The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 19, 1904, Image 7

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rear?**#' ' £■ W - ( A v. * Y?v- fi kSLL&l- SMzft-n 1 !*■?' m < V-, i/; •.«* /" y ■. *■* G t / . J 1 / •«! J 2 Yonng women may avoid lucb sickness and pair,, says Uss Alma Pratt, if they will n!v have faith in the use of y{ jia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Judging from the letters she is irs^Pinkham from so many young girls, believes that our girls ire often pushed altogether too near he limit of their endurance now davs in our public schools and seinrn ries. Nothing is allowed to interfere with the girl must be pushed to the graduated with honor ; often collapse follows, and it takes to recover the lost vitality, — it is never reco ,r, ered. Miss Pratt iys, .. Deab Mrs. Pinkham : — I feel it nv duty to tell all voung women how cuch Lydia E. tinkham’s won lerful Vegetable Compound has for me. I was completely run down, unable to attend school, and did not care for any kind of society, but now I feci like a new person, and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months. a I recommend it to all young wom' , n who suffer from female weak mess- — Miss Alma Peatt, Holly, Wmlrijiiminengsa Mich. — $5000 forfeit If original of about lettar cannot ba produoed. m M •v s 4c c : ... A1WUMITI0H is extensively used everywhere in the world wherever the muzzle loader has given way to the breech loader. It is made in the largest and best equipped tence. cartridge factory in exis This accounts for the uniformity of its products. Tell your dealer “ U. M. C. * • when he asks: “What kind? » » Catalog free. The Union Metallic Cartridge Co. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Agency, 313 Broadway, New Turk City, K, ¥» pm 0 h X TtrJLi A & : - J air I I wshm W ii '.iUSSl ...T r S25 ! K-“' 0 '-o furvSWi I 8 .i \ ■ v % T iv^j Our money winning books, written by men who know, tell you all about Potash who They are needed field and by a every plow, man and || i| owns a who desires to get the most - out fife! of them. R They Send postal card. GERMAN KALI WORKS Sew York—b3 Naesan Street, or Atlanta, Ga.-2SJj So. Broad St. w Dropsy in CUP.E0 Gives Quick Relief. 8 to Removes all swelling 70 days in ; effects 60 a permanent Trial treatment cure 30 to free. days. be fairtr given Nothingcan Sons, Write Dr. H. H. oreeri S Specialists. Box 8 Atlanta, z&. ^' Ve the name of this papefr when ,ritin 3 to advertise rs- (At8-04) fit j t U ■> y a,- ^ -. ............... ....................... fj r ^ .22 CALIBER. RIM FIRE CARTRIDGES. Winchester .22 Caliber Cartridges shoot when you want y them to and where you point your gun. trade-mark Buy the time- H tried Winchester make, having the I stamped on the head. Vney cost only a few cents more & box than the unreliable kind, but they are dollars better. for sale by all dealers everywhere. - i SILENT AT THROTTLE. • locomotive Engineers Net Inclined to Be Communicative. Of the men who sit in the cab cf a locomotive and turn the machine loose in a race of 100 miles in 100 min utes it is said they are the most mod est individuals of the human family. This is a fact said to be clearly shown by a talk with any of the Cbi eago engineers who have any such It is evidenced not so mu. a from what they say when questioned 1 as from what they da not and cannot , be induced to say. For not two men in a dozen of fast I runners are given to talking about ] what they have accomplished. Much less are they inclined to pass any opinion of the capabilities of any other engineer. Take it all in all, the men who ride the iron horse in races that are ap palling are the oddest characters in the jumpers of a mechanic. A short time ago a special train was chartered to make a fast run down the country. The engineer, in taking coal at a sta tion, was delayed by the coal chute apron becoming unmanageable. The % man w r ho sat in the cab ahead was as cool as an iceberg, but no sooner had the apron been hoisted cut of the way than he opened up the valve and be gan a race that for speed and smooth ness was one of a thousand. Arriving at our destination.” said the conductor who had charge of the train, “the engineer found awaiting him a telegram from the general su perintendent of the road, who paid him the highest compliment that an official could extend to an employee. The man read the telegram and shoved it into the pocket of his blouse without a change of countenance. No one, from looking under the peak of his cap, could tell what sort of a feel ing had been awakened, even if it af fected him at all. • • A fast runner, being approached by an outsider who wants to know some thing about the life of an engineer, will invariably be ashed to see so and so, who is another engineer on the same run or division. He ? s a mighty good engineer and can tell you more of what you want to know than I can,” and then he goes about his puffing steed, feeling for hot places and poking a long spouted oiler under the machinery. It i« ten to one that the other man will get out of it in the same way. Few engineers who have been found j out of fast runners will make any comparisons of any kind of their runs with those of other engineers. There is c-ne thing, however, about which an engineer of this class is “touchy. Suppose he has made a fast run, but has been laid out or delayed from one cause or another. He invariably wants that' delay deducted from the total time of the run. Railroad men say that the longer a man runs an engine the longer he wants to. He is in love with his dan gerous calling, and he is a veritable duck out of water when once he real izes that he is laid off for all time.— 1 Chicago Tribune. KNEW THE TUNE ONLY. There is an old joke which has cir culated so long among sailors that it has become a classic. It is about tho greenhorn who thought he knew how to assume the duties of the leadsman. The ship was entering harbor, and the mate called for a leadsman. Tho young seaman, who was on his first trip, stepped forward and took up tho lead line. The leadsman’s duty is to lean over the bridge railing, cast the lead ,'t a sign from the skipper, and give the result in a Jong, drawn-out chant. The greenhorn <rn this occasion cast the lead, then sang out in the accus. tomed wail: “ W o—h o—ho—ho—ho—o—o. 9 9 4 • What?” yelled the captain, “I didn’t catch your words. More dis tinctly.” • a Captain,” explained the landsman, - <4 4 I don’t know the words; I only know | the tune. I didn’t think the. words \ were necessary.”—New York Press. ! - FREE STU ART’S CSM and BUCHU , j ; ^ a ji who suffer, or to the friends of those whQ sllffer wlt h Kidney. Liver, Heart, Bladder 1 or Disease, a sample bottle of Stuurt - Gin and Buchu, the great southern Kidney and ; l iver Medicine, will be sent absolutely free oi cost. Mention this r >er. Address STL'AKJ _ . Wadi St.. Atlanta. Ga. DRUG M’FG CO.. 28 m=^3£racHnEr-iift» ^ THIRTY YEARS ^ Congressman Catarrh-Head Meekison His Endorsement Suffered With of Pe-ru-na. K — 4 4 4 m F V t* 4 m 1* F - f* 4 «• 9 AC I 9 l v Wi V s v//m / l Va PM m it l\ s. J * $ A $ wS J .V $ ” $ $ ; * VK 4 * # g 8 $ J f * * $ ■A. * •’ * a » t * * * v * t \ * * * < ■ i&S. t 1 \ ( * Ik' j ? V //'■' * 9 * \ lA * \\ 7/J • 5 - s 7if/, // 9 t s 9 * <■ v- * * J mT! Wn Iflilluuu* W‘ f/S 4 t * 4 * CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON, OF OHIO. 4 4 9 Hon. David Meekison is well known, not only in his own State but throughout America. He began his political career by serving four consecutive terms its Mayor of the town in which he lives, duringwhich time he became widely known as the founder of the Meekison Dank of Napoleon, Ohio. He was elected to the Fifty-fifth Congress his by a very large majority, and is the acknowledged leader of his party in section of the State. Only one flaw' marred the otherwise complete success of this rising statesman. Catarrh, with its insidious approach and tenacious grasp, was his only unconquered foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Peruna came to the rescue, and he dictated the following letter to Dr. Hart man as the result: © a “I have used several bottles of • thereby from my catarrh of the • if I use it a short time longer I ; of thirty years’ T 1IE season of catching cold is upon us. The cougi^ and the sneeze and nasal tvyang are to be heard on every hand. The origin of chronic catarrh, the most com mon and dreadful of diseases, is a cold. This is the way the chronic catarrh gen erally begins. A person catches cold, which hangs on longer than usual. The cold generally Then starts in the head and throat. follows sensitiveness of the air pas sages which incline one to catch cold very easily. At last the person has a cold all the while seemingly, more or less discharge from the nose, hawking, spitting, frequent clearing of the throat, nostrils stopped up, full feeling in the head and sore, inflamed throat. The best time to treat catarrh is at the very beginning. A bottle of Peruna prop erly used never fails to cure a common cold, thus preventing chronic catarrh. While many people have been cured of Chronic catarrh by a single bottle of Pe runa, yet, as a rule, when the catarrh be comes thoroughly fixed, more than one bot tie is necessary to complete a cure. Pe runa has cured cases innumerable of ca tarrh of twenty years’ “only standing. It is the best, if not the internal remedy for chronic catarrh in existence. But prevention is far better than cure, Every person subject to catching cold should take Peruna at once at the slight est symptom of cold or sore throat at this season of the year and thus prevent what is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh. m ' WHV UPSET YOUR STOMACH With Nauseous Cadhsudics To Cure Your Hee-dache ?...... TaKe CATITDINE. If Ctl res Immediately—while you wait-and has no badeffects op the Stomach. IT IS liquid. Cures Colds A Iso. l0 - 23 &nd 50c 4 bo,,,e - •X.‘j+es: There are 29,000 Indian children In school, G2,G1G Indians who can speak English and 143,974 Indians who wear civilized dress. Beware of Oint-nent* For Otiarrlt TH» Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely dorange the whole sys tem when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Curo be sure you get the genuine. It is t -ken in ternally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J, Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Bold by Druggists; price, 75e. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, The erection of galvanized iron bouses in Bloemfontein, tbe capital of the Orange Itivcr colony, has been prohibited. The agent of the Penobscot Indians in Maine reports that there are now 396 members of the tribe, a gain of two during the past year. C 1 and I feel greatly benefited it I feel encouraged to believe that c be fully able to eradicate the disease 2 | Meekison, ex-Member of Congress. 90 Mrs. A. Snedeker, Cjirtereville, G-a., writes: •» I saw that your catarrh remedy, Pe I runa, thought was doing others so much good that 1 would try it and see what • « © it would do for me. e 9 My case is an old J Mm 0 o one, and I have • ^ none of the acute * (V o ‘ O symptoms now, be- • o Q cause I have had « I <1 the disease so long ® v>- o j that I had none of • ' but the aches and pains, t o a general run- * * /- © O | down the whole condition of / j< >& % 9 sorenoseand body—• r r /< » * throat * w~ » andstomach. good appetite, I had J 'V 0 © o a ® but my food did * Mrs. A. Snedeker. J ? ot nourish my 8 y 8 - $em. I bad come down from 140 to about 7a ^ ou, l ck “ 'Y e 'S ht - 1 n ° w ee ' that 1 w ® 1 11 ) of a11 m y troubles. . , -Mrs. A. A , ’ ^nd for free f , book , on catarrh . , entitled , Winter Catarrh by Dr. Hartman, « ealth and Beaut y sent free to women ou ; li ( you do , not , derive , . prompt . and , satisfac- , • r tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis, Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. 3 CENTS BUYS SHARE an ! positive ownr-rsbip fn Oold Mill Concentrating Plant and Group of Gold Mines Mill now grinding put gold continually, Looks like speedy and con tinuous dividends. New company just starting j Pictures, prospectus, GOLD OK K free. SUNSET GOLD COMPANY, | *vo« Mark niock. DEN VEIL COLO. | ! — SI Sit® «4.S Best CURES Cough WHERE Syrup. ALL Tastes ELSE Good. FAILS. Use I In time. Sold by druggists. j rr mm fi i 0 Discriminating sportsmen are enthusias tic over the many novel features of the SAV AGE 22 CALIBER REPEATER. It is hammer less, shoots the short, long and long rifle cart ridges all in the same arm, and its accuracy alone has placed it in a class by itself. Writ* To-Koj for Catala-un SATAGE ARMS CO., Utica, N. Y., U. S. A. Bio. «---I HEE. ■ .V, *. MT 4 *-, ■ .-A— Jki^. -gq-k. .tL.**. .. -a, . ’ S»ery & Company TO SUCCESaORS avery & McMillan, 51-53 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Go —ALL KINDS OF— MACHINERY ■v i i i T 1 SS&g i f/AJM* Reliable Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. A. \ •V. r 1 - .ii \ BEST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, | Circular Saws,Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full line Engines & Mill Supplies, Send for free Catalogue. ISAW MILLS Our Latest Im proved Circu lar Saw Mills, with Here's Universal Lojr Reatns.Reotllin ear, Slraultanenus Set Works and the Hea celled coek-IUng for Variable Feed Works are unex ACCURACY, SIMPLICITY, DUBABII - i ITY AND EASE OF OPKKATION. Write for full descriptive circulars. Manufactured hy the SALEM IRON WORKS,Wlnston-flalem.N.C. waswEssamm Cotton Gin Mac hinery fa ii np i r wit -, , 'ftw ■ > fT' ..... i V. AM! * 'r&n 4 m y i“ TFYP UK 5 ■" ; la mm y j f '1 I mm !ia! V w - - U,'V-, ■iv PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. ; EAGLE. SIMTH. Wo make tho most complete Une oi any concern in the world. We also make ENGINES and BOILERS, I LINTERS lor OIL MILLS. ! nt bell every thing needed about a Cotton Gin,. ! Write for Illustrated Catalogue. i : Continental Gin Co Birniinqham, ASa. as CAPSiGUN VASELINE (PiJX CP IN COLLAPSIBLE TCBKS) A substitute for ami superior to mustard or any other plaster, skin. and will not blister the most delicate The pain-allaying and 8 curativequalitiesof will the thisartlclearewonder fill. It stop tootbachoatonce, and relieve heailache and sciatica.. We recom mend it as the best and safest external counter-irritant known,also asanexterriai remedy for pains in the chest andstomach andallrlieuiiifttic,neurftlgicand plaints. trial will what gouty com a prove we claim lorit, and it will bo found to lie invaluable in the household.Many paoplesay “itisthe j bestof all of your preparations.” Price is cts..atall druggists or other dealers, or by sendi tig thisamouuttous in postage stamps we willsend you a tulieby mail. No article should be accepted by thepublicunleesthe samec.arriesourlabcLasotberwisei tis not genuine. CHESHBROUGH MFO. CO., j 17 State Street. New Y okk City. j This is What You Want! Have You Aaj Malarial Troubles ? Tie yon want to get well and get well quick ? If so, send a Poetoffice order for fifty cents to the REGAL MEDICINE G0.,ef Stamford, Conn., for medicine and directions. A quick and certain fever,uumb enre guaranteed In ail cases of malaria, chills and ague and intermittent fever. Tobacco a nti-Baccoime the W© guarantee tobacco habit to cure in anv form. Treatment EASY, SAFE, NIKE ANSI AGREEABLE. Vnu lake no chances No Cure No Fay. Ailco-refl ponUence strictly con Aden Hal.Address The I»r.«1.8. lii I I Anti - Hact'olioo Co., Greey ville IlL.B-.x 3S7. Saw mills The DcLoach Patent Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 h p. cuts 2 ,ooc feet; er day. All sizes Kdgers, and prices to suit Deltoach Shingle Mills, Trimmers, Planers ; Corn and Buhr Mills, Water Wheels, Lath. Mills, "Wood Saws. Our handsome new Citalog will interest you. DeLoach Mill IVlfg. Go.. Box 83 . 4 , At anta. Ga