The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 29, 1916, Image 4

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UtfMC IHc GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS THE OFFICIAL PRINT SHOP OF GRADY COUNTY. D. L. WILLIAMS, Editor and Proprietor Matured as matter of the second class at the Cairo, Georgia, Post Office, under the Act of Murch 3rd, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $1.00 'a Year; CO cents for 0 Months; 25 cents for Three Months ADVERTISING RATES: Most Reasonable and Made Known Upon Application. GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS, CAIRO. next term, and we shall urge the passage of thi hond measure regardless of the personality of the City Govern ment for the next term. With all our soul we decry any effort to stir up dis cord at this time, and we 1)011070 it is not the part of any good citizen to declare that they will help to defeat bonds because the particular person they may have wanted for some particular place was not selected. As we said last week at this time of all others it should be; All for Cairo and Cairo for All. I SMOKE CAIRO MADE CIGARS ? EGYPTO and | Porto Rico Special Sewerage an Imperative Need for Cairo Shutting our eyes to the fact will not change the sit- u ition, Cairo has outgrown the time when she can afford to do without sewerage. Stroll down our streets any quiet night an 1 your nostrils will give you sufficient evi dence of the condition prevailing. It is with no desire to advertise our lack to the world that we mention these things at this time, but with the hope that we will rouse to the necessity that confronts ui. We need unity of ac tion in Cairo right now that will result in an emphatic vote in favor of a bond issue that will permit the speedy installation of a system of sewerage in our town that will make it a more desirable place for every body to live. This is of all times no time for potty politics to have place among up. We believe it is true no one set of offi cers could be chosen in any manner that might be sug gested that would suit all the people of the town. No manner of selecting these officers could be proposed that would suit everybody, but because these things are true is no reason why our town should not accept in good grace whatever set of men may be selected, and then enter heartily into the effort to have this much needed improvement accomplished at the earliest possible mo ment. We believe that whatever body of men that may be selected by a majority of the citizens of Cairo may be trusted to realize the responsibility resting upon them, and to do nothing that will bring discredit upon our town. For our part we are willing to accept whatever Mayor or Council the votes of the people select for the PLOW UNDER COTTON STALKS Cotton will soon all be gathered. Cotton prices are good this year ani very likely will continue so next year. This fact will not benefit Grady county next year if we do not grow the cotton. The experience of every com munity from here to the Rio Grande proves conclusively that if we sit supinely by and expect to grow cotton un der the conditions and methods that we have always done, we most assuredly will have no cotton. Now that the cotton is gathered for this season there should be no loss of time on the part ofevery farmer in the county in quickly turning under the stalks. This is the first step toward growing a successful cocn crop next year and it is one that must be attended to right soo 1 oi not at all. Plow under your cotton stalks. Do it SOON Greetings fudge Luke It is no doubt a matter of gratification to nil South Georgians that two of t'm new Appellate Cour! .) i Igei are from this station of the state, an I all the more se, bacaus eof all the splendid men who aspired to these places these two were generally recognised ns being among thoso best qualified. But to this immediate section there i? more than sectional prill in fie sol .via u of Rucee Luke as one of the members of this court. It is a nutter of personal gratification. Mr. Luke is so well known to wide a circle of his people here, and is fully recognized as one of them, Ilia! the congratulations that are going to he showered upon him are more personal in their nature than arc common to most men. We believe that the three new judges just chosen are going to add decided strength to the Court of Appeals and we confidently predict that Roscoe Luke will add unto himself new laurels. Read The Progress and Roost for GRADY DAY! OUR GUARANTEE On Brumby’s Dining Chairs and Rockers We offer to replace any cha’r or rocker that does not give perfect satisfaction. Every post and every stretcher in a Brumby chair is made of the best selected material. They combine Comfort, Good Looks and Durability. The prices are reasonable— Rockers at, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3 and up. Twenty or more patterns to select from. Diners start at $7.50 Per Set CORPORATED MISSIONARY MEETING MONDAY. The regular meeting of tl o Womans Missionary Society will meet at the methudist church next Monday afternoon at 3.30. Grand Jury For Postponed Term of Court 1916. I). L. Williams, W. B. Brown, S. D. Oliver, II. li. Belcher, F. A. Richter, i-r., tV. A. Shipper, II. W. Maxwell, B. IT. Wilder, L. 0. Cobb, E. Cl. Green, II. A. Vanlandinghnm, W. L. Prhins, R. II. Ward, II. JL Bailer, G. W. Taylor, J. I. Vanlaiidingahm, M. M, Ronik, J. W. Bond, W. G. Baggett, I. D. Singletary, W. <’. Bell, .1? Sv.illey, ,1. D. McNair, A, 0. Sellers ■I. B. Southall, L. M. Brinson, J Walter Lee, S. M. McKown, W. C Gainey, Allen Wamble. ARE OLD FAVORITES | I Buy them and help your home | town. Traverse Jury For Septem ber Term of Court 1916. K. B. Bight, W. ('. Ingram, 0. E. Bnrrinoaa, J ,E. Hudson, J. T. Pel ham, Joe Higdon, J. S. Wight, \V. T. Broom, L. A. Ragpns, R. A. Bell, R. Bryant, W. H. l-.dreloth, F.’ J. Miller, S. B. Vanlandinghani, B r . T. Willis, Jr., ,J. J. Hall, J. W. Bur roughs, 0. K. Brinson, W. T. Reh- berg, A. C. Shivr, N L. McLeod, 0. II. Banks, R. A. Thomas, BTiigham B. M. Brock, J. T. Dollar,'G H. Don- nldson, B r . S. B'ighf, J. F. McCord T. M. Mnxwll, Bh li. Shirey, N R Peebles, S/A. Collins, Hi II. Herring ITnrvey II. Singletary, R. C Tuv lor. J RUB 'OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That’s the surest way to stop them. Inc best riihhin™ • FURNITURE AND HOUSE FURNISHINCS OF QUALITY Good for lho A ilments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. _ Good for your own A chea, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealer.. FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Cairo, Georgia STATE DEPOSITORY Last Spi WE announced that we would loan to mng the Farmers of Grady County $10,- 000.00 for the purpose of buying supplies for CASH. Many farmers look advantage of the opportunity, and quite a saving was effected to themselves. The inauguration of the CASH SYSTEM is one of the many ways in which \vc arc working to assist the people of this county, and if you want your money iscd in a way to assist in the building of GRADY COUNTY, and in the creation of NEW WEALTH deposit it in ihe Farmers (Si Merchants Bank. An in stitution that is wide-a-wake to the interest of the people. The Bank of GRADY COUNNY designated as a “STATE DEPOSITORY.” - “Make Our Bank Your Bank’* Farmers & Merchants Bank B r . T. CRAB 7 FORD, Pres. TIIOS. WIGHT, V.-Pres. J. E. FORSYTH, Cnsl J. L. Oliver’s Son. Showing the New-=-the Desirable and the Dependable. Dress Woolens Ask any woman where she finds llu greatest variety- the preltest and most fascinating colors, the dependable all wool fabrics from which she makes the Coat, Skirls and Suits for herself and flic children, and get her answer. 1 lie large stock of new full pieces you see in our shelves Were brought here to sell. Wc know that women who enjoy vaiiely and expect to get these goods at the lowest possible will, at least, pome hc-rc before they buy. B e ask nothing more than a visit. 42-i„. French Poplins, an all wool, durable, Serviceable fabric, in a full range of the most desirable colors $1.00 44-in Sponged and Shrunk Serge. The best one you h.u e bought m many days at the price. Black, crenm and all the wanted the shades _ $1.00 ()0-m. Fancy Plaids and Stripes, coating and skirling. Large, rich plaids, in a variety of C ° mbinati0nS > at $1.00 & 1.25 30-m. Shepherd Check, variety of combinations, . - 50c & 75c '■ AH wool, double wrap, Storm Serge. The best niece of goods in Cano, at the price. Full color ranges .50c The Newest Fur Dress Trimmings New Corsets Arrived This Week. J. L. Oliver’s Son.