The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 19, 1904, Image 4

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. Published every Friday at Cairo, Thomas county, Georgia. B. W. AOKI.NS, Editor. B. Q. KOUBIB, Bus. Manager. Application made for entry at the Cairo, Ga. Post Office as Second-Class Mail Matter. SCH8CKIHTION KITES, ONE YEAR 11.00 SIX MOUTHS..... ,5Uc THREE MONTHS •JS Advertising rates reasonable, and furnished upon application. ’Rhone 40 . About twenty new subscribers have been added to our lists since last week’s issue. Although no announcements are being made, more than one Thomas countian is wearing a smile that savors strongly of politics. Since the present trouble be tween Japan and Russia the im portance of a good navy is ap parent to everyone, and the peo ple of the United States are no doubt a unit on the subject of a better one. As soon as a young negro has learned a little about books he gets the idea that he can make a living without work. And such an idea is a curse to a young person, black or white, male or female, Education shoud qualify for more work and better work and education which does not do this is a curse.— Americus Times-Recorded. When you see two men, says an exchange, with arms en twined in sweet conversation while one tells the other about his health, his wife and children and other personal matters, think not that is is the meeting of two long lost brothers or boy hood friends. One is a voter, the other a candidate.—Nash ville Herald. The following was taken from one of our exchanges: Man’s business requires haste. The average business and profession - al man eats in a hurry and get-. dyspepsia. He walks in a huiry and gets opoplexy. He talks in a hurry and gets the lie. does business in a hurry and b comes bankrupt. He reads in hurry and is superficial. votes in a hurry and corruption. He marries in a hurry, gets a divorce. He g religion in a hurry and it in a hurry. He dies in a ry and goes to the devil—and his tribe increases. “To the people of Troup ty: A frank spoken truth be caustic, but it is best. With several candidates from Grange and vicinity, defeat staring me in the face; hence withdraw from the race for nary before my political hide, common with others is on a pole. With a bow and a kindly good will to voters and candidates, I shall practice as often as I get^a ease—R. Young. Here’s a man that would made a good officer. When see one confine himself Jto hard truth this way he is valuable to be overlooked the people of Troup should let him retire, but, on the trary, they should elect him reward his If you have any peanuts sale, we want them. Forrester Bros., Cairo, Ga. Reflections of a Bachelor. The most fascinating things about a woman’s logic are all the little curleyeues in it. When a man is able to earn his own living it is satisfactory proof that he is not a genius. Once there was a business man who kept a pretty type writer for a long time, but he wasn’t married. Something a woman can nev er understand is how a man can consider a certified check as ex citing as money. 1 A woman’s idea is that her husband ought to pay the debts she runs him into, even if he has to borrow money to do it.— New York Press. When You Have a Cold. The first action when you have a cold should be to relive the lungs. This is best accomplished by the free use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This Remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells of the lungs, produces a free expectora tion, and opens the secretions. A complete cure soon follows, This remedy will cure a severe cold in less time than any other treat ment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. It counteracts any tendency to ward pneumonia. For sale by Wight & Browne. More New Industries. The following new Georgia industries are reported for Geor gia the Tradesman for last week; Savannah - $100,000 electric supply company. Sandersville—$10,000 ice fac tory. Vidalia—Electric light plant; ice factory. Jonesboro—Electric light plant. Augusta—Paper mill. Nothing Equals Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. Dr. P. B. Spears, of Pinchard, Ala., has become acquainted with the good qualities of Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy and uses it in his own family and in his practice. He says: “It beats any prepa ration I have ever seen for all bowell complaints. I do not think of recommending any ether, and also use it with my own children.’ This remedy is for sale by Wight & Browne. Thomas countians should not only elect Hon. Fondren Mitch ell to the next house of repre sentatives, but should see that no opportunity is lost to assist in placing him in the speaker’s chair. He is the man for the place and we believe he is bound to win in the coming race. Another Case of Rheumatism Cured by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The efficacy of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm in the relief of rheuma tism is being demonstrated daily. Parker Triplett, of Grigsby, Va., says that Chamberlain’s Pain Balm gave him permanent relief from rheumatism in the back when everylhing else failed, and he would not be without it. For sale by Wight & Browne. Macon is to again have the State Fair. Centrally located, wide-a-wake and fully up to all matters pertaining to fairs, why should Macon not have it again? We are sure that it could not be held in a better city. Now let every county in the state make ready for a winning exhibit this fall. Announcements. Thomas County. FuR REPRESENTATIVE. ] hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful performance o' all the duties of the office. My past record in the of fice is open to inspection and relying upon this I submit my claims to the voters of the county and solicit their support. John R. Singletary. Decatur County. FOR SOLICITOR. To the Voters of Decatur County. I desire to announce that 1 am a candidate for the office of the Solicitor of the City Court of Bainbridge, subject to the action of the white Democratic Primary. I was born and rearer in Decatur county, and have lived here all my life, during the last eight years of which 1 have been actively engaged In the practice of law and feel that 1 could fill the responsible position to the satisfaction the public. Those who know me know thai I am dilligent in business, and am always found on the side of right and duty. The other can didates have held this office. Mr. Gilpin held it under tne Act creating the City Court of De catur county, before the City Court of Bain bridge was established in its stead, and Mr. Russell, the present incumbent has held the position under the Act creating the City Court of Bainbridge, his term of office of four years in this position will expire shortly after the general election of this year. This office, with its duties, being one that will gseatly develop a young man in the practiue of law, f id the other two candidates haviug held the pot - tion, there could be no wrong in electing me to the position and gratifying a laudible am bition, and I therefore respectfully and eain tstly ask the suffrage and support of all the white citizens of this county. M. E. O’Neal. Mr. McCall's Lecture. Cairo citizens were given a treat Monday night which they w’ere not expecting. Mr. S. P. McCall, of New Orleans, deliver ed his lecture a A Drunkard’s Fate,” at the Methodist church in this city tc a fair audience on this occasion, and few who wen., expected to hear a discourse so earnest, able and eloquent as was this. In fact this ea' ne ...L man, fired with his work, com ing as he did, unheralded and without notoriety, into a strange place proved a surprise to aU. From start to finish his lecture was an admixture of pathos, earnestness and eloquence and was delivered with the grace and ease of an orator to the manor born. We venture the assertion that more in the way of merit was given in this free for-all lecture than in any that will be heard in this city in a long time to come. Perfect Confidence. Where there use to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the household when a child showed symptoms of croup, there is now perfect confidence. This is owing to the uniform success of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy in the treatment of the disease. Mrs. M. I. Basford, of Poolesville, Md. in speaking of her experience in the use of that remedy says: “I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy fo, I have used it with perfect suc cess. My child Garland ie sub ject to severe attacks of croup and it always gives him prompt relief.’ For sale by Wight & Browne. Hon. J. B. Rountree Here. Hon. J. B. Rountree, of Bar wick, merchant, farmer, politi cian and all-round good fellow, was in the city Tuesday on bus iness and greeting friends. To a representative of the Messer ger Mr. Rountree stated that just at present he could not spy whether or not he would be a candidate to succeed himself as representative in the legislature. However if he does enter the campaign the Messenger pre dicts a warm time for his oppo nent, for Thomas county fur nishes but few men like Joe Rountree. The market for syrup is not so good just at present. Should 9?ot 1 Overlook the S*act, That Spring time is nearly here, and with Spring time comes the demand for F astidious ancy abrics or eminines. By this we mean that you will need new Dresses and Waists for Spring and especially the S/ad Caster Season. It’s not too early to begin to look around for them. We have them in already and will take pleasure in showing them to you now. Our stock of £m broideries, *11}kite Soods > Sinyhams, Cham bray, 7/fadraa, tPis/ues, Gte.; is large and new in styles—this seasons buying. There’s nothing old about them but th* j Price. W hat about the Price? Well, t lie price makes a strong appeal to your good judgement and Purse, and makes i; a pleasure to part with your money, for you know that you are getting your money’s worth. Sell. Buy. Come quick and get the pick. Yours for business, 7/fauldtn brothers, Advertisers of cts Cairo, Seorgia. On the Corner *tfext to Citizens w? anA. AAA An Appeal to Reason, 1 The way to appeal to a man’s reason in this day and time is through his purse. Save him money and your reasoning hits £ j the spot. i We propose to reason a little right along this same line. We have a complete line of General Merchandise, consisting of 1 Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, ■ « 4 ! Groceries and Farm Supplies, i i and it*is reasonable supposition ► a a that we wish to sell them. To ! 1 do this we price them to appeal to the raason and sound judg- ^ ment of prospective purchasers. t Further than this we always try to make it pleasant for all l | who visit our store by extending them every consistent courtesy. [ j Their visits are always appreciated. 1 % | We do not promise to put anyone on the corner of Easy [ j Street and Pleasant A enue, but if you have a dollar which you i wish to spend well, or if you stand in need of something, then t « we would he glad to have you come in and let us show you through f J our line. Our Stock is large and honest values rule. Yours For Business, B. F. POWELL, Cairo, Ga. 'TtfVTTffVW* •* H. J. Hart Tinner and Steam Ritter. Repair work of all kind at reasonable Prices. Steam Fittings and Mill Supplies. t Cairo, - - Georgia. The City Shaving Rarlor.j W. A. ALSTON, Proprietor. s /“having, /hampeoing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. Prompt and Polite Attention, Expert Workmen, /harp Tools, Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. *