The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, December 08, 1916, Image 6

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V ** 0 Home qiired meat is the best on earth when well cured. Let us help you cure your meat properly. Our Storage rooms are equipped for caring for meats in such manner that you oan be assured of GOOD MEATS. Our charges are only one cent per pound per month. Four to six Greeks will absolutely place your meat out of all dahger. •SAFETY FIRST* Cairo Ice & Bottling Works CITY LAUNDRY First class work of all kinds done promptly, ^Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me atrial. Pardel Post Packages Given Prompt Attention. I will kive China Lily Flowers to sell nexr October lor 25c each. to i ernor JOE LEE, Prop. Sapp BuildipgCornor, Broad and Mill Sin. CAIRO, GA. m To My Customers Dr. J. E. Wright who is now occupying mv office is authorized to collect and receipt for all accounts due me. Eugene Clower, M. D. Rising Sun Flour SELF-RISING AND READY PREPARED. Some very prominent railroud men of the Southeast are expected to be present at the Transporta tion Problems conference which being promoted by the Com mercial Association of Thoinns- vilie, Gn., at which point the ses sions will bo held on Thursday, December 7th. The States of Georgia, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina and Miss issippi will be represented and in- itjitions have been extended to he business men of all these states to bo present at this gatlier- which has for its principal ob- cct the discussion of the Adamson iight-Hour law and its effect on business and conditions generally. The governors of each of these states mentioned have been invited attend this conference and Gov- Nat E. Harris of Georgia is uhted on to lie presiding officer at the mefeting. •The rniljroad commissions of each of the states listed have also been asked to be present and consider ing the importance of the confcr- encj it is quito likely that a grert m my. of these commissioners will aUejid. Labor leaders have also been asked to be present and present their views in the conference. 1 Messrs Samuel Gompers, W. S. Stone, A. B. Garrison and W. B. Lee, >yere those extended a special invitation to come and quite likely the general arrangements com mitted. will have full information as to the program and its make-up in a few days to give to the gener al public. This is to be a regional confer ence; which President Wilson has approved, for the purpose of a gen eral discussion of transportation J problems in general and Adamson j Eight^Hour law in particular. The speakers will attempt to enlighten the biis|ness men of the Southeast upon these issues. Calvary, forenoon Nov. 27th. Reno, afternoon Nov. 27th. Duncanville, forenoon Nov 28th. Pine Park, afternoon Nov. 28th. Spence, Nov. 20th. Lime Sink, forenoon Dec. 1st. Sam Oliver’s store, afternoon December, 1st. Blowing ave, forenoo n Dec. 4th, Spring Hill, ufternoon Dee. 4th. Whigham Dec. 0th. Owing to the fact that the board of arbitrators recommended a 15 per cent raise on tax estimates, Mr. annon was ueccssorily six weeks later in making up his di gest for this year, Therefore I’ll not be able to make but one round this year. Respectfully, R. W. Ponder. Why tot give yoi ray and girl t opportunity to make their home study eaajj^ and effectivef them tho same chances to win pro motion and success as the lad having the advantage of vs* WEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his home. This new creation answers with final author ity ail kinds of puzzling questions in history, geography, biography, spelling, pronunciation, sports, arts, and sciences. 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 3700 Pages. OvcrtOOOUIustratlons. Colored Plates. lh» only dictionary with tha Wtldid Fail. The type matter la equivalent to that of a 16-volume onoyolopodl*. More Scholarly. Accurate. Convenient, and Authoritative than any other Eng- — Ilsh Dictionary. ••JLSHBEBBSESZIZ RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That’i •he -suredt way to stop them. I The (best rubbing liniment is ^ i ruuuing i.mment is^ Imustang LINIMENT j j •Made Of choicest Soft Winter Wheat $ % Flour and prepared by ” Red Mill Methods i X Say, RISING SUN to any good 2 grocer. You'll be pleased. Jj To Cairo and Grady County HOUSEWIVES • Buy the Best and Save Money, Phone or Tell Your Grocer to Send You WMf PRIDE of DENVER FLOUR Best on the Market iiig best in quality it is cheaper because it takes less lard than any other you can buy TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own A chea, Paint, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. . At all Dealers. _ WHITE for in p- illustrationa, eto. FREE, a set of Pocket Maps if you sams this paper. Q. & C. MERRIAM CO., SPRINGFIELD, MASS. mum Stato of Ohio. City of Toledo. I Lucim County? - f * 3- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is eenlor partner of the lirm ot F. J. Cheney & Co., doing: business In tho City of To ledo, County and Stale aforesaid, and tlmt said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured „ . . frank j. ohL..„*. Sworn to beforo me and subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of Deccmbor, (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, _ , . „ . Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is tnken internally and nets directly upon the blood and mu cous rurfaceb of Ihe system. Send for testimonials, free. _ ,/• J- CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 76c. Take Hall’s Family puis fur c - constipation. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears tho Signature Country Produce OUR SPECIALTY W HEN you have anything to sell in the way of Meat, Chickens, Eggs or country produce, get our prices before selling as we will pay you the top of the market. Gilmore-Maxwell Company Carbon OF US Do not let the Weevils eat up your corn, peas and other seeds. Treat them) properly with Carbon Bi- Sulphide and you need not divide with the weevil. We have a supply of Carbon Bi-Sulphide bought at right prices and can sell you cheaper than you are accustomed to paying. See Us at Once Grady Pharmacy Stallion and Jack in Service Brownton-time 2:31. Soven years old Weighs 1200 Pounds. MAMMOTH KENTUCKY JACK* 16 Hands High, Weighs 1000 Pounds. Their colts have the SIZE and QUALITY desired. TERMS: $5.00 cash and $15.00 when colt is dropped. BEALE & WATSON $1.25 FOUR MONTHLY MAGAZINES And Our Paper—All One Year Get The Most For Your Money ?io tB vlvn ° d .Tl nt “ fe0 ° f th “ r ? m ? rk °Me offer now, ^oa make a ~ith taring .fin V " rauunLUDiB onw now, yoa milt* a cat ot You get a year s subscription to our paper and te that! four magazines—a total value of $2,35 for only $1.25 V This offer is open to old and new subscriber*. It yon are alraadv a -t- scriber to any of these magazines, your subscription wilfba extended,*. vm> from date of expiration. *** year 7?fV°f 0r . als0 K ude$ “ FREE drc « Pa«?™- When your, calve your ini ( 3 Today s, select any dress nattem vou desire. i.rd .^i.« 'T’— 1 copy of Today’.’ seject any drew pattern vou d«ire. ^dyowSmSS^J tber of the pattern and thay will nna it i?!y. er _. lle l° re J 1 ? 3 “^newspaper been able to offer magazinae of au«h high of this offar and we urge yon to ton Magazine, giving them the size and num to you free of »iiw uiiy iicwspuper oe character at this price. We are proud advantage of. it at once. ijjg The Magazines Will Slop Promptly When Tint It U t , •is WOOD WANTED! Five Hundred Cords of four foot split pine wood, de livered on our yard. CITY OF CAIRO LIGHT and WATER DEPT, U. A. CLIFFORD, Supt. ms your Vi 1 ] c » . « , V v It r .: i : f »