The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 13, 1916, Image 3

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BRADY COUNTY PROGRESS. CAIRO.*. To Cairo and Grady County HOUSEWIVES Buy the Best and Save Money, Phone or Tell Your Grocer to Send You PRIDE of DENVER FLOUR Best on the Market Besides being; best in quality it is cheaper because it takes less lard than any other you can buy. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE CITY LAUNDRY First class work of all kinds done promptly, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial. Parcel Post Packages Given Prompt Attention. I will have China Lily Flowers to sell nexr October for 26c each JOE LEE, Prop. Sapp BuildingCornor Broad and Mill Sts. CAIRO, GA. Loans! Loans! Loans! We are better prepared than ever to offer the most attractive propositions on farm loans. Our companies are offering the best terms we have ever had, both as to rates of interest charged and as to. terms of payment. We can make you a loan for 5 years with only the inter est payable annually, and with the privilege of paying principal back at any interest paying period in sums of S100 or muliples thereof.,. We can make you a loan for 7 or 10 years with interest only payable for 3 years, and principal divided into equal installments for the remaining years during which the loan will run. Our rates of interest are from 5 1-2 to 8 per cent, depending on the amount of the loan and length of term the loan runs. We have ihe Best TerhlS to he found any where. We can help you whip the boll weevil. the time t> make vour arrangements. Como to see US. BELL & WEATHERS, CAIRO, GEORGIA LOW FARES TO ATLANTA AND RETURN VIA A. B. C& A. RAILWAY Account The Great Southeastern - Fair —AND ^ — Grand Circuit Harness Races October 14th. 21st. Inclusive. The New Fair Grounds and Rice Track now represented an in vestment of $700,000,00, and additions and improvements are being added daily. The forth coming Fair promises to surpass any Fair held in the Southeast since the Great Cotton States Exposition. Specific fares, dates and tickets will be sold and return limit will be announced in a few days. Make your plans to attedn. - W. W. Croxton, G. P. A. Atlanta Georgia. The Country Newspapers Are Powers for Good rvon Attnnln GEORGIA) The weekly country newspaper is the national policeman. In the night in a great city you see a policeman slnnindg in the middle of the street "on fixed post.” There lie stands in all kinds of weather. He must not move, the people must know where they can find him. What a fixed post policeman is to a big city, the country newspaper is to the nation. It is the national policeman on fixed post, ready to bear the people’s complaint, ready to hot and protest against dang erous legislation or dangerous public opinion. The country news) nper is the national public forum; it is the concentrated expression of local thought. The country newspapers combined ARE ti e people and lb ■ power of the country. .Self-satisfied metropolitan editors and busy, iil-info mod big business men fail to appreciate the country editor’s im portance. The man who edits a country newspaper and pos sesses his reader’s confidence is the school toailur of grownup men and women. It is to him that the citizen’s mind turns in time of doubt for i iforinntion and for advice Lased on local knowledge. There are at least fifty millions of human beings in this country to whom the voice of the country editor moans- more than any other voice in the nation. As the country editor’s power is great in forming public opinion, protecting public interest, influencing congressional f cti m, so it is great as a business agent and POWERFUL AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. X X x- X X Tha country editor should bo recognized : n 1 utilized as the nation’s MOST EFFICIENT SALESMAN. The advertisement well told and well displayed in the country newspaper actually reaches the most powerful buying public in the world. And that public can not be reached with equal efficiency through ANY other medium. The subscriber to the country newspaper is the best cus tomer of the intelligent advertiser. He buys everything from books to harvesting machinery, from encyclopedias to gas en gines, from paint for the roof to cement for the cellar door, from fancy front yard fencing to drain tile for the fields. Pick out the typical American family that reads the typi cal American country newspaper and there you have a buying power that interests every intelligent business man and adver tiser in the United States. • X X X X X It is the duty of those interested in the public welfare to proclaim the value of the country newspaper as an advertising medium regardless of personal interest. It is important to the nation that the country editor should be absolutely independent of corporations, of all influ ence except that of the readers whom he serves. To increase the prosperity, the INCOME, of the country editor is to increase the efficiency of the greatest educational and protective institution in the United States. The business man helps to build up his country and at the same time uses the best medium for building up his business, when he gives a large share of his advertising, appropriation to the country newspaper. There are nearly twenty thousand country newspapers published in the United States, each a center of information, of intellectual activity, each a schoolhouse for the grown man and woman, each an important member of the national police force. It is no exaggeration to say that democratic govern ment of the United States would be impossible, should this en lightening force, the country newspapers, be-climinutcd. For they are the local checks, (ho local guardians anil watchmen. Every man in congress knows the power of his country newspapers at home and knows that those newspapers are watching him. And if we have something approaching democratic government in the United States we may thank the country editor for it. SM0KE CAIRO MADE CIGARS ai-assxi-aizs-ca EGYPTO and Porto Rico Special ARE OLD FAVORITES Buy them and help your home town. Attention Voters In the City of Cairo The Registration books are now open for the purpose of all voters in the City of Cairo, to register. The Executive Committee at their meeting held on Sept, the 19th. ruled that all who wanted to par ticipate in the coming primary for the purpose of electing all city Officers, Mayor, Council, Clerk and Treas. would have to register in order to be qualified to vote in the coming primary which is called to be held on Oct. the 17th. 1916. The Registration Books arc now open at the City Clerk’s Office in 'the City Hall, and will remain open until the 14th. day of Octo ber 1916. This the 20th. day of Sept. 1916 J. H. Connell, City Clerk. Notice To The Public Any one desiring hunting li cense for season sixteen and seven teen can obtain them at Rodden- bery Hardware Company’s store or at my home. J. M. Sasser. WANTED to Rent—A 2-liorse farm for next year. Can furnish stock, tools and supplies. Write or sec O.-'Clifford, R. F. D. Cairo, Georgia. lear^ BARBERTRADE Will curie Rheumatism, Nc ralgiai Headaches, Cramps; Cob Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Ole Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm. Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c. wanted—-men to take: posi tions AT GOOD WAGES. I will teach you the llorber trada In few weeks, pay' you wages while learning, ami Slvc you pay ing position. TOOLS FREE. Wrlle for free catalog. JACK SONVILLE UAUUEIt COLLEGE,, IISS W. Day St., Jacksonville, Fla. 1. We guarantee n saving of one-lhlrd in fuel ovor uny lower draft stove of the same size, with soft coal, lignite or slack. 2. We guarantee Colo's Hot Blast to use less hard coal for heating n given npaco than any base humor made with same size fiicpot. 3. Wo guarantee that the rooms can be heated from one to two hours each morning with the fuel put in the sluvo the evening beforo. Cole’s Original Hot Blast Heater, Your Money Baclf! You get back the original cost of your stovo in the fuel money saved each winter. Could you ask for more? 4. We guarantee that the stove will hold fire with soft coal or hard coal from Saturday eve ning to Monday morning. | 5. We guarantee a uniform heat day and night with soft coal, hard coal or lignite. . , 6. We guarantee every stove' to remain absolutely air-tight as long as used. , . , 7. We guarantee the feed* door to be smoke and dust proof. We guarantee the antU puffing draft to prevent puffing All we ask is that the stove be operated according to directions and connected with a good flue, (.Signed) COLE MANUFACTURING CO. (Not Inc.) (Makers of the Original Patented Hot Blast Stove) This guarantee cannot be made on any other heating stove. If' you want comfort and economy put one of ttieBC heaters in your home. "Cole’s Hot Blast Makes Your Coal Pile Last” Look for the nameCeU’s on feed door to avoid imitations Cairo Furniture Co. INCORPORATED Furniture and House Furnishings WHY LOSE MEAT? Home cured meat is the best on earth when well cured. Let us help you cure your meat properly. Our Storage rooms are equipped for caring for meats in such manner that you can he assured of GOOD MEATS.' Our charges are only one cent per pound per month. Four to six weeks will absolutely place your meat out of all danger. •SAFETY FIRST* Cairo Ice & Bottling Works ubseribe for The Progress I : « M Mil THE BEST II MIES COME TO US. Your Table will he well supplied with the best the market affords if you buy your groceries and provisions from us. Your BanK Account will be amply safe guarded because our prices are away down, as low as posi- ble for groceries and provisions of quality, even lower than they should be. Your Health will be amply protected because we sell only goods of known purity and excellence. Your Appetite will be well satisfied because we sell groceries of quality that possess an upusual amount of nutriment, and they are good to the taste. Your Friends will remark on the excellence of your cooking, for the goods we sell, combined with your own good sense, will produce a meal fit for the geds. White & Stringer The Leading Grocers