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The Latest Sheet Music Demonstrated on Phonograph .at—-Wight &
— 4 ....
Live Stook Association
^Holds Interesting feting
While not fio'largely attended ns
Mi\ : J:"G. Oliver and Mr. C. R. some other meetings they have
" Bur|eV of th'e Extension Depart- lmd, the Grady county Live Stock
mont' of tlie State College of Agri- Association last Saturday hold one
culture-at 'Athens, were in Cairo of the most interesting sessions
last week and iff connection with they have had for some time.
Mr. P. II. Ward they organizcdl A splendid delegation from the
■V'- tvvb B611 Weevil Clubs. These are recently organized Live Stock As-
r ’ ekpijfitcit to "be buf the beginning sociation of Lowndes County came
of’li.iVutiibcr of such clubs to be over for the day headed
is Si
irols To
Id Play At lanpet
organized through the county
•| 7 riio purpose of these clubs is to
‘ secure tlie 1 Winking of a' systematic
lighten thV boll'-weevil. by the
, members of : tliesc clubs . each of
which pledges Aimself to. carry out
certain methods that lmvo proven
(if, ynjui^iii thc'figlit on the weevil.
^Jf coiiiie in addition'to the direct
i.V ^ght pmtfti? wiicyil the • ’clubs are
Cjxfi&cfpd to give atrention to the!
pr4’p$fjdiversittcation anil the prop
ijr’rqtatibrrof Crops, the growing ot
ifetfi'Jflvd^toiilc^and like matters
i^lfe6iis&r arid Mr. Burley 01,
'5rchitip6f%6 Extension Division
0 1y'6vkof.the.College at Athens will
sionf! the npx’t'several weeks visit-
ilig all the south ' Georgia counties
■ land gptting tins work under way.
••/£he.iWQ,.p.reliminqry clubs that
•.i werc prgpnized in this county were
■i ut.Woplayd.and at ■ Elpino. We
•.! hope able to report vn-
rious/Otiier.'clubs throughout the
.. •''H'btmfyh v -i..
M ' —’—-—
-; !; Gpmplimentaiy Letter
^vGFiomMr.' . Downing
’to Mr. Waal
-iV'c -. :'J—:—,—
Athens, Georgia.
. December. 1, 1910
Ml '-TiI?|W»rd r
1 ... -CidrA/ Georgia.
Dear Old Pat:
"> ‘. '.v. . •. j want to congratul
ate yqu. on the splendid ' showing
by Pres
ident W. W. Webb and Secretary
S, L. Dowjing,
1 here was no regularly arranged
program other than the routine of
committee reports etc., but on the
reports of tlie committees some in
teresting discussions on marketing,
cooperative buying, planting feed
crops, etc., were had. .
A very pleasing feature of tlie
meeting and one out o : th > ordin
ary was when President W. B.
A program of Christina i Ci rols
to be sung by all the churches of
the town at the Court House on
Christmas Eve is being arranged.
The following tentative program is
announced;—The various congrc- ion |j VC s promise of being
gations will gather at their re- delijjitful one
spcctjve churches at seven o’clock.
Tlie Baptist will march down
Bkou ! street singing the Carols as
they march. In like manner tlie
Methodist will march down Broad
street from their church, and at
the same time the Presbyterians
will march down Walnut and Mpn-
roc streets all meeting at the
Const line Depot where the several
congregation's will unite and still
singing the carols, will march to the
Court House where the entire list
of Carols as here given will be sung.
The K. P. Banquet that was an
nounced some time ago will Le
given next Wednesday night. Ar
rangements are practically coin]
18 1 pleted ih till details and the occas-
fC * ! “ i promise of be'iyg a most
|t one.
Glides a most interesting pro-
rum’icommittee, they have secured
the ^services of the Jonnison’s
Orchestra f om Moultrie and those
who:know of Mr. Jennison’s splen
did tvork will know that this in
ure i soi. e enjoyable music for the
Notice K.- PA
There will bo a call meeting of
Dixio Lodge No. 160 next Monday
evening for the purpose of electing
o[fleers for the cusucing year and
to do degree work,
All members of this lodgo will
also remember that the date for
sule of tickets to the banquet 1 will
close at noon of Monday the
eleventh. Ail .tickets must be
secured by that tune, This is
made ner ossary by the inconven
ience it will occasion the Menu
Committee to make thedato tater.
Each member can secure four
tickets. They' will be ^furnished
along with the invitations by L.
C. Powell at Citizens Bank.
rtoddenbeiy, after expressing in a It is (lesil . cil lhut aa many pcop | e
most earnest manner the appreem- ag pos3 ; blc will make them8e l V ek
non of tlie Association and of tbe famililr with ^ G ^ ols in ordcr
public in general for- the »plqnd.d h tt , join in th e singing
work of Mr. P. H. Ward; Farm 1 -
Demonstrator, among tlie boys of
the county presented to him on
behalf of his friends a new suit of
..•lollies ns some small token of
this appreciation. This was foll
owed by talks of appreciation by | N -
Col. M. L. Ledford and Mr. W. A. I,
Shiver Col. Ledford’s . reference
of them.
j The list of Songs and Carols to be
: be sung is as follows;—
j 1 Hark!, The Herfitk Angels Sing!
12 Joy io the World.
3 All Hail The Power of Jesus
to "Pat”.-as he found him a"t the
Macon Fair was especially enjoyed
by all.
' By. request of- the president, Mr.
C. R. Beale gave the meeting' the
result of some investigations he
had been making as to the com
parative seeding and feeding values
of tlie whole peanut and of the
peanut meal with the evidence
very much to the effect that it
would pay splendidly to harvest
peanuts and have the oil extracted
and feed toe meal lo the hogs. In
this connection quite a number of
talks were made on the necessity
for a peanut oil mill in Cairo.
Mr. Roddenbcry called the at
tention of those present to the nec-
esity of keeping up vigorously the
work of tick eradication. This he
said should not have a place second
to any work of the Association un
lit the tick is cleared from the
county which should be done next
year. He also spoke briefly on
the cattle industry and read a few
extracts giving the experience of a
grower of .shorthorn cattle who
<1 Silent Niglitl
Olil.Little Town of Bethlehem!
G It Came Upon A Midnight
7 There’s A Song In The Air!
8 Jesus Shall Reigirwlrcrcc’Te The'
9 Onward Christain Soldiers!
your, boys have made in the pig
■club work this year. I am colling
' ; the attention of both Dr. Soule
", jyj-.nnd'Mr. Campbell to your report
X. ^--a-ftf--especially anxious to have
th it gaud picture you referred
vSi- I can- have nn .enlargement
T ’* > miidfcl This coming year is going the big year in tlie pig club
work and you will do your county
:’ a great service if you can main-
,- tain your splendid leadership.
• AYour showing this year will make
a lasting impression for Grady j had -bought his first ^heifer ^ not
County,- I want to have a good
talk with you when you come up
. in January.
With, cordial good wishes, I am.
Very truly,
Jns E. Downing.
. j In charge of Pig Clubs.
Feeling sure that the above let-
y "$&r would be .of i nterest to a great
many people in the county I have , , T , , .
'asked Mr. Ward to allow me toff^ , back to Lowndes enough m-
TY T w s m-ation to insure a good associa-
. publish, it. D.L-W. j tion down t h G r e . He spoke of
| the fairs that they .have in that
: Thomasville minstreis county nud mentione:i ti,at thcre
Conference Postponed
The Transportation Problems
Conference scheduled to be held
under the auspices of the Com
mercial Association at
villc, Georgia, on Thursday. Dec
ember 7th, has boon indefinitely
This conference was to be held
'or. the benefit of business men and
c 'item in the states of Georgia,
-'lorida, Alabama,. Mfssissippi and
S 'Util Carolina, but oa account of
the fact that it was doomed e»
oedient, at this time not to hold
the same, the above action has
been taken.
many years ago and who this yenr
has sold from his herd 868,000.00
Mr. Webb of Ilarira made a
most interesting talk, expressing
in a happy vein the appreciation of
himself and the other gentlemen
from Lowndes county of the bene
fit that they had gained from at
tending the Association meeting
and said that they expected to
Hogs Shipped To
Tile United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an ex
animation for the County of Grady
Georgia; to fits held at Cairo, cn
January 13, 1917. To fill the po-
si.tifn of motor rural carrier at
Cairo, and vacancies that may
later occur on motor rural routes
from post offices in the above-men
tioned county. The salary or.
motor routes ranges from 81.500 tc
S1.S0J per annuin. The examina-
tiorfswdl be-open-only to male cit
izens who are actually domiciled in
the territory supplied wilh mail by
a post office in the county and who
meet the other requirements set
forth in Forms 2121 and 1977.
Form 2121 may be seen posted at
any post office in the county for
which the examination is held,
and Form 1977 and application
blanks may be obtained from the
offices at which the vacancy exists
and where the examination is to be
held, or from the United States-
Civil Service Commission at Wash
ington, D. C. The appointee to
this position will be required to
furnish, maintain, and operate a
modern motor vehicle with a car
rying capacity of not less than 800
pounds and a cubic capacity of not
less than 80 feet. Applicants must
! file with their applications a state
ment of the equipment they will be
able to provide in the event of’ap-
pointment. Applications should
1)0 forwarded to the Commission at
Washington; D. C., at the earliest
practicable datp.
About the most talked of thing
in Grud'y county for the next little
while is going to be a peanut oil
mill. Our farmers arc beginning
to plant their crops for next season
and they arc trying to decide the
bcSt'erops to grow t o take the place
of the cotton that they are going
to curtail. They want to grow
somothing that they can feel the
assurance they can find a ready
market for. Peanuts is one of the
irops that offers promise of being
quite a profitable crop to grow in
the cotton section wherever there
b an oil mill convenient so that
they can be readily harvested and
where a supply of the meal caff
Tho South Georgia Conference
which convened in Thomasville
last Wednesday closed a most suc
cessful session lost Monday night.
The following appointments were
announced for the Thomasville
Presiding Elder: F. F. Morgan.
Albany, Loy Warwick; Attapul-
gus, J. W. Connors; Bainbridgc, T.
M. Christian; Boston, J. W. Lilly;
Brinson, F. L. Stokes; Baconton
and Newton, T. R. McMichael;
Bridgbboro, W. M. Mitchum;
Cairo, J. T. Ryder; Cairo Circuit a
II. P. Stubs; Catailla, N. T. Paff-
ord; Colquitt, E. A. Ware; Climax,
C. W. Jordan; Collidge, W. L.
Huggins; Donaldsonville, T. E.
Pharr; Damascus, L. C. Gray;
Dixie, I. K. Chambers; Eldoreiido,
J. L. Funderburk; Jakin, A. B.
Wall; Metcalfe, C. E. Dell; Meigs,
and Ochlocknee. J, J. Sanders; Pel
ham, G. W. Hutchinson; Pelham
Circuit, J. D. Perry; Pavo, Paul
Muse; Sale City, R. W. Cannon;
Thomasville, O. F. Cook; Whighnrri
ind Calvary, T. C. Gardffer; Fore
ign Secretary, General Board of
Missions, Ed F. Cook, Thomnsvilio
Missionary to Korea, E. W. Ander
son; Student in Emory Universi
ty, L. Llowcllyn, Thomasville.
The fallowing appointments will
be of general interest to our' read
ers:—W. L. Wright, Vienna, Ga.,
J. T. Budd, Hagan Circuit; J. M.
casil^kc had ag. attack feed, Our .QjiHer. Trinity, Savannah; W. M.
farmers are already asking -whether Blitch,'Cofft'cnary, Macim; W.^l£
Coming Soon
was probably not another county
that has held two successful fairs
as they have at Valdosta and
j Hahira. He mentioned that tlie
iviil present wj Hahim fair had made a profit of
iuPSSlin Cairo Tuesday. ^ven hundred per cent last year
_ : „L n;,'.omlinr 1 oih at tbe School! and of five hundred per cent this
He said that lie felt like throw,
ing down a chnlenge to the Grady
County Live Stock Association,
and that was if they would visit
Mr. Raymond Rusliin bought
from the growers liore this week a
car of hogs for shipment to Armour
Packing Company at Jacksonville
This is the second car ' bought by
Mr. Rushin for that market. The
nrice paid for this car was from
6 3-4 to 7 1-2 cents per pound ac
cording to quality.
night December 19th at the School
•J Auditorium.
> ' • Tlie procccds will lie shared witli
V....,, the Finance Committee of the local
School Improvement Club.
.. ..v -.Tt.goes, without, saying that this
entertainment will be rare and
hicy and'well worth the while of [they would be shown the best hog
j" all to see,
the fair at Hahira next year that
e best hog
show with all the hogs grown with
in a radius of a fow miles of the
tail- that can be seen anywhere in
the country except in Grady coun
Announcement was made that
Mr. John H. Mock, Secretary of
the Board of Trade of Albany, Gs.
would be present at the January
meeting of tlie Association and
make an address. Mr. Mock is
widely known ns a most instruc
tive and entertaining speaker and
no doubt thcre will be a large au
dience to hear him at that time. •
A most efficient county farm
demonstrator is Mr. P. IR Ward
of Grady County. Mr. Ward’s
pig clubs have tnken more prizes
than those rrom any other section
of Georgia. These clubs carried
away nearly all the prizes at the
state Fair, Valdosta Fair and other
places -where exhibits were con
tested and prizes awarded. To say
that Mr. Ward has "made good”
in his section is expressing facts
mildly and surely Grady county is
glad to have his assistance and the
state will be enriched by the multi
plication of such work ns he has
accomplished.—Tliomasville Press.
Wo are glad to print this clipp
ing from our Thomas County
neighbor as showing how our effi
cient agent is regarded by others.
or not Cairo is going to build
mill so that they can be certain of
a market for the peanuts they grow
nexf season. If the mnttcr is taken
up soon and steps taken that will
assure the' building of the mill
time for the using of next seasons
crop we are confident that there
will bo a sufficient umount of pea
nuts grown to supply it.
Of course in connection with pea
nuts might be handled cotton seed,
velvet beans, corn and various
other products, the details of which
could all bo worked out later.
If Cairo wishes to hold her place
as one of the leading markets for
the farmers they will have to take
this matter up and provide this
mill. Of course if we are willing
that our neighboring towns take
from us whatever of prestige we
have as a market we can just sit
still and. let this matter go by de
fault. Our farmers possibly may
be able to grow these products and
take them to tlie neighboring
towns to market.. But Cairo must
build this mill or we arc bound 'to
lose our stride.
We arc not especially interested
as to whether this mill is built by
one or two individuals or whether
it is built as a community enter
prise by tho sale of stock to every
citizen. We do want to see it
built and we believe that the Cairo
spirit is going to show itself and
that in a very short time that we
will be able -to announce the fact
that Cairo is to have this enter
Towson, Eastman; E! e. Roso,
MeRas; J. W. Arnold, Buena Vis-
tiu,S. W. Brown, Brooklot; L. W.
Colson, P. E. McRno District;
I. P. Tyson, P. E. Wnycros.^
' To Be Host
To South Georgia
Cairo Camp W. 0. W. No. 580
will unveil the monument of Sov.
Charlie Green next Sunday morn'
ing at ten o’clock. The Elpino
Camp is requested by tho local
camp to assist in the unveiling.
The exercises will be held at the
Elpino Cemetery.
By request of Mayor Pierpont 1
wo extend to all ourH readers
an invitation to . be the guest of
Savannah at a big Oyster Roast,
Boat Racing, and other entertain
ments on the occasion of the Iny-
ing of the cornor stone of their
Municipal Auditorium Thursday
December 14th.
The railroads will publish very
low rates for this occasion from all
Trustees Election
At the meeting of the Board of ■
Education of Grady County, held H
on December 5th, an : election to .
fill the vacancies existing in tlie
various Boards of Trustees of
Grady connty schools ivas.ordered
for Friday December 22nd, from
nine to twelve o’clock a. m. Jt is
hoped that all school districts will
filljall vacancies in their boards.
Let the returns, of said election be
sent to me immediately after the
election in order that commissions
may be issued at the next meeting
of the board.
J. S. Weathers.
Sngt. of Schools.
School Improvement
Club Meeting
School Improvement club will
hold its December meeting Fri
day afternoon at Mrs. A. C. Rod-
One Bottle White Pine and Spruce Balsam, Guaranteed to Stop a Cough—Grady Pharmacy
# V