The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 12, 1904, Image 7

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fi PANIC-STRUCK JAPANESE FLEE rsp Non- Combatants Hasten to Vacate the Russian Capital* CONSTERNATION prevails Russain Army Moves to Take North Kara-Czar's Answer to Note of Jy pan is in Coarse of Transit. «fhe Japanese are flying panic stricken cables 4he Vladivostok cor resp 0 n d ent of The Novoe Vremya (St. Petersburg), •. and Japanese storekeep are sacrificing all their posses f -e in their haste to escape to Ja cjons selling for pan. Cases e.f oranges are five cents and furniture is being liter ally S iven away ‘ They are practically their .. . . hurry to ruining themselves «n get away before the outbreak of war. “Over « thousand Japanese girls embarked for Japan yesterday and three other steamers are on the point of sailing for Japan with Japanese families, including many who left the Nikolskoye and Ussuri regions on Wednesday last. A S4. Petersburg special says: As reported the draft of the Russian re sponse, tentatively approved by the czar., -was telegraphed to General Al iexeff. The document follows the course of its predecessors, Tire vioe roy will have an opportunity to exam ine the phras<eology and return any ob jections he may have before receiv m final instructions to deliver the re ply .to Barer DeRosen, Russian Minis ter at Tokio, for presentation to Ba ton K.omur&, Japanese foreign in!nis ter. While the contents of the response are naturally guarded they are known toTein a conciliatory spirit and form, and to contain what are regarded as important concessions, although main [ ' taming Russia’s main points former covering position Man- on some of the ciruria aiia Korea. The news that the note had been sent to Viceroy Alexieff became public in St. Petersburg Friday morn teg, and caused an increase of anxiety over the future. On the bouTse this war, reflected by a further fall in The price of securities. The announcement also created a stir among the members of the diplomatic corns, and there “was much activity and conferring. All Ships in Comrnissicn. AI! the ships of the Russian Racihc ■squadron which have been held in re serve are now in full commission. The regiments of tho Third East Si berian rifle brigade, which recently'left Port Arthur, are taking temporary sta lions along the Chinese railroad. The Port Arthur garrison has been strengthened by- the arrival there of tin Seventh brigade of conscripts, wflio have recently been going through a short course of training. Stores of provisions and rcoal are tying accumulated, and all the neces sary military works are being actively pushed forward. Both ’the army and navy are in -ex cellent condition, and everything is ready for an emergency, hut all are \ patiently awaiting the outcome of the |2 negotiations. Russian s to Seize North Ktyrea. A dispatch to the Central News Agsncy (London) from Tokio says the newspapers there publish telegrams saying that 20.000 Russian troops tyen concentrated in the Yaln Valley T lth the probabte intention of sei-zitig B orth Korea. h is ad bed that hope of maintaining Wa«e hp/5 been abandoned. While the i ,p 5rimism in London diplomatic cir (:lp s is shaned on the stock exchange at, fi reflected by th-e attitude of th-e Principal business houses, there is a Potable dearth of news on v/hich it i* Possible to prophesy. The Japanese Ration offi-cials confess they are Pessimistic regarding lire ultimate re Sult of ihe negotiations -and point out *^ a t Japan is merely waiting on Rus s ’ a The whole situatiem, they add. - Spends on the nature of Russia’s re Ply. SUGGESHON OF DEWEY PARtMOUMT. ava l Committee Heeds Hero of Manilla in Preference to the General Board. Admiral Dewey’s suggestion in favor of hea vy fighting ships for the navy ■mailed Thtinsday with the house ^mmittee on n-aval auairs over the tee oimmendation of the general board. u ^mitted by Secretary M.oody. 510 naval appropriatioo bill was c 0n ‘Pleted by the after Bearing committee 3 carries granted by Admiral Dewey. II ? 95 an aggregate appropriation oi - 000 , 000 ,^ . e ships authorized are one two armored cruisers, three scout Risers a ud two squadron colliers. ■ a: MW'-wtey ea Get Off *!?sy. They were talL ug about the recent robL&ties in tho lieutenant’s room at the Fairmonnt avenue station, and Tieaton said it was remarkable that j none of the rascals was run down. I Magistrate Scott said, when his turn came ’round: “It was worse than this twenty years ago. I remember a time ■when it wasn’t safe to cross the Schuylkill j after dark. Hold-ups were of nightly ; occurrence and men went armed or i stayed at home. They used to tell a story of a man crossing the Walnut street bridge at midnight who was beset by three highwaymen. He fought them tooth and nail and when at last they overpowered him they were bleeding, their clothes torn, and they were all bat total wrecks. “Their victim was an Irishman, and when they had him down and bound his tongue was still free, and he be rated them roundly. All this time they were T&rning his pockets inside out and wfcn the joJb was done they found just 15 cents. e. * Great Scott!’ txclaimed one of the robbers. ‘To’feink we’ve had all this row tor a nickel apiece?’ ‘Shut up, you if'diot!’ said the lead- 1 er. ‘If he fougtit like that for fif- ! teen cents, he’d Have killed every one ■of us 'f£ he’d happened tc> have had sa quarter!’'’—Philadelphia Press. HER FIRST BEAU. He alv/ays had been «'»ld and sti2, Nor love’s great passion felt; But V'hen he saw the pretty miad HiK-frigid air would aaelt She w’on his. heart by fctndly acts. With merry jests and quips. And with her own fair hand placed - F. pipe between fcfc lips. Beneath Ixer window he would'Stand And brave the midnight breeae. And then one sunny afternoon He got upon his knees. Sn vain he begged Kmbvace or kiss, For fate she said him nay; -So. wasted by his hopeless love, -The snow man passed away. -—New York'Suru ; EASILY BELIEVED. j “Many have said that if Lengfeilow ■ were living to-day he could not sell his poems, ’ * remarked the gM with ;the book. ‘Tm sure of it'ty replied the amateur : poet. “Why, I haven’t been able to sell mine.”—Philadelphia Record. - A WOMAN’S MISERY. Mrs. John LnTiue, of 115 B.iterson 'Avenue, Paters«u N. J., says: “I was . troubled for about nine years, and what - I suf r-c, fered, uo one y will ever im know. I used about every known reme ~ dy that is said to be good for W ” kidney com plaimt, but If without deriv- 1 tfc-m ill •y $3 W ingl'&ai relief. Often iinent k • m B when alone in ^___ the. house the feeck ache has Jaar-en so LuKl that it brought tears to my eyes. The pain at times was so intense, that I w:as compelled to.,give up my household duties and lie dow n. There wer-e.Yead a ethos, dizziness ;tnd. blood rushipg to my head to cause bleeding at the .nose. The first box ofDoan’s Kidney Bills benefited me so much that I eontfeiued the treatment. Tile-stinging pain in the-> small of my 'hack, the rushes of blood to the head ajud,other symptoms j disappeared, Doan’s Kidney sale by mil Piiis.for dealers. 50 cents {>er box. Fostor Milbucn Co., Buffakj, :N. Y. ■SAVING LAUNDRY BILLS. “Bom-e of the great. poets used to jsot their inspirations i.down on then cuffs.” said the cailer. “That ..! cannot do,”’ ?s&i;d the garret hard sadly. “Is memory so inoor. .>> your “No, I don’t wear cu.fcv” FREE STUART’S CSHVi and BUCHU To who suCer.or to tire frioncLs of those who suffer with Kidney. Liver, Itoart, Bladder or Blood Disease, a sample bottle of Stuart's Gin and Buehu, the great southern Kidney and Liver Medicine, will be sent absolutely free ol eoet Mention this paper. Address STUART' DRUG MTG CO.. 2« w,|’ Atlanta. Ga. Wherever iufi&raation exists, there you may use with perfect safety \-TCHKLc s SAV& |Although 8 mended for the diseases Salve of is the chit-fly eye. recom T CURES ALL EYE AFFECTIONS. , Give the name of this paper when writing ts> advertisers—(A17-04) BY THE RELEASED BY t . 1 ! < S’ > j \M & * i < ' J { i >1 fi III If, ill *5 <S» m i **\ ( ■ 6* n i tty fig: A -S* (- * Tins f wfisberger. Fred „ V ■ * I I f r t W» t '—'U t \y t S.Zjjncoin msuAs I\<i 4M? Wkl f * t ■ |\ Ron. James \ * RGVJlL.j > * t * * » m #9 ^ & * * r M * MISS A LiCS •e>* * DRES3LER. * * J^.*' Miss Jean <» ■cowcili. ) # * The w&rUd of H; » * » * * medicine recegn izes £ J » Grip its epidemic S \ # 0 \ emttarrh f9 ■m. / * o * . ~ Horatio JVDCE^ J. Geas'jS i.g $ * * t t * r HLe&icdl Talk. fv r * * <* o J——j,...... i l-- 5 I A GRIPPE i? epidemic catarrh. Jt 1 spares no class or nationality. The -euL tured and The ignorant, the aristocrat and the pauper, the masses and the classes are empt—tali alike subject liable. to la grippe. None are <ex are grip Have you yem? the (Grip grip? is Or. well rather, named. has The the original got EsenCh la grippe, has been The lierin, read shortened bv busy American t© ! i word “grip.” has Without beerves med intending that exactly to do && describes a new I the case. As if some hideous giant with Cotton Gin J | ^ l ■m • V .■ If* A > ¥k* b.« l*rijE:rrri‘*'1 j 1 -v; i 1 4 -mr- . - j | (||| 4 HI i.ty | | . > *. PRATT. j WINSHIP. EAGLE. we waxe i*e most complete Une oi toncern in tile world. We also make ENGINES and LINTERS tor OIL MILLS. Vic sell everything needed about a Cotton Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Continental Gin Co Birmingham, Aia. wopsy CURED Rctaoves all swelling in 8 to 20 da;**; effects a permanent cure in 30 to 60 days. Trialtreatment given free. Nothingcan be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons. Specialists. Box B Atlanta. Saw mills The DeLoaeh Patent Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 h. p. cuts 2,000 feet per day. All sizes and prices to suit. DeLoaeh Shingle Mills, Edgers. Trimmers. Planers ; Corn and Buhr Mills, Water Wheels. Lath Mills, Wood Saws. Our handsome new Catalog will interest you. Deloach Mill Mff’. Co.. Box 834. Atlanta, G» r BEST m THE BQWELS ^ Wh CAKUY i n CATIIARTEG m j crsjs blood, GUARANTEED wind the CURE stomach, for all bloated bowel bowels, troubles, foul appendicitis, mouth, headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad breath, pimples, bad | on u pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and dizziness. When your bowels don’t move g regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It | g starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking CASCARETS right Take today, advice, for you start will with never Cascarets get well today and stay under well absolute until guarantee you get^ your to cure bowels or g g our jij money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. sofl ~ lawful Grip had clutched ms in its fatal elrtsp. Men,women, children, whole towns 1 and cities are caught in the baneful grip of a terrible monster. ■ The following letters speak for them selves as’to the efficacy cd Peruna in cases la grippe*or its after elfeets. -Aftereffects of La Grippe Eradicated by Pe-ru-na. Mrs. Fred Weinberger, Westerlo, Albany County, N. Y., writes: had attack of [a “Several years ago 1 an Malsby & 4 j South Forsyth St, Atlanta, Ga. V N A ■k, 1 ° f. 6,1! iBKt n i Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills j irja a I KINDS OF MACHINERY 'Complete’line carried in stock for IM MEDIA TE shipment. ■ ■ Eeat Koohiinery. Lowest Prices and Best Terms Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., before Guying. [ ISAW MILLS Our Latest Im proved Circu lar Saw Mills, [with Simultaneous Hege’s Universal 8et, Works LogBeams.Rcctilin- and the Hea ear. celled cock-King Variable Feed Works are unex for ACCURACY, SIMPLICITY, DUBABIL , Bdescriptive ITY AND EASE OFOrERATION. Write for full j 18ALEM circulars. Manufactured by the IRON WORKS.Winston-Sniem.N.C., 3 CENTS BUYS A SHARE and positive ownership in Oold Jlii! Concentrating Plant and Group of Gold Slineg Mill now grinding out gold continually. Looks like speedy and con tinnous dividends New company just startiug PlclUreg. prospectus. OK E free. 81X8ET GOLD ( UMPAXY, ; «OB Muck Kloek. OENVEK, COI.O. I ___ DIMS SMI „ Best Cough WHFRE ALL ELSE FAILS. in Syrup. Tastes Good. Use time. Sold by dnwiats. consumM MM which left my nerves in a prostrated attack of Then 1 had another grippe which left me worse. I had tried good physicians, but all in vain. I Peruna a trial. In a short time I waa better, and now 1 am as well as any Fred Weinberger. lion. James Ji. Gui!l, of Omaha. Hon. James R. Guill is one of the oldest most esteemed men of Omaha, Neb. lias done much to make it what it is, on public boards a number of He endorses Peruna in the follow* words: “I am 08 years old, am hale and hearty, Peruna has helped me attain it. Two ago I had !a grippe—my life was de of. Peruna saved me.”—J. R A Relative of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Filas S. Lincoln, who resides at 913 I N. W., Washington, 1). (J., has the of being third cousin to Abraham. He writes: “i had la grippe five times before using medicine. Four years ago 1 began use of Peruna, since which time 1 have been troubled with that disease. I now do as much work at my desk as I could in my life, weight.” l have gained Lincoln. more ten pounds in S. S. Xot Only Cured La < ’ irippe But licnejited the Whole System. Miss Alice M. Dressier,* 1313 N. Bryan* Minneapolis, Minn., writes: “Last spring 1 suffered from la grippe was partially cured, but the bad after remained through the summet, and I did not get strong as 1 was be One of my college friends wno was me asked me to try Peruna and A so, and found it all and more than I. expected. It not only cured me of the ,atarrh, but restored me to perfect health, built up the entire system ahd brought a. happy ieeling of buoyancy which 1 hail not for years.”—Alice M. Dressier. An Actress’ Testimonial .* Miss Jean Cowgill. Griswold leading Opera lady House, Troy, N. \ is the w ith the Aubrey Stock Co. She writes the following: "During the winter of „ 1901 T ! sut- , past weeks from at fered for several a serious severe tack of grippe, which leit a ca tarrhal condition of the throat ana head. "Some one suggested Peruna. As a last resort, after wasting much time and money mi physicians, 1 tried the remedy faith fully., and in a few : weeks was as well aa ever. Jean Cowgill. A Southern Judge Cured. Judge Horatio J. Goss, Hartwell, Ga., writes: had “Some five or six years ago 1. a very severe spell of grippe, which left me with systemic catarrh. A friend advised me to try your Peruna, which L did, and was im in i jdiately benefited and cured. The third bottle completed the cure.”—11. J. Goss. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna writc at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full stafce^ merit of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice President gratis. of The t Address Dr. Hartman, Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. 3®5EHHr ' w, A IM LV l ■ • ■ A 8 i ■Bk r: ■ : Salzer’s National Cat •> . Most prolillc Oats on earth. The U. 8. Dept, of Agriculture Vv r asb irigton, says: “Kalzer’s Oats are the f\ tested best out by of over us.” four This hundred grand sorto Oat (m yielded In Wisconsin 156 bu., Ohio 1S7 bu., Michigan Z31 hiV, Missouri m "^1 253 bu.,Biid North Dakota210bu. per k a acre, and will positively do as well by I /l yu you. Try it, sir, and be convinced. 1 ’ A Few Swon 8o YIelils. Saber’s Bcardlesn Barky, 121 bu. per A. Salter’s lloiaeltiiiitkr turn, 301 bu. per*. Sailer’s Big Four Oats, 230 bn. per A. Sailer’s Sew SiaiiomtlOats,310 bu. perl. Saber’* Potatoes. J3(i bn. per 1. Sailer’s Onions, 1,000 bn. per A. All of our Farm and Vegetable Seeds are pedigree stock, bred right up to big yields. Salzcr’s Spelts (Emmer). Greatest cereal wonder of the age. It ig *i yielding oats, not corn hut so nor a golden bn. wheat, of combination grain nor rye. and nor tons of barley, them nor all, straw hay 4 of rich per acre. G real eat stock food on earth. Docs well everywhere. Salzer’s lYSllllon Dollar Grass. Most lalkcd of grass on earth. Editors and C ollege Professors and Agricultural Lecturers praise nay ana it lots without of pasture stint; besides, yields 14 tons c t rich j>eracre. Salzcr’o Tcosinte. Ealzer’s Teosinte prodneeg 113 rich, biley sweet, leaf y stocks from one kerne! of seed it leet lngli in «o days; yielding fully 60 B 19 tong of green fodder per acre, doing well everywhere, Last, West, South or North. tw Grasscs and Cio vers. clovers Only large growers of grasses an d for seed m America. ,, Operate over 6,000 Our seeds acres. are warranted. We make a Clovers, great specialty of Grasses and tatoe*,Onions Fodder Plants, Ooin.Po-, , w , sorts of Vegetable Cal>),age,and ail Seeds. For 10c In SSasnps and the name of this pni>er,we will send you a lot. of farm seed samples, including some of above, together with our tsNVj mammoth illus trated catalogue, for but 10c in postage stamps. Send for samo to-day. iM II » IPJ This is What Yon Want ? Have You Aay Malarial Troubles l Do yon want to get well ami get; well Quick f If so, send r Bjatoffice order lor City cents to tho REGAL MEDICINE GO.,of Stamford, Sono., tor medicine and directions. A quick and certain cure guaranteed In ail cases of malaria, chills and (over.dumb ague and intermittent fever. SAUSAGES Finest. Made, 111 Rinds at Lowest Price?. Trade supplied on short notice Write for quo* tafions to C. H. MECKEL, 55 Highland Ave. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. il afflicted with Thcmpscn>. Eye Water weak eyes, u*e *