The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 19, 1904, Image 5

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jEocat Stems Jind {Personal TTfention, This has been a week of show in Cairo. .Mr. E. F. Baggs spent Sunday ID Thomasville. Valentine Day has passed. Did you get yours? Mr. J. L. Oliver has a new^ad. in this issue. Look it up. “Dock" Buntin, of Whigham, spent Monday night in the city. Mrs. T. W. Wood is the guest of relatives at Camilla this week. Mr. J. T. Chambers, of asville, was here Tuesday night. Mr. W. T. Crawford was a visitor to Thomsville last day. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brannon were visitors to Climax day. Mr. ]. F. Maxwell, of neai Whigham. was a visitor to city Saturday and joined Messenger’s list of readers. ■ Announcement. Wo wish to annouuce to our friends and the trading public generally that we have just opened up in the Ar Jine store recently vacated by W. H. Robinson & Co. a full and complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Gent’s Furnishings, Groceries, Etc. It shall be our aim at all times to serve our .patrons with the very best to be had at the Very Lowest Possible Figures. We respectfully invite you to call and inspect our new goods and give us a trial at your business, which we shall endeavor to merit by square dealing, lew prices and cour teous treatment. Yours very truly, Belcher, Sanders & Co. Next Door to Sanders’* Jewelry Store. Planting Time is drawing near and it is time that you were looking to your plow gear, harness, etc. And lest you forget let us remind you that we carry a full line of Harness, Leather Goods, Plow and Wagon Gear. We manufacture our owm Harness and we know what they are. We can supply you with either a full set or any part of a set down to a mere hame string. 1 1 I 1 We make and handle Buggy Bridles, Storm .«•! Bits, Saddles, Saddle Stirrups, Aprons, Buggy Curtains, Buggy Cushions, 1 I I Whips, Curry Combs, Riveters, Tubular Pads f Rivets, Hame Tug Buckles, Saddle 1 J and CollartPads. If you want your Shoes repaired ours is the place to have this done, We also make a specialty of this class of work and use the best of stock. If what you need is in the Leather Line consult us. Yours for Business, jPfudson dc Sraves. Miss J. D. Brown & Co. are selling beautiful silk velvets at actual cost. Whigham is represented in this issue. Read the news from our sister city. Miss Ora Brinson visited friends in Thomasville this week. The K. Ps. held a regular semi-monthly meeting Monday night. We want your chickens anc eggs, will pay highest market price. Forester Bros. Cairo, Ga. The Red Front Store has a change of adv. in this issue. Mr. and Mrs. Davis, of ridge, were visitors to the Sunday. Mesdames W. L. and D. Oliver were visitors to ville Mondav. Buy you a “dream-of-a-waist” at Miss J. D. Brown & Co., while Taffeta silk is going at cost. Dr. W. M. Searcy went up to Albany Sunday on a short bus iness trip. Mr. W. T. Crawford went | down to Montieello Sunday for | a couple of day’s visit. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gilford, of Climax, were pleasant visitors to the city this week. Mauldin Bros, have a change of adv. in this issue to which we direct your attention. The attractive ad. of W. H. Robinson & Co. on the front page will interest you. Read it. In order to make room for our spring goods we are selling all lines of our millinery at greatly reduced prices. Miss J. D. Brown & Co. Miss Belle White returned Saturday from a visit to rela tives at Thomasville. Dr. Eugene Glower came down from Atlanta Saturdav for a short visit to homefolks. Wanted —Raccoon skins, ot ter hides and all kinds of Mer chantable Furs and Hides, for which we will pay highest prices. Forrester Bros. Mr. John Clower; a former Cairo boy, but now at Bain bridge, spent Sunday in the city with homefolks. Tho Star Brand, Walk-Over, Dixie Girl and Try-Me shoes are sold and guaranteed by Forrester Bros., Cairo. Ga. Mesdames B. H. Pope and. J. J. Ragan, of Abridge, spent Sun day in the city the guests of relatives. Dr. Parker came over from Whigham Monday night to at tend the meeting of the Knights of Pythias. Miss Louise Slater came down Irom Thomasville Friday and spent a couple of davs on a visit to her mother. Wanted —At once 37 me dium sized men of all ages to apply at our store to be fitted up with a new suit of clothes at cost. Only 37 suits left and we want to move them in order to give room for our large spring line of clothing. At cost now means a big bargain, for the clothing was bought before the big advances in the raw mate rial. Come qniek as they will not stay on our counters long at the price. Yours truly, Mauldin Bros. To Have Artesian Well. Messrs. K. P. and W. S. and Mrs. M. L. Wight will soon have a private system of water works to supply theirTesidencesJ Mr. Jarrard, the well Wiown ar tesian well man, has beg'hn work upon a well upon the loCof Mr. K. P. Wight. A tower will be erected and the water from this will be furnished to the resi dences, which are all close to gether. A gasoline engine will likely be used to pump the wa ter into the tank. DR W. M. SEARCEY, DENTIST Office next to Wight & Brown Drug Store. CAIRO, - - GEORGIA **** • •« l« ItMl I 111)4* 4 M4 fcMI III 11 I I l« II I I II I I I I Ult L j ft A Light Proposition! nil mm h n • i i iii 11 n t n * «4 ii i ■ in mimiiiiiiiiiiii hm' Those Center Tables we advertised t\v week's ago at 65c, 75c, $1.10 and $1.80 are Going but to move them faster, we will give to Every Customer purchasing a table at either price A Handsome Center Draft Nickle Lamp like this cut for $1.25 $1.25 Tins lump would be cheap at, $2.00 but if von buy a table of us remember you can get the lamp at the reduced price. This offer will be open for Two Weeks Only, So don’t wait but come Today. Wire muUm m / Notice! Notice! Notice! N We want you to know a few facts that will be of great benefit to you now and in the future. 1st That Richter & Rushin are among the largest dealers in General Merchandise in the county. 2rd That Richter & Rushin sell everything and buy every thing from a coon skin to a house and lot. 3rd That the prices of Richter & Rushin can always be re lied on. In fact that they are price makers for a great many things. 4th That Richter & Rushin sell the famous Blackshear brands of Guano’s. 5th That no matter how great an amount of produce you have or large an amount of purchases you wish to make that Richter & Rushin can serve you. Call on us and see for yourself if these are not facts. Respectfully, RicHte^* <& Rushin. -\mm Journal *Dcu'li/ a mi TOee Subscription Price by Mail Daily and Sunday One Year $ 7.00 Six Months - 3.50 One Month .60 One Week .12 The Daily Journal, (Including the Saturday Edition) One Year .......................... $ 5.00 Six Months 2.50 One Month...................... .45 One Week .10 Sunday Only, one year 2.00 Read The Messenger.