The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 22, 1916, Image 8

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•neiiM ,BRADY COUNTY PLiRmsS. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Commissioners’ Proceedings Cairo, On., Sept. 5th, 1910. Minutes of the Board of Comruiismoncrs in regular session. Mem bers present: L. B. Powell, C. H. Mize, D. P, Ward, Henry Mitchell, S. J. Norton, T. W. Faircloth and Arch Harrell. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. On motion the following recommendations were adopted: “We, the committee appointed on the last meeting day to make a set of rules for the Board to work by, after careful consideration and investigation find that under the law that no one commissioner has any more authority than the other, and we recommend that such motions and resolutions that arc now in force giving the chairman and various committees authority on different matters be hereby repealed, and that from and after this date such powers will be granted thc_ chairman, other members and committees ns arising circumstances may make nec essary. Other than the foregoing we find that the trouble, with our board is not a lack of rules but a lack of harmony between our chairman and some of our members, therefore, we further recommend either co operation or resignation. Signed T. W. Faircloth Henry Mitchell D. P. Ward Committee on Rules. On motion'thc first Tuesday in each month shall continue to he the regular meeting day of the Board. On motion four commissioners shall constitute a quorum. On motion each commissioner shall be paid $3.00 per day for time actually engaged in the discharge of their duties ns such commissioners. On motion B. M. Johnson was re-elected clerk at the same salar On motion the chairman is hereby empowered and authorized to sign all warrants drawn on regular meeting days as approved by the Board. On motion L. B. Powell was authorized to give the faaimly of Cub Miller such assistance as they may need, same not to exceed $7.00 for any oirc month. On motion Arch Harrell was authorixed to give the family of Jcc Lawrence such assistance as they may need, same not to exceed $5.00 for any one month. On motion T. W. Faircloth, Henry Mitchell and L.B. Powell were appointed as a committee to have in charge the management of tin poor farm affairs. On motion L. B. Powell, D. P. Ward and Arch Harrell weie appointed as a committee to look after the conviet'SSmps and to assist the warden in buying of all supplies, tools, feed stuff, etc. This buying does not refer to the buying done by bids which come before the county board. On motion the following rules for the commissioners to woik by were adopted. 1. Each commissioner, conferring with the chairman shall lay off and mark out such work as is necessary for the warden and deputy warden, while in his territory, looking after such work and seeing that it is done as marked out, the warden and deputy warden being under the direct command and control of the commissioner so long ns he is in that commissioner’s territory. 2. It shall be the duty of the full board to say when and where the important or clay roads of the county shall be worked. It shall bo the duty of cath commissioner to say when and where tire various roads in his respective district shall be worked while the convicts are at work in his territory' subject only to the orders of the board as a whole. . 3. It shall be the duty of each commissioner . to look after the roads, bridges, cross-ways, and drains and shall keep same protected and in good condition at all times, and make a general report once each month. 4. No commissioner, including the chairman, shall be allowed pay for visiting outside of his territory, unless called upon by the chairman or one of the board. 5. The commissioners district-and the length of time a convict crew or camp shall remain in said territory shall be decided upon by the board as a whole. • G. Each commissioner shall have full right to repair or contract any work necessary in his territory and O. K. the bill for the payment of such work at the regular meeting of the board. On motion Oscar Sadler was elected Road Superintendent for the Spenqe District for the balance of the year 1910. On motion the road superintendents were instructed and authorized to collect $2.00 road tax for the last half of the year 1910. This tax to be collected at once. On motion the following bills were read, approved and . ordered paid: AV. A. Carr, turn keys and expense with prisoner $ 30.05 J. F. Knight, keys, board, etc., on convicts 4.50 Ira Higdon, mule feed 507.75 Howell Grain-& Feed Co., mule feed 414.00 Wight Hdw. Co., gas, od, etc., for Ford 27.79 Chas. Williams, extra work and equipment for camps 1.50 John Jordon, repair on shoes 1,50 P. S. Foy, lumber 101.25 W. R. Hawthorn, lumber 102.43 W. J. Oates, trees for piling 3 99 R. P. Bennett, beef for convicts ; 3,52 Wight Hdw. Co., rope and file for poor farm ,45 Trulock Hdw. Co., staples, bolts, etc. for convicts.. ... ,95 Cairo Feed & Brokerage Co., mule feed 134.00 C. M. Muggridge, fish for convicts 29.57 J. D. Spurlin, medical attention to stock 3 q( W. II. Hudson, feeding prisoners 53.2( Mitchell & Walker, supplies for poor farm... 21.! 9 Mitchell & AValker, supplies for paupers 7.21 Roddenbery Hdw. Co., tools, etc. for convicts 15.0.1 Roddenbery Hdw. Co. toilet paper, broom etc. for c.h. and jail. 9.55 Roddenbery Hdw. Co., oil can by Beale for vats 7.- R. P. Bennett, beef for poor farm 2.40 Cairo Motor Co., parts and repair on Ford 9,20 A. M. Holton, beef for convicts j 59 W. J. Knight, sharpening saws 159 J. H. Jefferies, road work and cutting trees, S. G. Dist 3.50 Mitchell & Walker, supplies for convicts 2C9.38 P. H. Herring, school elections and postage 7,90 Ira Carlisle, cost on convicts 100.00/ Joe Hesters, road work N. C. District <0 J. P. Rawls, filling vat at Calvary __ j,59 Cairo Phone Co., long distance phone by warden.... 19 Poulk-Wight Oo., shoes and cloth for poor farm 4.35 W. C. Matthews, board for convict 12.C0 AYillis Smith, work on bridge and sewer, P. P. Dist, 1.00 : II. J. Hurt auto tiro and ropuirl on cur 21.05) City of Cairo, water and lights for court house and jail 35.00 Will Yarborough. 25 days road work, 25.001 ,!. M. McNair Jr., services with Jury Com. and postage 9.20 S. AV. Gainous, hay for mules 20.25 R. II. Humphries, road work, Reagans Hist 1.50 IT. J. Hart, repairs at court house and jail 4.80 K. Powell, trip to Atlanta expenses us Tax Equalizers 18.50 W. C. Matthews, cash for gasoline 1,00 Remington Typewriter Co., typewriter for C. S.C 57.03 J. M. McNair, Jr., freight on typewriter for office 3.02 L. AV. Rigsby, salary ns Probate Judge 20.00 Meigs Variety AA'orks, lumber Spence District 2.52 J. E. Cobb, services as Jury Commissioner ’ 4.00 P. IT. Ward, “ 4.00 C.E. Mauldin, “ ' ' “ “ 0.00 AV. H. Shores “ ‘ “ “ ...■ 0.00 J. L. Peebles “ ' “ “ 4.00 R. AV. Jones “ ‘ “ “ 0.00 AV. A. Carr, corn for Atnules 53.33 H. A. Logue, taking convicts to camp 1.50 B. AV. McMnncvs, repair on equipments 18.08 G. AAL Connell, toad work Spring Hid Dist. 2.25 T. W. Faircloth, 2 days extra as commissioner ... D. P. Ward, 1 ‘ ‘ ' Arch Harrell, 3£ ‘ ' ‘ * 1 Henry Mitchell, 2 ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ S. J. Norton, 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ L. B. Powell, 0 ‘ ‘ 11 ‘ AV. M. Prince, rand work, E. N. C. Dist. 0.00 3.00 10.50 0.00 0.00 18.00 ...... 2.25 B. AV. McMnneus, repair on tools at poor farm.. 1.1 5 Central Drug Co., medicines for convicts & mules ^ 4.45 Farmers & Merchants Bank, mule feed, freight, etc *...433.70 T. M. Clark, taking convict to camp J.50 Citizens Bank, paid for road work, Spg. Hill Dist 4 CO E. J. McKown. non-resident witness. Sup. Court 3X0 E. J. McKown, 1 ‘ 11 ‘ ‘ City Court 3.20 D. Dukes, cutting trees from road, Spence Dist... .75 i. J. Johnson, road work, Spence Dist...! 4.C0 Hand Trading Co., nails for bridge, Spence Dist... .... 1.C0 \A ight Hdw. Co., tools, etc. for convicts 73.22 ,'oulk-AVight Co., supplies for convicts 382.95 AV. M. AValker, road work, Duncanville Dist 4.50 J. NO. Castlcbcry, for cows killed by vat filler 40X 0 AVight & Browne, medicines for poor farm 1.75 Wight & Browne,medicines, etc. for convicts A mules 12.20 NOTICE On motion the following lax levy on all property real and personal in the County of Grady; State of Georgia; for the year 1910, for county purposes and collections ordered to l e made accordingly, viz: Seventy cents on each $100.00 worth of property returned for tn: - ation. subdevided as follows:— 1st. 18 cents on each $100.00 to pay legal indebtedness of the county now due and to become due during the year.. 2nd. 10 cents on eoch $100.00 to build and repair court houses and jails. 3rd. 12 cents to build and repair bridge.?, ferries and other im provements according to contract. 4th. 8 cents is to pay sheriffs, jailors or other officers fees that they may be legally entitled to out of the county funds. 5th. 2 cents to pay bailiffs fees at court, non-resident witnesses, fuel, servant hire etc. 0th. 12 cents to pay jurors a per diem compensation. 7th. 2 cents to pay any other legal charges against the county. 8th. 0 cents to pay the expense incurred in supporting the poor. Also in compliance with the recommendations of the Grand Jurj at the September Term, 1910, of Grady Superior Court of said county, the following special levy was made and ordered collected, to wit: 40 cents on each SIqO.OO worth of taxable property returned foi taxation for the pur|»s:c of the maintaining and working Grady Coun ty’s quote of convicts on the public roads of said county. Also of (he County School Commissioner of said county of an agreement between himself and the authorities in tin several school district, the following levies for local school purpose: have been made for the ensuing year and the Tax Collector is ordord (0 make collections accordingly:— Pleasant A’alley District, 21 mills or.$2.59 per thousand. Pine Union Pleasant Hill Elpino Providence Pine Summit Calvary Goldcd Rod Fairviow Cairo Pawnee Pleasant Grove G1 cenwood Shady Grove AA T alker Sunnyside Live Oak AVhigham AA’higham School bonds. 3.’, 3.1 3-1 3.V 3 41 4 3 ‘ $3.50 ‘ ‘ $2.00 ‘ 1 $2.50 ‘ ‘ $2.00 ‘ ‘ $2.00 ‘ : $5.00 ‘ $4.00 ‘ $5.00 ‘ $§.00 ‘ 1 $3.50 ‘ $3.50 .‘ $3.50 ‘ 1 $3.00 ‘ 1 84.50 ‘ 1 $4.00 1 $3.00 ‘ 1 $5.00 v‘ 1 $2.50 to retire. L. B. Powell, Chairman D. P. Ward Henry Mitchell C. II. Mize P. J. Norton . T. AA r . Faircloth Arch Harrell. B. M. Johnro.i, Clerk. Making Farm Butter Profitable in Alabama Cairo Ice & Bottling Co., ice for City Court (Concluded from Page 7.) other hand, (he development of system of direct marketing must always be built upon a co-operative spirit bcfween producers and con sumers. There are now employed in almost every county in the j dependent to a considerable extent South, cither by the federal govern-1 ... „ , met or by the slate rr county dc-j Up ° n mC, ’ Casmg the lncomc of thc who can, without diverting the real purpose of the'.r employment-, find sumo lime to give to this work. In other words, the distribution of farm products is becoming recog nized as a service second to nothing cannecte l with mral development, s'ncc.all substantial progress in the rural sections of thc South is 1.20 partments of education., pure is average farm in thc South. PREPAREDNESS P REPAREDNESS is the “Slogan of the Day,” in every line—in National Affairs ns well ns in Busi ness Life. Never in the history of our Nation has the demand for Thrift and Economy been ns essential as now, and in Grady county with the Boll Weevil here, it is imperative that every citizen realize that his success depends upon his Economy and Thrift. Prepare for the “Rainy Day;”ns you market your crop lay aside some of this money us a surplus. You will feel safer with “Money in the Bank,” and the BEST Bank to put your money in is THIS Bank. Your funds uro absolutely safe, because the Bank has sufficient Cap ital and Surplus to make it strong, and it is managed by men of business experience who conduct its affairs in n Conservative manner. We pay Interest on Time Deposits, and bnving Ac counts- -Come In and do your banking business with US. Citizens Bank CA1”0, - - - - GEORGIA W. b. AVight, President H. G. Cannon, A’-Pres. YVH Searcy, V-President and Cashier CITY LAUNDRY First class work of all kinds done promptly, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give nre a trial. Parcel Post Packages C iven Prompt Attention. I will haVc China Lily Flowers to sell ncxr October lor 25c each. JOE LEE, Prop. Sapp BuildingCorn rr.]' roa 1 and Mill Sts, CAIRO, GA. Son. F A L L 0 P E N 1 N G St.ra 4 G*. “Off With the Old, On With the New” NEW FALL Knox Hats, Suits, Shoes and Boys Clothing. Our Store is Filled With all the Newest Ideas in Men and Bovs Furnishings. J. L. Oliver’s Son.