The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, January 12, 1917, Image 6

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Uwli«»«m"'H iii'iiTiii iiiu mwamliT jlw treasurer Report For Year Financial Report of County Treasurer for Year End ing December 31, 1916. Receipts. Cash bnlanqe Jan. 1, 1010, Received from T. C. Road lax per capita, - From other sources - $ 3.041.24 613.92 Total .... Disbursements Convicts. Paid Warden and Overseers! - - 1.81,952.77 Paid Guards 4,262.30 Equipments - - - - 3,603.07 Stock feed - - 8,359.47 Sewer pipe and lumber - 2,663.26 Food' and Clothiiig - - 9,130,76 Medicine and medical attention - - - 781.05 Sundries ... 3,558.55 Total - - - - 534,217.2:; Roads Commraission and road work ----- $1,383.41 Lumber - - - . - ■' 28.43 Total - - - - $1,411.84 Paupers Overseer - - - - $314.53 Medicine ----- 10.15 Farm supplies 453.70 Repairs . - - 24,81 Sundries - - - - 2 - 42.88 Total - - - - - S846.07 City Court Paid Judge $780.00 Paid Jurors 752.00 Sheriff and Bailiffs 152.58 Clerk ' - - 119.40 Sundries 115.94 Total --- - *1.919,92 Superior Court Paid Jurors $1,706.00 Sheriff and Bailiffs 445,50 Clerk 206.60 '• Sundries 1,038,28 * Total --- - $3,306.28 1 Court House and Jail Janitor $ 324.00 Water and Lights 331.68 Board and Koys 1.625,76 Repairs 00.35 Sundries 292.16 Totul 2,603.95 Legal Charge! Paid Commissioners and Clerk 1.007.75 Stationery and Printing 498.51 Corner ... . 70.00 Ordinary 173.50 Sundries 6.287.10 Total ... - $8,030.92 GRAND TOTAL ’ Grand Total, Including Commissions - 854,843.31 , Balance Jan. 1, 1917 - $883.95 Respectfully Submitted, E. J. MoGOWN, Treasurer. (jiiA4)Y COUNTY PROGRESS, C AIKu.^rntm*, SERVICE A transportation line lie thing to sell and has just that one The line that sells goodj service i a good line. It is the object of the Central of Boll Weevil Preparedness Meeting To Be Held Four Campaigning Parties In South Georgia—One To Ee Heard In This County—Time For Concerted \clion, Clubs Will Be Formed, And Agree ments Entered Into For Mu tual Protection. 24t h., at 10 a. m. Fail view School House Wednesday, Jan.. 24th,, at 2 30 |>. m. Whiglmm, Thursclliy, Jan , 25lh., at 10 a. m. Cairo, Thursday, Jan., 26th., at 2-40 p. m. Tlve purpose of these meetings is In reach as many farmers r.s . possible, with the necessary infor mation about how to prepare for the weevil. Boll weevil Prepnred- ! ness Clubs will be formed, Th i. . Iio prominont farmers from states west of Georgia who have grown cotton on their own farms success fully in spite of the weevil. Other speakers will be experts from tho College of Agriculture at Athens who will speak on livestock, crop diversification, etc. The meetings should bo well at- lended. Roll Weevil clubs should I e formed, concerted action must Our It means good the people We try to render such service all the time. Wo are not content with having given life people of the South good Service j we want to make it better; we wish to go to Under the auspices of the divi-. siou of the Georgia Stale College | of Agriculture and in cooperation, with the federal government and local agencies, meetings will he held throughout the southern part of Georgia by four campaigning parties. One of t hese parties’will be heard ini this county at Spence he taken, and every body . . , ,, ... °! should pull to-gether if this tfj'ing members of such clubs will agree 1 • ■ to follow well advised plans for growing cotton under boll weevil conditions and to make such clubs the basis of such cooperative ef fort os may seem wise in meeting various problems. The principal message of the meeting, it is announced, is'how to grow cotton in spite of the boll Court House, Wednesday, Jan., I weevil. Among the speakers will time in the history of ngriculturo in Georgia is to be successfully passed. One, Two or Three Horse Farm to let for shares or rent. Good land and good new house. A. C. Dickey, Beacnton. Gn. SBRSfiKSiBiZ-us-*.. . RUB. OUT PA5N with good oil' liniment. That’a the suretft way to slop them. , The best rubbing liniment i3 ( j MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your own A ches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all Dealers. MBMaEBBnHaBgHaPaBMBMwj the limit in making travel easy for the whole people. If you arc going on any trip that may he accomplished by use of our lines, let pur nearest repre sentative know about il. It will be good exercise for his talents to practice courtesy and efficiency on you. Birmingham, St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis New York, Boston and many other larger-centers arc most con veniently reached via the entral, and ils connections. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAIL WAY. THE RIGHT WAY SERVICE. A dry, hacking cough is hard on the lungs, often causing them to bleed. BALLARD’S HORE- HOUND SYRUP is a healing balm that, quickly repairs damage in the lungs and air passages. Price 25e, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Wight & Browne. How Much Longer Will You Live? Your The Year If you v on Id mivo $100.00 nnnunllyor$8.r>2 monthly But And Present Aj-c Group Ahead—Average Life Expectancy —about 26c a day on our plan—your total tmvlngs during your eki tcted term of life would be. The interest at fi per cent in addition would amount to approximately: You would have a total of about: Under 5 51.9 $5,180.00 $29,500.00 $31,680.66 5 to 9 51.1 5,100. SO 2S,000.00 33,100.80 10 to 14 46.9 4,681.55 20,500.00 25,181.55 15 to 19 42.5 ' 4,242.34 15,000.00 19,242.35 20 to 24 38.3 3,823.10 10,900.00 14,723.10 25 to 29 34.3 3,438.20 8,000.00 11,438.26 30 to 34 30.h 3,044.51 5,700.00 8,74*4.51 35 to 39 20.9 2,686.15 4,000.00 0,680.15 -i0 to 44 23.4 2,335.78 2,000.00 4,335.00 45 to 49 20.0 1,990.40 1,900.00 3,890.40 50 to 54 16.8 1,076.97 1,250.00 2,920.97 55 to 59 13.9 1,386.49 825.00 2,211.49 00 to 04 11.3 1,127.96 525.00 1,652.90 65 to 69 9.1 908.36 325.00 1,233 jiG 70 to 74 7.2 718,70 200.00 918.70 75 to 79 5.5 549 01 116.00 765.01 Save for a and Buy few years and then lie independent act. If you have backbone, wi'J-pow a Bond from the Sessions Loan & You can save if you will. Make up your mind cr and determination, you can succeed. Trust Co., and start your saving today. H. G. TURNER, Local Agent THE COUNTRY NEEDS LOW PRICES They say the egg king is holding the eggs in cold . storage for higher prices. What then will the people 1 do for lower prices? Abe Poller’s Department Store, at Cairo A f IQCT Our Mr. Poller bought a large stock before the big advance in prices, therefore he can sell merchan- diseyouneedatlow Read our large circular and come to the store qnd see our largejdore with good seasonable merchandise you need. sure got them, Don’t fail to come, Friday, January 12th, at 9:00 O’clock, to This, Yes, merchandise has advanced in prices. But is there no way out? Quit buying until the pi’ices drop. But, folks, listen: You must wear clothes. You have got to wear clothes, and here is a chance— Read on and find ' OUT Can Sell Merchandise at Low Prices ? WHY? We have Below we Quote a Few Prices . 100 Ladies’ Coat Suits to select 05 and 75 cents work Shirts, Sale from. Prices from .$8 to $30. price 48c. At Half Price Ladies BInck Silk Hoes, 35 and 50 j 75c Ladies Waist 49c cent values, only 24c John B. Stetson Hats, $5.00 values ' $3.50 Ladies Long Black Coats, $7 and $8 values at only *4.96 / j§ Men’s $3.50 Hats - - $2:00 A big line of Poplins - - 19c Big lot of Bpys Work Shoes, sizes from 2 to 11. Sale price. $1.25 Ladies’ Ready-to-Vr car Sailors, $1.50 and $L25 values, at 9Sc this is only a few of our many prices. Get a large circular and read our many I at gain prices. DON’T FAIL TO COME TO Great Clearance Sal .0 FREE! FREE 20 prize packages to be given away FREE | Friday, January 12th at Georgia j ^ 0 c ^ oc ^> Reopening day