Newspaper Page Text
Responding to the call Hint hUiL.'vrhia was one of the most unhni
been sent, put for ft meeting to eon- v riiously eritiUKOStic meeting; of a
sidcr tho matter of a .railroad pro* public nature t int has boen held
position pertaining to tho best in- in Cairo, and with the splendid
tcrest of Cairo, quite a large crowd showing that was made as to the
gathered at the Court House last feasibility of making this exten
Thursday night in spite of the very : sion of road, there seems to be no
unfavorable weather condition. reason why it should not be a com-
The meeting was organized by \ paratively easy matter to sell the
the election of Mr. W. B. llodden- re{ l ulred uraount of stoek to enabl °
bery as Chairman and Col. L. W. * work to bc 8 m 011 thls road at Rn
Rigsby as secretary. The Chair-, ear ^ ^ ftte ;
man outlined the purpose of the ! The truth of the matter seems
mass meeting as being to deter- to be tbftt w ‘ lb tbe B rent benefit
mine whether on not.Cairo would that would co ™ <; . to froln . thc '
subscribe sufficient stock to amount building of .this line of- road into
to one half of the estimated Moultrie, whereas was pointed out
amount of-thirty thousand dollars a( ‘ mass> meeting Thursday
necessary to construct a lino of night we could have direct conucc-
railroad from Cairo northward to t ' on w * tb f° ur entirely seperate
connect about ten miles from this lines of road, Cairo might well af-
placc with a lumber road already ford to evcn 6 ive thesum of flfteen
built by the J. N. Carter Company tho.usand dollars to insure its being
from Hansell and which it is pro- built, but when instead the propo-
posed will be extended by way of silion comes in the natu, ° of an °P
Meigs into Moultrie. The Chair- P^unity to buy stock in a propo-
man also explained that Mr. Car-i sition thafc in all likelihood will
ter would put.his present road inlo P rove a vef y Profitable investment
the proposed proposition at the cost j the P B0 P le of Cairo should certainly
,of the iron at the present, prices,* not hesitate to quickly. respond to
. and would also undertake to raise * bc cab>
the other half of the necessary Another railroad outlet is the
thirty thousand estimated for tho . fP'eat crying need of Cairo. It will
extension.' I c °ntribute as hardly anything else
could to her material progress, and
After Mr. Roddenbcry had stated j the opportunity that is knocking
the purpose of the meeting and i at he , do6rs right now is one tha ,
had expressed himself as most fa-' hould not be ign0l . ed . i t may ab
vorably impressed with the matter, j most be gaid t(J mean Cair0(S mak ;
expressions were called for from ■ ing Qr unmaking .
others present. Among those ex- I „ . . . . ..
... , . ., ,, L Cairo must rise to the opportu-
pressing themselves ns decidedly r ., , ,. , , . .,
favorable to the proportion and of; the
the desirability of trying to ac-j '
complish the extension, were Dr.
More than usual interest attach
es to tlio meeting of tho Live Slock
Association next Saturday because
they are to have as the speaker for
the day Mr. John H. Mock of Al
bany who has a reputation of being
one of the most entertaining and
instructive speakers in the state.
Mr. Mock is one of those men who
like a lot of things more than they
do a dull time, and he is always
not only very much awake himself
but trying to awake and arouse the
other fellow.
It is our understanding that Mr.
Mock will talk on the relation of
the Farmer and business man, It
is expected that a big audience will
greet him. It is especially urged
that just ns "many as possible of
the business men of Cairo will get
away from their business for a
short while and hoar this mess 'go
of Mr. Mock.
Mr. Mock is secretary of the
Board of Trade of Albany and that
capacity has made a wide reputa
tion as one capable of bringing
lungs to pass. The Grady County
Live Stoek Association is to be
congratulation on securing his ser
vices for their meeting next Sat
At a sj-.hriid call meeting hold
Monday afternoon the now City
offtcitl| consisting of Mayor, A, W.
Miller, J. M. Poullc, J. E. Hurst,
W*L, Wight, Dr. J. B. Warnell,
W.A. Willie, Couricilmon; uftor
preliminary business elected, the
following officers; for tho ensuing
year, J. H. Connell, Clerk &Trens.
S. A. Barber, Police-; A. Poulk,
Police; R. R. Jones,: Street Fore
man & Sanitary Inspector; U. A.
Clifford, Supt. Water & Light
Plant; J. S. Weathers, City At
torney; II. J. Hart, Chief of Firo
Department. . , ‘
W. 0. w.
"W. A. Walker, Mr. C. E, Mauldin,
Col. M. L. Ledford, Mr. D. F.
Oliver, Jud[ • W. J. Willie, Col. J.
Q. Smith, Col. L. W. Rigsby, Mr.
Thos. Wight and Mr. K. P. Wight,
i and-it was very evident that these
. but voiced the unanimous senti
ment of those present.
On motion of Dr. Walker a com
mittee was appointed to solicit
subscriptions for stock based on
the understanding that the road is
to be completed into Moultrie.
The-Chairman appointed as this
. committee Mr. Thos. Wight, Col.
M. L. Ledford and Mr. L. B. Pow
ell. On further motion it.was car
ried that the Chairman and Secre
tary be made exofficio members of
that committee, and the committee
was also authorized tq appoint, such
sub committees to assist Jhcm as
they might see fit. j-
Mr. W. 0. Uarrisoi!
Opens Sales Garage
Mr. W. Of* Harrison returned
from Jacksonville'a few .days ago
with a demonstration car of the
El-Car. This is a beautiful car and
a high class car at the moderate
price of $850.00 delivered. Mr.
Harrison has opened a garage in
one of the Walker buildings on
Broad Street and will be glad to
have his friends call on him so that
he can explain in detail the merits
of the El-Car.
Mr. Harrison^has the agency for
this car covering Grady, Thomas
and Decature Countis.
The Woodmen of the World and
Woodmen Circle wiirimvo a joint
instalation on Tuesday evening,
January the 9th,j at 7 .'3-9'
AH Woodmen and tneir wiyesyni-p
■ cordially invited to be present; **
Hon. W. H. Woodruff District
Manager will conduct the cere-,
mony. After which there will be
refreshments served to all present.
Let us all remember that the Wood
men of The World i3 now the giant
of the world when it comes to pro
tecting homes.
Sov. Hi L. Lester district orga
nizer from Macon Ga., is in our
city for the purpose of helping our
camp put bn one of the, biggest
Log-Rollings that has ever, been in
this country, he is soliciting and
recipting for Cairo Camp No., 580.
See him on tho streets and talk it
over with him and join the Wood
men of the World.
RUB - MY - TISM—Antiseptic,
Relieves ltueumatism, Sprains,*
Neuralgia, etc.
I have just returned from the Tennessee Markets witfra choice CAR
My connections there enabled me to buy these Mules right and .1 ex
pect to sell them right.
If you are expecting'to buy a mule this spring it will pay you to buy
from me.
I will be located at the WALSH STABLES.
Come around to see me.
The fol lowing committees ap
pointed by the Mayor. Water &
Light' Committee, J. M. Poulk,
W. J. Willie; Street Committc,
J. M. Poulk, J- E. Hurst; Health
Committee, Dr. J. B. Warnell,
W. L. Wight; Finance Committee,
W. J. Willie, W. L. Wight; Fire
Committee, J. E. Hurst, Dr. J. B.
Warnell; Ordinance - Committee,
W. L. Wight, W. J. Willie.
Tba RJ'aatost campaign yet inaugurated in Georgia against the
boll weevil wdl be launched January 10 and continue till the' middle
of March, Four teams of speakers wilUie in the field and will be - heard
about four places m each south Georgia county. These speakers will
bo composed of farmers from states west of Georgia who have made a
success growing cotton in boll weevil territory, and experts in livestock-
husbandry and crop d.versifiaation from the College of Agriculture,
the eampa-gn has been launched dy ti[o Extension Division of tho Gol-
ego of Agriculture but it has the cordial cooperation of federal forces
business mcn f bankers, railroads, educators and many organized inter
ests m the state. In fact, it isthoone united effort of preparedness
^the boll woey 1 ,!.chafes Farmers are to be organized into “Bolj ft
Weevil l reparedness Clubs”, each member subscribing to certain lines
of pioceduro lo protect himself and his neighbor from the boll weevil. /
lliese organizations will become a> .permanent basis of cooperative
community effort in fiieoting the boll weevil situation.
ill'° ftr 0 ,? 8 c . ount- y' in thls campaign of preparedness
aie to be held at the following places, days and hours: Wednesday
Jan., 24th., 10 a. m„. at Spence Court House; 3 p. m. Fairview School
Houso; 1 hurSday 10 a, m. at Whigluim: -3 p. m. at Cairo.
. The farmers of this county arc urged to turn out for these meet
ings and get ready for the changes which will surely have to bo made
in farm practices if the boll Weevil is to be successfully met and if our
farmers are to be saved from ruin.
NEW STOCK FARM Mins,rel PlMstl W letter Fron the
Messrs Albert Holman of' this
city, and Charles Beale of Cairo
have bought the Patterson place
two miles north of Thomasvillc on
the Grooms Ford road, and will
convert it into a stock farm and
daisy. The place is to t o stooked
witlim Very htghfc$t grade of' cat
tle that can be found,Jn fact many
very fine cows are already in the
herd. ■
This new enterprise will i ttract
much attention. The locafon is
ideal and the farm will soon be one
of the most attractive placi s in
this fectioh. The promoters pro
posed to demonstrate whet can be
done witlr fine stock in Thomas
—Thomasvillc Press.
■ We clip tho above from this
weeks issue of the Thomasvill Press
Mr. Beale and his family have al»
ready moved to Thoinasville where
Mr. Be.nlc will enter at once inlo
the active management of , the
Stock Growing enterprise referred
to above. Mr. Holman and Mr.
Beale are buying the very best an
imals that ciin be secured both in
hogs and dairy cows for this farm
and there is no doubt but that
they are feoiiig to add new laurels
to Georgia live stock productions
with the animals that they produce
We congratulate these gentlemen
on the establishment of this en
terprise and wish for them the
very fullest success.
Boll Weevil Preparedness Me stings
Farmers Who Have Made ASuccesa With Cotlon In Boll Weev l
Territory Will Tell Hour They Did it-Liveatoek And Crop
Experts Of Ballege Of Agricnlture Also To Be Heard,
Mrs. J. 117 Spence
Moves Store.
One of the changes noted for the
New Year is the moving of the
millinery store of Mrs. J. H. Spence
from tho location occupied last
year i to the White & Stringer
Building next door to the Citizens
Bank. This enterprising firm ex
pects to _bo better equipped than
ever to fill the v/;mts of tlreir cus
tomers and will/be glad to have
them call at their new quarters.
The Dixie Land Minstrels gave
their first porformaneffin Thomas-
ville' fit the East Side auditorium
last night. The hbuse was nearly
filled and the reception of tho show
wns enthusiastic from the opening
chorus to the conclusion of the
Olio. If was one of the best am
ateur shows of ito kind cy.ei - ' pre
sented; in this part of tho State,
and the training evidently roocived
and the talent displayed reflects
great credit upon the gentlemen
taking part.and particularly upon
Mr. Busch, who .managed and
trained them.
The voices in the, opening were
splendid. After the chorus work,
which wns pnrticunly attractive,
Mr. Hearin sang, “I Love You
Best of All,” and was 1 enthusiasti
cally encored. Doc. Crovntt
followed in black face with, “I
Ain’t Got Nobody.” Tho song
was good and Doctor Crovnt’s
attempts at getting it off were
provocative of great amusement
throughout the lime he stood be
fore the footlights.
Mr. Juan Loyez, sang, “When
My Ship Come3 Sailing Home,”
and his rendition was one of the
features of the evening. He has a
voice of unsual sweetness and is
particularly good in the simple
ballads h'o sang. •
Fred Dismukc’s Part.
You’re Gwinc'to Git Somethin’
What You Don’t Expect,” was ft
scream from beginning to end.
Fred' Dismukc got it off and he
was so natural arid so comical,
that the entire house was in laugh
ter from beginning to end. John
Herring Sang, ' “Asleep in the
Deep,” and he, too, received-an
George Crawford followed with
that enticing bnllad, “Plant a.
Watermelon on My Grave.” The
“tout ensemble” Was perfect and
George, in addition to; being comi-'
cal. sang his song with great feel
ing and tho perfect bathos it de
Mr. Boots .Cook sang, “My
Little Gray Homo in the West,”
and was so pleasing that he was
Called on for another ballad which
lie rendered with the - grace and
ability which always clmra'cterizes
h>s singing.
Rawleigh Men
There has been a report in cir
culation that, we'.were qufting or ;
had quit. Several of our custom
ers have expressed their,
regret and urged us to
continue ending on them
with products .which have become
ft-Ttouso hold necessity. We take
this method or thanking you for 1
your patronage in the past and to
state that we will continue in the
business for the next year and
hope to give you good service and
recieve your patronage in the fu
ture as in the past. , ,
We also wish to thank you for tho
hospitality shown us in the homes
where we have been entertained.
This lias been a social treat and
has rqade tho work very pleasant
for us. Hoping to recieve your
patronage in the future and thank
ing you for the past. We wish' for
you all a happy and prosperous
New Year. *
Yours respectfully,
J. W. Pelham and G. W. Cook.
The Rawleigh Men.
Dr. and Mrs. James Webb, of
Whigham,” announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Winnie
Pope, to Mr. Jack Peebles, Jr., the
wedding to take place in January.
The above announcement from
la* Sunday’s issue of the Tele
graph .will be of interest in Grady
county where both of these young
people have a wide circle of friends
Break your Cold or Lc*
j* Grippe with a few dose of
| 666.
Mr. Lester Busch acted as Inter
locutor and lie was perfect in his
role, not only leading the singing
but keeping. the show moving at a
rapid rate.
Lame back may come from over
work cold settled in the muscles of
the back, or from disease. In the
two former cases the right remedy .
MENT. It should be rubbed in
thoroughly over the affected part,
the relief will be prompt and satis
factory. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00
per bottle. Sold by Wight &
Ti - Closing; Number.
“Fort Four Plush” didn’t belie
its name and the gentlemen who
starred all were funny and thoy all
had their parts down to perfection.
Mr. Busch took the leading role,
an ! was, as usual, on the job ip
tie right way.
• l " '