The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, September 29, 1916, Image 8

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GRADY COUNTY PMPORKBS. CAIRO. GEUKtilA. Statement of the Condition of The Farmers and Merchants Bank Located at Cairdj Ga,, at the close of business Sept. 10th, 1010. RESOURCES LIABILITIES Demand Loans $1,996.13 Time Loans 103,551.45 Ranking house 4.252,90 Furniture and fixtures 2,970.45 Due from Banks und Bankers in this State 20,348.41 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States 8,747.00 Currency $5,800.00 Gold ' 152.50 Silver, Nicklcs, etc. 777.71 Cash Items 2,065.72 0,395.03 Total $151,208.00 Capital Stock paid in $30,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expense, interest and tuxes paid 0.442.21 Due Unpaid Dividends 70.00 Individual Deposits subject to check $72,710.38 Saving deposits 21,553.75 Time Certificates 10,205.54 TOTAL DEPOSITS 113,478.07 Certified Checks 29.03 Cashier’s Checks 1,249.05 Total $151,208.00 STATE OF GEORGIA—Grady County. Before, me came J. E Forsyth Cashier, of The Farmers and Merchants Bank, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. E. Forsyth, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20th day, 1916. A. EDWARDS, N. P., Grady County, Ga. STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF CITIZENS BANK, CAIRO, GA. At the close of business Sept.. 19th, 1010. Published under call from State Banking Department. RESOURCES Time Loans $195,212,50 Demands Loans 2,888.53 Banking House 7,975,53 Furniture and Fixtures 4,622.87 Duo from Banks and bankers in this state 03,330.52 Due from Banks and Bankers in LIABILITIES Capital Scock $50,000.00 Surplus Fund 18,000.00 Undivided Profits, less current ex penses, interest' and taxes pnid 13,194.81 Individual Depos its subject to other States 14,644.00 Time Certificates Currency $13,177.00 09,298.85 Gold 390.00 Silver, Nick- Total Deposits 221,227.34 els, etc. 1,577.00 Cashier’s Checks 2,408.10 Cash Items 1,105.10 Total $304,890.31 Total $304,890.31 STATE OF GEORGIA—Grady County. Before me came Wh. Searcv, Vice-Prcs. and Cashier, of Citizens Hunk, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing state ment is a true condition of said bank, ns shown by the books of file in said bank. Wh. Searcy, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of Sept. If 16. L. C. Powell, N. P., Grady County Ga. Condensed \Statemer*t oi the Condition Of the CAIRO BANKING CO. CAIRO, GEORGIA At the close of business Sept. 19th, 1916, as called for by State Bank Examiner. RESOURCES Time Loans $169,420.65 Banking House, Furniture and 1-ix- tures 7,387.56 Cash on Hand and Due from Banks 92,181.88 Total $268,990.09 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $35,000.00 Undivided Profits Less Current Expenses Interest and Taxes Pai ‘l 11,839.00 Total Deposits 222,157.09 Bills payable, represent ing borrowed money NONE Total 2G8,99G.09 Wc are the oldest Banking Imtitutio i in Grady County Established 1900. Incorporated 1913. 16—Successful Years—16 Deposits September 19th, 1910, - $222,157 09 Deposits September 19th, 1915, - 172,041.67 Gain in Deposits in Last 12 Months $50,115.42 We cordially invite you to do your Banking Business with us. Walter Davis, President, O. T. Davis, Cashier. CITY LAUNDRY First class work of all kinds done promptly, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial. Parcel Post Packages Given Prompt Attention. | will have China Lily Flowers to sell nexr October for 25c each JOE LEE, Prop. Sapp BuildingCornor Broad and Mill Sis. Millions of Red Gross Seals lo be Distributed Three hunhrod million Roil Cross Christina} Seals are being printed in Cincinnati for the an nual holiday campaign to be con ducted under the joint auspice of The National Association for (lie Study and Prevention of Tubcrcu- los's. The canpnign for the snle of Red Cross Seals ibis yen>r will be larger than ever before. Although in 1915 the sale reached the record total of 80, 000,000 seals, bringing in $800,000, it is expected that this year at least 100,000,000 souls or $1,000,000 worth will be sold. The sale will be organized form Alaska to the Canal Zone und from Hawaii lo Porto Rico. Every stale and territory in the United States will have seals on sale. New organizations will be working in a number of the western states, in cluding Montana, Utah a n d Wyoming. Distribution of the seals is now under way, The Red Cross Christmas Seal for 1910 was designed byMr.T.M, Cleland of New York City. It shows a Santa Claus in red on a •green backgrovn in the center panel with a pack on his back bear ing a red cross. The lettering “A Merry Christmas” and “A Happy New Year” is carried vertically up and down the sides of the seal, while the date and the words "Americn Red Cross” are across the bot tom of the seal. The pos ter effect given by this seal is very striking and makes an unusually handsome design. The Raoul Foundation, 303 Can dler Bldg., Atlanta, is the Georgia, Agent for these Seals. Already 2,500,000 have been ordered an d Will he distributed for sale during November and December. Doings at Wliigiiam We have been absent for the past two or three weeks. Will try to review the past enough to te]l a few happinings in and around this little burg. Miss Annie Bell who is teaching in Metcalf, spent the week end with home-folks. Mrs. Laula Maxwell and daugh ter, returned to their home in Bessemer, Ala., after spending several weeks with her father, Mr Holingsworth and her many rela tives. Mr. S. D. Perkins made a busi ness trip to Atlanta last week. Mrs. G. D. Mills is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. D. Williams, in Tallahassee this week. Miss Nannie Jones of Swamp Creek section visited her sister Mrs. Robert Sellars the past week Mr. C. G. Hodges our druggist, made a bueinesa trip to Atlanta last week. Miss B. Smith of Edison, spent a few days this week with Mrs. N. F. Jones and family. Dr. and Mrs. McDaniels, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Parker of Pelham, spent last Sunday with Mr. Par ker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Parker. Messrs L. <). -Darsey, R. R. Webb, Tom Clark and Oscar Pearr.e Jr. Motored to kingsport Tennessee last week and report a pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cobh, made a business trip to Thomasville Monday. Miss Bernice Pearce is leaching school atFolkston, Ga., this teem. Mr and Mrs. Duncan of Madi'- la Ga., spent last Saturday and Sunday with their daughter, one of the teachers in Whigham. Miss Ethel Parker is attending Andrew College in Cuthbert. Mr. Wyley Maxwell of Jamison, Fla., and sister’ Mrs. Moneyham, of Calvary spent a short while in CAIRO, GA. town with friends Sundaylast. PAINT Tour louse This fall When you apply paint on your house it is to your best interest to know what the paint is—its spread ing capacity-its appearance—its durability. You are the man who pays the bill and who loses if the paint goes wrong-make sure of good results— the most satisfactory and economical job—by having the painter use S. W. F*. - (Sherwin-Williams Paint, Prepared) S-W-P, has stood the TEST OF TIME in Grady County. It has the staying, wear-resisting properties that will give your house protection from the weather. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT is made of Pure Lead, Pure Zinc and Pure Linseed Oil. It will wear longer; it will cover more and in actual scale test S-W-P- weighs more, thereby giving you twenty to thirty eent more per gallon. We know what we are talking about. Our remarks are based on a definite knowledge of the paint busi ness. We want the privilege of putting the EVIDENCE be fore you. Then you will be your own judge. Come in, let us show you. “SEEING IS BELIEVING” ROBDEIIBW HARDWARE CO. CAIRO, GEORGIA ItJHHB