The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 03, 1916, Image 3

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Fffl n tHOlmiiS!j - ° A ““'i - m. ’ * i , :ju.w*\.v’nftKifi;;rr. ':r.LTiffCSXX ~". »r..■:, r v ,• ;c.-t.; Special ®OAT Now is the time you need a Suit and I need the money. Read carefully and note the reduction on Suits and Coats $ 15.00 Suit 16.50 “ 18.50 “ 22.50 . “ 25.00 ;• 28.00 - 30.00 “ 35.00 '! Coat Suits $13.49 14.69 16.39 17.49 19.89 24.59 28.40 28.86 $16.50 Coats Coats at - $14.98 15.00 (( »» - 13.49 10.00 »» »» 8.49 8.50 << < t 6.89 6.50 - « <( 4.98 TMs Sale Begins Monday, Opt. 30th, and Lasts the Entire Week. Don’t Forget the Time and Place. October 30th, to November 4th. Cairo Millinery Company October 30th, to November 4th. SCHOOL NEWS ; It: is with deep regret that we lqarn that Miss Louise Tuten was .. called home on Monday, on ac- .count of the serious illness of her 'father. ; • : The society-mee tings were post poned from Friday of last week until Friday of this week on ac count of the holiday on Grady Day. The Lanier program on Friday will he in celebration of Columbus- Day. The .Philoma- 'thfeans will debate the question of Womans Suffrage. , Thg “Cheerful Clnb” of the ft' 1 '' fifth grade entertained the “Happy . and* Busy: Club’’ last Friday. The program consisted of songs, read ings;'a'hi( ; stories. The ninth grade scicnc/ class had an interesting demonstration of the fire extinguisher on Mon- i .; ;'(day hifternoon. ,Thc eighth -grade have a new book cabinet in. their room. . Many.of,;-the rooms aye being 'made very attractive by ferns and ' growing^Elants. Bulbs have been planted and window boxes. started in several grades. : ■ , On. Monday morning in chapel Mr. Bryan told the story of Four Black Gi:pws; illustrating how things are, often misrepresented and misunderstood. When ‘we < hear tlutt one ’has swallowed four bladk crows'it is-often well to keep in. mind ’ that' if the Story was traced to its origin We would find that he.only swallowed something 'that looked like a crow.’ • tWo school, is lucky in the ac- ,^-^quisition of two new Webster’s fSS-IUriabi'idgcd Dictionaries. „ : *SAiufday afternoon at three- tlurty o'clock the pupils of the seventh dud eight grades were complimented to a free show at the Alcazar' Theatre by the man- ’ ager, Mr,.«iolm Danford. . The-'drinking fountains that have been palced on • each side of the l:uildirg.,are quite, helpful ad- .iSitibakio-the school. No doubt a lot will be said a- bout the hospitality of the women at Waynesboro where the recettt W. C. T. U- Convention was held and the writer has wondered if the men, who did so much to make it one of the very best conventions ever held, will get their share of praise. From the moment ,Wg stepped from the cars and saw th| line of big lovely automobiles waiting for us, all decorated, and the big sign of WELCOME hiing across the street, until the moment of our departure, the kindness and" chivalry of the men could not be excelled. Right here let me say that the Boy Scouts were there wailing too, and they did a royal part in helping out. We were quickly transferred to the different W. C. T. U. Convention est of piping hot suppers awaited- us, and when it was time to go to the church the cars were again in a lovely town, a lovely country, and perfectly lovely men. In conclusion we feel that we would like'^d.glve the eolledge girls yell that they gave so lustily on Friday for Waynesboro. Mrs. H. R. D. A Card Of Thanks. We wish to express our heartfelt thahks to our many kind friends , for their acts of kindness and words of comfort to us during the great . bereavement of which we have passed in the sad death of our piling and Precious Boy, Roscoej.who wqp taken from us so suddenly and without any warning. Our hearts have been made sad and there is a place va- 1 cant in our home that can never be filled. iu uiiiaomji. And during this great sorrow homes assigned us where the nio‘ which cajrne to us we, cannot ex- Aaf rtf rtirtmo 4 nnt unnnnpa onrnUnrl nnaoc n*nwln L«. ...L: n L !ll press, wqrds by which will in any way caress our feelings and the many friends who evidence. 0n Wednesday it rain., were .so kind and attentive to our 'dear boy,,, and who so kindly off ered their services to us, and those ed all day, but no one got their dainty new boots wet, for there in „„ Ui5i illlu llIW=c all that mud and rain waited who with their expression of love theso blessed men and their lovely >ent so rniny beautiful flowers as cars to take us to dinner and ’. a token -qf love and sympathy, back. If they hated to see the! And to Hu Cairo High School mud spattering over the ears j Faculty, forHheir sympathy that their cheerful countenance did not j was ;shown by their presence AUCTION SALE I - Pure Bred Cattle - REGISTERED JERSEYS Fair Grounds Special Tent Thursday, Nov. 2nd, 1616 Sale Begins Promptly at 1:30 p„ m. show it. ' On Tuesday night, the Mayor! in a fitting speech had turned over thekeyof the City to theConven tion and every man woman anejehitd in Waynesboro must have voiced his opinion for it was just one big home, of hospitality, Thursday was a lovely day, and cool and no 6ne would have mind ed walking, but wc did. not have to do it. , Friday, the last day of the Con vention the men gave us a bar becue; it was a feast; everything from the nicest roast meats of all kinds straight on to ice cream; no one left unsatisfied though some of us were uncomfortable. Friday afternoon we were given a sight seeing ride about the town and surrounding country, and 1 it is at, the fjn^eral, and the pupils, and ^e class-mates, of our dear boy >.y tnfcjEr ; presence expressed Heir love for their departed fiend. ■; We also want to express especially.;,the faithful efforts that the Doctors rendered in order to save the Swung life, but God in ia all powerful wisdom saw best njtthus be took the young rose ijicl/to himself. ;Alay God’s richest blessings everjie, with those dear friends who Have given us so much com fort in this dark and sad hour is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Barber. Our next sale of Pure Bred Cattle will take place Thursday, Nov. 2, which is the second day of the Thomas County Fair, and sale will be held in a special tent on the Fair Grounds, beginning- promptly at 1:30 p. m. 0. B. Cl irk, auctioneer. Come hear him. Shelby county, Kentucky, has more Jersey cattle than-any other ones < county in the United States. Our buyer is therenow getting together the cattle for this sale, and we unhesitatingly promise 1 to offer in this Auction some of the choicest breeding obtainable on this continent, as well as some of the most select “Island Breeding.” We are very desirous for the Improved Cattle* Industry of this section to be founded on a solid basis—which means success—and which is only possible thru the introduction of the very best blood for foundation stock.) We will have the full tabulated pedigree of each animal to be sold on display in the tent on the Fair Grounds the day before and the day of the sale, and we cordially invite you to inspect them carefully before mak ing up your mind as to what you are willing to bid! for any animal in the Auction. Remember the Date and Hour-Come, be With Us Look for the picture of the on the sack if you would get gen uine Jersey Cream Flour. There j| is none “just as good.” THOMASVILLE LIVE STOCK COMPANY Xhomasville, Georgia.