The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 06, 1916, Image 7

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GRADY COUNTY PLOfiRKHS, CAIRO. To Cairo and Grady County HOUSEWIVES The'people in tkis section ru about through gathering tlicir crops cxiept oDm and politico.?. Mr. J. T. Pender* is about to complete his slock hdrn, ho is ad ding ti col I storage to it.. Mr. A. \V. Boyctl has so!<l his furm, he says he is going to Tampa Florida romo time in the nerr luture to spend a few months with •'is daughter, Mrs. \V. A. Moor. Mr. Oscar Boyett and family wont to C’limrx sl opping Friday Tho 5> sTovos tn 1. \ ib OutaiJa powovjul Radiatm'g Dodv. The I nluie durable N^ast-iron Heater. > ic Best and Save Money, Phone or fell Your Grocer to Send You PRIDE of DENVER FLOUR Best on the Market Mr. C. n, lfnnvll and family, < f this recti.™ visited ic'atives in Meigs the latter part of the week. j Mr. Oscar Boyett and Mr. ,1. 0. Cone made a business trip to Cairo Wednesday afternoon. Mr. I’. If. Wliigln m has about comp,let: d ail addition to his home. Mr. .1. F. Ponder spent (ho day last Sunday with his brother-in-law Mr. I.uther Mobley. Besides bein'* best in quality il because it takes less lard than you can buy. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE WANTED—MEN TO TAKE POSI TIONS AT GOOD WAGES, f nlll t«ucli you the Dnrher trntlo In Inv ureks, pay you naim mule learning, and Bl%-e you pity ing position. TOOLS FIIEE. Write for free rntnluK. JACK SONVILLE IIAItllEK COLLEGE,, t" W. Day St., Juekaon.vlllc, Fla, | Rising Sun Floor .! SELF-RISING AND READY PREPARED, | J. E. Wright, M. D. | Physician <& Surgeon | Pliones; Office 40; Res. 44. <3 Office with Dr. Clower., fO THE LAST DROP StALEb PIN"S ONlY. AT YOUR 'SROCERs CHEEK-NEAirOFFcE Co NASHVILLE HoO'4;Tb;w JAcTr^bilyiLLE ¥IOW about that buggy or wagon you have * been thinking cf having repaired? Now is the time to have them put in first class shape. I do all kinds of blacksmithing and repairing. All work done at my • shop is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Mr. r. M. Duggur.and children dined with Mr. C. E. But menu Inst Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscnr Boyetl tool, dinner with Mr. T. M. Whighnm Inst Sunday. First class Horse shoeing a Specialty. The kind thi t satisfies. C. P. HUTTO, Cairo, Ga. Next to F. B. Walsh’s stables. $3.45 Thomasville to Waycross, Ga. AND RETURN via ATL ANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD “The Standard Railroad of the South” Account SECOND ANNUAL FAIR Any one desiring hunting li cense for season sixteen and seven teen can obtain them at Rodden- bery Hardware Company’s store at my home. J. M. Sasser. Tickets on sale October 10th. I3th. Inclusive, limited to reach o iginal starting point returning prior to October Mth. 1916. For schedules and further information, see H. W. Lawson, TicKet Agent A, C. L., R. R. Cairo Georgia. CITY LAUNDRY . First c| v \YRiJf of aff kinds clone promptly,. —_ SabisfactLory-g tt&fa~nteed. Give me a trial. Parcel Post Packages Given Prompt Attention. 1 will have China Lily Flowers to sell ne>r October lor 25c each JOE LEE, Prop. Sapp BuildingCornor Broad and Mill Sts. CAIRO, GA. ! Porto Rico Special f j ARE OLD FAVORITES I ! Buy them and help your home town. Mrs. Wilcox from Tampa, Fla is visiting-relatives’of this srctioi NOTICE. El) ino Comp No. 822 W. 0. IV and W. C. will have an oyster sup per at Elpino W. 0. W. Ha it in day evening October 7th. We are looking for Soy. W. H. Woodruff to bs with us to put on une degreeyroik. Ail Woodmen if neighboring camps arc invited 3 be with us. We will also unveil the rnonu sent of Sov. James R. Maxwell at he Maxwell burying ground on sunday afternoon following at 3:30 '’clock. Everybody invited to be ritli us at the unveiling. T. LI. McMillan, C. O. Notice To The Public TO THE PUBLIC The next mealing of the Board of Education of Grady County will be held on Tuesday Oet. I4th at o’clock a. m. This meeting will be held in place of the regular meeting, which is usually held on the first Tucs- ";ay. Any parties having matters to present to the Board of Education will please be governed accordingly. Very respectfully, J. S Weathers. Two Sto ;es for the Prite of One We offer you - dy reliable goods made by reliable manufacturer* ss&tz r £dues * uur «*- /.jtsssss CoIeS Original Hot Blast is a double stove--a heavy durable heating stove slipped inside of Unff body which radiates all the heat. This re- markable conslrur on makes an absolutelyair-tight stay-tight heater which holds fire from Saturday night until Monday morning. This guaranteed stay-t; lit construction in connection with our Hot Blast fuel saving draft n: ikes our guaranteed great fuel economy possible. The Many Fc it of Leaking Joi its made temporarily tight with stove -putty explains why imitation hot blast heaters and stoves with other fuel r nving devices are not guaranteed to remain air-tight always, as is Cole’s Hot Llast. Cole’s Hot Blast burns iny fuel—) soft coal, hard coal, or wood. It is a powerful radiator of heat. It gives a sizzling hot base. It gives a guaranteed fuel economy. You can’t afford to be without this remarkable heater. Come in and see it today. ’Cole’ 1 Not Blast makes your coal pile last.** To avoid imitations look for Cole’s. Cairo Furniture Co. INCORPORATED Furniture and House Furnishings of Quality tention Voters In the City of Cairo!! 112C WHY LOSE MEAT? The Registration books are now open for the purpose of all voters in the City of Cairo, to register. The Executive Committee at their meeting held on Sept, the 19th. ruled that all who wanted to par ticipate in the coming primary for the purpose of electing all city Officers, Mayor, Council; Clc and Tress, would have to register in order to be qualified to vote in coining primary which is called to be held on Oct, the 17th. 1010. The Registration Books are now open at the City Clerk’s Office in the City Hall, and will remain open until the 14th. day of Octo ber 1910. This the 20th. day of Sept. 1010 J. H. Connell, City Clerk. Home cured meat is the best on earth when well cured. Let us help you cure your meat properly. Our Storage rooms are equipped for caring for meats in sucli manner that you can be assured of GOOD MEATS. Our charges are only one cent per pound per month. Four to six weeks will absolutely place your meat out of all danger. “SAFETY FIRST* Cairo Ice & Bottling Works WANTED to Rent—A 2-horse t farm for next year. Can furnish stock, tools and supplies. Write or see O. Clifford, R. F. D. Cairo, Georgia. I am paying the highest prices for seed cotton, sea island and up land. Bring me your cotton and receive the highest cash prices for same.—F. A. Richter, Made of choicest Soft Winter Wheat® J Flour and prepared by' ' \ Red Mill Methods 1 Arc you seeing the Irrn Claw at ■ g the Alcazar. It is well worth 1 K while. Say RISING SUN to any gooil grocer. " '