The Grady County progress. (Cairo, Grady County, Ga.) 1910-19??, January 12, 1917, Image 8

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Another Car Load of Those Tennessee; and Kentudky Mules, Just the right size and age, well bioke, ready for work. Also a car load of the celebrated THORNHILL one and two horse wagons. Will be glad to have you call at our sales stable and see them. Stock Company, Cairo, Georgia. ;'Twa,umvtWififiHW—MMaaHWUMWIlUlHmin JWIiS In IHamury 0! Nellie tod ROfoiiiSGi* Floyd .Cl Miss Kellie'A. ltobinson,’ tUtUgh- tsr of Jesse L. end Gtwgja II. Robinson, clepixrted iMa life on • December 18th., about. six o’clock in the morning at tlm age eighteen years and four months. She had never been' slab tjofore and was only side four days before passing away with Keuratie Wood - poison. She gave her hunt to Qod in early life, united with tin: M. Ei;Church' and lived a consistent memher to the last moment. Then calling all the family to her gave to all, :> parting message, then kissed them good bye. And with the call lines- of an Angle begged them not to grieve for her, As there was no sting in iter death and the Bible, taugh I that all must die. She was an obedient daughter, a loving sister, always thoughtful of others., hi her death wo liave a dear demonstra tion of the blossfcduoss of those who die in the Lord. She died u tremor begging the loved one; ‘ to meet her in heaven. I-Ier little brother Lloyd had jiassed away about .two years be fore at the age of six years, a love ly child that still lingers in our hearts. Whose death also came suddenly, and to-day while friends and loved ones weep they sing with the Angles in glory,. And while, yielding to our finite 'weakness we grieve. We .rejoice t o know they are at rest. I By <j> Maria Thompson Daviess ? Author of “The Melting y of Molly” SYNOPSIS Roberta, un orphan, half French, hnlf American, y tart lug for America to Blay with an uncle, meets Count ile Lasaellea crossing to securo mules tor France. By a mistake, Roberta's uncle believe* sho la p, nephew. Knowing him to bo tf womaii jbuter, Roberta adopts man’s attire.' Her uncle, Clencral Catruthcrs, informs ills supposed- nephew that he needs his knowledge of French to straighten cut a deul for providing mules lor Franco. The governor’s honor is Involved in the mule deal. L k Then sing on dear children'- with the. Angles above, life-long wo will join thee in tlie mansions of loVfe; GiandfatheUind Mother is nearing the gate, ' Keep watching and waiting just inside the gate; For we’llTioon be there 'twill liot be long to wait Then Papa anil Mama are com ing on too Then gladly will meet little Floyd und you: -They’ll join you in binging the songs so sweet. And bei there ready the others greet- • - Then there's Dona and Ralph who had such a race, To get to look once more in . your sweet loving face; They too'urc’coming along soon to join you ;uid Floyd. In your sweet-happy throng-. Then there’s, Ruel and'Odell, that loyed joivsp well, Will .al\yi»ys.remember to the end of.their race; Roberta pledges her aid .pud is Intro duced to Governor Faulkne? and to his prlvato secretary, Eu^z Glendeunlng. Mrs. Jeff Whitworth is deep in the mulo scheme with tier husband and cndcnvorlng to get tho governor’s signuturo to the transaction. Tho governor^?;vch a dinner to Roberta, who ha.; been made private secretary pro tom. Sho mutches her wits against Mrs. Whitworth. Roberta examines .specifications of tho proposed deal. Mrs. Whit'vvorth tries to pump Roberta and makes love to her. Roberta accompanies the governor to i ho state prison, whero ho wishes to eeo c/murderer. TIicllatter attacks^tho gov ernor, and Roberta deflects the blow. Roberta discovers that the murderer has killed his man In defending a woman. Sho recures a statement from the woman. Sho takes tho statement to, the gov ernor, who gives her u letter announcing the imminent arrival of Count do Bourdon to sign tho mute contract. The count nrrlyes. Ho is in tho plot with tho Whit\vortb& to defraud tho Fromm government in tho mulo deal. Sheriff’s Sale GEORGIA, (.irmly Comity. Will lie sold before the court house door In Cairo, Gaudy comity, Georgia, during tho legal .hours of sale, on the iirat; Tuesday in February, 1017 to the ugliest bidder for cash, the following de- i irjb’ed-property to-wif. All'that certain tract or parcel of land in the town of Whigham, being part of I, it No. ill), in (he Itllh district of Grady e runty Georgia, x-iunmeneing at a certain i on stoli at tlie north-west cornor of H. .'. Parker’a land on tho Buinbridge Pnlrlic Itoiid; tliejioc north to the or- i 'inul. land line; I lienee east on snid line 11 the Mary Hell or Cook land; thence west In the iron stoli on the liainhridge public road. Hounded on the south by II, A. Parker’s, on the west'by public road, north by original line and (tool; iandandon the cast by latte and Cook I mii, containing ten (10) acres, more ot ll'S3. Said lands levied upon as the property of defendant in execution, under a certain execution issued from the Superior court of Grady county, Georgia, in favor oi Bank of Thoinnaville and i gainst ,1. E. S.villey. This 10th day of January, 1017. D. D. PERKINS, Sheriff. Citation Georgia, l.ti'ady County. To whom it may conoeru; Jp.ssic Williams having applied for let ter ‘of admiustra|lou upon tho proper ty of Mike Williams lute of said county, deceased, notice is given that said ap plication will he heard at my office at 10 o’clock a. m. on Sth, day of Feb., 1017. This 9th., day of Jan. 1917. Yf. C' Barrow, Ordinary. Sheriff’s Sale Roberta booh with tho governor to a mountain district from whence nows has c?mc that n Frenchman is detained in captivity. . GEORGIA* Grady,'County. Will Ito sold’ before the Court house door in Cairo, Grady county Georgia, during the*legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in February, 1017, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit; All of lot of land number one-hundred. 01 ml seventy-five' (175) in the nineteenth A113th) district of Grady county, Goorgia containing tWo-huudrcd and fifty (JJfiO) acres, more or less. Tlie said lands levied upon as the property of defendant in execution, un der a certain 'execution issued from the Superior court of Grady county Georgia, in favor of Bank of Thomasville and against 3. T. Cain and E. B.‘ Stapleton. This 10tli duy of January, 1917. # D. D. PERKINS,.Sheriff. The captured man is Count do Lafsollcs, who recognizes Roberta through her dig* fiuiiio to her embarrassment and thgf gov ernor's astonishment. , Tho count denounces Count do Rourdoti. and the governor tells him he had not signed the papers for tho fraudulent mulo deal. Roberta, abashed nt tlie exposure of her sex, makes her way to her uncle’s houjJo alone. Slio robes herself in woman’s attire. Tho governor finds Iier ami declares Ids love. ’Roberta's uncle and Buzz appear to wit ness tho engagement. 4 Tho same of the plotters Is foiled, and Roberta’s uncle gives assent to her en gagement to tho governor. J. E. Wright, M. D. Physician (St. Surgeon Phones; Office 40; Res. 44. Office with Dr. Gower Lame back may come from over work cold settled in'the muscles of the back, or from disease. In the two former eases the right remedy is BALLARD’S' SNOW LINI MENT. It should bo rubbed in thoroughly over the- affected part, | I ho relief will lie prompt and satis-! factory. Price 25c, oOenndSl.OO per bottle. Browne. ‘ Sold by Wight & Then there’s Uncles and Aunties, And cousins all around; . I Who -gladly rejoice in the Savior Your last parting message and yot.t found, sweet loving face. We know dear children you glad •;* I would hay e stayed, 1 Itcn.there,s swee i ‘ ’• But the ctiH of thfi master’ you The smallest of till; Will remember • fP&M P“ rU »®’ wordjwlten she’s grown tall, Youf last parting message and last parting kiss; .’ We trust will guide, her to Glorious Blis-,. ffcJE’.'-t' v (lie l\iunl?ly obeyed’.. Akd now you’re in heaven home of the blest. To sing with the angles and lov ingly to." I. Written by their Grandpa. Thomas J. Brunson, WP Y tlf civc l!0zir lad !’.u a~r.:e training? hen I was a crowing lad, nndcamo upQii rr.zny words in r.iy reading tfiat I did r.cfc understand, my mother. Ir- utcad or elvlrtff ipo t!;o deHnltldn when I applied Id her, unirprmly sent me to Ihc dictionary to learn it, r.r.d in thl3 way I i;iv.dually Horned many Utlajn hcAlde-. the mcnr.Ir..'? of the Indlvidnal word In question—omens other thlnc?» how to u.o a dictionary, and tho great pleasure and advantage there might- he in tho mu of tho dictionary. Afterwards, when I went to the village . r.chaol, r.y chief dlycrrion, after Ica- r.cns Y.’c.’o learned ai:d hefero tliry wero re lied, jeca in turnlna over t!:o paces of tho ‘Unabridged* of tlicco dnyd. <*Ncvr tho modern Uun- hrldecd- thoNEWJXT^RNATIONAL- Bivc9 r.:o a plcaccre of tho samo oort. So far ns my iinoxvlsdca. extendi, it h at prosent'tho ,l>cot .of tho .cne-volumo dietiona^rcsi andqv!'o eufatlcnt for nil ordinary, u :cs. liven tho:o who pOMcr-j tho cpicndid dlcttonarlcj in several Tclaraea will yet And it a r^ent . coriv.cnicpeo to have this, .which In eo compact, ro full, and so trujtncrlhy os to leave. In moot canes, littlo to be desired.”- Albert djj C;.oi:,rh.D.,LL.D., Frofoacor cf tha Iln.-rllah Langunso and Ulteratar^, Vole Asril £3,1011. \7* , .:T” for Piifdiada T.-viji. duration*, Eto. c: UEsawiva ki:w iktsrnaxiokal dictio.nXly C. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, For Over 03 Yearn PubllBhcrs of The Gcnuino Webster’s Dictionaries, SI’ItINCFIELD, ?.IASS., U. B. A. T Citation t too)gut, Grady County.. Notice is hereby given that. Mrs. O. N. Hollingsworth and J. It. Hollingsworth adminstratom have applied to Ihe Ordin- «.v of s *i<l County for leave to soil land belonging to the estate of G. N. Hollings worth for the purpose of diatruihutimi. Said appliearfou will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary (or said Coiiutjr tat be held on the tirsl Monday in February 1917, This 9! In, day January 1017. W. C. Harrow, Ordinary. Oalvary Items Christmas holidays are over nqtv and nearly every one down here has gone to work. The Carniuul (hat was given by the improvement dub was enjoyed by ail that were present. Mr. R. L. Burns made n business trip to Thonmsviile this week. Messers H. I..Clay, G. E. Lang ley and C. C, Allen motored to Cairo one day this week. Mr ,1. II. Strickland , made a business trip to Meigs this week, Mr. William Herring left Tues day for Young Harris where l-c is going to school. . v’ A crowd from Calvary went to 'Ijillahassec to the inauguration''-ot' Governor Catte; Miss Broadus has gone back to Wliighnni. .• Misses Walls and Bush have returned to Birmingham after spending the holidays .with Mrs. .1. II. • Herring. Jury Drawn for City Court Jury drawn to serve at the April, Term 1917 City Court of Cairo This 30th, day of December 1910. O. G. Lewis, L.. E. Brawncr, W. II. Foireloth, J. F. Connally, J. B. Hodden berry, Si H. Ricks, E. J. Poulk, W. A. Skipper, Sam Collins, A. L. Harrell, E. P. Stone, S. O. Robinson, O. Clifford, H. E. Mitchell, J. H. Jeffares, Geo. G. Thomas, G. IT. Donnlson, J. B. Crawford, H. W. •Maxwell, W. II. Hines, E. H. Lning, R. F. Ponder, .). T. Pelham, and Orren Moore. AN OPEN LETTER , Cairo, Ga., January Sth, 1917 To Th« Public:— I take this method of advising the public and my custdmere*that I have decided to retire from the mercantile business, and. propose to close out hiy .entire stock of merchandise at actual cost—nothing held back. This is a bona-fide closing out sale ancl I do-not propose to get out any flashy circulars containing leaders to induce you to come to my stove, but 1 respectfully ask you to come and price the goods for yourself and be convinced that you can save several dollars on your spring and summer supply of goods. A very large percentage of my goods were bought before the ad vance and I do not propose to mark the goods up to’a price to represent what they would cost me today. • 1 This is an opportunity which you cannot afford to miss, and you ahoujd come at once before the best goods are gone.- * Thanking my customers and the public in general for the liberal patronage accorded me for the many years I have been in the mercantile business, and trusting that you will avail yourself of this the best opportu nity- of the season, I beg to remain, Yours very truly. F. A. RICHTER is V ; m m if! mm