The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 12, 1904, Image 8

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Announcement. Wo wish to annouuce to our friends and the trading public generally that we have just opened up in the Ar iine store recently vacated by W. H. Robinson & Co. a full and complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Gent’s Furnishings, Groceries, Etc. It shall be our aim at all times to serve our .patrons with the very best to be had at the Very Lowest Possible Figures. We respectfully invite you to call and inspect our new goods and give us a trial at your business, which we shall endeavor to merit by square dealing, lew prices and cour teous treatment. Yours very truly, Belcher, Sanders & Co. Next. Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store. T*. lit Planting Time is drawing near and it is time that you were looking to your plow'gear, harness, etc. And lest you forget let us remind you that we carry a full line of I Harness, Leather Goods, Plow and Wagon Gear. We manufacture our own Harness and we know' what they are. We c an supply you with either a full set or any part of a set down to a mere hame string. We make and handle Buggy Bridles, Bits, Saddles, Saddle Stirrups, Storm Aprons, Buggy Curtains, Buggy Cushions, Whips, Curry Combs, Riveters, Tubular Rivets, Hame Tug Buckles, Saddle Pads and CollaWPads. If you want your Shoes repaired ours is the place to have this done. We also make a specialty of this class of work and use the best of stock. If what you need is in the Leather Line consult us. Yours for Business, Sfudson &Sraves. Fresh Garden Seed. [F>? Onion Sets. Red, White and Multiplying Varieties. IO cts, Qt. A full and complete lind of General merchandise where popular prices prevail. The patronage of the public respectfully solicited. J. L. OLIVER. t The City Shaving Parlor, t a t t W. A. ALSTON, Proprietor. i J a t ./having, _Thampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. a 0 C J 1 Prompt and Polite Attention, Expert Workmen, Sharp Tools, t Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. ■j t t About Legal Advertising. For the benefit of some who made inquiry, we wish to that the Messenger will always print the official legal advertising of both Thomas and j Decatur counties for the benefit \ our readers in both counties. Of course we get no pay for these ads. but reproduce them in order that our readers may j keep themselves posted along this line. League Program. Epworth League social Feb. j 16th, at the residence of Mrs. Margaret L. Wight. Music—Orchestra. Song—Auld Lang Syne. Quotations. Piano Solo—Mrs. Andrew Forester. Game—Lost Books. Reading—“Execution of Mon trose— Albert Roddenberv. Music—Orchestra. Conversations, five minutes, Topic—Scott, Dickens and Thackery. Game—Conditionals. Music—Orchestra. Married on Feb. 7th, at ten o’elock at the home of the bride’s father, Rev. D. A. Jones,) Miss Ida to Mr. G. Frank Hurst,i of Ochlockonee, Rev. R. G. Jack son pronouncing the ceremony which made them one. The prominence of the parties made the occasion one of much inter est to all in this community. The bride was becomingly dress ed in grey cloth, with hat the same color of costume. The at tendants, Miss Delle Banks and Miss Hattie Coal, wore white with blue trimmings. At twelve o’clock a sumptous dinner was served, which was enjoyed by all. At four o’clock Mr. and Mrs. Hurst left for the home of the groom, accompanied by the best wishes f all. May they live long together and be happy and prosperous.—Akridge cor. T1 mes-En terprise. 250 Dozen Eggs. Mr. B. H. Pope, a prominent merchant citizen of Akridge, was in the city last week with a lot of eggs consisting of the small (?) number of 250 dozen. Mr. Pope is doing a flourishing business at Akridge and handles a quantity of country produce. Produce Market. (Corrected Weekly By W'ight Bros’.) Cotton 13 Syrup (In bbls) 23 to 25c Corn (Shelled) per bu 65c Corn (In ear) i i “ 60c Meal 4 4 44 70c Peas.....(yellow) per bu $1.00 Peas...... (White 44 44 1.50 Meat (Sides) per lb 10c ^ams____ 44 44 12* Lard..... 44 44 IOC Chickens.. .(Grown) 25 and 30c Chickens (Spring Fryers) 25 1030 E g8 s Per doz 15c DR W. M. SEARCEY, DENTIST Office next to Wight & Brown Drug Store. CAIRO, - GEORGIA xT Dixie Lodge W'f H. P. NO. 150. Regular meetings 1 st and 8rd Monday nights in each month at 7:80 o’clock. L. B. Powell, C. C, T. A. Powell K. of R. & S. jidvice Ss Cheap, j And some times you get Soot/ Jfdttice for nothing. Our jfdvice to our Farmer Friends is not to put too much faith in the present high price of cotton and plant too much. Raise Rlenty of “Sfoy and Sffominy 9 9 and some Cotton, but don’t plant all your land in cotton. We also advise^verybody to make their purchases of us. — ~Z/?emomber that —~ we buy what you have to sell and sell what you to buy. We A aue more room in our New Store and a larger stock of goods and therefore enabled to serve your wants better tkan ever. Come to oee We can save you money. 97/a utdin brothers, Sfdvertisors of S’acts Cairo, Seoryia, On the Corner 7/ext to Citizens Ranh. S H. J. Hart. $ Tinner and Steam Fitter. Repair work of all kind at reasonable Prices. Steam Fittings and Mill Supplies. t Cairo, - - Georgia. So Vo SSayyett & oCewis ■Sor Thertilizeroy jffay, Srain & all kindo Seneral Tl/are housemen. >ETEPv 1 Shells are the best ammunition for field and trap shooting. They are uniform, because FACTORY LOADED They are used by millions of sportsmen who have found by experience that these daiL ry 1? f r*“ ILLS Are superior to all others. The ‘TEAGUE ” (Black Powder), it REFEREE” (Semi-Smokeless), “MEW VICTOR” (Smokeless), \m IDEAL” (Smokeless), “PREMIER” Dense Smokeless), m ARE 44 tfiGH GUN” THE (Dense Smokeless) BEST Have you ever used Peters Metallic Cartridges ? Do you know that they are used by the World’s ^..ASK Champion Rifle Shooters? YOUR DEALER^ Read The Messenger.