Newspaper Page Text
• K
Intoveot in election returns con
tinues keen in nil purls of the
country. Up to the time that we
go to press it is still impossible to
say just what the fin il vote will be,
but with 250 votes seemingly sure
and Wilson leading in four doubt
ful states it seems almost certainty
that he will be elected.
The Republicans*havc not yet
conceded the defeat of Mr. Hughes
and'are claiming that he will have
a vote of 280 in the electoral col
lege. The Democrats, claim that
Wilson will be elected' with 233
electoral votes.
As we go to press the nows
comes that there will likely l.e a
contest in several of the doubtful
states, so it will likely be a day or
two before the results can be de
clared with absolute certainly.
One of the remarkable features
of the election 'is that the largo
states of the East have all gone for
Hughes and yet the probabilities
of Wilson’s election arc strong.
Present indications arc that both
houses of Congress, will remain
Democratic, though with greatly
reduced majorities.
We give herewith the present
•standing by states of the two can
Quite a succss was the Halloween
shower given in honor of Miss
Roma Pdulk last Thursday after
noon by Mesdamcs J. L. Poulk, C.
R. Beale, W. H. Robinson, W. S.
Wight, W. B. and A. C. Ro.lden-
bery in the home of Mrs. A. C.
The parlors and dining room
were decorated with the black hi d
and yellow crepo papor with the
Halloween figures of all kinds.
This made a very weird scene I o
each guest sis they entered. Upon
arrival each person was served
orangeade from the witches pot
by Misses Ina Ledford, Lois Walsh
and Jewel D&kel nil in Halloween
cost times.
After all the guests and the hon-
orce had arrived, the old witch
came in with a heavy load on her
back and after deciding who her
pack should go to she unloaded at
the feet of the bride-elect who was
sitting beneath a largo chrysant
hemum covered heart pierced by
Cupids’ dart.
The guests aa well as M-iss
Poulk were then entertained for
quite a while by looking at the
many gifts which the “spooky old
witch” lmd brought to her. After
every package was opened a salad
course was served.
The bride-elect wore a hand
some dress of burgundy velvet.
Her hat was of the. same shade
witli a gold facinj.
Electoral College
STATES. Wilson.
Connecticut .
Delaware __ .
Idaho __
Illinois .
. ,
Iowa. ...
Maryland ....
, ,
Michigan ....
, ,
Nebraska ....
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico..
New York....
North Carolina
North Dakoto
Rhode Island ..
South Carolina
. 4
Vermont .. rrr
Virginia ....
West Virginia
Georgia Products Dinner
Doubt*.. , Saturday Nov. 18th, has, been
#'• f“l- sSt iv^aW^f5y ^production of the
governor as Georgia Products day
and an especial effort is being
made to arouse enthusisani on tho
parts of hotels, restaurants, and
homes in the serving of dinners of
Georgia products.
Grady is one of the leading
counties for diverUifie 1 farming
and we ought to encourage all such
plans that will give her advantage
In keeping with the above a
Georgia Products Dinner well be
served Under the direction of the
Libary committee of- the Ladies
Improvement. Club., Any dona
tion of home raised products
which will be useful on such an
occasion will be much appreciated
;>nd suitable advertisement will
bo given the donor. Any cne
who will help in this matter \yi]l
please notifiy Mrs, Walter Wight,
Mrs. F. T. Brown or W. L. B.iyan.
Menu and further information
will bo published next week.
Let us all join in and make tins
dinner a groat success.
243 34
, Stop coughing! you rack the
lungs and worry (lie* body. BALJ ant
checks irritation, heals the iurgs 11
and restores comlortiible'breathing.
Price 25 e, 50c and SI.00 per bottle.
Sold by Wight & Browne.
Cotton Ginned in ‘
Grady Comity
According to the ginnevs report
pf tho Bureau of the. Census t! c
amount of cotton ginned in Grac’y
county prior to October J8th, this
year is 5370 bales as against 1393
bales to the same date last year.
Thq total for the state is 1217864
bales for/ this year against
1178045 last year.
In this connection the 'amount
•ecievcd by our local warehouse up
of the close of November 1st, this
year is 4127 as against 4085 last
year to the same date.
Wight and Miller Sales Agency
js soon tq open up here with a full
ine of Chevrolet Four, Saxon Six
Chandler Six 'Seven Passenger-
A letter from Mr. P. H. Ward
mailed before tho judging of hog
in the open classes was oomploted,
brings the information that Grady
county' has won seven prizes while
Bibb county her nearest competi
tor hna won 5.
Thoro nro 105 Pig Club pigs en
tered in tho contest at Macon anil
of course the competition will be
strong but Mr. Ward, seems confi
dent that Grady county will main
tain her lead when the Pig Club
judging begius.
There seem hardly a doubt but
that Grady co ir.ty will win Cham
pionship honors over all the coun
ties of the state in Pig Club work
this year.
Arrangements Pressing
For Banpet
At a regular meeting of Dixie
Lodge 150 Knights of Pythias
last Monday' night they heard the
report of the committee that had
been appointed to consider the
matter of a Banquet, and after
discussion on the report it was
adopted and the following com
mittees .Were appointed to proceed
with the Work of preparing for and
holding the banquet;—
Executive Committee—D., C.
Alligood, Chancellor Comman der,
C. E. Mauldin. D..L. ’ty'illiara
Ausley. C. P. Poulk, Wh Searcy,
Tickot Committee—-L. C, Powell
Finance 1 Committee—L. M. Aus-
ley, C. E. Mauldin and A. C.
Program Committee—W. D.
Clifford, W. B. Roddcnbery and
’. S. Weathers.
Arrangement Committee—R, R.
Vanlandingham, W. Y. Bryan and
W. D. Clifford. G. T. Hardy, E.
C. Powell, U. A. Clifford, L. G.
Merritt, S. !{. Ricks and J. F.
Decoration .Committee—C. P.
Poulk, D. L. Williams, K. M.
Bennett, C. L. Browne and Mes-
dames, W B. Roddenbery, L. M.
Ansley, J. S. Weathers and W. D.
Menu Committee—C. E. Maul*
din, D. F. Oliver, II. J. Hart, L,
B. Powell, D. L. Williams, and
Wh Soarcy and Mesdamcs C. E.
Mauldin, D, F. Oliver. II. J. Hart,
L. B. Powell, D. L. Williams, W.
L. Wight, W. T. Crawford, B. M.
Johnson and R. C. Bell.
- ' ■
Arrangements have been made
with Dr. Walker for holding the
banquet in the second story of the.
Walker Garage building.
It is expected that there will be
it least three hundred members
and guests present on the oceasicn
of this banquet by the K. Ps. and
those who know of the elaborate
manlier §} which these folks plcy
the host to their friends need no
further word to assure them that
this will be one of the most enjoy
able occasions of the season for
those who are fortunate'enough to
be included among the invited
guests. .
Put a porous plaster on the cf ctf
and take a good cough syrup in
ternally' if you would treat a seVere
case of sour lungs properly. ‘Get
the dollar size BALLARD’S
This new firm is composed of ^OREHOUND SYRUP. With
V Tims. Win’hf. „n,i i\,r.. a t , each bottle there is a free HER-
Mr.Thos. Wight and Mr. A . L , each bottle there is a free HER-
Millcr. Lookout next week for p f IC f S RED PEPPER POROUS
sime interesting announcement ir f ° r th
from them. w, * bt & Browne,
Honor roll m
Tenth Grade—William Wight
Ninth Grade—Grace Vnnland-
ingham and Ina Ledford. ’
Eight Grade—Alva Willie, Burt
on Wight, Olaudia Barrimau,
George Forester and Bruce Pfi’schal.
• Seventh Grade—Versa Barrineau
Loulie Forester and Ruth Oliver,
Sixth Grade—Annie Peacock,
Howard Baggctto, Willie Mobley,
Osn Rich, Hugh Lane Lawson,
Mao Muggridgo, Thomas Wood,
Goldie Morgan and Willis Warnell.
Fifth Grade—Glower Mott and
LucrotiaJones. 1
fourth Grade—Mont ine Bennett,
,'reta Barrineau, Earl Ray, Mac
Aulkcr, Francis Forester, Marga
ret Wight, Martha Poulk, Vida
Leigh Jordan, Evelyn Jones, Mad-
g-; Butts, William Searcy, Ethel
McCrary, Erie ' McCrory, Elmei
Wind, A. C. Kelley,, and Alma
Third Grade—Buryi Higdon,
Louisa Wight, and Albert Kelley
Second Grade-Ethel Ray, May
Hart, John Peacock, Gertrude
Gilmore, Melvin Hancock, Mar
jorie .Curable, Franklin Warnell
and Estelle Blackman.
First Grade—Nannie Mae Craw
ford, Francis Wight, Eva Lewis,
John Henry Clay, Carson Jordan,
and Winfield Lawson.
Only two mo;o weeks until ex
aminations but the many hard
ships and sorrows caused by these
.examinat ions are soon forgot ton
E \vli^iVd‘^lM>k - of Thatiksgi vin g
with its pleasant memories' ahd
g )od succeeding week.
Louie Powell has been elected
captain of the Lanier basket ball
team and- Clyde Laing of the
Philomathean. The teams for the
societies have boon chosen and the
first game will occur in the near
The Tenth grade has finished
Dickens “The Tale qf Two Cities”
and will begin this week the study
of^Shakespeare’s “Macbeth.”
Burton Wight was tho winner
in a spelling match in the eight
grade Friday morning,
The Carre!! Events class in the
seventh and eighth grades had an
interesting lesson on the electoral
Miss Kelley has offered a prize
in the fifth grade to the pupils
who have perfect attendance dur
ing the school year.
We have been singing some new
songs in chapel. Last we :k we
learned “The School of Jolly Boys
and this week we are practicing
‘The First Violets.”
Many of the pupils enjoyed
“The Battle Cry of Peace” at the
Alcazar Theatre Tuesday night.
Last Friday afternoon at three
o’clock the faculty entertained the
School Improvement Club in the
school auditorium. Punch was
•served in one corner of tho room
in an alcove decorated with fes
toons of yellow and black, the
Halloween colors. The stage was
tastefully decorated with ferns and
palms. The first part of tho meet
ing was given over to the reports
from the chairman of the different
committees. Then followed ti e
program of the afternoon which
consisted of;—Reports from the
Macon Convention—Mrs. W. T.
Hettie ■ Green—Miss Adrian Turjj
nell. li ■ , •
Thanksgiving Son g—H i g h
School Girls.
On December loth, we are
planning to iseup our jipniml
Christmas Edition. Wo expect to
make ol this something more than
an ordinary edition.
Mr. John Bates of Baltimore,
Mil., uii expert in his lino hag been
employed by us to arrango the ad
copy and much of the story matt
er forth; edition. We will mail
out at least 2000 copies of this
edition and will reach practically
every homo in Grady county I c-
ddos a largo- number in nearby
counties, and quite a considerable
list that will be widely distributed.
This issue will proven valuable ad
vertising medium for the merchants
and business men ot this section,
as besides the regular line of story
niatter and display advertising
we propose to have a great number
of photograhhs of. business houses,
people and everything else of inter
est in Cairo and Gnuly county.
Mr. Bates will no doubt call on
you within'the next clay or two if
he has not already done so.
Please remember that we cannot
run a newspaper without your co
operation. It is our purpose to
furnish to Grady county the best
paper-at all times that it is within
our power to do, and the publica
tion oi. this special Christmas ed
ition is right in line with our ef
forts to be awake to the ■'interest
of the county. If our represenfa-
tive docs-not call on you in the
next day or two we will appreciate
1(>f Canl{ inspector For State
Treasury Department Sudden- '
ly Taken III While Watch
ing Moving Picture.
Seized by a stroko of apoplexy
, 10 blowing the pictures at .a
lowntown movie, Benjamin F.
‘ orry, or., ago 57 chief bank in
spector connected with the statu
rcasurer’s office, fell unconscious
in his seat, and was rushed to
Unidy by his son, C. A. Perry
who sat beside him. He died a
few minutes later at the hospital.
M 1 Pen 'y was a weekly news
paper man of long experience, be
ing the founder of The Cherokee
Advance'. Ho had served as ed
itor of papers at Canton, Jones
boro and Eastman, and was cor
respondent for Tho Constitution
lor a long number of years.
-Mr. Terry was assistant state
treasurer under Captain Park and
1 opo Brown and had served tho
state for seven ypars.
Mr. Perry was honored at vari
ous times in municipal and county
elections, having served as mayor,
of Canton for several tehns and as
county school commissioner. He
was one of the originators, of tho
Georgia Weekly Prezs association,.
alid at one time was president.
He belonged to several secret
orders. ,
' '"v/i
it if you will notify us-it'you wish ] J. he . bl %. was removed from represenlod' iu tipa.. speeial lo Harry G. Poolo.s
edition. , .. J chapel, where it will be held pend.
Yours fora Greater Grady al- il1g funeral arrangements.
< -J|
So much pleased were the Savan
nah people with Dr. Rpbert II.
Harris, (luring his-, repent sojourn
among them, ns supply for the
Southside pulpit, tiiiaj they have
given him an urgent Invitation to
return and deliver a lecture, in
their city. Accordingly, he is to
deliver his lecture on "The Bright
Side,” there,piext Tuesday night.
During that visit lie is also to
perform the marriage service, for
a leading merchant of Thomasvillc
and one of the loveliest young la
dies of “The Forest' City.”
The'advertisement of Bank of
Whlghnm Budding which; offered
in our issue of last weak us being
for sale on tlfe 28th, of November
should road 18th, of November.
Let all concerned take notice.
A baigain is. not merely low
price. Only when you get low
price and high quality dt> you
have a bargain. Call at bur
office and see for yourself the club
of four magazines that we offer for
only 25 cents more than the cost'
of our paper alone.
Skotch of the Life o,f Jessie L.
Goyncr—Miss Louise Tutcn.
At the conclusion of tly> prog
ram a delicious course of ico-ei>?am.
and cake was sorved.
On account of this entertain
ment school was dismissed at noon
Friday. Many of the pupils took
advantage of this and visited the
Teomas County Fair and Barbe-
Yocal Duet—Misses Barrett and «ue,
The survivors are; Tho widow
Mrs.Bonjamin F. Perry, of 32 East
North avenue; four sons, C. A.,
II. F. Jr. of Newport Va.; John
md I homas, and five daughters
Misses Julia and Rena Perry, of
Atlanta and Mrs. Albert Jones, of
Canton, Ga.,; Mrs! J. W. Rawls,
of Marionville, Mo., and Mrs. P.
M; Togerson’ of New Orleans. *
Mr.. Perry was well known in
Cairo where his son Mr. B. F
Perry Ji\was a resident for several
years as. editor ' of the Progress.
Mr. P e r r y. himself has
made a number of visits to this'
town and had .many friends here
who will regret to learn of his
My Go, Ships More Hogs
Mr. C. R. Beale bought this
week for shipment to White Prov-
ison Company in Atlanta another
Car of hogs, paying 1 for some of
these as high ng- eight and one
qtiartei; centjS,^| Mr. Beale .informs
us that lie will also buy and ship
a ear from Whigham this week
and posfibly also one from Meigs.
I he placing of a loaal buyer on
t.ic ground by this enterprising
Atlanta firm is proving aS popular
move with our hog growers and so
long as they maintain a satisfac
tory price no doubt bnt that most
of them will sell rather than to
ship to market before selling.
The difference in price tljAt is
being paid this season between
well finished hogs and those of in
ferior quality should stimulate all
our farmers to" get their hogs in
good condition before offering them
for market.
NOTICE to G. P. & N. P. -
Acts of Legislature 1916 me in
mp office. Please call and - u
copy.—Most respectfully,. .; '
P. II. Herring,