The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 19, 1904, Image 8

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Watch Whigham’s prosperity. The beautiful days now re mind us of spring. Mr. C. W. Johnson was in town Monday with that same happy face. There seems to be an unusual amount of sickness in the com munity at this time. Mr. B. M. Campbell, of Bain bridge, was talking insurance on the streets last Saturday. Dr. Watkins, of Thomasville, was called Saturday last to the bedside of his daughter, Mrs. W. C. Bell, who has been real sick. Mr. David Swicord and sister, Miss Ruby Swicord and Carter, of Climax, attended oyster supper on last Friday night. Rev. G. P. Reviere delivered two very able sermons Sunday morning and evening. Among other things Whigham can boast of having two excellent ministers. Misses Delia Crawford Addie Lou Powell and Mr. zelo Maxwell came over from Cairo and spent days in our city the guest their cousin, Miss Dixie If you want to see one of neatest little drug store in west Georgia, call in at son’s and while there you meet Dr. Craig, one of the litest drug clerks you ever saw. There is not reason why man with the money should have a suit of clothes, Parker, McNair, Swicord Higdon are each agents for leading tailoring house and guarantee satisfaction. We are informed by our or that a man from Atlanta expected here one day this to submit plans and to the city for waterworks an electric light plant. can’t keep Whigham down. We are informed that elopement took place last, Mr. D. M. Griffin, of place was married to Miss ford Poe, near town. Miss was only about 13 years of Mr. Griffin is a carpenter and near 30. We are delighted to note move that the city are making toward and electric lights. If we get a move on ourselves will soon think she is as as Whigham. Miss Dollie Weldon is ing a very beautiful line spring millinery goods and soon have them ready to She has secured the service * Miss Hawkins, an dressmaker, of Live Oak, and will add this department her business in the future. The members of the Society of Whigham’s School are raising funds for purpose of adding a library to the school. Now can’t the council build a (annex) room and incourage students in putting in a library. There is nothing ter for a growing mind good iiturature. Mr. Jas. Bell, of Cane Water^ was in town Monday last on business. Mr. T. Harrison is completing a very neat residence just south of West Broad. Mr. N. Z. Trulock, of Quincy, is spending several days in Whigham the guest of his pa rents. Mrs. D. C. Hare, of Bain bridge, spent a few days in Whigham last week, guest of her sisters, the Misses McNair. The Whigham High School is progressing nicely under the management of it’s able body of teachers. The school is draw ing the country to the town. Capt. J. L. Peebles is neaiing the completion of his beautiful residence on Magnolia Hill which will be one of the finest homes in this section when com pleted Mr. Allison Perry, formerly of Arlington, has just opened up a neat line of general merchandise in the old Goldstein stand. Mrs Perry will carry a line of milli nery goods. We would like to beg to be excused from the request to pub lish the names of those that slept during the sermon Sunday night in church. We hardly think they will do so again. Chapman is the only merchant in Whigham at present that runs a free delivery, but it wont be long before others will follow and we will then begin to swell up and call ourselves city folks. Chapman sells cheap and deliv ers your groceries. We can but speak in the est of terms of each member of the Alpha Society, especially the girls for their efficient vice rendered to their guests on Friday evening last, and in end we are glad to know the society was well paid their trouble. Two New Residences. We learn that a Uncle” ben Pyles has let the for the erection of two 5-room dwelling in the Western portion of the The buildings, so we learn, be for rent. Marvin William Coming. Prof. Marvin Williams i booked to deliver one of his tures in this city on night, March 1st under the pices of the Cairo League. Mr. Wi liams’ fame a lecturer is secure in the state Georgia and his appearance this city will prove a treat to lovers of a good lecture. Produce Market. (Corrected Weekly By Wight Bros.) Cotton ! Syrup (In bbls) 23 to Corn (Shelled) per bu Corn (In ear) ii “ Meal a ii Peas.....(yellow') per bu Peas...... (White ti a Meat (Sides) per lb Hams a Lard. it ii Chickens.. .(Grown) 25 and Chickens (Spring Fryers) 25 to Eggs...'. Per doz Ragan-Bodiford. Married at the.home of Judge B. H. Pope Sunday afternoon, Mr. Walter Ragan to Miss Lil lie Bodiford, Judge Pope offici ating. Both contracting parties are residents of the Akridge set tlement and are receiving the congratulations of their friends. About Mr. Newton. Fred Emerson Brooks has the following to say of Mr. Cyrus Brownlee Newton, who will ap pear here on Monday night, Feb. 22nd: Mr. Newton is a humorist who makes you laugh. He is one of the greatest of character deli neators. He is the character he represents and his facial expres sion cannot be excelled. When he is done you wonder how one man could faithfully so many people. He is so tensely interesting that one to hustle to keep up with changing moods. The is hardly done one laugh laughing again; often there’s tear between laughs. Dr. Hand Dead. Judge W. N. Spence, of milla, passed through the Tuesday enroute to where he had been called by death of his brother-in-law, Hand. Dr. Hand was a physician of Faceville and many friends throughout section who will hear of death with regret. Hon. John. R. Singletary, In this issue will be found announcement of Hon. John Singletary, who is a for re-election as in the legislature. To those us here at home who know so well ’tis needless to say word of recommendation, but those of the county who not be so fortunate as to him as intimately as we do, can say that he is quailified for the place and tically demonstrated his as a parlimentarian in the house. Courteous, kind, vet faithful to a remarkable gree to every duty, he is kind of timber from which law-makers are made. League Program. Topic for February 23. fense against Temptations, XXVI; 4-12, Temperance. Song. Praver. Scripture lesson. Song. Talk on Topic—By Dr. Quartette—Mesdame< say and Brannon, Bryan and Wight. a In His Name Read Miss Mae Crawford. Song. League Benediction. All who can please attend. Mr. W. C. Dean, of bridge, musical instructor of Fourth Georgia band, spent Wednesday in city. Ifi W DlxiE H. Lodge P. NO. 150. Regular meetings 1 st and 3 Monday nights in each at 7:80 o’clock. L. B. Powell, C. C. T. A. Powell K. of R. & S. Farmers’ Column. Edited weekly by W. B. Roddenbery. Farm labor is scarce and high, This makes it imperative that all successful farmers must use Labor Saving Tools. Planting time is near at hand and every up-to-date farmer should have a Guano Distributor, Cotton Planter and Corn Planter, but no one should buy three seperate machines provided he can get all three successfully combined in one machine. Coles Universal Planter will open the furrow and plant either Cotton, Corn, Oats, Peas Beans or Pjnders one at the same time put out in the furrow with the seed Guano in any quantity desired and cover the seed all at same operation with one hand and one horse and it will be better done th an if done by hand - Stop a moment and figure how much labor you can save bv the use of this implement. The Cole Planter is no experiment but has been fully tested around Cairo by a number of our most successful farmers and i is a prcv.en success. Mr. H. J. Poulk, one of our most successful farmers says posi tively that he would not take $ 50,00 for his machine if he could not get another one like it. I have a small lot of these machines on hand and cannot get more unless they are ordered at once, you should therefore place your order with me at once for one so as to be sure to get one, if you wait you will miss it. 1 keep in stock a full line of Labor Saving Implements such as Disc Plows, Steel Two Horse Turning Plows, Disc and Tooth Har row's, Disc and Sohvel Cultivators both riding and walking for one or two horses. Also don’t forget that I am HEADQUARTERS FOR FLLWOODwovl FIELD FENCE, " POULTRY, RABBIT AND LAWN FENCE. 58 INCH Absolute efficiency at least expense. $oinch A practical fence that will 42 INCH positively turn cattle, horses, hogs and 34INCH pigs. A fence ssinch that is strong, practically ever lasting, proven thoroughly effi- mm cient under wjiw i ii w amwjamiiw m possible ELLW000 FIELD FENCE (STANDARD STVUINADElN SX HEIGHTS every condition. EVERY ROD OF ELLW000 FENCE IS GUARANTEED. If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and see the ELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little money you can get absolute satisfaction. Yours for better farming, w. B. RotfdeiiDery. So Siaggett & jCewis J^ertilizerj, jfcay, Srain & all kin da Stuff, Sonora/ t lOarehousemen. Phona 58 . Seed Irish Potatoes. If you want the Genuine Red Bliss, Early Rose, White Bliss and Bliss Triumph Seed Irish Potatoes go to the RED FRONT STORE. We also have a fine lot of Onion Sets and Early Corn. Would be glad to have you call and examine same before you buy. Geo. W. Hurst, Manager. PHONE 18.