The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, November 24, 1916, Image 4

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Cole's Hot Blast Range Cabinet Base Model M (£/ Cob's Dcwn Draft Range 22 Pieco Set of Pure Aluminum Ware Furniture and house: eurnishincs or quality 'v T ' . , . 1 ■ GRADY COUNTY PROGRESS, CAIKP, titow«i lieiiis SciioolNews Miss Nina McLiturltlii'i of Trinity Action wii- in town Tut.'stlity imun- iuK. Mr. Mark Webb of Moultrii’ spent Sunday with liomefolk.; litre. MisSfo Mary and Eblitt I’revalc of CrfBs Itoadte section tves in town Monday afternoon. Mr. 13. D. Perkins made a Inisi* ness trip to Cairo Tuesday inoru- ihtt.‘ AIr> Williams of I lie WuirUn town Monday. , Mesdirtiica L. and AcUmpnd Mrs. Elmer Liirit> Sink worn in town Tucsdaj and attended tlje'Itevival Services Mi'i'D. 0. Pearce Jr. is with the Pearee Drurf store at present. •V.-; Misses Broatjdns and Dicker- son made a business trip to Cain Saturday. isorinar .’cobles of Mrs. Tom .\rline and diiugblci Miss Minniedine of near Ciimnj visiled in Whigbam Tuesday anti attended (lie Revival Services. Mr. P. P. Perkins of 'Atlapulgus was here Tuesday. Mr. Neel Hollingsworth of Trinit ysection was in Town Tues day: Mrs. Mnndly Conniolland -child ren visited their grand mother Mrs. Tom Duggur near Trinity Tues day. Mr. Joe Lane has opened a first class grocery slor.e in the old Pearee Drug store building. Mr Chambers Allied ins regular appointment at Calvary Sunday last. The Lanier Literary Society’s basket-bull team went down in de feat for the first time on Inst Fri day afternoon when ‘ they were de feated by the Philomuthean team. The final score was thirty-seven to twenty-one, Mr. J. 13. Rodden- bery acted as referee. The next game between the societies will be played on Friday afternoon, Nov ember 24th, at 3-30 o,clock. As each team Ims won one game this game will probably lie the most exciting one of the series. The high school basket-ball leant will piny the Climax school team in Cairo, December, 8th,. E.anybody is invited to come. The Georgia, Products Dinner, given by the Library Committee if I lie School Improvement Club .vas a great success. Slightly over sixty dollars, was taken in. The proceeds go towards buying a num ber of new books for the school library. Something like two hun dred books are to bo bought. This addition will make the library an appreciated department of the school. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan ehaporoned a crowd to. Inglesido, Friday night. Tlie crowd included several pupils from the ninth and tenth grades. Mrs. Thomas Wight entertained a number of the teachers very de lightfully at an old fashioned candy- pulling last Friday night. Among those present were- Misses Zant, Kelley, Turned, Payne and. Mr. Golphin. The first term examinations are being held the last three days of this week. entertainment is given under the auspices of the Equipit^iit Com mittee of I lie School Improvement Club. Everybody are cordially invited to attend. Tito admission is 25 and 15 cents. , I3y Louie Powell. m to"' usizraasBB RUb-MY-TISM Will euro Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c Mr. G. B. McElvey and several others sold a car of hogs to Mr..C. R. Beale which was shipped to Atlanta T uesday. The Revival Services are being well attended and enjoyed by all. We hope t)JI will feel that the meeting lias been a blessing to the towt) nnd community. Misses Kciffcr and Kelley ac companied a crowd out to Ingleside 1 ast Thurs,dny afternoon. Misses Tul eo and Barrett will give an entertainment at the audit orium next Tuesday evening Nov ember, 38th., at S o’clock. The program will consist of “A Summer Girl’s Minstrel,” "and ‘‘Forty-five Minutes with Our Country.” This WHY not jgive your lad the same training? “When I wua a growing lad, and enme upou many wordu In my reading that I did not understand, my mother; In stead or giving mo tho definition when I applied to her, uniformly sent rae to tho dictionary to learn it, and In this way I gradually learned many things bc.ddc.1 tho meaning of the Individual word In r.ueatlon -among other things, how to use a dictionary, and the great pleasure and advantage thcro might he in tho use of the dictionary. Afterward a, when I went to tho village ochool, my chief diversion, after les sons wero learned and before they wero recited, was in turning over the pages of the 'Unabridged* of thosa days. Now tho most modern Una- bridged-lheNEW INTERNATIONAL— gives me a pleasure cf the same sort So far as my knowledge extends. It Is at present tho best of the one-volume dictionaries, and qulto sufficient for all ordinary uses. Even thoso who possess tho splendid dictionaries in several volumes will yet find It a great convenience to have this, which is so compact, b.o full, nnd no trustworthy as to leave. In most coses, little to bo desired.”-Albert S. Cook,Ph.D.,LL.D.. Professor of tho English Language and Literature, Yale Unlv. April 28,1911. WRITE for Bprcimen Pages, Illustration*, Eto. Of WEBSTER’U NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, For Over 03 Year3 Publishers of The Genuine Webster’s Dictionaries, SPRINGFIELD. MASS.. U. S. A. WEEK Sfi We Inquired If You Would Pick A DOLLAR IN THE STREETS This was no idle inquiry because a dollar saved is worth just as much as a dollar found. We can save you dollars in your trading for the reason that we bought a tremendous stock at the right time before the prices advanced. We are willing to give you the ad vantage of the saving that we made in buying. We Have a Big Store Full of Goods .And you will be astonished at the saving you can really make in doing your winter shopping if you do your buying from us. ASK TO SEE Wilson C. Wilson guaranteed clothing. Our line of Buster Brown Hosiery, and many other lines of equal merit. A.. Poller ; ^ | ft I Save this Valuable Coupon Good for $11.00 Worth of Pure Aluminum Ware 22 pieces 22 pieces When presented in connection with the purchase of a Cole’s Hot Blast M or R Model Range during the date of our Big Factory Stove Sale as printed below — remember the date. : I & 0 ^ The Opportunity of a Lifetime! On the Special Date printed below we will conduct a Big Sale on Golems Hot Blast Ranges ™“ The Best Range Ever Built for Family Use We Invito the Entire Community To Visit Our Big Factory Stove Sale Lar^e crowds intend to visit this Big Sale. In order that you may receive the personal attention of the factory expert we remind our customers and. their friends that the Sale starts promptly at 9 a. m. It continues both morning and afternoon. Come early — Remember the date — Everybody cordially welcome. Cole’, Hot Blest Uanga Leg Bate Model R Cole’s Hot Blast Fuel- Saving combustion, Cole’s Smokeless and Odorless Broiler and Toaster that broils meats to a queen’s taste, Cole’s Automatic Fresh Air Oven that bakes evenly on all sides, and the many other Special and Exclusive Features, make Cole s Hot Blast Range the most durable, the most economical and the greatest time and labor saving range ever placed on the market!