The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 12, 1904, Image 5

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• ^44.14444 1 -*£ | j ft t I rs ! Farmers’ Column • ? f ! t Edited weekly by W. B. Roddenbery * f Dealer in Vehicles and implements. mm Ss ■ Now is the time to repair and ? v | build fences. Don’t try to make a crop un 1 fence—-it is apt to der a poor cause a row with yoar neigh bors. —Stop— i wasting timber and labor by : f splitting rails. Pine trees are valuable and rail splitting is hard work. I ’ * g I Buy Eliwood Standard Woven m Wire Farm Fencing, ; which is much better and cheap !er than rail fence*. i Eliwood Fencing is Pig Tight j £ Horse High and Bull Strong : ! stock can’t get thiough it. i j Dcirt buy any but Eliwood * Diamond Mesh Fence, 1 and avoid 9 9 | the mistakes that some farmers (have made by trying square t j Mesh Fencing. >1 * i Eliwood Diamond i Mesh Fence *i } is no experiment in this sec-j • - (lion, I have sold more than 25 j miles of this fence around Cairo. The purchasers are | | pleased and so am I. ! I now have in stock several miles of this fence in all heights | —but the supply will run out before the season closes. You (should not delay getting j supply. I Yours for better fences, I W. B. i i J * w. ; jCocal Stems find ^Personal *fffention. Mr. B. M. Johnson paid Thom asville a visit Sunday. Mr. Henry Wight visited Thomasville Sunday. Dr. Searcy and the editor vis tied Whigham Saturday. Look out for the comic valen tine and keep your temper. Dr. Parker came over from Whigham and spent Sunday in this city. If you have any peanuts for sale, we want them. Forrester Bros., Cairo, Ga. The present week been has full of two destructive agents—fire and war. The city has been pretty well overrun with drummers this week. We note the heavy produce shipments from this place with pleasure. We want your chickens and eggs, will pay highest price. Forester Bros. Cairo, Ga. Mrs. T. F. Belcher has numbered among the sick this week. Mr. E. L. Whitworth, mer, spert last Friday in city. Mr. E. G. Kolbie, of the senger, spent Saturday and day at Camilla. Mr. Pierre G. Russell visited the county seat Tuesday noon. Tha Star Brand, Walk-Over, Dixie Girl and Try-Me shoes are sold and guaranteed by Forrester Bros., Cairo. Ga. Postmaster J. B. Crawford re turned Tuesday from a trip down in Decatur county. A Rational tooth brush is what you want. Wight & Browne. The Cairo Furniture Co. have a change of ad. this week. See what they have to say. Some of the local fishermen have been meeting with splen did success on the river lately. Syrup of White Pine and Tar will cure your cold. Wight & Browne. Dr. W. M. Searcy paid Thom asville a business visit Monday. Mrs. W. A. Davis, of Quit man, was a visitor to the city Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Wight and chil dren have been visiting friends and relatives in Thomasville this week. Wanted —Raccoon skins, ot ter hides and all kinds of Mer chan table Furs and Hides, for which we will pay highest prices. Forrester Bros. Misses Cora and Annie Hurst returned to their home at Thom asville Tuesday after a pleasant visit in this city. Read new advertisement of The Red Front Store and don’t forget St. Valentine’s day is day after tomorrow. Mr. T. J. Maxwell and baby, of Max, visited relatives in this city since our last issue. Mr. S. J. Rader, representing the Chicago Portrait Co., spent Sunday in the city with friends. In order to make room for our spring goods we are selling all lines of our millinery at greatly reduced prices. Miss J. D. Brown & Co. The league social will be held at the home of Mrs. M. L. Wight next Tuesday evening. The program appears in another column. The Messenger office has been printing the directory for the Cairo Telephone Exchange this week. They will be issued to subscribers in a few days. Miss J. D. Brown & Co. are selling beautiful silk velvets at actual cost. Miss Claude Gandv, who has been the attractive guest of the Misses Brinson for a few days, returned to her home at Thom asville Monday. Wanted at once - Shelled corn. Highest market price. W. H. Robinson & Co. Messrs. W. H. Robinson & Co. are advertising an attractive offer on the front page of this paper. Read what they have to say and save your coupons. Messrs. A. P. Soence and A. Leon Perry, representing the Truitt-Silvey Hat Co., Atlanta, were in the city Friday. The Truitt-Silvey Hat Co. handle an elegant line of goods and they are ably represented in this ter ritory. Wanted —In big quantities chickens of all ages, rooster that have voted, hens that pride themselves on weight, style, age and laying qualities. W. H. Robinson & Co. Our people will learn with in terest that Mt. H. W. Montcrief who went to Cairo some time ago to take charge of Mr. G. L. Duren’s store at that place will shortly go to Murphy, where Mr. Duren will set up a mercan tile besiness, he having sold out his Cairo Store.—Meigs cor. Pelham Journal. Dr. W. E. Oliver went over to Jakin Wednesday. Buy you “dream-of-a-waist 99 a at Miss J. D. Brown & Co., while Taffeta silk is going at cost. Mr. Jeff White went to Thom asville Wednesday. Mr. W. Y. Bryan was among Wednesday’s visitors to the county seat. Wanted —To make trade for 3 to 5 small hogs weekly. Ap ply at once to W. H. Robinson & Co. Messrs. Richter & Rushin are among the advertisers in this issue. Look up their ad. and see what th^y have to say. Tube Rose bulbs for sale, 5 cents each. Wight & Browne. Vlil.m II H l-l II II H rm I-IH II4IM >1-1 I-1 I 111*11 «-H I* I ■ M II I « 14 l«l-> IIIH* - «-t£ \ \Light Proposition! Ft ft|.| • • I I !-»• • I I N III in ■♦-•-•-I W • « l>|-|>| HH | r | | H l-» » I IHiiM > I'l I • 'I 1*4 I 4 |!«| I II I •" Those Center Tables we advertised two weeks ago at 65c, 75c, $1.10and $1.80 are Going hut to move them faster, we will give to Every Customer purchasing a table at either price A Handsome Center Draft N’ckle Lamp like this cut for $ 1.25 $ 1.25 This lamp would be cheap at $2.00 but if voif buy a table of us remember you can get the lamp at the reduced price. This offer will be open for Two Weeks Only, „ So don’t wait but come Tod<e»y. i) I .*v i * I. .. HOUSE Furnishings Notice! Notice! Notice! We want you to know a few facts that will be of great benefit to you now and in the future. 1st That Richter & Rushin are among the largest dealers in General Merchandise in the county. 2rd That Richter & Rushin sell everything and buy every* thing from a coon skin to a house and lot. 3rd That the prices of Richter & Rushin can always be re lied on. In fact that they are price makers for a great many things. 4th That Richter & Rushin sell the famous Blackshear brands of Guano’s. 5th That no matter how great an amount of produce you have or large an amount of purchases you wish to make that Richter & Rushin can serve you. Call on us and see for yourself if these are not facts. Respectfully, RicHte^ Sz Rushin. The 2)a/ly and Semi TOeekly Subscription Price by Mail Daily and Sunday One Year----------- $ 7.00 Six Months....... 3.50 One Month — .60 One Week .12 The Daily Journal, (Including the Saturday Edition) One Year - -------- ----------------- $ 5.00 Six Months--------------------------—.......... 2.50 One Month -- .45 One Week.......-.............................. .10 Sunday Only, one year-------- 2.00 Read The Messenger.