Newspaper Page Text
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ti M
Spring Flowering Bulbs at—Wight & Brownes
(’A I HO,
NO. 23
ct nl.
M; i
A :il
E. M. Ttis'inp. Dis
• •Ikoy.'n Guano ( A), vs 11 :i>iu
Sin-Tletor. ei nl D: ; mi nl.
J. H. Butler v.. NY. II. Hullo:
Belt lo.l,
R. iVVvight vs Coffin---, Jotir
and Singletary. >• :; ;.ain.
( 'ollin :. and .lours.
Hump Walden v -. .1. r
.1.1,. Oliver's Am vs.
,I ones. Settled.
(In. Ken t. c: Oil ('o, -vs
Ulm. Settled
Ajupri-Cyhi < '«>. v Vick
\Yrdh! I'uT el.niniimt.
Ariiiour Fori. V, k.-. vs B
id Verdict. for
Armour Fort. Wk-u vs (
T.i.1 uil;i;vlor plaintiff.
.3. IT. Bryant. v • C. II.
Yerdiel for plantiif.
Hell Overall Ca.. v. I. P. i
man. Settled.
Ai inour Feet.’, \V ks. v
Sellai's. .Judg. for plant iff.
Armour i’»TS,\A\£]j-. vs
Franklin. dtufgP.fiA'plantilV.
,). ,!. Coppn’KfiVs?3firs.-J. H. Du-| ir 1 ' 1 ' Uuren
pi; r. - Judg, for defendant.
( itizens anil Southern Bab#. ‘vs
.!. \V. Coombs i l id Judg. tor plan
Kelly, Clarlc L’or
stun Co. Dismissed.
C. R Moneriof. vs il. J. Fallen
et id. Di -mi tsod.
Nicholson Stock Co. vs .). A.
.Hinson. Judg. for plaintiff. , ^ .
\\. !f. R:d>v. vs 1). 1). Perkins.!"'" 1 ' KH,n{ ' companions had been to
W. i f. itoliins; n
One of the most tragic events
that Ims occurcd at. Cairo for a
I mp; while was the accident to
Rsseoe Barbel the nine year old
mi of Chief of Police S. A. Barber
ii- Friday afternoon and which
inter tcsulted in his death. Roscoe
r A Son. vs Puulk-
j Wight Co. Verdict, for defend ’.lit.
! A Hi:: Woreher & Son Co. vs 1 .
j E. Browner. .hnls;. for plaint ill'.
| i rani: and Adler, vs Abe Poller.
i J ml;.;, for en- t '.
j T. F. Dy-on. vs B. D. Single-
j (ary. Judg. for costs,
j ('s.mi ron-Barkley (V. vs Kelly,
! i 'lari: l.'ir. Co. Settled.
| < 'arishad A!IV;. Co. vj F. D.
t Di.-key et ai. Diumis-ed.
■ Thoniasviile Fort. Co. vs L. D.
i ):■ in. y et id. .)lulfv. for i oi l: .
i ('itizen and Sou Bank, vs \Y. if.
! Mouryham. Judg. for plaintuf.
i II. C. Copeland & Co. vs L. D.
1 Dic'd v 11 nl. Verdict for claimant,
j' .1. ii. Lewis. v« W. G. Baggett
,V : 'on. Yei diet for defendant.
| I.. B. Covin, vsj. W. Nicholson
i ek Cairo 11kg. Co. Dismissed on
a swimming pool at the crock west.
. \ irk-! of town, and was returning to town
as a freight train fron the west was
pulling into the station. It is not
known just how the nccident oc-
eured but in some way the little
fellow was thrown under the wheels
of a moving truck and one leg was
several. Word was gotton up town
as soon us possible and medical
aid was rushed to him. Later he
was carried to Dr. Walker’s sani
tarium when; all possible was’done
for his comfort and restoration but
! lie was unable to rally from the
j I ri die shock and died Saturday
! morning ithout four o’clocik.
This tragic event was a shock to
the entire community, and along
; with the many friends of the fam-
I ily we extend to the family and
! relatives opr fullest sympathy.
•s R.
\V. C. Burton vs 1.
judg. for plantin'.
• Brown and Biglow vs W. 11. 1
Pork's ilmlg. for piantiff.
Itipkee Perl Co. vs U. AI. Brin-! I
'son. Judg. for piau'tilY.
\V. G. Baggett. vs .1. A. At
kinson. Judg. for planliiT.
Cairo Motor Go. vs Y\. H. Pee
bles. .hulg. lor plr.ntHV.
('rawfot'd, Miller Co. vs ,1. II.
■ and R. C. Daughtry. Set tied.
Delaware Hat’ Co. vs i. P.
Chapman. Settled.
R. F. Dudley vs Will Alexander.
Empire Colton Oil Co.
' A. ];. Maxwell. Verdict, for
Frank and Adler, vs I. 1
man. Settled.
(!, acral Jackson vs T. S
land. Verdict for plant iff
. \\'. igger vs Lewis et, ai.
for -plaintiff.
Ga. Fert. & Mfg. Co. vs G. F.
Holton. Settled.
Haynes—Jones Co, vs H. J.
Hart. .Indg. for plaintiff.
tIon eh-Edwards Shoe Go. vs
].i*. Chapman. Judg. for plaintiff.
J. l.eopold Go. vs W. G. Bell.
Judg. for plaintiff.
O. L. Lewis Mercantile Co. vs
1, P. Chapman. Judg.,for plaintiff.
W. H.'Robinson vsJ. lb Hop-
kin withdrawn.
W. H. Robinson vs R. F. Hin
son. Withdrawn.
W. II. Robiniion. vs II. R. Har
rison. Withdrawn.
S. H. Scoggins vs IL B. Cone.
Great, Northern Mfg. C'o. vs W.
C. Bull,... Judg..for plaintiff.
Simmons lidw. Co; v.s W. G.
Bell. Judg. for plaintiff.
i demurrer.
| Mrs. IL J. Lewis, vs Cairo Bkg.
| Go. Withdrawn.
Mrs. J. AT.
Hudson et id. Verdict for claimant.
. Redbi,!■>('(.'dins Go. vs J. -W
Graham C.'o. Yerdiel- for defendant.
Reddick-Collnis’ Go. vs J. Y\.
Graham et id. 1 tismissed.
The Valdosta Fair
; For the past, three weeks the
f members of the National Associa-
ion of Rexall Druggist to the uum-
f >er of 3000 have been taking a bal-
ot of their customers and have al-
i'eady recorded the political views
of over 2,5(30,000 voters drawn
from all walka of life.
The results of this ballot in
8,000 hamlets, villages, towns und
cities, ranging in population from
100 to 6,000,000, are fprwarded by
mail and telegraph daily to the
National Headquarters of t h e
Druggist’s Association in Boston.
There the results are tabulated and
the returns reported back to the
8,000 members.
Before the official balloting takes
place, the name of the .- President
elect of the Ujjited States will be
ahnounced in all The Rexall Stores.
By special arrangement with
tVight A Broutae the result of the
Straw Vote, which includes a rep
resentative poll of Cairo will be
announced in the Progress later,
and will be published simulta'neous-
ly all over the United States, in
the leading newspapers:and by an
nouncement, in'The Rexall Stores
Watch the newspaper for late
returns ,.j
The Georgia-Florida Fair at.
Valdosta is in full swing this week
l r '11.tuL all reports, from, there indicate
that they uni holding the greatest
fair in their history. Grady count-
y is represented among the county
xhiliits by a display gotten up
hurriedly during a few days just
1'ietoiiid Review Go.
'Her. jellied. :previous to the fair. Even at that
Unml Trading Go. vs \Y. 3\. & j xu , | mvc . u fairly creditable exhibit
. H. Gridin. Judg. for l inudili. jin the Swine Department Grady
B. (!. Keaton vs T. S Ciinohinil !
Copeland ; ( ; 0lln ty is striekly on the map ns
d Oil Go.
T. A.
D. Sin-
ir plain-
Ga Ferl
T. S. Copeland va
girt ary. Judgement
Beek-Gregg lidw Co. v.s W. G.
Bell. Judgement for plaintiff.
Beck-Gregg lidw Co. vs \Y.
Beil. Judgement, for plaintilf.
The Art Stove Go. vs W. C; Bell.
Judgement for plaintiff.
T. S. Copeland v.s A. S. Single
will be seen by the announcement
of the winnings already made that
Judgement lor plain- y 0U w j|] find elsewhere in this
1 issue.
The fair lasts until Saturday
night. If you have not been it
will be yell worth a trip down
there. 1
Valdosta, Ga., October 25t,h, 1916.
Air. D. L. Williams,
Cairo, Ga.
1 am sending >*ou the
winnings of the (Irndy county Pig
Club Members in the open ring
with one more class yet to judge:—
Goode Carr, Poland China Boar-
lst. and Junior Championship.
Guthrie Bodiford, Poland China
Guilt—1st. Poland China Boar
2nd. Fred Walsh. Poland China
Henry Wight, Duroc Boar—3rd.
Goode Carr, Duroc Boar—1th.
Grady County Pig Club Mem
bers make seven winnings in the
open ring, only two other Pig Club
members make Winnings in the
ring. The Pig Club Contest is yet
to come.
P. H. Ward, Farm Demonstrator.
Valdosta, Ga., Get. 25th. 1910.
Mr. D. L. Williams,
Cairo, Ga.
W. L. Wight on Durocs
won, on Senior Yearling Boar 1th.
on Junior Yearling Boar 3rd. on
Under Six Months Boar 1st. F. 13.
Walsh won on Berkshire Boar 2nd.
P. H. Ward, Farm Demonstrator.
Carlton Williams injured
In Run-a way Accident
Carol ten Williams the little four
year old boy of Mr. N. A. WillianiB
while riding with Griffin
behind a Shetland pony last Fri
day afternoon >was dashed from
the vehicle and very ^eriously in
jured, although at this time we
are glad to report that he is doing
well and all indications, point to
the recovery of the little fellow.
It seems that the pony was not
very well broken to harness and
while the boys were driving him
he became frightened and ran for
qnitc a distance finally running
into the curb of the Sapp building
at the corner of Broad’ and Mill
streets and throwing Carlton a-
Lnst week we announced that in
the Poland China class at the
S o nth c a stern F u i v ,i
in A t 1 a n t a ’ t li a t t w o
pigs from Grady county had won
the highest prizes in that class.
Detailed .reports of the awards in
all classes have not, vet been re
ceived by us but. (lie news has
beer received that in the Duroc
clnsscFthal. Grady county pigs al
so carried ofl first honors against
all comers. The boar pig shown
by Henry! Rawls won first in her
class over all shown. As allowing
the quality of the pigs shown by
our Grady county hoys the pig of
Henry Rawls was put up at auc
tion and sold to the highest bidder
and the pries received was one
hundred dollars. She was bought-*’
by Air. John T. Williams of Ken
tucky who is one of the most •
famous Duroc Brooders in the
The incomplete reports whieh
have reached us from the Atlanta
indicate that other pigs, from
Grady county are in the winning
clsss but we will have to wait un
til next week to give a complete
report of all winnings.
Air. Walter L. Wight won second
place wit h his young herd against
the strongest coinpotion that, could
be gotten together in the south.
Grady county 'is showing a
stronger aggregation of hogs at
Valdosta this, week, and we con
fidently expect them to add lidw
laurels to those already won.
Grady county and the hoys
who fitted the pigs are surely to be
congratulated at t he record made
in Atlanta.' Grady county! is al
ready bedtlliyqg... to bo ^-ijijrtgnizcd
as the best county in the state
and if our hoys will just keep on
improving in the growing of pigs
we will add glory to our renown
as a pig raising county.
State vs Will Pollard. Selling
liquor. Verdict of not guilty. , . , .. „ . ,
State vs Jerry Walden. Assault W the sidewalk .n such mann
ami battery. Plea of guilty.
tary. Judgement for plaiirtifiL ' Verdict.of guilty.
State vs Will Way Selling liquor.
Slate vs Harvey Aliller.
cry. Plea of guilty.
Cope-! D. G. Burrow and J. J. Ooppage
jvsJ.IL Daughtry. Judgement-
Verdict for plaint iff.
| D. B. AJallny vs J. P. Malloy cl
A?, and O. R. R. Go. vs Poulk-
Wiglit Go. Verdict, for plaintiff.
State v.s Alary Belle Floyd Sell-1 larceny. Plea of guilty,
ing liquor plea of guilty. 1 State vs Sain Walden
State vs Arthur Simpson. Trcas-
piifs Verdict of not guilty.
State vs E. L. William.-.
Drunkenness Verdict of guilty.
Slate vs E. L. Williams. Con
cealed weapon. Verdict of not
Slate vs Andy Alelton. Cruelty
to animals. Not guilty.
State vs Thos. Robinson. As
sault and battery. Plea of guilty.
Slate vs Peter Way. Beijing
liquor. Plea of guilty.
State vs ■ Sam Gilli ml. Assault
and battery. Verdict of guilty.
State vs Roy Leavins. Assault
and battery. Verdict of not guilty.
State vs Af Faison.
Criminal cases disposed between
terms. •
State, vs Floyd Delks Simple
ton much liquor 'Plea of guilty.
State vs Julius Elrod Simple
Larceny Nol prosed..
State v.s Sam Way Selling
liquor " Nol prosed.
State vs Louis Lorriack Simple
larceny Plea of guilty.
StiUcws'-Alil Robinson Simple
larceny PItia of guilty,-.
.Siale vs J. S. Browning Lar
ceny- after trust, Settled.
State vs Chas Redman Lar
ceny after, trust Plea of guilty.
Slate vs Willie Lane Simple
larceny Plea of guilty.
State vs Joseph Yates Cheat
er as to crush the skull. The
larger boy who was driving escap
ed without serious injury.
Carlton was picked up by Mr.
Herbert Wind and quickly carried
to Dr. Lindsay’s office. Later he
was carried to Dr. Walker’s Sanit-
orium aiid art operation was per
formed to raise the skull to its
normal position. I, a test reports
from the little patient are that he
continues to improve and we
trust that he will soon be entirely
Card Of Thanks.
G. R. Beale Ships Car of
Hogs Pays $1161.69
Mr. C'. R. Beale representing
the White Provision (,'ompany
shipped another carload of hogs
this week. Those from whom he
bought, the hogs were the follow
ing: J. S. Wight, 25, J. C. . Wald
ron 23, W. T. Bryant 30, D. C.
Maxwell 14, M. A. Barber 8, A.
H. .Sasser 4, and J. H. .Carter 2.
Total number of hogs making up
the car 106. Total weight 14;985
pounds. Total price paid 1*1161.09.
These hogs did not bring a uni
form price as the price was based
on the quality of the hogs and
ranged from seven to eight thirty
five cents. There were some
nicely finished hogs in t his lot and
they brought the highest price
mentioned above. Had the entire
ear been well finished it would
have brought the total paid for
the car well above the already
splendid figure of §1101.09.
Mr. Beale informs us that he
is to ship another car on Friday,
It is quite apparent that the ship
ment of hogs from this county
Bond Election Posponed
Until November 28th.
Armour Fort. Wks. vs Sam Har
rell. Set tied. j Verdict of guilty.
Ga. Fert. & Mfg. Co. vs O. TI. j State vu Flcnton Hooks. Game
Iligdon. Judg: for plaintiff. I law. Verdict of guilty.
ing and .swindling Verdict of
State vs Ola Hooks. Game law. guilty, v
State vs L. W. Hand Cheat
ing and Swindling Verdict of not
We wish to thank the people
who so kindly assisted U3 during
t-ho Illness of our little boy D, R. I w ill run in advance of what they
May God richly bless each one. have ever done before
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Alligood.
Tickling in the throat, hoarse
ness, loss of voice, indicate the need
SYRUP. It eases the lungs,,
quiets the cough and restores
health in the bronchial tubes
Price 25c, 50c and §1.00 per bottle
Sold by—Wight & Browne.
Mr. R. L. Nicholson left Thurs
day of this week for the Stock
Market to select two car loads of
Mules, Horses and Mares, for R.
L. Nicholson Stock Co. They
will arrive here about the middle
of the week.
mmmmmau KMteBmwMPmwMRNBBMnncMUMUBHi
As will be soon from the notice
of Bond Election in this issue of
the Progress, the City Council
has posponed the date of holding
the election to determine, whether,
or not Cairo shall issue bonds for
the installment of a sewerage qn-
lil the 28th, day of November. MPg
Upon investigation, it was found
that if the bond election was hejmj/E
prior to the general election that V.
the old registration list of the city"®
would have to be used, and an ex
amination of this list showed that i
near fifty of the registered voters
on this list had moved away front
town or hud died, and it was not
thought that it would bo giving
the bond issue a fair chance if
this list was used.
The date fixed upon, November
28th, is the earliest date under the
law at which the election could be v
held after making change in the
date as an election of this kind
has to be advertised at least thirty
days before the election.
The election for bonds as now
advertised will be held under the
new registration list just recentb
closed. This should give the verj
best and most fair list that could
be secured.
Cairo has outgrown the time-
when she can afford to use country
methods in her sewerage disposal.
If we insist in congregating into a
city we must pay the price in . JS
some way. If we do not provide
sewerage for our town wo will pay
at a very much higher cost in hu-.
man life. Are you going to
one to say that this shall be done?
—, ; M
Corks, of All Sizes—GRADY PHARMACY