The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 05, 1904, Image 7

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% 1 " 7 i life MAN ; WANTS BUT LITTLE. T ole en po\ terday: , But dis my prayer “Gim® e no mo pen I kin tote away! —Atlanta Constitution. CRAZY HIMSELF. *.y <; if I do say it, M said the con e -she’s for >> spited fellow, crazy me. HoW unnecessary,” remarked Miss .. irue - “you don’t require any assist \ ‘ that direction.”—Philadelphia jn press. three of A KIND. Stubb — • Who were those three o-ed men up the road ? rags •‘One was a tramp, the othei Pen n— class rush, and the third i,nd been in a Lad been automobile racing.”-Cbicago News. gone before. ..your money or your life, cried the villain as be held the revolver in the victim s face. have to take my money, ’ an 'll swered the man, “my wife has a morb e on my life.” theory and practice. Professor of Rhetoric-“Here is an Item of news I would like in the paper. office boy)--Here, City Editor (to Bennie, rewrite this—fix it up to print” —Cleveland Leader. might get over it, Proudman—“Did you ever hear my little girl recite? - I believe she'll be an elocutionist when she grows -up. Hardman—“Oh, it may not be so bau as that. She may outgrow it.”— Philadelphia Ledger. ■?$) m !■) * m W*'* I Football Term—Going ’Round the End. DOING THE BEST IIE COULD. “What were those blood-curdling shrieks I heard last night? “That was Jamison trying to quiet bis new baby. You see, he can't sing a note, and so he gives his college yells as a substitute. Cleveland Plain Dealer. THE OLD, OLD STORY. They were out in the grove searching for walnuts. “You may have heard it before,” he whispered; “but once more I must say I love you.” • I’m looking for walnuts,” she said, with a sweet smile; “not chestnuts. —Chicago News. MISSING. “Mr. Nozzleton,” she said, “if you try to hug and kiss me again, I shall call papa.” “Where is your father?” he asked. “He’s in the Yellowstone Park, and will be beyond mall or telegraphic communication for three weeks.”— Chicago Record-Herald. AN UNFLATTERED LIKENESS. Critic—“I must congratulate you on the villain of your plat*. He leaved the impression of having been drawn from life. • • Author—“He was. I may say to you that, he is an exact portrait of myself Ss my wife depicts me in our hours of ease.”—Town and Country. A SURE INVESTMENT. Greene—“I notice you always turn to the page with the stock quotations when you take up a paper. I suppose you take an occasional flyer 011 the market, eh?” Gray—“Never invested a dollar in stocks in all my life. I find it cheaper to read the quotations.”—Boston Tran script. brought trouble on self. White — “What is the matter with Plunger’s head?” Grenn—“Yesterday was h'.s wooden wedding and he gave his wife a rolling Pin for a present and when he re turned from celebrating the event shu ■^turned the present with a speech suitable to the occasion.”—Butte Inter “fountain. CONG R A T U RATIONS. Jack—“I hear you are going to marry Hiss Prettyun. Permit me to congrat ulate you on your excellent taste.” I’m Tom—“Rut the engagement is off. else. pot going to marry her or any one 60s Jack—“indeed! Then allow mo to fffatulate you on your good sense.” go Evening Post. pgg jgu ’ 'fflECnro 0 MEN ARE ESPECIALLY tULUO r^rtT mC LIABLE TO Colds invariably Result in Catarrh, Which Sets Up a Host of Distressing Diseases. iPE-BU-NA Both Protects and Cures a Cold—Read Proof. Mrss ^Jdg ( c Rosmjz Von J v / t YStruemno s® T Ml ? e X M UU i m m 7 "m /jgm A s' 9 ; V ’ t <1 W in ■ fee - w vj ■i * y m • ■ w>: Ms ri- 5 <■ L ' ■ wm wk A' H m 4 Vi>: v.-a ■5 ■ Wit. ■ rii i : 4 I * i ■m •v, • IS w .'.* • V;.N \ m ■m %&&&& \ Mlllfii V . . •. : SI • m s«j If, •Vy. 7: SB .v r 's' X» yli I V - S „„ RA-* •? i<SE2iS m * I i Miss Rose ••L Sr E ■ mm m w v.' 1 frOfflON \’.\b ■ov.; i* , Sc *■ >%: Miss Rose Gordon. 2102 Oakland av., Oakland Heights, Madison, Wis., writes: u A few years^ago J caught a severe cold, which resulted in chronic bron chitis and catarrh. Ou r family phy sician prescribed medicines which gave temporary relief only. 1 began talcing Peruna and improvediat once. Two bottles cured me. I recommend Peruna to all sufferers, and am most grateful to you for your valua ble'pned ieine. ”—Miss Hose Gordon. TUcls/i ington,I). C.,609H street, N. W. Dear Dr. Hartmam: ‘‘l used to think that the doctors knew all about our aches and pains and were'Jhe proper ones to consult when sick, but since 1 have been sick m yself I certainly had good reason to change my mind. During the winter I caught a heavy cold, which developed into catarrh the bronch ial tubes and an inflamed condition of the respiratory organs. The doctors were afraid that pneu monia would set in and prescribed pills, powders and packs until I sick ened of the whole thing, as I did not ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR A Men who know when they get enough may oe too full for utterance after getting it. JUlieumatism's Killing Pain. Left in quick order after taking 10 doses of Dr. Skirvin’s Rheumatic Cure, in tablet form. 25 doses for 25c., Wis. postpaid. [A.C.L.] Dr. Skirvin Co., La Crosse, All women were born to love and be loved, and they fight it out on that line. Knowledge From Experience. Is what we understand when Dr. Spalding, an eminent Baptist divine, of Galveston, Texas, writes send me two bottles of Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. It is for a friend suffering from consumption. It is a preparation I know from experience to be good.” 25c., 50c. and $1.00 bottle. At druggists, a Lots of people would rather not own the things they can borrow. Fiso’s Cure cannot be too highly spoken of as a cough cure.—J. W. O’Bbien, 322 Third Avenue, N-, Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6,1900. Some men ought to be thankful that the world doesn’t understand them. Putnam Fadeless Dyes color Silk, Wool and Cotton at one boiling. It is easier to win a wife with flattery than it is to maintain her on it. Millions of Vegetables. When the Editor read 10,000 Plants for 16e. he could hardly believe it, but upon second reading finds that the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, AVis., than whom there are no more reliable and extern sive seed growers in the world, makes this offer. This great offer is made to get you to test Salzer's Warranted Vegetable Seeds. and They will send you their big plant seed catalog, together with enough seed to grow solid Cabagss, 1.000 fine, 2.000 delicious Carrots, 2.000 Blanching, nutty Celery, 2.000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1.000 splendid Onions, Radishes, 1.000 rare, luscious 1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers, ALL FOB BUT 16C. POSTAGE, providing you trill return this notice, and if vou will send them 20c. in postag postage, they ' will add to the above a package of the fa mous Berliner Cauliflower. [A.C.L.] A married man says he objects to giv ing his wife spending money because she invariably spends it. rprr rnCL STUART’S GIN and BUCKU To all who Buffer.or to the friends of those who p- ffer with Kidney. Liver, Heart, Bladder or Blood Disease, a sample bottle of Stuart’s Gin and Buehu, the great southern Kidney and Liver Medicine, will be sent absolutely free LA1U oi eost Mention this paper. Address SI DKUG M'FG CO., 28, Wall St., Atlanta. Ga. t improve. Otve of the ^ladiesf t ln the IIome*had a]bottle of Peruna and she advised me to try that. Shortly after I begun using It I felt that! had found the right medicine. I usedltwo bottles and they restored* me easily and pleasantly to perfect health. While my stomach was very delicate, Per una did not nauseate me in the least, bat gave me a good appetite, and I wish to express my gratitude to^you for re stored health.”—Miss Rosalie Von Struennlng. CATCHING COLD Is The Beginning of Most Winter Ail ments— I’e-ru-na Protects Against and Cures Colds. There is no fact of medical science better established than that a teaspoonful of Pe runa before each meal during the winter season will absolutely protect a person from catching cold. Now, of it), if thousands finis is true (and there is no doubt of lives would be saved, and tens of thousands of cases of chronic catarrh prevented, by this simple precaution within reach of every one. After a cold has been contracted a tea FREE PE-RU-NA ALMANAC. " way UPSET YOUR. STOMACH With Nauseous Cathartics To Cure Your Headache ? . . r °*-' CAT UDINE- It Cures Immediately—while you wait—and has co bad effects on the Stomach. IT IS LIQUID. Cures Colds Also. !C, 23 and 50c a bottle. fii EBBiiiiimaiirg i EVERY SHOOTER i g „ WHO SHOOTS £ I I ®i 2S l I B fcS 1 i I Li I ARMUHITION i has a feeling of confidence in i his cartridges. They don’t " misfire and always shoot where you Tell aim. your dealer U. M. C. 1 I when he asks “What kind?” 1 Send for catalog. I The Union Metallic Cartridge Co 1 Bridgeport, Conn. JSi BiaflifliesiMaflgm R1BBS 911 HIllllil 2«ac2£sax Corn must have a sufficient supply of i 1 ! Potash I in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoric Acid or Nitrogen can compen sate for a lack of potash in to 'A* fertilizers [for w, grain and all YV m other Wc shall crops]. be glad fPj m ■ 10 send free to any farmer ourlittlebook which contains valu able information I about soil culture. | | I I GERflAN KALI WORKS, 1 New Vork —»8 Nassau Street, or • AU'nia. Ott. So. Brood St. 1 i maaa spoonful of Peruna every hour will shortly cure it, leaving no trace of it behind. After chronic catarrh has become established, or the first stages of chronic bronchitis or consumption have been reached, it will take much longer to effect a cure. It seems strange that as well known and well established as these facts are any one should neglect to profit by them, and yet no doubt there are many who pay little or no attention to them and go on catching cold, acquiring chronic catarrh, bronchitis and consumption. Catarrh May Pcrmeate/he Whole System. Mrs. Mary E. Sampson, West Derry, Rockingham County, headaches, N. IL, writes: both “I had terrible ears run and I was nervous all the time, also had trouble each month; was deaf in one ear for thirty years. I took six bottles of Pe runa and one of Manalin, and am that happy to say that it is the best medicine I ever used. I am not so nervous, my appetite and is ood, everything I eat agrees with me, am feeling better in every way. I think Peruna is a godsend to women and a bless ing • to suffering humanity.” — Mary E. Sampson. derive and satisfac If you do not prompt tory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case, valuable and he will be pleased to give you his advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. VER Y D R UGGI ST H AS TH EM 1 1 “Myfatherhad beon a sufferer from slckheadacho forthe last twenty-five years and never found any relief until he began taking your Cascarets. Since he has begun taking Cascarets he has never hod the headache. They have entirely cured him. Cascarets do what you recommend them to do. I vill give you the privilege of using hi 3 name. 11 E.M. bickson, 1120 Resiner St., W. Indianapolis, Ind. BesT for ’ ,g/ The Bowels j 4 CANDY CATHARTIC I; 7i Never Pleasant, Palatable, Weaken Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, sold in Sicken, The or Gripe, 10c, 25c, 50c. Never bulk. genuine tablet stamped GOG. Guaranteed to enre or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 598 ANNUAL SALE. TEH MIUtOH BOIES This is What You Want! Hays You Aay Malarial Troubles? Do you want to get well an<l get well quick! If so, send a Postofiice order for fifty cents to tho REGAL MEDICINE GO..of Stamford, Cosil., for medicine and directions. of A malaria, quick and chills certain and cure fever.dumu iqiaranteed in and all interniitteot cases fever. ague CURES _ u WHEHE _____iissaaasun FAILS. rA Best Cough ALL ELSE 53 Syrup- Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold by druggists. qpB3S2giII2SG [TON ”tri J J m Discriminating sportsmen are enthusias tic over the many novel features of the SAV AGE 22 CALIBER REPEATER. It is hammer less, shoots the short, long and long rifle cart ridges all in the same arm, and its accuracy alone has placed it in a class by itself. X Write T«-D**y f«r CataGurue SAVAGE ARMS CO., Utica, IV. Y., U. S ,\o. C—FHEE. \ Cotton Gin Machinery A >r 'TT~V f ‘ v. 7 >C^ : w . -tr- •* •5 C • » I cr 7 U't ' 1 Sill BtgSP nm ; PRATT. HUNGER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. SIMTIL We make the most complete line m any concern in the world. We also make ENGINES and BOILERS, UNTERS lor OIL MILLS. v*e tell everything needed about a Cotton Gim. Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Continental GSn Co., Birmingham, Ala. Avery SUCCESSORS & Company TO AVERY & McMlLLAN, fil-53 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Gs —ALL KINDS OF— MACHINERY i i 57 ? m & ssaBBaswgH Reliable Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. pH t, BEST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplietl promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines & Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogues. iSAW MILLS Our Latest Im proved Circu lar Saw Mills, with Hege’a Universal LopBeains.Keetilln- Hea ear, Simultaneous Set Works and the cock-Klng Variable Feed Works are unex celled for ACCURACY, SIMPLICITY, DURABIL ITY and base or operat roN. Write for full descriptive circulars. Manufactured by the SALEM IRON WORKS.Winston-Salem.N.C. ‘ v VV»«. 'WY\\M»a tlj *•»! SEEBfPOTATOESi i It » ? iDltor 500,000 BUSHELS| SALE XH EAR£| Largest seed potato grolvers in the ivorld l Elegant stock. Tremendous yields. From 400 to 1000 bushels per acre. FOR TO CERTS ana this notice we send you lots of farm seed samples and big catalogue, telling all about Teoslnte, Speltz, I’eaoat, Aerid Land Barley, Macaroni Wheat, Bromus, Earliest Cane. etc. Bend for samo today. ms. ji i Sail CAPSIOBM tf&SELIHE • (PUT UP IN COLLAPSIBLE TUBE3) A substitute for and superior to mustard or any mosfcdelieato other plaster, skiu. and will pain-allaying not blister the The and curativequalitiesof it will the thisartiele toothache are wonder ful. stop at once, and relieve headache and sciatica. We recom mend it as the beat and safest external counter-irritantknown.also asanexternal remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and plaints. all rheumatic,neural will gican(i what gon t y claim com A trial prove we forit, and it will be found to be invaluable i n the household. Man y peo pi e sa y “i t i sth e bestof all of your preparations.” Price is ct,s..ataU dmggistsor tocsin other dealers, or by sendingthisamount willsend tube by mail. postagestamps No article we you a should be accepted by thepu otherwiseitisnot hlic unless the sftmeoarrief.-ourlabel, 8 . 8 MFO. genuine. CMBSeBROUOh CO.. W, 17 State Street. New York City. ! iropsy CURED Gives Quick. Relief. Removes ail swelling in 8 to 20 days; effects a permanent cure t A in 30 to todays. Trialtreatinent given free. Nothingcan be fairer C ' Dr. H. II. Green’s Sons, c w Wnte 1 I Specialists, Cox B Atlanta, Qa.