The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 03, 1916, Image 6

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THE GBAOY THE OFF2C1AL PJUNT SHOP OF GRADY COUNTY. D. Lv .WILLIAMS, Editor and Proprietor Entered us matter of the second class at the Cairo, Georgia, Post OH'n e, under Ilia Art of March tliv', 1870. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. $1.00'a Year; 50 cent3 l’or 0 Months; 25 cents for Three Months CRAPY COUNTY CA11U), UHiURUlA. loo.'tl School 1 mpi’oVtMHonf, Club. This ttyganlikilmn propoaaa to uti- I delink.■ in sell enough stock in n fair association to put it on n proper I financial hates, if in return tliey are given eertain reasonable concessions |within Urn fairgrounds. Everybody knows what hustlers these ladies are, and we think there is hardly a doubt but that they Would lie able j to raise live tliousnjid dollars, or whatever amount should lie deluded upon to finance the fair. Wo are sure that a proposition of this-, kind could lie made to work out, to the mutual advantage of the entire courtly. , Lot’s all give this mutter our s upport, and if the ladies,get out after slock subscriptions let’s all take some stock in the fair, GREAT IS GRADY. , ADVERTISING RATES: Most Reasonable and Made Known Upon Application. n L I Li Just stand aside and wateii yourself go' by ; Think of yoursclf'as "lie," instead of "1. ’ | ■ Note closely,- no in other men you note, V The.bag-kneed Ir,lasers and the seedy coal. I Pick flaws; find fault; forget the man is voir, And strife to make your estimate ring true. Confront yourself and look you in the eye— i Just stand aside and watch yourself go by. Interpret all your moiivesjust as (ho i Yoit looked on one whose aims you did not know. ■ I,o,t undisguised contempt surge thru you ~ when a You see you shirk, 0 commonest of men! | Despise your cowardice; condemn what e’er Y You note of falseness in you anywhere, fl Defend not one defect that shames your eye— R Just stand aside, and watch yourself go by. til And then, with eyes unveiled to What you f : , • loathe— X To sms .that.with sweet- elmvity you’d 'clothe— A Pack to your self-walled tenement you’ll-go With tolerance for nil who dwell, below.' ■ The faults of others then will dwarf and A shrink, 3j Love’s chain grow stronger by one mighty . 5 link— A . When you, with “he” as substitute for “I,.” ^ Have stood’aside and watched yourself go by. ? —Strickland W. Gilliian. * Vote for sewerage bonds. Ask your neighbor to vote with you for sewerage bonds. Keep it on your mind that Cairo needs a Board of Trade. How much stock will you buy in a Grady County Fair Association': Send that dollar right a.way (■< the Democratic Campaign Fund. It will help to reelect Air. Wilson. Grady county farmers should not let the boll weevil beat the. game next year. Neither should they imagine that they should entirely cease to grow cotton; Now is a good time for Caii;o t.i plan for some small factories te add to the growth of our town. Capital can be had now. and there is demand for everything that; can be produced. Who will set. ill- pace? Cairo has a few successful enter prises'outside of her merer, n til; houses and these need to lie great ly increased in number. No bet lei time than now for their beginning This is the season of the big Fairs, it will do you good to at tend one or more of those. They give yoa n larger outlook on things in general, and a better apprecia tion of the great country in which you live. There may be a finer climate than South Georgia these days when' tire early morning crispness and the balmy' genial days makes o.ic drunk with the joy of living, but wo doublr it. If you want to ivr in the finest climate on earth come to. Grady county! Now and then we rise to remark that Grally .county should have an issue of bonds fer tile building o! grod concrete bridges on our pub lic roads. As yet wo have not li id nft-'vcoml to our motion; Never theless it. is true and we want to keep it on your minds. We have heard that there are some law.-; on our books against speeding on our streets and public roads, but we suppose our. infor mant must-have sitrely been mis taken. Better schools should be the aim of every community in the county. Consolidation of schools is one means of securing better schools. The aim of the county should i e a three teacher uchotii in -ic eh (f ry child! Grady County Have To Much Reckless. Driving. We are sure that there is no intention on the-part of a great many of those that drive cars at a greater ipeed than is the lawful limit to da reckless driving. They no doubt feel so sure of the control i under which they lmve their machine that they believe there is no element of recklessness connected with f tlie fust driving. But it is the' unexpected that happens. The time is sure to come right here hr Cairo, that if flic present habit of fast, driving is kept up, thut fome combination of con ditions will aris • in which a'car being too lastly jdj'iven is going to cause a serious accident. \\’e have laws against this practice and the only safe way so far as public life and property is concerned is to set' that everybody observes these laws. This is not, asking too much of any one and it is far better to insist now that this be done than to wail until some trudegy has shocked tl^' community into a state where this demand will be made with insistence. DRIVE WITH REASONABLENESS AT ALL TIMES, AND DRIVE SLOW ON CROWED STREETS. .It seems assured now that Fort Worth will become a “million a year” hug market this year. If the receipts for October* November and December are up to the September record the total for the year will be JS0.000 head, and as it is expected that November and December will lie well above that record it seems eertain that the million mark will be reached. But whether the million mark is reached or not the record of growth for the year so far is most gratifying. Every branch of the livestock industry shows a substantial increase; and this may be expec ted to continue from year to year. The average citizen of Fort Worth has no idea of the extent to which the livestock industry may be reason ably expected to grow in Fori Worth. The territory from which this .tuck is received has just begun to develop, and as former .Senator Bailey lias pointed out strikingly, the breaking up of the big ranchos into stock farms wili increase rather than decrease the amount of livestock raised. Hogs are being shipped into Fort Worth by the e-iudoad from, counties t&q&^lii}. not have a.hog .wjtljin ( theiwbor.ders,i'o.ur ycursjigo,, and witii* the yxcTOisjug, acre,age of „ka(gr cprn, mjjo incize, fetcrita and similar grains,nil of which have been found to betas "good as or. bailee,than Indian corn' for hogs, this industry will' grow fo gri&tbf proportions'. All ( lie other branches of the livdstb -lc Industry may be expected to develop With the country. All o; this serves to illustrate anew the intimate ielation of the prosperity of West Texas with the prosperity of Fort Worth. . West Texas has just begun to grow, and byjthe’samc token-Fort 'Worth has just begun to grow. Therefore, every real Fort'Worth booster will be also a booster for West Texas Paper. ' The above clipping ,form the,Fort Worth Star-Telegram was han ded to us by Mr. W. R. Hawthorn. It is a very newsy item and at the same time it ought to lip easy for South Georgians to get some helpful suggestions from it.. The packing plant and stock yards were opened up at Fort Worth when tiio conditions for their support in the Way of patronage were much-less favorable than is the outlook for the plants now built and being,built in Georgia. We do not know just how soon Georgia will be able to report a'million a year packing house, but at the rate that hog production is.increasing we have an idea that it will not lie long. ... One of the most important points in the above clipping is the cm- '-•i -sis that, they place on-the relation existing between the producing ; ions and the marketing centers. This point should never lie lost cght of iii the development oT any section. What is to the benefit of : portion of our pe iple, if it is in a' legitimate way is bound to be to the advantage of all. The clipping above calls attention to some feed crops that likely should receive more attention at the hands of oar South G jjr-Ua farmers. Those'who have tried Kaffir corn and Milo, Maize report that they get larger yields than from corn, and they are certainly well adapted for feeding almost.any kind of stock. West Texas and Fort Worth are great places no doubt, but tliev ere great because they have taken advantage of .every miam a \>und Select a bank to deposit your funds with that is SAFE-SOUND—ACCOMMODATING We invite you to do' your banking business with us. Our bank is managed by men of experience and your funds are always safe.. We have the lar$est Capital find our officers and clerks accommodating and courteous. We pay interest on Time Deposits and .Savings Accounts. Citizens Bank CAIRO, - - - - GEORGIA W. b. Wight. President 11. G. Cannon, V-Pres. VVIl Searcy, V-President and Cashier CO. Cairo, Georgia \ ‘ \ > . r The Oldest Banking Institutoin in Grady County. ESTABLISHED SSSO. INCORPORATED 1003 ie—-SUCCESSFUL YEARS—16 Not a dollar of this Bank's Money is loaned to an officer or director of this Bank - No Account too large—None too small We Pay Interest on Time Deposits as Follows: o Per Cent fur 12 Months ' J, 1-2 Per Cent for G Months ' ' • 4 Per Cent fer 3 Months Your Business Appreciated . the; for m dang their section great. Let Cairo, : Georgia profit by her example.' Grad At the risk of becoming tiresome wc want to insist that Grady ’county should have a regularly organized county fair. Asa. stimulant, to the development of a section there i? nothing better than a fair. This f jet has been demonstrated too many times to leave any room for question. We believe that this county are ripe at this tini"> for the organization af an association that will insure to Grady county the Ur- i;„- „f n, good fair every year. A< to the method that shall ho "ad opted to bring about the desired end we suppose, th ere are •> no n 0 f good ways that might be used, but what seems In us the logjenl tiling jo do is to take advantage of the proposition that in; been m \-le-by'. rjmu&AKimpdv* Rising Sun Flour SELF-RISING AND READY PREPARED. Made of choicest Soft Winter Wheat ® S Flour and prepared by' * Red and prepared Mill Methods Say RISING SUN to any good grocer. You’ll be •pleased. ■ 1