The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, January 15, 1904, Image 1

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< The Cairo Messenger you i. FIRE AT PINOPOLIS. Store of Colquitt County Aler* chant Robbed and Burned Monday. A special from Tifton to the Constitution under date of Jan. nth says: “The general mer chandise store of W. J. Mar h ! at Pinopolis, in Colquitt coun was destroyed bv fire this mo ing about 12:30. I The store is supposed to have been robbed and burned, as when the fire was discovered by the night watchman the door was standing open, but the flames had made such progress 1 that the extent of the robbery could not be ascertained. Mr. Marsh valued his l urn : ing at $600 and his stock o< goods at $8,500. On these he had insurance with Carson & Banks for $5,500 Soon to Arrive. I The fixtures for the Citizens'! Bank, which opened its doors for business January 1st., have been shipped and will be put in place in the next few days. •/ The interim of the building has been completed and as soon as the fixtures are placed, this will be one of the prettiest banking institutions in this part of Georgia. Program Epworth League Liter* ary and Social Meeting. January 191I1 7:30 p. m. Music—Orchestra. Charles Dickens Sketch of his Life—Miss Jon nie Brown Music—Miss Annie Mae Moore Dickens place in Literature— Audrv Powell Music—Orchestra Reading, “His Pa's Romance —Mrs. Eugene Glower Music—M'ss Crozier. Ways of Failure. From the Philadelphia Tel egraph. We have all seen— The lazy man who allows his faculties to rust, doing as as possible, allowing ambition, energy and self-respect to go up, literally and figuratively in smoke. The lazy woman who shirks her tasks, whether as wife, moth er or wage-earner, and slips through life as easily as possi ble. The lazy young man who gets to the office late, leaves arly, grumbles continuously at the firm who employs him. The lazy young woman who arranges her hair, manicures her finger-nails, gossips contin ually and takes but a languid and haughty interest in the wants of the customers. The lazy person who dishon estly appropriates praise or com mendations belonging to an other. The young man who always spends his money before he gets it. T he selfish mortal who never considers any one but himself. The business woman who is suc b a fool as to be hurt w $en ! Cairo, Thomas Count) , Georgia, January 15th, 1904. I Killed a Turkey. Mrs. J. L. Paulk was exhibit-! ing ; a fine turkey hen on the stieeis here Tuesday which she killed early Tuesday morning up on the Ochlochnee river. The drove had been baited for some time previously, and Mis Paulk was on the scene ai au P rl > * 10ur Tuesday morning ' ” down a bird. vShe ; at dent lo\er of field sports an expeit in the use of the gun. New Georgiia Enterprises.' The following new enterpri ses for Georgia are announced this week: F011 Valley—Fertilizer faeto ry. Atlanta—$10,000 bot t 1 i n g works; $100,000 engineering company. Moultrie—$75,000 lumber company. Lawrenceville—Broom facto ry Fort Valley—Machine shops to be rebuilt. Negro Lynched in Florida. GAINESVILLE, Fla., Jan. 14.—A negro by the name of Jumbo Clark was lynched at High Springs this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Clark had criminally assaulted Miss Jessie Mizell, a 14-year-old girl, while she was on her way to school. The mat ter was soon reported to the au thorities, and immediately there went a posse in search of the of fendei. Hejjwas captured sever al miles from High Springs. Clark was taken to High Springs and made to confront his vic tim, who identified him. Ofifi cers left with the prisoner for Gainesville, the county seat, but they were overtaken seven miles from the place and the prisoner was taken from them. He was hanged to an oak tree and his body riddled with bullets. Tuere were fifty men in the mob, and no masks were worn, though ihe lynching occurred in broad daylight. Grey*Jones. At the home of the bride’s father, Mr. W. B. Jones, about three miles from this city, Sun day occurred the wedding of Mr. M. J. Grey of Cottondale, F'a. and Miss Rena Jones, Rev. J. B. Wight performing the ceremony. The youug couple after receiving the congratula tions of many friends, left Mon day for the home of the groom in the Land of Flowers. It is the wish of the Messenger that life’s pathway may ever be as the old state to which they go— flower-laden and full of song. the business men around her do not treat her to courtly air and graces. The business man who is .such a fool as to flirt with the feminine underlings near him. Dr. Searcy visited Whigham yesterday, < Mrs. Jennie Bell is expected | h ^ me today from a trip to Pan i acea Springs. MORPHINE FOUND BY BODY —- Charles Westbtv?, of Valdosta, Believed to be Suicide, A special fr0 m Valdosta to Tuesdays Constitution says: Charles A . Westbury. a shoe maker of this cltv , was found deac j j n his shop this morning. p rom tke condition of the body ke dad p ra hably been dead for seveI -al hours. A hox containing morphine and a hottle partially filled with whiskey were lying on the floor’ beside the dead man's cot and it is presumed that he died from an over dose of the morphine, though it is not believed that the drug was taken, with suicid al intent. The * ^ceased had . been drinking hea y for two or three weeks. » or Sol oner omon held an inquest over the body, the jury returning a ver dict in accordance with the above. Westbury was a cripple and was a familiar figure in the city as he wheeled himself along in a hand cart. Robinson-Thrower. A quiet wedding was consu matedatthe home of Mrs. M. A. Roddeuberry in this city on Wednesday of last week which united the lives of Mr. W. H. Robinson and Mrs. Kate Throw er, Rev. G. P. Rev ere oft-ici ating. mt, Both of the contracting par ties move in the highest of Cai ao’s social circles and number their friends by the score. The Messenger jffins their friends in extending congratulations and best wishes. Owing to the necessary work of building our first forms the Messenger appears a day late this week. Hereafter the paper will go to press every Thursday afternoon and reach the people along the rural mail routes on Friday. Our engihe will be in stalled before another issue and this will enable us to catch all mails. iW No more trouble with shoe bills. Brown’s Blue Ribbon School Shoes. Sold by J L. Oliver 1 The Jeweler Store l t On hand at all times a large [ stock of Watches, Clocks, Sil ► verware, Spectacles and Instru ► f ments of all kinds* I have ► Watches from $2.2 0 to $75.00 3 ;[ t x have Rings from 25c to $160.00 ] Will soon have in a full line 3 [ 1 Clocks, Rogers Knives and of New « SpOODS. If you are thinking of j [ buying a Piano or Organ, if t you need anything in my line 1 ► taste and j : l can fit your your ► ► purse, Conte iu and talk it 5 6 i over Bring with me. lit pup watcltes and I j S Clftcks that need sending « ► F. Sanders, 3 t C. « » f Jeweler, : I Georgia, 3 ji 'Lj Cairo = - -. . .. .............J - JNO. 1. We Wish you all Good Health During the New Year, \ et it sometimes comes that you 11 ‘ed Medicine. Then is when we want to serve you. But we sell lots of things besides medicine. There’s Perfume, and its Bazells, too Different odors to suit every one’s taste, And Stationary== But we have only to mention the kind, •* Whitings” That’s a guarantee of quality on a box of stationery. Dont forget that we sell House Paint and Guarantee it Wight Sz Browne Agents for Nunnally’sCandies. So Vo SSaggett 6c JZewis v « J’or fertilizers, Jffay, Srciin & all kinds feed Stuff. Senerai e U/arehousemen. Fresh Garden Seed. 2j cts. Pk’g. •u Onion Sets. Red, White and Multiplying Varieties. IO cts, Qt. A full and complete lind of General merchandise where popular prices prevail. The patronage of the public respectfully solicited. J. L. OLIVER. Go to The = RED FRONT STORE Fo^ Your Fine Fruits, vegetables and Notions. Geo. W. Hurst, Manager.