The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 29, 1916, Image 2

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GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS, CAIRO. ClfiUKGIA. gH”»:gw «apgsMan«acaagaas«aig 3|j HEADQUARTERS!, FOR THE FOLLOWING: Fairview School Wiil Open Monday Help Georgia Grplians Saturday Sept. 30th. Choice Groceries, Cold Drinks, Cairo Baked Bread, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. Hay and Horse Feed. We appreciate your patronage to the extent that once you trade with us we know you will continue to do so. Mitchell & Walker Company, Phone 97. Cairo, Ga. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! I have select seed stock of the following stock limited. Prices will be higher later—better buy your seed NOW; Don’t wait! Fulghum Oats, Burt Oafs, Texas Rustprooi Oats, Appier and Hastings Oats, South Georgia Rye, Abruzzie Rye. SEE ME AT ONCE W. H. ROBINSON, Cairo, Ga. 5 to 10 Year Farm Loans We have recently made some new connections in (lie loan business and can give you as good terms as you will find anywhere. Rates of interest at G, 7 and 8 per cent depending on the size of the loan. You can pay only the interest annually or part of the principal and interest annually, thus reducing interest payments each year. Our companies are the leading loan companies in the United States and their supply of money is unlimited. Now is the time to gel your applications approv ed and abstracts of title made in order that you may close the loan with little delay when it is wanted. Come to sec us and bring your deeds and we will quote you terms. BELL & WEATHERS, CAIRO, GEORGIA jj CAIRO BANKING CO. Cairo, Georgia The Oldest Banking institution in Grady County. ESTABLISHED 1900 INCORPORATE!) 1903 16—SUCCESSFUL YEARS—16 Not a dollar of this Bank's Money is loaned to an officer or director of this Bank No Account too large—None too small We Pay Interest on Time Deposits as Follows: 5 Per Cent for 12 Months 4 1-2 Per Cent for 0 Months 4 Per Cent for 3 Months Your Business Appreciated WALTER DAVIS, President O. T. DAVIS, Cashier |j The fall term of the Fairview school will open next Monday morning. Prof. Paul S. Hinson, of, Hovanim, Fla., a graduate of j Emory College will lie in charge.' Miss Nannie Jones a graduate of the Slate Normal at Athens, ami j who is well known in this county as a successful teacher will be in j charge of the primary department,' and will also have some' classes in: industrial work. Miss Eva Collins j a graduate or the Second District Agricultural School at Tifton will; teach the intermediate grades.; Indications for a successful term; arc good. It is expected that the; attendance will be n full one. [Comment by the Editor.]— 1 The; above announcement is in line with what we hope to be able at no di -- tant date to announce concerning every school in Grady county.! The patrons who make up Fair- view school saw the necessity for! better school advantages for their children, and in order to accom plish this they determined on con solidation of enough schools to en able them lo bare a three teacher school. This done their next stop was to provide a local tix levy for increasing the length of their tom. They already have provided for a seven months’ term, and no doubt this will, before a great while, be increased. Grady county should not rest satisfied, until there is a three teacher school in reach of every child. We commend the Fairview School for the splendid progress they are making, and trust their example will be followed by many other sections of Grady county. On September ‘25th. the Trustees of the Methodist Orphan Homo, located- in Macon, Georgia, are ashing every one, irresptclivo of el reds and churches to give the proceeds of one day’s work to help feed, i lot he, educate, and save the 17o helpless children in thcii charge. The benefits of thisgical charity are absolutely nor.-sccla- rian. In the 43 years that this Home has been in cxiiten. o, of 11 c nearly three thousand children that have enjoyed its far reaching hone- fits, hundreds of the childien were not from Methodist homes, and in j many instances their parents wo e members of no church at, all. j Money given for this God-like wolk is as good an investn ent as ’ y m can make. Let llie farmer, the workmen, ' the merchant, the banker, the dee- : tor and the lawyer all join in this 'annual effort lo assist in this work. ' Fathers, plan for your boys and girls to make some money, and have it sent to the orphans. Mothers, gel your children to do something this day to help the orphans. Your child or loved one may need a day’s work some time. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unlo one of the least of these, , e have done it unlo ME.” Don’t forget the date Saturday, September 30th. 1910. Contributions in syrup, morl, meal, potatoes, and clothing should be sent to Mr. IT. Daugherty, Sunt., Macon, Ga. Send all money contributions to Rev. J. A. Smith, Agent, 103 Clayton St., Macon, Gn. I.E. Wright, M. D. When the bowels feel uncom tollable and you miss the exhilar ating feeling that always follows a copious morning operation, a dose of HERBINE will set you right, in a couple of hours. If taken at bedtime you get its beneficial ef fect-after breakfast next day. Price 50c. Sold by Wight & Browne. PSiysician fSb Surgeon Phones; OSIlce 40; Res. 44. .Office with Dr. Glower RyB-HY-T8SStfl Will cure Rheumatism, Nem ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cut3, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c. WHEN Till mw THE EtST II MIMS COME TO US. Your Table will be well supplied with the best the market affords if you buy your groceries and provisions from us. Y>sur Bank Account will be amply safe guarded because our prices arc away down, as low as posi- blc for groceries and provisions of quality, even lower than they should be. Your Health will be amply protected because we sell only goods of known purity and excellence. Your Appetite will be well satisfied because we sell groceries of quality that possess an unusual amount of nutriment, and they arc good to the taste. Your Friends will remark on the excellence of. your cooking, for the goods we sell, combined with your own good sense, will produce a meal fit for the gods. White & Stringer The Leading Grocers ? WOW about that buggy or wagon you have ^ * • been thinking of having repaired? Now is the time to have them put in first class shape. I do all kinds of blacksmithing and repairing. All work done at my shop is guaranteed to give satisfaction. First class Horse shoeing a Specially. The kind thrt satisfies. C. P. HUTTO Cairo, Ga. Next to F. B. Walsh's stables. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has hcen lu use lor over 30 years, has homo the signature of ~ and has been made under his per*, //j. 7 eonal supervision slnco its infancy. I•*iaS c 7Sf7-&tc/UM. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good»» are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio health ot Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. \ What Is CASTORIA Cnstorln Is a harmless substitute lor Castor 6ll, Pare* gorlc, Props and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Knreptlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms niul allays Feverishness. For nioro than thirty years it lias been In constant tiso for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and. 'Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Chlldrou’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR)A always >Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought IE CENTAUR COMPANY, NSW YORK CITY, Country Produce OUR SPECIALTY W HEN you have anything to sell in the way of Meat, Chickens, Eggs or country produce, get our prices before selling as we will pay you the top of the market. Gilmore-Maxwell Company To Cairo and Grady County HOUSEWIVES Buy the Best and Save Money, Phone or Tell Your Grocer to Send Ycu PRIDE of DENVER FLOUR Best on the Market Besides being best in quality it is cheaper because it takes less lard than any other you can buy. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE Subscribe For the PROGRESS Lii. hi LiLYiYY