The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, January 12, 1917, Image 7

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Minutos.of the board of County Commissioners in regular session 'member* present, L. 11. Powell, T. \V. Faircloth, Arch Harrell, D. P Ward, Ilenry Mitchell, C. II. Mize and. \V. A. Shiver. _ Minutes of hut meeting read and adopted. On motion L. 13. Powell was elected chairman of the board for 1017. ’ On motion the pubi s'itig of the minutes, printing of notices, etc, for’the county was awarded to the Grady County Progress for the yeor 1917 at. the rate of 82.00 per. month. Ou motion W. J. Willie was re-ejected attorney for the board for the year 1917 at a salary of S1C.00 per month. On motion Dr T. .1. Arlino was re-elected county physician for the year 1917 at a, salary of 850.00 per month and under the same contract as for 1010. On motion B. M. .Johnson was re-elected clerk of the county, board a' the same salary of 191,0. On motion B. M. Johnson was ordered paid 85.00 each month ,fqr keeping the convict record for the year 1917 On motion W. M. Prince was elected road superintendent for the East North Cairo District for the year 1917. ' On motion It. B. Belcher was elected road superintendent for the West. North Cairo District for the year 1917. ()ii motion J. II. Jefferies was elected road superintendent for th,c •South Cairo District. On motion W. M. Walker was elected road superintendent for the Duncanville district for the year 1318. On motion It. E. Clay- was elected road superintendent, for the Pino Park district for the year 1917. On motion Wrn. A. Lee was elected road superintendent for the Rcn-gnns district for the year 1917. •On motion G. W. Connell was elected road superintendent for the Spring Hill District for the year 1917. On motion E. G. Martin' was elected road superintendent for the . Lime Sink District for the year 1917. / On motion D. D. Suttm was doited roa l Superintendent for the Blowing Cave district 1917. On motion O. F. Sadler was elected road' superintendent for the Spence district for the y r ear 1917. On motion W. A. Skipper and B. H. Belcher were elected road superintendents for the Whigham district for the year 1917 On motion E. L. Maxwell was elected road superintenaent for the Calvary district for the year 1917 On motion the Chairman was instructed to appoint a committee , to investigate the matter of buying a truck for the county; tho com mittee appointed was Arch Harrell, D. P. Ward, and the chairman. , On motion the following bills were read approved and ordered paid. Poulk-Wight Co., supplies for convicts - 8522.34 J. L. Prince, coffic for unknown negro i. 15.00 W. M. Walker, commissions on road tax, Duncanville Dist 1.00 W. M. Walker, work on sewor pipe 2.00 P. S. Foy; lumber 26.11 S. IJ Brinson, hay - —- — 18-00 R J Brinson, commissions on road tax Lime Sink District.. .75 Cairo lee & Bot. Co.j ice for Superior court L 13 Andrews, cutting trees from road Duncanville District.. lioddenbery Hdw. Co., toilet paper etc., for Court House Roddenbcry Hdw. Co,, tools etc., for convicts Ira Higdon, mule feed II J Hart, auto tires and repairs Grady Pharmacy, liniment for mules C P Ilutto, shoeing mules.. 1 Farmers &-Merchants Bank, interest on 1916 warrants... Citizens Bank, interest on 1916 warrants Cairo Banking Co., interest on 1916 yvarrants — -Grady County Progress, lunacy blanks for Ordinary Wight Hdw. Co., gasoline, nil etc., for Ford •Farmers & MorchqntVBarhk, freight on lumber etc. RE Holton,. lumber... .... ----- Crawford & Forsyth, insurance premium on jail \V A'Carr, conveying.convict to superior court and return.... Mrs. J M Bell, feeding Superior court jury .. I P Chapman, supplies for paupers Cairo Messenger,printing post cards for Tax collector . B H Belcher, roadwork, Whigham district .... Ira Carlisle, court cost on convicts... Poulk-Wight Co., supplies for poor farm'. .-. Walker Evans & Cogswell Co., office supplies C. S. O Wro Blunt, extra time at camp t Wight, it Browne, mule medicine etc. ..... Wight & Browne,'disenfectant for poor farm Wight Ildw. Co., tools etc., for camp Cairo Ico & Bot,, Co., fish for convicts S S Soling Jr., discnfectants '. ... j p McCord, inquest over unknown negro Columbus Sewer Pipe Co., sewer pipe for 1910 989.09 j d Spur!in,,medical attention to mules.. 6.00 J D Adams & Co., parts for grader. 2.74 O M Muggridgc, fish for convicts, 3.50 J A Reynolds, washing and sewing at poor farm .85 Johnson Paint Go., paint for bridges , 70.30 King Hdw. Co., tools etc., for convicts 54.35 W C Mathews, board for . convict... Mosu Bodiford, extra i ime at... camp City of Cairo, water and lights Court and Jail...' Mitoi|oll it Walker, supplies for poor farm _ Mitchell & Walker, supplies for convicts , C H Maxwell, et. al. holding J. P. election at Calvary B M Johnson, issuing warrants for road defaulter A Harrell, 1 day extra as commissioner L B Powell, 7 ” ” ” ” . Henry Mitchell J ” ” ” C H Mize 1 ” ” ” ” D P Ward ( 1 "t ” ” E J McKown, for expense lunacy trial E J McKown, superior court, witness scrips 44.90 E J McKown, ” ” - bailiff scrips 53.70 E J McKown, ” ” reporter scrips.. .' 45.00 E J McKown, ” ” Jury scrips 278.00 On motion adjourned, L. B. Powell, Chairman, D. P. Ward, W. A. Shiver, C. II. Mize. A. Harrell, T. W. Faircloth,-Henry Mitchell. ' 13. M. Johnson, Clerk 12.00 1.30 33.94 1.07 267 81 6.C0 1.25 3.00 21.00 1.50 3.00 3.00 71.00 Loans! Loans! Loans! BELL & WEATHERS, CAIRO, GEORGIA State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I ._ Lucas County, f ss - Prank J. Chenoy mnlies ontli that ho le senior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In tho City of To ledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. _ FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this Otli day of December, (Beil) A. W. J3LEASON, Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood amt mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold hy all Drugglstsr 76c.~ Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Take : CASTOR IA For Infants and Children tin Use For Over 30 Years Mwayn bears tho Signature RUB - MY - TISM—Antiseptic, Relieves Rucumatism, Sprainr’, Neuralgia, etc. Grady County Progress. 'FARMERS’ BUSINESS BOOK With the “ALL WINTER READING*’ Club is ou* Biggest, Best Bargain. * Our paper contains all tlie Local, County and im portant State news. “Tito Weekly Kansas City Star" has the world and general news. q “The Progressive Farmer is the South's leading Agricultural weekly, of which it is sai|j. "you can tell by a man’s farm whether ho reads it or not." "The Farm ers Business Book and Almanac" Jb issued hy the Progressive Farm er and is a simplified form for keep ing form accounts. Forty pages, card-board cover. “Today's' Magazine is a month ly containing clean stories and much good reading for all the fam ily, while “The Housewife,” a monthly, will be found interesting to all and helpful to wife and daughters. The Grapevines are of four varieties selected for Southern growing. ALMANAC Dave Gwaltney, bay and corn J W Nicholson, beef etc. for convicta „ F F Cone,, syrup for convicts ,T f Pelham, corn. JcIwlJF Forester, liny... L. Cha* Williams’, making apron for cook at camp.. j Williams, extra time at camp . B. M. Jol)fl«m cash paid for stamped envelopes,.'..... 128.20 13.90 15.58 34.00 7.20 .50 1.00 10.02 Tbe total value of a year's subscription for our paper and a yeor each for the other publications of the “All Winter Reading’ Club, together with the Farmers' Business Book end the Grapevines is more than four dollars. Our price for this Biggest, Best Bargain is given in last line of this announce ment. All acceptances are to'be sent to our office and includes one year's renewal or new subscription to our paper. ( 1 “The Progressive Parmer” stands back of this remarkable offer and will supply the sub scriptions one year each to all the publications except our own and will also sehd you the Farm, era* Business Book and the four grapovines. We recommend your immediate acceptance of this offer as every publication named is fclcan, interesting and useful, while tho Farmers! Business Book and the Grapevines will prove valuable to you. Foofc & Davie* Co., J. P. docket 3.16 J> C Andrews, salary as probate judge.... 20.00 jj Word, salary for last 0 inos., in 1916 ns farm Dem 150.00 J M McNair, difference in frieght on typewriter 1:01 (5 W Comiell, work on road Spring Hill district .• ... 2.00 J M McNair, services at Superior court 10.93 ]i W MeManeus, repairs on equipments for convicts 17.82 J L Oliver’s Soil, coffin for convict 18.00 Wight Hdw. Co., harness nud brick for poor farm 50.00 13 M Johnson, eash to order Warden's auto license tag 3.00 iV J Knight, extra time at camp. . .55 FILL IN AND MAIL, SEND OR BRING THIS FORM TO US *\ I accept the “ALL WINTER READING” Club oiler:' Name Address. Route State* Amount? Price of this Club Offer $2.00 We are better prepared limn ever lo offer tho most attractive propositions on farm loans. Our companies arc offering the best terms we have ever bad,,both as to rates of interest charged and as to terms of payment. We can make you a loan for 5 years with only the inter est payable annually, and with the privilege of paying principal back at any interest paying period in sums of S100 or muLiples thereof. Wt can make vou a loan for 7 or 10 years with interest only payable for 3 years, and principal divided into equal iii-tallmcnts for the remaining years during which the loan will run. Our rates of interest are from 5 1-2 to 8 per cent, depending on the amount of the loan and length of term the loan .runs. We have the Best Terms to be found any where. We can help you whip the boll weevil. Now is the time to make your .arrangements. Conic to see US. Our Depositors. Number Over One Thousand Many of these have boon with us since wo organized, January 1st, 1001, and many of them tiro new accounts, people who have obino with us recently. 1 heso accounts are large and ’small, there are none to large and none to small for us to give them service. RSSW 1 his is their bunk, that 's the way wo have always wanted them to feel about it, and Units the way we believe they tlo feel. To give om- customers tho very best seryice, consistent safe and conservative banking, is the constant effort of all of our officers and employees. • If you think-you would like to do business with us, come in to .300 us and let us talk the matter over with- you. Citizens Bank CAIRO, - . . _ , GEORGIA w - k. Wight President H. G. Cannon, V-Pres. WH Searcy, V-President and Cashier ■mm ■ Country , Produce OUR SPECIALTY W/HEN you have anything VV Id cdl J n the way of to sell Meat, Chickens, Eggs or country produce, get our prices before selling as we will pay you the top of the market. Gilmore-Maxwlll Company . ‘ >'1.25 FOUR MONTHLY iASflZINFS $|. 2g * **“ And Our Paper—ABB One Yea* — HOME ura GeS TCte Most! For, Your Money By taking advantage of thia rer.iarknblo offer now, you make a cash saving of $1.10. You feet a year's subscription to our poper-ond to these four splendid magazines—a total value of $2,35 for only $1.25. This offer is open to old end . now eubscribers. II you are already a sub- of tn oso mafeazinoi, your subscription will bo extended one year YnSmtinn • scriber to any „ ...... from date of expiration. ThU,“tier also includes a FREE dress pattern. Wheh you receive your first copy of Today s, select any dress pattern you desire, send your order to Today’s Magazine, feivinfe them tho siza and, number of tho pattern and they will send it to you free of chorfeo. Never before has anjMiov/spupcr been able to ofibr mofeazincs of such high :ud of this offer and wo urfeo you to take »'***•■* »ttw u.i/ itewajj^LT uui character at this price. Wo are -proud advantage of it at once. $| # 2g Send Your Order Before You Forget If •= The Magazines Will Slop Promptly When Tlmo Is Up Its * . Money Loaned I -make fjti'in loans at 5 1-2 per cent interest ami, give the borrower the privilege of paying part of the principal at the end of any year, sffippin interest on amont paid, but no an nual payment of principal required;. Come to to oeo me, or write me stating your needs, and I will save you money. W. M. BRYAN, Office Over Post Office. Thomnaville, Georgia f I——■■M ■Ml Si $»! to' W O r*