The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 13, 1916, Image 6

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GRADY COUNTY PLQQWK8S. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Presentments of Grand Jury of Grady Superior Court GEORGIA GRADY COUNTY. Wc the Grand Jury, selected, chosen and sworn for the Septem ber Adjourned Term, 1910 of Grady Superior Court, beg to sub mit the following presentments: Wc hnve. through our various committees, examined the affairs and records of the county. The several reports having b?en adopt ed by the whole body are hereby made a part of these present ments: Our attention has been called to the fact that som! people con tinue to allow children under six teen years old to drive automo biles. We believe this an unsafe thing in so far ns the public is con cerned, and if persisted in, we re commend that the sh riff striekly enforcoJjio law pertaining hereto We believe that the reckless am’ unnecessarily fast driving of auto mobiles is on the increase and wc urge that-all officers be dilligent ir seeing that this practice is checked We hold that to needhsslv en danger lives on the public highwaj in this manner does not merit leniency on the part of the law. We also have had it brought tc our attention that some cars art being constantly used without license tags. We recommend t< the sheriff that perisistent violators be made to striekly comply wit! the law. ^ We have on our statue books a splendid set of laws relating to the sales of all forms of intoxicants and yet crimes are being constant ly committed due to the too free indulgence in some form of alco holic drink. Wc believe this con dition can and should be corrected and we beg to call attention to the following things that we believe will materially aid to that end. First As citizens all our people must be willing to stand squarely behind our law, and must give their moral support to our officers in every honest effort that is made to bring offenders of all classes to justice. Second. Cur officers must without impartiality and with diligence seek to in force the law where ever it is being violated. On the faithfulness of our officers duly sustained by our courts and . backed, up by determined public sentiment, is going to rest the full sucess of our prohibition laws. Third. Our physicians should be more careful of prescriptions to those who claim to be suffering from chronic or other maladies. We insist that no doctor should allow himself for any reason to be taken advantage of to evade the prohibition law. Fourth. Our drug stores, all of which are in charge of reputable citizens of the community, should absolutely free themselves of the suspicion that now hangs ovei them in regard to the violation ol the prohibition laws- Whethei justly or not. Practically all of our drug stores arc generally rumored to be flagrant violators of these laws, and they can c’o more than almost any other agency to cletr up the situation if they will, live Our attention has been called b the danger of having hogs that are infested with cholera c a ried from one part of the county to another Wo urge qll our people to bt watchful iu this regard and d< nothing that may cause the loss of many dollars to some scctkn that has been, free of cholera. In view of the information comiiif to us that in some instances tin convict camps have carried tin eliol tii into sections not infested, we suggest that the proper au- thorties see to it- that in future m hogs bo moved by this? camps that would endanger hogs in the c immunities to which they aie moved. It has been called to the fitter. - t on of the public that there is on our statute books a law compell ing tne carcases of all dead animals to be burned or deeph buried. We call upon all person to striekly observe this law, arc request our officers to sec to ll c enforcement of it. In view of the fact that hoj cholera annually causes great financial loss to our county, wr urge our citizens to use ever.' -possible measure to keep it ii check and we particularly urgi the use of serum in all cases when infection is present or threatened We believe that it is a matter o importance to our citizens general? that our game laws be rigidly cn forced, and we recommend that our county game warden so or ganizc the county under compet 3111. deputy wardens, as to insure the enforcement of the game am* iish laws both State and Federal The committee on public build ings made the following report: We the committee appointed ti investigate the public buildings ol the county wish to submit th< following report: We have visited the count? farm and find that the build ings, fences, etc., are all in gooi shape and that the premises an very carefully and neatly kept. We find the court house am court house grounds very nicel? kept and in very good shape ex cept the paint on the outside framing to the windo?vs, the out side doors, etc. and we recommend that this exposed wood-?vork be looked after and painted at once. Wc find the jail in very good the granting shape and very nicely kept wit h the exception of it being reported that the jail had lice in it, and we recommend that the board sec t< it at once that they are destroyed We find the fence around the jai needing repairs, we reeommeud that this be done at an early date, and futhur recommend that tin board build a fence seperating the jail from the county storage room and that gales be built so that th< jail grounds will not be exposer vhen the convict teams are haul ing feed, etc., from the storage room. We are informed that if thi county will furnish the sewer pipe the city of Cairo will have same put in and the ditch in front cf absolutely above suspicion. If the court house filled in; if ti e they refuse to do this # our officers city will do this, wc recommend should use i articular diligence to that the county board furnish ti e make good case3 against them. If the above recommendtion can noc be condru.ted as suffici ently comdemning the practice cf making “Buck” and ?vine that is widely prevolent in our county, ?vc wish to condemn in the strongest possible terms this practice, and pipe. The committee on roads made | the follo?ving report: We the committee appointed to investigate the roads and road building of the counly have been over quite a lot of the public roach of said county and find that'the we insist that no good citizens ronds South of ahe railrq!ld Will OflVO nnmifmmnan fr? tlm ....» .. . . . . 7 will give countenance to the prac tice in any degree. We believe that the enforce- generally in fair condition with the exception of a few which we are informed will 1 ave the mento all law is absolutely es- me(Jiate attention of the contdcfe sential to good governme. t but in We find the roads North of the the, violation of he prohibition railroad generally in fair condi _ la?vs there.s a double danger, be- t i on with the cXccption of a fcw cause of the effects that always which wc consider in v , )ad follow the use o'intoxicants, | BhapC| name iy the Hawthorn hence the stress we have tried to Trail, ?ve find this road put upon the more strict keeping condition for a few of our prohibition laws, a fair miles out of this road, from tho Sapp Mill ibout the worst road that wept over and we urge that this road have the early attention in' the convicts. Wc visited the two convict camps and find that they are in very good condition. Wc wish to recommend that our county board from and after this time put their efforts in building good or clay roads. The road lending from Cairo to Thoinnsville wo find h an extra tool road and ?ve want to re lommend that our county board leroafter build all of the principal roads like the Cairo and Tliomas- ville road. We futher recommend that all if the through roads and main horoughfnrc3 of the county be ;iven attention and built first, and -hat these roads be ?vorkod through when started rcgardles; if the district lines. Wc feel that all of our commissioners tm BOUNTY COMMISSIONERS >nd not District Commissioners ndjtherefore, that District lines hould not affect the ?vork of tin convicts when they are building nails. - The committee on books and ■coords made the following reports: We find that some of the J. P.V ail to make proper entries of th< :ost in their cases, and some o.' hose making ent-ies fail to main hem in the proper columns pro dded for the purpose in thqir'dock- >.t books and do not total amount; if cost so that it can be readily een upon examination of the book; ust what the cost in a casi- imounts to. We recomenil that hose whose records are incorrect tnd incomplete put them in propci irder. Our examination of the books o' he Clerk of the Court showed ; iplendid system of record keeping inusual neatness and apparent ex ictncss in all records. Our examination of the books o he Ordinary also showed a com ileteness and a promptness ii cecpingeverything up to date that vc think is especially to be eom- nended. His records were neatl? ind in so far as ?ve could judge, :orrectly kept. Our examination of the books o' the Sheriff’s office while convincing is t-hot every thing is being kep in accurate manner yet wo feel i i? our duty to call attention to tin rfet that there has apparantly nev ;r been any systematic and com irehensive records kept in thi; ifficc, and we recomend that in tin ,’uture the following books be kepi up to date:— Bond Record Book. Sheriff’s Sale Record Book, Cos' Record Book, Jail Record Book. We found the Treasurers book;- t ? be neatly and apparantly cor rectly kept. We have examined thb books md records of the Clerk of (lie County Commissioners and find a splendid system neatly and ap parantly correctly kept. Owing to having to arrange, books in accordance ?vith the 15% d advance on improved lands the * current books of the Tax Receiver were not available for examination. We find the records of the Tax- Collector to be ■ neatly kept. We recommend that a book’ be aildi cl to his equipment in which shall be kept a complete record of ail spec - i il taxes collected. Examination of the records of the County School Commissione sho?ved a simple but comprehen sive system that is being neatly and apparantly correctly kept. We recommend tho reappoint ment of B. H. McNair as N. Pmd Ex-Officer J. P. for the Higdon District. We iccommond the appointment of T. H. Dekle to fill the unexpired term of J. T. Sellars as N. P. and Ex-Officer J. P. for the Caiio Dis trict. We recommend that all jurors and court house bailiffs be paid $2.00 per day for the ensuing year for each day or part of days serv ice rendered the county. We nc- omrmne that the Foreman and Clerk o: the Grand Jury be paid $3.00 per day for each days or part of days service rendered the coun. up joinmeii l thai riding court kiili s be paid -Sj.i.',') per day for each d j s or part of days service rendered the county for the ensuing yeti'. We furl her recommend that tie Foreman and Clerk of this present Grand Jury be paid S3.GO per' ilej for e: en day.: rr, ue rendered the eounly a.t thi,; term court. We recommend that B. M. Johnson he paid $2.00 for service rendered this Grand Jury. We wi-di to express our heuty commendation of the official 1011- lucl of our most effickuit Judge, (Hon. Ii. E. Cox) and to th nk him for hi able charge. To our genial nil I able Solid or (Mr. it. T. Bell) ?ve ?vi.ih to extol ii our.Iliunk-: for the splendid assist- mre lie lias i code o I u i, and alt o t i hi, capable assistant Mr. C. W. W.rnl c. !y, Jr. Tn.Mr. T. W. Brinson ?vho has so faithfully served u: 03 a bailiff, w.i extend thanks. We recommend that these pri- icntincuts be--published in boti -Ir.tdy County papers and thr inch paper be paid $5.00 for tl:< Mibli-.ulion of same. Respectfully submitted, M. M. Poulk’ Forcmat . I. E. Swilley, ,1. W. Bond, F. 2. Richter, If. A. Vanlandingham’ V, I. Brown, J. T. Vanlrindinghan. .V. Cl. Baggett, IT. R. Belcher, I., ,1. Butler, J. W. Bee, W. C. Bel), A. C. Sellars, E. G. Greene, B. F. Wilder, W. A. Skipper. D. L. Wili ams, C|. W. Taylor, W. L. Perkins I. \\. Maxwell, I. ])’ Singletniy L. M. Brinson, S. M. MeKown hand Jurors for the Scptcmbei tdjourned term of Grady supcrioi court, 1916. J. E. S?villey, Clerk. This October, 6th. 1916. The foregsing general presen I- nents have benn read in opei oui't. Are ordered filed am spread on the minutes, and a! ■lections, appointments, and recom nendations therein contained in icreby approved and confirmed— This Oct. Gth. 1916. In opei .■our t. E. E. Cox. Judge Superior Courts, A. C. i Yours, I $ for those light, | palatable biscuits | and pastries, with | the tantalizing £ odor and delicious 5 flavor, ij Rising Sun Flour of town, ?vc find the North end of ty for the ensuing year. Wc rec J. E. Wr'ght, M. D Physician (SL Surgeon Phones; Office 40; Res. 44. Office ?vith Dr. Clo?ver-, Children Cry for Fieicher’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, mid which has bee a la uso for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of j? — and has been made nniler his per- /s' ■#- Bonnl supervision since its Infancy. /iibcc/UM Allow no one to deceive you In WiO, All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-ns-gooil” nro'hut Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho liealtU of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless snbstltnto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops anil Soothing Syrups. It la pleasant-. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Mireotlo substance. Its ago is its guarantee. J t destroys "Worms anil allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant uso for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, * 'Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. oknuine CASYoRIA always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought INTAUR COMPANY, NEW VOMK CITY, Country Produce OUR SPECIALTY YY/HEN you have anything ” to sell in the way cf Meat, Chickens, Eggs or country produce, get our prices before selling as we will pay you the top of the market. Self-Rising and I Ready Prepared f - f First aid to tedi- i ous baking and lag- 5 ging appetites. j Your Grocer | Knows, m. I .ymm Has The Goods And The Price That Will Please you It is hard for.any customer to resist the appeal of the splendid pieces of high grade Cut Glass to be found in C. F. Sander’s sparkling assortment.. Call and See fer Your self C. F. SANDERS, JEWELER Cairo, Ga, Subscribe For the PROGRESS