The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, October 13, 1916, Image 7

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. By His Excellency. 1 NA1 e, HARRIS, Qovornor. * AtipZf&'nt. «OM{on r ““ m? XMVd*«T»mkd*i!nf }$&• „ c ° n, ‘“utw “•t h sr S t2 , u n 2r.« ISllf to wit; act approved Aupiiit* ui* AN ACT’ JrapTS^of^h 01 ?,. 6 ' 8ectl °n 13, Para- Stafe Jo , f . H 1 ® Constitution or thin sfebf?£;;V“>'^ P ^i'*to J p“r d . 1 : flon In n,. L y i. ,W ,unh offlce . addl- c?ju| t ^Vi,i? n rd t h i%^r 0 u u » n i?o r 2{ l t t , ! : au tduri*a the General Assembly made t S? m th* « what < Jls P° a| t | °n ShaU lie accruing ^e tlnes forfeaurea, and feos srfl |2*. l , h 'Of Solicitor Gen- feel’ i?« a ?K M U ?j lal Ctroult, where the poaeaf r ° a “ oll,t,,<) ; and for other pur- «rnf c *l on 1 v, Me 11 enacted by the Gen- oral Assembly of Georgia, and it ia same^thS? 0 ! 0 ^ 6 / ^authority of 1 the Kraml i h nf £. rt! £ le B i;Section li Para- %**•EL?* S*. th £ Constitution of Georgia, !o 8 M B ?J. nd8d V y adding at the end of ?•p? n JiS ra i Br £ pb a » the following words: Aaaemhi e v'.h U {^ Ver ' That ‘he General hv S Mf 11 have power, at any time, a£nn«il n ?^ or i t ' y vote each branch, to accruing to the office of 5fUi-* °J!, General,. in any particular Ju- in lieu thereof, to .Circuit, and .« , 1BU mereor, io Sftinn r ? e for BUCh ^Ice, in ad- irttSh V\V le »Ji alftry *P rescrlbed In para- fS p 2,u 1 u 0f 4 th,s section of this Article, and without regard to the uniformity of ®nch salaries in the various circuits; and shall have the further power to <le- of thr e fl^ a, > dl , s ? oall ^ n 8baU be made ? r the fines, forfeitures and fees accru- fng to the office of Solicitor Genera), in 5" y JlJob.dndtclaJ Circuit, where the J?®*. ar , e abolished; so that said para- £h„ P „ h °L“J3j ec ‘ Article, • ~ r v "i>BasaaBiiiiiBBi- Rtvilitit t, h c K cnnciryl by' the Gon- crul Arsi tnbly of tlic ! Ut 3 ct Oeorg'n that Paragraph i, of Section 111, of Ar- 0, of the Constitution of the Stall ■Georgia, US amended by ihc net o' he General Assembly, npprovul August 3, 1910, and duly ratified by the peoph according to law, be and the same i hereby amended by inserting the word; "Ohirko, Floyd, Sumter, Muscogee” it tho proviso contained in said amend ment between tho wbrds, '‘the countie* of” and the word “Bibb” so that cnii; proviso so amended hy ibis nmemlinen shall rend ns follows: “Provided, iliqw ever, that tho aunties of Clarke, FJayd Sumter, Muscogee, Bibb, Chatham,-iFul- ton and Richmond Bhall pay from theii respective onnty Treasuries to tho Su perior cut judges of the circuit o! which (hey are a part, and the oun Ij of Fulton to tho judge of the Stqm Mountain circuit, or the judge of sucl other circuit as may hereafter bo re quired io regularly preside therein, foi additional services rendered in the Su perior Court of Fulton ' County suel, sums, ns will, with the salaries paid eoel judge from the State Treasury, make i salary of $5,000 per. annum io cael judge; and said payments nre declared to be a part of the court expenses of such counties, such payment to be made to the judges now in office as well as to their successors.” GRADY COUm PROGRESS, CAtttU, Singletary 'l’lid farmers of tin* lio’t am urn. find little days last Dijjnbridge Oho of J lie mud bouds shall la: paid off on Janiiht'y 1 In the year 1930, and one on the first day of January in raeh year thereafter up to an 1 Deluding January 1030: Two of said bonds shall be paid off m January 1st in each of the year* 1010, 1 ....... i| , i MMl and 1942; and , 'ciy . I.msy gathering their Three of said bonds shall lie paid off re- j Mrs. R, V. Braswell pectively on January 1st of each of the daughter spent a few ears 1043, 1044, 1045 and 10 W; so that 1 WB0 L- w j t |, he,- .. ) «aid bonds shall all be fullv paid off on ■«. ' ' C1 n * anuary 1,1048. Mrs. Williamc. ?aid bonds shall be known ns "Cairo ' Mis es Marie Holt and Mattie tem' ,,Kl Uto0 , Vot ^ for Singletary who attends school in aid'hop.lSshnll have printed or written Thomasvillo t , o , , ■n'their ballots "For Sewerage Bonds” „„ , « ! ?° U last Sflt urdpy ind thvso voting against said bonds shall U ■ “ un “ ft y "'-t l> hi lr.cfolks, mvo printed or .written on their hnllols | Miss Itnth Willson returned Against Sewerage Bonds," hnmo Inst i;\; i r , The principal anil interest of all 'the l "day nfler spending' jonds mentioned in tlrw notice is io bo l "° W0C,C; rhoma.-v;llo with .itiid in gold coin or its equivalent in r hllives. ^The nNulf'T' f''' - 'I Misses Nannie Mae Brink of I he result of said election on the Thomnsvillo nnd Mvetlo Will' proposition above sit forth shn'l bo do- 1 Ins( . J . , t . . N \' Mls dared ns provided hy Inw nnd if said n .' ' ^ " iR lt W1 *' Mins bond iasue is supported and voted for hy "" 1 " 1 sn " tlie requisite legal majority, than nnd tie. HEADQUARTERS!" FOR THE FOLLOWING: ^..iT ’ 1 auiu Betiluii, oi said Article. *:I 1 so amended, will read as follows: ? ar ?* rai ’’ 1 The General Assembly may at any time, by a two-thirds vote of each branch, prescribe other and dif ferent salaries for any or all of the fthoye officers, but no such change shall tlie effip— — " • affect uio viLiMBfH Provided, however, leers then in commission; That the General As- sembly shall have power, at any time, b y “ majority vote of each branch, to abolleh the fees at present accruing to the office of Solicitor General, In any particular Judicial Circuit, and in lieu thereof, to prescribe a salary for such office, In addition to the salary pre- sprtbed In paragraph 1 of this section of this Article, and without regard to the uniformity of such salaries In the va rious circuits: and ahal) have the fur- letermlne what disposi-! he made of the "finest for- - |J f ' " flier power To (ton shgll be felturss,an4Jeep accruing to the office Of Solldttor Oepergl, Ip any S uch judl- lehed ” cuf ' ' V * pr * fees "arc apqi- Beo. ?, Be (t further enacted,'that if this nmendment shall pe agreed to by two-thirds of the members of the Gen. eral Assembly of each House, the same shall be entered on their Journals with the yeas and nays taken thereon, and Hie Governor shall cause tho amend, blent to be published in one or more of the newspapers In each Congressional District for at least two ipontna inline, dlntely preceding the next gerferat e|ee. tlon, and the same shall be submitted to the people at the next general eleatlon, and the voters thereat shall havuwrlt- ten or printed on their ballots “Forrat. -I 1‘MittVM VII asset* I/AIIVIO rwi iat> iflcation t)f amendment to Paragraph 8. of Section 13, of Article fl. of the Gpn- stitutlpn of this Btatt, ftboUshlng feet of .Solicitors General,” or "Against ffitl* filiation of amendment to Paragraph 2, of Section 13, of Article 6, of the GonatitU* tlon of this State, abolishing feed of Solicitors General" as they may choose, and if a majority of the fleotors qijal* ified to vote for members of the next General Assembly, voting, shall vote In favor of ratification, as shown by th* consolidation thereof and returns mad*, as now provided by law in eleotlona fq* members of the General Assembly, tbon bhJU amendment shall become a part of •Wu6, Section 13, Paragraph S. of the Constitution'of this State, anJ thereof Vernor proclamation nii Se i2'J 8 * Jt further enacted, that a M Jftws and parts of laws in connict -With this act be, and the same ars, hereby repealed, • Now, therefore. I, Nat E. Horrls. Gov. ernor of said Stdte, do Issue this my proclamation hereby deo:aring that "the P ro .P° s «fi amendment to the Constitution fi submitted, for ratlfloa- tlon or rejection to the voters of nne ^^ ate ^‘ ,ua ^0 e ‘ , 10 v °t© memtffers of th© General Assembly at’ the general election to be held on Tuesday, Novem. her 7, 1910. _ ' N. E. HARRIS, Governor, By the Governor: PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. A Proclamation Submitting a proposed amendment to •t he onstitution of Georgia, to be voted on at the general election to be held on Tuesday, November 7, 1910, said amend ment to amend Article 0, Section 13, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution, rela tive to the salaries of certain judges of the Superior Courts. By Hie Excellency, , NAT E. HARRIS, Governor. See. 2. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if this constitutional amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the mem bers of the General Aseembly of each House, the same shall he entered on <*eh journal, with the ayes and nays taken thereon, and the Governor shall euusc the amendment to be published in one or more of the newspapers in each Congressional District for two montlis immediately preceding the next ge»- cral election, and the voters thereat shall hive written or printed on their Jickctf “For ratification of nmendment to Para graph 1, Section 13, Article 6, of the Constitution” (providing for additional compensation of the Superior Court Judges in Clarke, Floyd, Sumter nnd Mqspqgep Superior Coqrts), or “Against nuifipfttiqn of (impnchnent tn Paimsph 1, Section 13, Article 0, of the Consti tution" (against providing nt'd ional compensation for the Superior Couit judges in Clarke, Floyd, Sumter nnd Muscogee Superior Courts) as they may choose, and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for members of the next General Assembly voting, shall vote in favor of ratifiention, then said amendment shall become a part - of Ar ticle 6, Section 13, Paragraph I, of the Constitution of this State and the Gbv- ernor shall make proclamation thereof. Sec. 3. The City Court of Ameri cus shall not be abolished, nor shall the salaries of tho offioere. thereof ho in. creased or diminished prior to Jannnry 1, 1921. Sec. 4. Bo it further onaoted hy the authority aforefaitl, that all laws and parts of lawB in conflict with this act be, nnd the same, arc hereby re pealed. Now, therefore, I, Nat E. Harris, Gov ernor of said State, do issue this my. proclamation htreby declaring that tho foregoing proposed amendment- to the Constitution is submitted for ratifica tion or rejection to the voters of the State qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly at the general election to be held Tuesday, November 7, 1910. N. E. HARRIS, Governor. State of Georgia, Executive Department, t August 28, 1916. Whereas the General Assembly at jts session in 1916 proposed an amendment to the onstitution of this State as set forth in an act approved August 8, 1916, to wit: AN A(2T To amend Paragraph j, of Section IS, qf Articjc 6, qf' tfifi oqstifution of the fjfnje qf fieorgja, regelating the sal- <Vfje§ qf {hp jqtlps of the Supreme and Superior Courts by providing for the paymont from the County Treasury of Clarke County to the judge of the Supe rior Courts of the Western Circuit, of which said county is a part of addi tional compensation, and by providing for the payment from the County Treas ury of Floyd County to the judge of the Superior Courts of the Rome cir cuit, of which said County of Floyd is a part of additional compensation, and by providing for the payment from the County Treasury of Sumter County to the judge of the Superior Courts of the Southwestern Circuit, of which said County of Sumter is a part of addition al compensation, and by providing, for the payment from the County Treasury of Muscogee County to the judge of the Superior Courts of the Chattahoochee Circuit, of which said County of Mas- oaia oouus »>w uvur uaie ui January cogee is a part of additional cempensa- l, 1917, and the principal thereof shall be Py the Gtvernor: PHILIP COOK, Secretary of State. Ruth Wilson fore the bonded debt' is' innurred 'Os 1 MMvlllbin VT' «l* 1 ' 1 authorized by said election, art ordinance v . Mulnn spent Inst Snturilny shnll be paused providing for the issuance j n ‘ E ' lt Wltl1 Misses Myrl le, Rosa and sale of the bonds thus authorised, i ftn d Bertha Willis, and providing at tho same time for the iu: ols n • o astessment and collection of an annual', , Bessle Sa3 ' sor veturned tax sufficient in amount to pay off the “ ome last Sunday after spending principal and interest of said bonds at soino lime with her grantl-purens, the dates and within the time fixed by Mr. anti Mrs. Pickren of Donal- snui ordinance, and as in this notice sot 'sonville. forth. t - The Ice Cream supper given by ladies improvement club last Fri day niglm was enjoyed by till pres ent, Mrs. Albie Singletary of fliom- asvi||e spent a few days last week vrbti her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II, It, Wfitson. Witness our hands, official signatures and seals, this the 16th day 0 r September 1918. M. L. LEDFORD, [Seal] Mayor, A, L, MILLRR, (Seal) J, M, PflULKi [Seal] J, E. HURST, [Seal) W. G. BAGGETT, (Seal) EUGENIS GLOWER [Seal] Cotmcllmt n. J. H. CONNELL, Clerk. Subscribe for The Progress NOTICE On motion tho following tax levy on all properly real anti personal hn Prvnni,, n 1... co _ * _ p /-* « n . . _ . At r* - ” * 1 * •> * im * l-JCiBUiiui in the County of Grady; State of Georgia; for the year 1916, for counfy purposes and collections ordered to be made accordingly, viz; Seventy cents on each $100.00 worth of property returned for tax ation, subdevided as follows:-— 1st. 18 cents on each $100.00 to pay legal indebtedness of the county now due nnd to become duo during the year. 2nd. 10 cents on eoeh $100.00 to build anil repair court houses nnd jails. 3rd, 12 cents to build and repair bridges, ferries anti other im provements according to .contract. 4th. 8 cents is to pay sheriffs, jailors or other officers fees (lint they may be legally entitled to out of (he county funds. 6th. 2 cents to pay bailiffs fees at couit, non-resident witnesses fuel, servant hire etc. 6th. 12 cents to pay jurors a per diem compensation. 7th. 2 cents to pay any other legal.charges against the county. 8th. 6 cents to pay the expense incurred in supporting the poor. Alsojn compliance with the recommendations of the Grand Jury at the September Term, 1916, of Grady Superior Court of said county, the following special levy was made and ordered collected,'to wit; 40 conts on each $loO.OO worth of taxable property returned for taxation for the purpose of the maintaining and working Grady Coun ty s quoto of-convicts on the public roads of said county. Also upon report of the County School Ccn ir.ksiccdr of said county of an agreement between himself anti the authorities in the several school district, the following levies for local school purposes have-been made for the ensuing year and the Tax Collector is ordertl to make collections accordingly;— Pleasant Valley District, 2$ mills or $2.50 per thousand. Choice Groceries, Cold Drinks, Cairo Baked Bread, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. Hay and Horse Feed. We appreciate your patronage to the extent that once you trade with us we know you will continue to do so. Mitchell & Walker Company. Phone 97. Cairo, Ga. Good Stallion For Service About five years old; weighs 900 pounds. This horse as a colt vns a winner at both the fairs hold in Grady county a few years ago. \ be in Cairo every Saturday at Crawford-Miller Co’s Stables. Service $10.00. Will be in Cairo everyJSaturday Afternoon H. J. WILLIS. Notice of Bond Election GEORGIA—Grady County. City of Cairo. I’o the qualified voters of said City:— Notice is hereby given that in accord ance with a resolution duly passed and adopted on the Rith Jay of .September 1016 by the Mayor and Councilmcnof the City of Cano, an election has been, and is hereby called to be held in said City, Tuesday, October 31 1916, a( (tie onp and only voting precinct in saitl pity, tq-wit, at the City Hall, ip tlm sapie manner tpid by the stupe pepiqns, qnd under the saqqe rules and (eplpliops that elections jfqr officers qf gait| qity arc held and in tic. (prdanco with the laws of Georgia, and in accordance with the Charter of said City and .the amendments thcroto, to determine the question whether bonds shall be issued by said City through its Mayor and Councilman in the sum o Twenty Eight Thousand $28,000.00 Dollars for the purpose of laying, estab lishing, equipping and maintaining a sewerage system in and for the City of Cairo; said bonds to be of the denomi nation of One Thousand [$1000.00] Dol lars each, and to he numbered 1 to 28 in clusive, aud shall each bear interest at tho rate of a per centum per annum from January 1, 1017 until paid, the first pay ment of interest to he paid January 1, 1018 aud stud interest to be paid annually thereafter, that is, on Jauy. 1, in each year thereafter until said bonds respect ively are paid off as hereinafter stated. Said bonds shall bear date of January lion, and for other purposes. paid off as.follows; Pine Union Pleasant Hill Elpino Providence Pine Summit Calvary Goltled Rod Fairview Cairo' Pawnee Pleasant Qrovp Greenwood Shady Groye Walker Sbiwysitle biye Gak Wbigltam Whigham School bond?, 3* 2 2i 2 2 5 4 5 6 H 3* 3.1 3 4) 4 3 5 21 ‘ $3.50 ‘ $2.00 ' £2,50 ‘ $2,00 ' $2.00 ‘ $5.00 ‘ $4.00 ‘ 85.00 ‘ $5,CQ 1 $3.50 ! 83,60 1 $8,50 1 §3.00 ‘ $4.50 ( $4.00 ‘ $3.00 ‘ $5.0Q ‘ $2.50 to retire. L. B. Powell, Chairman D. P. Ward Henry Mitchell B. M. Johnson, Clerk. C. H. Mize T. W. Faircloth S. J. Norton Arch Harrell. Money Loaned ON EASY TERMS FARM LOANS PROMPTLY MADE At s;x per cent, interest, payable annually. The borrow er lr.s the.privilege of paying part or all the principal at any interest period, stopping interest on such payment. I will save you money. Como to see me, or write. Prompt attention given all written inquiries. W. M. BRYAN, Office Over Post Office / Thomasville, Georgia 6 Per Cent 6 Per Cent FARM LOANS Loans on improved farms in South Georgia promptly made at lowest rates and beat terms Call on us or wright us stating your needs. We can save you money, Barrow Loan & Abstract Company “The biggest farm loan concern in South Georgia" Pelham - - Georgia 6 Per Cent- e p er Cent Seed Oats! Seed Rye! I have select seed stock of the following stock limited. Prices will be higher later—better buy your seed NOW' Don’t wait! FuTghum Oats, Burt Oats, Texas Rustprooi Oats, Appier and Hastings Oats, South Georgia Rye, AbruzzieRye. SEE ME AT ONCE W.H. Cairo, Ga. Il> bout! M [eat Any old kind cf teeth will do when you eat that meat that we sell There is none tendei’er, none juicier; none better, and nothing as satisfying R. P. BENNETT, The rocer Who Seeks to Pleas