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Phone 14 and Watch for Yoin Package—Phone One-Four or Fourteen-—Wight & Browne.
the - official organ of ghady county,
VOL 7-
NO 35
TheW.0. W. Moving I™ 1 ®* „ Park’s Chances Fir.
Pictures, + m SC EL L C0NTESL . Judgeship Goad
TJic Woodman of the World is
on'of the most enterprising of atl 4
tlfe fratesnal organizations, and in,
accordance with this liberal and en
terprising spirit, comes the announ
cement that, they have, secured to
be sbpwn at The, Alcazar' our local
moving pjeturb house a big feature
picture showing the orig'en and'his-
tOry of Woodcraft in great detail.
At the time this picture is shown
on Tuesday December 30th, Hon.
W. H. Woodruff, who is widely
kuown in this section where he has
acted as District- Organizer for
quite awhile, will be present on the
stage and will give fall explanation
of the picture as it is shown. Those
having charge of the showing of
this big -film have enounced that it
will be shown from ten to twelve
o’clock A. M. and from ten to two
o’clock P. M. -
As much of the. story of Wood-
. craft, is identified with the story of,
Joseph and his sale into Egypt
there will no donbt be some gcor-
geous oriental scenery shown in
this film. '
Let everybody avail themselves
of this opportunity to seb some
thin efitirley different in the mow.
- irig picture line to anything they
akVe heretofore seen. The price
! will be 10 cents to all.
Men’s Boll
-Weevil Meeting j||
■ The following letter from Prof,
j, Phil Campbell will explain it-
dudf; Cairo is included in the
/jtitfmry of. the meetings and the’ No man in Grady county who is
vroeeting for this place will be held at all interested in the general wel-
Fcb. lsf, at 2-30 p. m. j fare of the county, should fail to
••‘Athens, Ga. January 10, 1917 .attend the mass meeting that has
' My Dear Sic | been called for next .Wednesday
The Second District High School
contest will be held in Tifton
April 26-27th., 1917.
In this contest will have
a full representation. The names*
of the contestants will bo announ
ced later.
On April 13}h. the usual triangu
lar debates will be hold todeterm-
ine the winning teams for the con
test in Tifton.
The following order of events -is
announced for the contest at- Tif
Thursday, April, 26th.
3:30 p.m. Spelling and ready
writers contest.
3:30 p. rm Base ball, Tifton
Ijlighs vs visiting 1 team.
8:30 p. m. (Sharp.) Music and
Recitation contest. Be on time.
Friday, April, 27th.
9:00 a. m. High School conference.
10:00 a. rn. Declamation.
2:00 p. m. Athletic Events as. fol
a 100 Yard dash,
b Shot Put,
c 220 Yard dash,
d Running High Jump,
e Low Hurdles (ten 30 inch
’ hurdles.)
f Poplc Vault,
g 44.0 Yard dash
li Running Board jump,
i Relay Race.
8:00 p. lii. Championship Debate.
and just what effect his entrance
into the race will have cannot be
told at this time.
Judge .Park is very popular here
at home and also in Washington.
He is every where recognized as a
fearless and capable man and he
would certainly (ill with credit tho
position should he be appointed:
His.fnehds in this section will await
the outcome with interest.
All reports Coming from Wash,
ingtori of late indicate that Judge
Frank Park lias a very strong
chance of receiving tho appoint
ment as Federal Judge for thoqJlnce
made vacant by the death of Judge
It is a contest that is being
closely contested and from a wide
list of entrant# the contestants lmd
seemed to narrow to Judge John
T: West of Thomson and' Judge
Frank Park until announcement
came this week the Col., Them;
Titus of Thomasville was yielding
to the suggestions of friends and
was entering the race. Col. Titus j? . ....
, i ,, , W here fir thy' loving children
is a brilliant and capable lawyer ' ”
(dung to (une of. Maryland My
Maryland), i:| ■ ,
. ' 1 I.
Love, light and joy forevermore,
Georgia Land, My Georgia LaiuR
Tl-.e world finds welcome at thy
door ' ,
Georgia Land, Dear Georgia Land!
Thy star-crowned hills and
valleys sweet
Their litarios of Love repeat,
And night and lh'orning singing
Georgia Land, dear Georgia Land!
By request of Prof. J. S. Stewart
we print the. song below and re
quest tliatl all schools learn it and
siiiglt in the .schools. It was writ
ten by Mr. Frank L. Stanton c -
pecinlly for the Georgia Schools.
It can bo found also in the Georgia
Song Bool^ price 5 cent",’ published
by the Americ in Book Co.
Georgia Land, dear Georgia Land!
Willi thee their hearts are still
Georgia Land, dear Georgia Land!
Where’er the. wander’s pathway
In dreams he sCos thy bleesed
And Hope doth like a star arise,
Georgia Land, dear Georgia Land!
Blest lie thy holy hills and plains,
Georgia Land, dear Georgia Land
The sunlight twinkling through
thy rgins,
Georgia Land ,dear Georgia Land!
God have thee over in Iiis
keeftf ' • ' ’
From mountain-wall to stormy
Until upon thy breast we deep,
Georgia Land, dear Georgia Laid!
. Frank L. Stanton,
Arbor Day Program
School Auditorium 2 o’clock Fri
day Afternoon.
Have you thought of the real
meaning of Arbor Day and its
value Jo our state? The program
to he held at the Auditorium Fri
day afternoon at 2 o’clock will
make you think along this-line.
Bo sure to attend for your own
benefit and for tile encouragement
of the children.
1 .Scripture—Mr. Ryder.
2 Reeitffion—Ballad of the Trees
and The Master—Liduey Lanier--
Sumpter Martin Kelley.
3 Quartet-i-Sow Not In Sorrow.
Misses Kieffer, Little, Turned and
Tuten. I It
4 Reading—Some. Notable Trees
Joseph Jones.
5 Puper-.Conversntion of the
American Forest Miss Kriechbaum.
6 ' Long--'Woodmen Spare That
7 Reading—Drapers’ Ten Com
mandments on Tree Planting—
Fred Walsh.
3 Monetary Value of-Our Grady
'County Trees—Mr; J. B. Wight.
9 Recitation—Cry of The Pines
Miss Little.
10 Dixie.
If the \Veathcr is suitable, the
school and visitors will march to
‘the grounds titid plant the class
tree. In case the weather is bad
tho exercises will be hold ,at 10
o’clock in the inorning|
The Georgia State College of
. Agriculture desires to be of the
greatest possible service to all in
terests of the States in the boll
weevil crisis now faoing our people.
In addition to the .boll weevil
campaign for farmers to be con
ducted In one hundred counties of
the State, we have arranged for a
similar campaign fbr business men
and bankers. The purpose of this
latter campaign is to acquaint the
business men of adjustments nec
essary undei; boll weevil conditions.
This campaign will last fifteen
days rind reach as rriany points as
possible. A copy of itinerary is
' herewith enclosed. For these
meetings we have secured the ser
vices of Mr. J. M. Taylor’ Vice
President and Manager of the
t Mississippi Southern Bank of Port
Gibson, Miss., who'in a business
sense has been the life of his sec
tion of the state. He has agreed
to come to Georgia for these few
days to give the business interests
the . advantages of his ripe and
successful experience.
Wo are glad to give yonr city'
t|iis meeting, and we are depend
ing upon you and the other busi
ness interests of, your , place to get
together and work up a good
gathering of. bankers, farmers
gupbly-house merchants, largo
farmers who make advances and
fothers interested in your county
aud surrounding counties not.
. reached by . this itinerary. This
campaign is financed by the
j Georgia Bankers’ Association^ the
U. 8. Dept, of Agriculture through
tlie State College of. Agriculture.
Assuring you of otlr desire to rend
er any service possible, I am,
Yours very truly, *
J. Phil Campbell.
morning at ten thirty o’clock to'
discuss from all angles the question
of whether or not. Grady county
should during 1917 make a special
effort to free itself form the Fed
eral quarintine under which it now
is with its cattle on account of the
cattle tick, by putting bn such a
complete campaign of eradication
as to be able to complete the work
this year.
There will be competent speak
ers here on that occasion to give
the advantages that always grow
out of tick eradication, and no
doubt there will be a lew prpsent.
who are opposed to the eradication
of the cattle tick beense they have
not fully informed themselves of
the rciil facts pertaining, to the
matter. Every body is invited to
come to this meeting as it is desir
ed to get the real sentiment of the
county so that it can be placed be
fore the County Board just what
the people want done in this mat
Those in position to know are
very well agreed that if all the peo
ple of the county will enter lienrti-,
ly into the dipping work for this}
year that it will be a reasonably
easy matter to free the county
from this pest. '
Get Our Very Best For
Preaching at “Concord” Method
ist Church Saturday morning, and
night, also Sunday morning.
Dinner on the ground Saturday.
A good song leader will lie with
us at all of these services.
Preaching, Sunday PI M. at 3 o’
clock at “Tired Creek”. Good
singing here also. Everybody in
vited tb all of these services.
H. P. Stubbs, Pastor.
The Kind we Guarantee
Phone 1 4
f A and watch how quick we de-,
I liOn© I^a- liver your package.
Let The Call Come
The Georgia State College of
Agriculture will conduct at the sec
ond district agricultural school, Tif
ton, Ga., from Jan. 30 to Feb. 2nd
inclusive, four days of agricultural
lectures and demonstrations. They
will be full of interest to the farmers
of tho Second Congressional Dis
trict of Georgia.
The subjects in the main will be
those of preparedness for the boll i
weevil, diversified farming and live
stock fanning. In addition a very
interesting program will be conduct
ed for women by Mrs. Bessie Stan-
ey Wood,'Assistant State Supervi
sor in Home Economics, This will
consist of lectures and demonstra
tions oil cooking, sewing, labor
saving devices, and other subjects
of home improvement. A great
many interesting lectures will be
?iven by specialists from the Col-
lego'of Agriculture,' Athens, Ga. on
different subjects. These subjects
ha ve been selected to meet the con
ditions as they stand today with
the-menace of the boll weevil at
hand. The morning periods from
ten o’clock until, noon will bo en
tirely devoted, to. addresses and lec
tures. The afternoon periods will
be in 'the nature of demonstrations.
There will be demonstrations for
then tlnd boys in dairying, judging
livestock, judging chickens, inspec
tion of soils, and the treatment of
sick farm animals. The women
will have an opportunity to view
and take part, in demonstrations in
cooking, butter making, poultry
production and the making of labor
saving devices for the home, and in
landscape gardening. Two car
loads of cattle and educational ex
hibits will be 911 display during the
entire four days.
The liver loses its activity at
times, and needs.Jielp. IIERBINE
is an effective liver stimulant. It
also purifies the bowels, streng-
It is by no means surprising tli
thoro is decided 'opposition in i
quarters to tho call by Governor
Harris of a special session'of tho
Legislature to pnss a law that will
take full advantage of the recent
rulings by the Supremo Court on
the Webb-Kcnyon and West Vir
ginia laws. It is always truo that
any advance in the laws against-
legalized liquor traffic has to fight
its way step by step against just tho
forces that are now represented by
t(ie opposition to having the Gov
ernor oall an extra session,.
But the need for the improve
ment in our prohibition laws is too
plain and the opportunity too
precious to allow to pass'. We
believe that the cull will be made
and that in the- shortest time pos
sible that Georgia will have a law
that will very effectually prevent;
the great traffic now goiug on in
this stuff that has not one thing
good to be said 1 in its favor.
Not alone in Geqrgia but all
over this country and even through
out the world 1 the sentiment in
favor of temperance and prohibi
tion is gathering force and momen
tum, and what lias long been a
dream of a few is really becoming
a probability, when,there shall be
no legalized traffic in any form of
alcoholic drinks. The man in
either private or public life who
todays sets himself the 1, task of
trying to stem this’ onward movc-
ment will find himself borne down
before, it.
Let ! the legislature^>c called to
gether to pass the very best law
that can bo passed at this ■ time,
and then when its imperfections
show up let it be futher improved;
There is no such thing ns letting
well enough alone. There is al
ways something better ahead.
Give us a “Bone Dry Law” and
then if it shows signs of getting
damp, let it be reworked and made
tight again.
Facts About Georgia
That is what it. is called and that
is what it is in truth. Facts ac
tively but simply told, It gives
one a greater pride -than over in
his state to read this splendid com
pilation dealing with Georgiri
from many angles and illustrated ,
with scones from the mountains to .
the sea.
Lor some time we have known
the Georgia Chamber of Commerce *<•
was to issue this book as one of
the booster features of their work
for the state and we had expected
an attractive volumn, but sinoo
seeing this book and dipping here
a'nd there into its simply but well
written pages we have to admit
that it exceeds our expectations,
The wide distribution of the work
both within the state. and outside
is bound to result in great good.
It will do any Georgian good to be
made to realize as this book will
do the great possibilities of his -1
state, and we believe it will lip
right hard for any one not familar
with the state to read it and not
feel pretty strong inclination make
its acquaintance.
Preaching at Presbyterian
Church Sunday morning by Rev.
tliens digestionand restores strength L. W. Curtis, Evangolist for
' vigor and cheerful spirits.. Price Macon Presbytery. Everybody
50c. Sold by Wight & Browne. ' cordially invited.
‘Figaro Presesver” for Saving Your Meat