The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 26, 1904, Image 10

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A NEGRO ASSAULTS 6-YEAR-OLD GIRL. A Posse Pursuing Jack Johnson and May Lynch Him. Pelham, Ga., Feb. 24.—Jack Johnson, a 1 5-year-old mulatto boy, this morning committed an assault on the 6-year-old child of Mr. George Williams, a white farmer, about eight miles east of here. The little girl and a 4-year-old brother went down into a field, where the negro was picking up trash. The negro sent the little boy to the house after some water and then corn mitted the assault, He left immediately. A large posse is scouring the country and a lynching may occur if Johnson is caught. Play Ball. At the request of a number of the baseball enthusiasts we desire to call a meeting of those who are interested in this kind of sport at Dr. Searcy’s office on Wednesday night March 9th, to discuss the welfare of our team for the coming season. Ail members of last year’s team are earnestly requested to be present and as many others as can or will. We will be glad to have you whether or not you wish to take an active part in the game. W. T. Crawford, Mgr. R. W. Pearce, Capt. Mr. Cone Announces. In our announcement column for Thomas this week will be found the announcement of Mr. J. J. Cone, of Thomasville, who is a candidate for sheriff. Mr. Cone is one of the most popular men in the county and numbers his friends by his acquaintances and has a strong backing polit ically from these. He is in every way qualified for the of fice and will make a strong race. He was in the city yesterday mingling with friends and greet ing the voters. Read what he has to say in his announcement. Hon. Tom Eason, of McRae, a member of the prison commis sion of Georgia, was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. R. F. Evans left this morning for Moultrie to visit her daughter, Mrs. B. D. Harts field. The Messenger is a little late this week owing to the delay of paper for our supplement reach ing us. One Third Off. 1 d I We are closing out Fall and Win= ter millinery at a discount of 331=3 per cent—just A third off. one T t All varieties seed Irish Potatoes, Golden Dent and f Maryland White early corn, Early seed Oats, Seed Peanuts, Etc. ,-v» Fresh Garden Seeds, 2 papers 5 cents. Red, rv V. White and Multiplying Onion Sets 10 cents quart. J. L. OLIVER. 1 Produce Market. (Corrected Weekly By Wight Bros.) Cotton 13* Syrup (In bbls) 23 to 25c Corn .. . . (Shelled) per bu 65c Corn ... . (In ear) a “ 60c Meal.... a a 70C Peas... .. (yellow) per bu $1.00 Peas____ .. (White 44 44 1.50 Meat____ (Sides) per lb 10c Hams... 44 44 » 2 * Lard____ 44 44 IOC Chickens.. .(Grown) 25 and 30c Chickens (Spring Fryers) 25 to 30 £g„ s .............Per doz 15c ____ A. Gallon ot PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of tiommar makes 2 gallons of the very best Paint ia t: o world Vj ->f your paint bill. Is far more Durable than Pure White LuADnnd Is ab;’OU 7 tlly not Poi sonous. Hammah 1 ‘aint is aiadoof tho bestof PAINT ateuiai.h— snrh ns all (food Dalnters "d is groii'.'.'l thic k, very TiiiCK. Xo trouble to mix, House a-iy boyean do i\ His tho common sense of Paint. No better paint cun bo uicde at any ooat, and is dT> m , sot to Ceack, Blister, Peel or Chip. 1 '- HAiniAI'. PAINT CO., St. Louis, Mo. bob’ ■ 1 jniftrr.nfi'M by 2 (Sight dc ZDrowne, ‘Druggists, Cairo, Seorgia. • 7 -A * ‘ 5 ' DIXIE Lodge m H. P. NO. 150 . Regular meetings 1 st and 3 rd Monday nights in each month at 7 :30 o’clock. L. B. Powell, C. C. T. A. Powell K. of R. & S. DR W. M. SEARCHY, DENTIST Office next to Wight & Brown Drug Store. CAIRO, - GEORGIA Considerable gardening is be ing done now. Read Wight & Browne’s paint ad. in this issue. Dr Miller was over from Whigham yesterday afternoon. Hackney will be here next week. He is now with the L. L. L. Concert Co. and has a good show. The Messenger has been made the official organ of the city council and from now on their official proceedings will appear in its columns. Read them in this issue. Additional jCocaL ■ Carry your laundry to Maul- \ din’s. Read Fotrester Bros, new ad. in this issue. Thomasville I Mrs. Clower paid a visit yesterday. I Dr. Walker visited Whigham , professionally Sunday. Mrs. E. A. Van Landingham returned Tuedsay from a visit to relatives near Macon Mrs. B. F. Powell has been confined to her room this week with an aaek of ’Grippe. Mrs. Crozier of Cedar Springs has been m the city this week on a visit to hei daughter. Mr. Kader Powell is the warer of a very proud and satisfied smile these days—a baby girl. The weather last Saturday and Sunday was enough to dis courage the most optimistical. If you have any peanuts for sale, we want them. Forrester Bros., Cairo, Ga. The Messenger hopes to soon have a column of one oi its pages denoted to school notes and news. Mr- J- R. Cargill, president of the Cargill-Wight Co., of Co lumbus, spent a couple of days here this week. Mauldin Bros, are agents tor Troy Steam Laundry, Macon, Ga. They guarantee satisfac tion, 16 years experience. Most of Cairo people will be glad to learn Mr. Hackney will visit this town again with his show. He comes the 7 th of March. WaisTED—R accoon skins, ot ter hides and all kinds of Mer chan table Furs and Hides, for which we will pay highest prices. Forrester Bros. Rev. Reviers in his discourse Sunday referred to a lack of at tendance upon prayer services held at the Methodist church every Thursday night, stating that they were free. Go out to prayer meeting. There will be no devotional services of the Epworth League next Tuesday night, the lecture of Mr. Williams taking the place of these. Mr. Chambers will be down and some excellent music will be furnished at the lectuje. Mr. Ira L. Hurst was unfortu nate as to lose his buggy horse this week, the animal attempted to jump a picket fence and wrs badly snagged that it died from the wound. Mr. Hurst seems to be having a streak of bad luck as it has been only a short while since he lost his barn and con tents by fire. Perfect Confidence. Where there use to be a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the household when a child showed symptoms of croup, there is now perfect confidence. This is owing to the uniform success of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy in the treatment of the disease. Mrs. M. I. Basford, of Poolesville, Md. in speaking of her experience in the use of that remedy says: “I have a world of confidence in Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect suc cess. My child Garland is sub ject to severe attacks of croup and italways gives him prompt relief.’ For sale by Wight & Browne. Farmers’ Column. Edited weekly by W. B. Roddenbery. Farm labor is scarce and high. This makes it imperative that all successful farmers must use Labor Saving Tools. Planting time is near at hand and every up-to-date farmer should have a Guano Distributor, Cotton Planter and Corn Planter, b u t no one should buy three seperate machines provided he can get all Un- ee successfully combined in one machine. Coles Universal Planter will open the furrow and plant either Cotton, Corn, Oats, Peas Beans or Pinders one at the same time put out in the furrow with the seed Guano in any quantity desired and cover the seed all at same operation with one hand and one horse and it will be better done tin an if done by hand - Stop a moment and figure how much labor you can save by the use of this implement. The Cole Planter is no experiment but has been fully tested around Cairo by a number of our most successful farmers and i is a proven success. Mr. H. J. Poulk, one of our most successful farmers says posi tively that he would not take $ 50,00 for his machine if he could not get another one like it. I have a small lot of these machines on hand and cannot get more unless they are ordered at once, you should therefore place your order with me at once for one so as to be sure to get one, if you wait you will miss it. I keep in stock a full line of Labor Saving Implements such ; IS Disc Plows, Steel Two Horse Turning Plows, Disc and Tooth Har rows, Disc and Sohvel Cultivators both riding and walking for one or two horses. Also don’t forget that I am HEADQUARTERS FOR FLLWOODwovI FIELD FENCE, ■■ POULTRY, RABBIT AND LAWN FENCE. 58 INCH Absolute efficiency at least expense, soinch A practical fence that will 42 INCH positively turn cattle, horses, hogs and 34INCH pigs. A fence 86 inch that is strong, practically ever lasting, proven thoroughly effi cient under ^ every possible STY condition. EVERY ROD OF ELLWOOD FENCE IS GUARANTEED. If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and see the ELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little money you can get absolute satisfaction. Yours for better farming, u w. 6. Roddenbery. So Uo jdciggett & jCewis 3>or J? ertilizera , Aay, Srciin & all kinda J’eed Stuff, Soneral‘S/are housemen. Phone 58. Seed Irish Potatoes. If you want the Genuine Red Bliss, Early Rose, White Bliss and Bliss Triumph Seed Irish Potatoes go to the RED FRONT STORE. We also have a fine lot of Onion Sets and Early Corn. Would be glad to have you call and examine same before you buy. Qeo. W. Hurst, Manager. PHONE 18.