williams
Phone No. 5!)
Mr. W. 1’. Matthews of Augus.a
li t • been spending a few days in
Cairo this week.
Rev. J. T. Ryder will receive
two tickets to the Diamond from
the Sky nt the Alcazar next Mon-
dny night.
Our three milinory stores arc
about the busiest places in town
this week.
Mr. Walter Davis will receive
two tickets to the first epsiodo of
the Diamond fron the Sky next
Monday night at the Alcazar.
Have you bought some Pride oi
Denver Flour. It is best.
Miss Annie Wilder luis been the
guest of her friends hero this week.
Mrs. J. B. Warned will receive
two tickets to the Diamond from
thj Sky at the Alcazar next Mon
day night.
Mrs. V. II. Harris is a guest of
her sister Mrs. B. M. Johnson.
Mr. G. S. Johnson aviil receive
two tickets to the first episode- of
the Diamond from the Sky at the
Alcazar next Monday night.
/ Good stove wood for sale
S2.50 ger cord.—I. T. Taylor.
Mr. W. H. Vanlandingham and
a party of other gentlcaicn from
Donalsonville made a trip to Cairo
and to Thomasvillc Thursday in
the interest of the Southwest Geor
gia Fair. All indications points to
a magnificent display of Georgia
products there the first week in
October and Grady county citizens
should avail themselves of the op
portunity of seeing this display in
our neighboring town. There will
be reduced rates on tiie Const. Line.
Mr. 0. T. Davis will receive two
tickets to the A!c unr next Mon
day night.
Trp Pride of Denver Flour and
be convinced. Look for their ad.
The Iron Claw holds you with a
g 'ip of iron. Sec it every Friday
Have you had t your free ticket
to the Alcazar? If not keep look
ing your time may come next.
Who is the .Laughing Mask'
i Read the Iron Claw and Bond us*
your guess, the first correct, gueis
gets a years subscription.
The Great Serial Picture The
Diamond From The Sky will stmt-
it the Alcazar Theatre next Mon-
lay night. Dont fail to see tin
first episode.
Miss Mary Bell will leave in a
few days for Morgan Ga., where
shs will teach for the next term.
Rev. J. A. Wynne will receive
two tickets to the Diamond from
the Sky next Mondiy evening.
First episede at the Alcazar.
Judge W. J. Wiil'e is on a busi
ness trip to Aidant i ibis week.
Prof. W. L. Bryan will receive
two tickets to the Diamond in the
Sky at the Alcazar Theater next
Monday evening.
The store of Abe Poller wi[l be
closed next Thursday the 23;h. on
account of Holiday which is the
Jewish New Year.
Miss Elinor Donnelly who re
cently underwent an operation for
appendicitis at Dr. Walkrrs sini-
tariuin is sufficiently recovered to
be able to be out again.
Mr. Ci Ci Belcher who is getting
up a county cxibit from this
county to carry to the vilriors
fairs this fall, is anxious to secure
every thing that will add to the
exhibit. It you have any tiling
that will bo of help in making a
great display of Grady county
products bring it to Cairo and
leave it at one or the other of the
hardware stores subject to hits call.
We have not consulted Mr.Belcher
on that p irticular point, hut if
there is any display that is to be
used for the. Grady Day exhibit,
Mr. Belcher could use them at
Donalsonville and have them back
in time for use on that day. Give-
Mi'. Belcher your cooperation and
let Grady county make an exhibit
of whice we will be proud.
Wrote a lady in Boston
Miss Tcs.sie Mott fail!., riw.v , . ,, , „ .
two tickets to the first
the Diamond from the Sky at the
Alcazar next Monday night.
Mr. D. G. Dixon and Miss Jor
dan from the eastein part cf the
county were married here last Sun-
A. C. Itodelenbcry will receive
two tickets to the Iron Claw Fri-
The friends of Mr. Arthur Bell
are glad to sec him out again after
several weeks confinement from an
operation for append) alt's’.
C. F. Sanders will receive two
day afternoon by Judge P. II. tickets to the Iron Claw Friday
Herring. The Progress extends n'ght at the Alcazar by calling at
its congratulations. the Progress.
For Newest
Styles In
By doing so you will keep yourself ex
ceptionally ;we’i posted.
The fact that we are getting in new pat
terns enables us at all times to make an
attractive display of the most striking types
of both street and dress Hats. Also new
est things in Suits. Don’t fail to see them.
They are beauties.
The Sixtieth Annual session of i
the Bowen Association will meet I
with Union Baptist Church on
Wednesday Oct, 4th. at 10 o’clock
A. M.
Elder R. H. Folmer or his alter- j
nate I. J. Martin will preach the'
introductory sermon. H. II. Shell '
or his alternate, Elder J. R. Blew,
ett will preach the Missionary '
Union Baptist Church is five
miles Noith of Donalsonville.
Messengers going by rail will be
met at Donalsonville.
N. G. Christopher.—Clerk.
Elsewhere in this issue will bo
found a communication from Cnpt.
J. F. Stone expressing his appreci
ation to the people of Grady
County for their generous vote in
the recent election. In this con
nection it might ire of interest to
his friends in this county io learn
that the genial Captain received
numerous telegrams and letters
from throughout Georgia congrat
ulating him on l^s election. In
speaking to a Progress man of these
Capt. Stone expressed particular
appreciated of the letter that lie
had received from Rev. W. M.
S be suffered from catarrh for many years and spent many
dollars in trying to get relief. While near the sea the doctors
sent her to the dry mountain air; and when in the mountains
they assured her that the moist air was the thing.
Poor lady—she gave up in despair until she heard of
The Rexall Catarrh Spray
and bought the complete treatment—spray and atomizer—for
a dollar, with the usual Rexall guarantee--“Money back if it
does not help you/’ She never called forher dollar, and
her catarrh is but a memory.
Rexall Catarrh Spray Outfit-Complete
Invaluable in all cases of catarrh of the nasal passage, “cold in the head,” that stuffy feeling”
in the no-c, and wherever catarrhal symptoms exist. Used both for the prevention and re
lief of catarrh, colds, hay fever, and all irritations in the nasal passage
Rexall Catarrh.Spray Outfit
Comprises otic bottle of Rexall Catarrh Spray (Liquid) and one Rexall Atomizer especially
designed for spraying the nasal passage with Rexall Catarrh Spray. The Atomizer is easily
cleaned, and is made to insure cleanliness and efficiency.
Price $1.00 Mailed to You For $1,10.
feaHi Store
Phone 14
1=1 a— —r
Cairo, Georgia
Last Spi
WE announced that we would loan to
>rmg the Farmers of Grady County 8.10,-
000.00 for the purpose of buying supplies for CASH. Many
farmers took advantage of the opportunity, and quite a saving
was effected to themselves. The inauguration cf the CASH
SYSTEM is one of the many ways in which we are working
to assist the people of this county, and if you want your
money used in a way to assist in the building of GRADY
COUNTY, and in the creation of NEW WEALTH deposit it
in the Farmers (EL Merclhant9 BaivK. An in-
slitutiin that is widc-a-wnke to the interest of the pcopltv
The Bank of GRADY COUNNY designated as a “STATE
“Make Our Bank Your Bank’’
Farmers & Merchants ‘ Bank
Porto Rico Special
i Oieaa-XHBMO
Buy them and help your home
j town.
,0 )•«■»(
I have select seed stock of the following stock limited
Prices will be higher later—better buy your seed NOW-
Don't wait! Fulghum Oats, Burt Oals, Texas Rustproof
Oats, Appier and Hastings Oats, South Georgia Rve.
Abruzzie Rye. -
W. H. ROBINSON, c*., &.
Choice Groceries, Cold Drinks,
Cairo Baked Bread, Cotton
Seed Meal and Hulls. Hay and
Horse Feed.
We appreciate your patronage
to the extent that once you
trade with us we know you
will continue to do so.
Mitchell & Walker ompany,
Phone 97. Cairo, Ga.