The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, February 26, 1904, Image 9

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USS1A BARS OUR CONSUL iaatur is is Refused fo Mr. Hcr tec to Dalney* En Route MILITARY measure Wants No Foreign Officials Pres :ir While Trouble With Japan CIU j is in Progress* Washington spccisl snjs. Secre > ‘ t that Hay has been informed Ed L Morgan will not be granted an exe uatur by the Russian government aji crizing bim to act as United States 1 at Dalny. Mr. Morgan is now os U his way from Washington to his tl |f He will sail from San Francisco na touch at Yokohama, Japan, at point the state department will able to advise him a month hence, This'decision on the part , ot tV> the _ iluo- ry ^ ian government was not altogether nexpected, but it is the subject of coneideratio . , k \r } tho cfnto rio trave a: •tment officials Secretary liay re of sufficient ... im the matter to warrant a personal visil L the white house, where he present [d the facts to the president A de Lion has not at this time been reach d as to the answer to be made to ait ■dssian government. It is said the reasons assigned for ie declination to receive Air. Morgan re entirely impersonal. In iact, Mr. .organ has bean for several years one i the American secretaries of embas v at ct St. Petersburg, Potprehnro- is is vprv very jiopuiar nnmilar kith the Russian officials, who would L Iticai glad to receive him as consul if po consideration did not forbid. It I explained that the reason for Rus la's action is purely military ; the ar Iv officers desiring that there shall be lo foreign officials on the Liao Tung [eninsular during the progress of hos ilities. ■ Thsy fear that they may not be able 1} afford such officials a proper meas ■re of protection in times of violence. It is also suggested, that as the United ■tales consul would be charged with ■be responsibility for the protection If the Japanese there would be many Ihances for severe friction, which it Is desirable to avoid. But many things liay happen, it is pointed out, before |lr. Morgan arrives even at Japan, 'hich will determine the course of the tate department, and it is suggested 'hat there is a possibility that the Rus lans may not be master of the Lioa rung peninsula when the consul ar ives. It is said in Washington that ifter all the Russian course is consist nit in that that government has stead astly refused to receive any consuls it Dalny, and the only official the Med States has ever had there was i commercial agent. Tv The , announcement , is . made , that the ,v, „ lecision in Mr. Morgan’s case does not tpply to the newly-appointed United states consuls at Mukden , and , Antung. . . fhese consulates are in Manchuria md the state department, taking the tround that that province is part of Jbina, would apply to the Chinese iovernment for exequaturs tor these tonsuls, not recognizing the right of lily ) other other power nnwpr tn to intervene intervene. HAY RECEIVES RUSSIA’S REPLY. •ctiment Handed to McCormick and TeSe qraphed to Washington. Russia’s reply to Secretary Hay’s 1Q te on China was handed to Amhas ia 3or McCormick, at St. Petersburg, Triday. The reply was given to Mr. McCor by Foreign Minister Lamsdorf ® d wa s promptly dispatched to Wash n gton. The terms of the reply have lQ t been divulged. It is knoxvn, how e ' 0r that they are along lrties previ - 3U % indicated, being a virtual accept aiJ ce in principle, with the exception Manchuria, which is now the thea re of war and where Russia’s special “wrests lie. further evidence in swayne case. “romittee in Session at Tallahassee Lis tp ns to Some Serious Charges. *be leadin g features Friday in the Sessional committee’s investiga ioa of the eharges against Federal U(1 §e Charle Swayne, of Florida, s was of testiDjon y in TaI - ™banv rUptc r a y le ^ing corrupt practice in C0Urf Proceedings in Swayne’s byj nv c j n f that Swayne engaged in lob re congress to secure redis- 1 g of ^is jurisdiction. -j, Committee d j.p, J <‘CK3onviiie. Adjourned to meet ■rg^j a ^ji 'BWfgyF. .go e ^tj t j , SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH RELY ON PE-RU-NA TO FIGHT CATARRH, COUGHS, COLDS, GRIP andcolds Peruna for coughs Cr/iua%cu fia/teA dtfrny in\ children. cAcJxiten T 5$ ssr % 511 St Ml * ■ “ \\ «\ M . A tM7 r 'k Ii ' m ,V f I I «, Ml J Wv. - Mr— r? ti I • LA- t i , l I o m s yu. j r \ i (1 to »r-_v- ■ 1 . ; 1 ij SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH m. ; hi •y\ Xpsf^O. m§ Anri Vk / jj^g Pc-yu -na for La Grippe and i y m n i Winter Attendinq uW, Catarrh. chapel serviced l j T j N EVERY country of the civilized j world the Sisters of Charity are known. Not only do they minister to the spiritual and intellectual needs of the charges eom- medicines, and it g Whenever thdr^dfly needs!^ they alS ° minister gives add my me pleasure praise to to coughs or colds, la grippe or > that of thousands pneumonia make their appearance among B who have used it. the children these Sisters are not discon S kor years I suf certed, apply. but know exactly the remedies to eg § of the stomach, fered with all remedies catarrh With so many children to take care of ^ % proving valueless for relief, and to protect from climate and disease p- ■tit ast spring I went to Colo these wise and prudent Sisters have found TL rado, hoping to be benefited Peruna a never-failing safeguard. by a change of climate, and advised ; Sisters of St. Joseph, of the Deaf Mute Institute, 1849 Cass Ave., St. Louis, * Mo., writes: ♦ * “We appreciate Peruna very much. It certainly does good iconic ♦ with catarrh and also with colds and la grippe. Il’c have faith in Pe- ♦ ritiia and have inspired many others with same. We do not like to be » without it. It has certainly kept us from being very sick. It did a » world of good last winter for our little ones. Thanking you for your £ j kindness to us and our afflicted ones, we remain, yours gratefully, t » ; “ STSTEBS OF ST. JOSEPH.” * » | I)r - Hartman receives many letters from Catholic Sisters from all over the United ^ States. A recommend recently received I from Hich., a reads Catholic follows: institution in Detroit, as Hr. S. II. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio: Dear Sir:—“The young gi rl who used the Peruna was suffering from laryn | gitis, and loss of voice. Th e result of the treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief, and after further use of the medicine we hope to be able to sayshe Is entirely cured.” Sisters of Charity. This young girl was under the care of the Sisters of Charity and used Peruna for catarrh of the throat, with good results as the above letter testifies. Prom a Catholic institution in Cen tral Ohio comes the following recom mend from the Sister Superior: Some years ago a friend of our insti tution recommended to us Dr. Hartman’s Peruna as an excellent remedy for the in fluenza, of which we then had several cases which threatened to be of a serious charac ter. Mexico’s Chief Harbor, Tampico expects to be the chief Mex ican harbor before long. It is twelve hours distant from the capital by train, and its waters are deep enough for the largest vessels and fully pro tected against storms. How’s Tin's? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for anv y case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Ha irs Catarrh Cure . | F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, I. 0, J. I We > t ^ e ^ ind, ? r3 ^ ue d. have known ri Clienev . for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transae tions and financially able to carry out any ^^ ft ^ 0 TBu«rMSlJ r Droggigta, To ledo, O, Wholesale Wald^o,^ Kxnnan^A Mahvin, Catarrh Cure'is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Mexico, D. F. ■ i “Mexico, D. F.,” as the postmark on all Mexican postal matter reads, means , i District Federal,” or Federal District, und corresponds to our Washington, j D. C. * - ■ An Egg Tester Free, ■ | i. iffp — a mi ==ap.< Together with an incubator and brood er catalogue, containing among much other valuable and interesting informa tion a colored plate, showing by eigh teen views the development of the chick in the shell, free, by sending to Geo. A. Stahl, Quincy, 111., four cents to pay for postage and packing. There are men who wouldn't dare read the declaration of independence to their wives. FREE STUART’S CINand BUCHU To all who suffer,or to the friends of those who ^ suffer with Kidney, Liver, Heart, Bladder or Blood Disease, a sample bottle of Stuart's Gin and E'tichu, the great southern Kidney and Liver Medicine, will be sent absolutely free of cost Mention this paper. Address STUAR7 DiiUG M’FG CO., 28.Wall St.. Atlanta. Ga. *» We began to use it and experienced such wonderful results that since then Pe runa has become our favorite medicine for influenza, catarrh, cold, cough and broil chitis.” Another recommend from a Cath olic institution of one of the Cen tral States written by the Sister Superior reads as foil ows: “A number of years ago our attention was called to Dr. Hartman’s I’eruna. and since then we have used it with wonderful results for grip, coughs, colds and ca tarrhal diseases of the head and stomach. “For grip and winter catarrh especially it has been of great service to the inmates of this institution. * * SISTERS OF CHARITY All Over the United States Use Pe ru-na for Catarrh. A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in the Southwest reads as follows: A Prominent Mother Superior Says: . . I can testify from experience to the efficiency of Peruna as one of the very best sa ^ When the eye is in trouble use reliable remedy. e. ' is a "wonderful reliever of sore, weak and inflamed eyes. One bottle usually effects a complete cure. CURES ALL eye affections. r. Small Potatoes result from a lack of ->■ Potash in the soil. Potash pro I duces size and quality. We have v a 1 u a b 1 e iS books which explain more r, [U fully the fer tilizing vaiue of Potash. We will I; s*nd them free to any i farmer who jr* writes for * At them. GERMAN KALI WORKS, New York—38 Nassau street, or Atiunlu, (««.-So- Broad St. 50 FREE eatalojrue for (he asking. THE COMET Spraj-s trees, windows, plants carriages,etc. and vines, sprinkles Has lawns, washes sight. Sprays from bucket no equal,sells barrol60feet. on You want it. or II. IS. t^CSLEli. Jahnitown, Ohio. I WANT TO TELL EVERY STAMMERER in the world how I cured myself. days. You can do tlie same at your home in three Hun dreds of grateful letters to me from stammerers rejoice my heart. Address REV. G. W. RAN DOLPH, with stamp inc osed, lu7 Mari etta Street, ATLANTA, GA. me to try Peruna. After using two bottles I found myself of very much improved. The remains my old disease being now so slight, I consider myself cured, yet for a while I intend to continue the use of Pe runa. I am now treating another patient with your medicine. She has been sick with malaria and troubled with leucorrhaea. 1 have no doubt that a cure will be speed ily effected. 11 These a re samples of letters received by Hr. Hartman from the various orders of Catholic Sisters throughout the United States. The names and addresses to these let ters have been withheld from respect to the Sisters, but will be furnished on re quest. One-half of the diseases which afflict mankind are due to some catarrhal de rangement of the mucous membrane lining some organ or passage of the body. A remedy that would act immediately upon the congested mucous membrane, re storing it to its normal state, would con sequently cure all these diseases. Catarrh is catarrh wherever located, whether it be in the head, throat, lungs, stomach, kid neys or pelvic organs. A remedy that will cure it in one location will cure it in all lo cations. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you bis valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0. r BEST FOR THE Mite, BOWELS ^ 3 tf>ca U CAN0Y / V J CATHAIiTIG - L /.* ij;. mR Hill A* I IWEl IB iHHi ike .i GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breatk, S blood, pains after wind eating, on the liver atomach, trouble, bloated sallow Ixiwels, skin and foul dizziness. mouth, headache, When indigestion, bowels don’t pir-apSeis^ || regularly Constipation people your together fit ■ you are sick. kills more than all other diseases starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start t®.L-zssg>.- S CASCARETS today, for you will never get well and stay well until you get your fcwwrrfe C right Take our advice, genuine start with tablet Cascarets today C. under absolute guarantee to ca» wad cer « jp money refunded. The stamped C C Never sold in bulk. Sample booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 5**® p sssras FARQUHAR MACHINERY Send for handsome neu! AJAX PORTABLE AND TRACTION £KC»«£S l’JOJ, Catalogue. All sizes. THRESHING MACHINES All kinds —20 to -40 inch. PENNSYLVANIA GRAIN DRflLtS . . -Ij jj Disc and Hoe. Improved furSW. PORTABLE SAW KILLS with friction feed aud&e&S»m«D. IS i . «| A. B. FarqcharCa^ XfiB . pS York, Pa. **• $ 96 00 Worth of Watkins’ FREE! Liniment . • 3 Address TTeJ. R. WATKINS MEDICAL CO. s WINONA, MINNESOTA, U. 3 . A, 500 PEOPLE NOW WORKING. A good living and a pocket full of money for an Agent in every County in the United States. Credit Team and wagon all that is required. Ample given after Account is guaranteed by two responsible Freeholders. Dropsy CURED Gives Quick Relief. r Removes s 11 swelling in 8 to ?o L days in ; effects a permanent cure given 3oto free. 6o days. Trial treatment ISl'jjjjiP Write Dr. Nothingcan H. H. Green's be fairer Specialists, Sons, -— Box S Atlanta, Ga. $ 3 W IHillS v The DcLoach Patent Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 h p. cuts 2,000 feet 1 er day. All sizes and prices to suit. Defioach Shingle Mills, Edgers, Trimmers, Planers ; Corn and Buhr Mills, Water Wheels, l.ath Mills, Wood Saws. Our handsome new Catalog will interest YOU. DeLoach Mill Mfg. Co., Box 834, At anta.'Ga Cotton Gin ' Machinery ‘ ‘ ‘ ?. m ■ -■. MVi j»«. - - p t =V$ 3 j /•' PRATT. MUMSER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. SIMTH We mate the most complete Un* *&C. concern m the world. We also make ENGINES and BOILERS^ LINTERS ior OIL MILLS. v*e sell every thing needed about a Cottaw* Write for Illustrated CataJotfese. Continental Gin Co, Birmingham, Ala* Malsby & Co. 4| South Forsyth St., Atlanta,(m. / vt - t allVi H caea Portable anti Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complete Hue carried in stock far j 1 MM EDI A TE shipment.. DoBt Machinery. Lowest Prices and BestT Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., before buying. 1SAW MILLS Our iw. proved Clwsn-I lar Saw Mitt*.: with Hege’s Universal LofrBeame.Rcctili®! ear, Simultaneous Set Works and the W®» cock-Klng Variable Feed Works are oiu*c eelled for accuracy, simplicity, ITY AND EASE OF OPERATION. Write f« fn33 descriptive circulars. WORKS.WlnsPm-8aiwnJf.JCMs Manufactured ?»f ifcewr 3AI.EM IRON u This is What You Want I Have You Any Malarial Troubles £ Bo yon want to get well and get well £f«S«. aend a PoBtoflice order lor liity eente-to tl»«» REGAL MEDICINE CO.,of Stamford’, for medicine and directions. A quick and «nrtate. cure guaranteed in all cases of malaria. chiOB uwai fover.duino ague and intermittent tevei Give the name of this paper mhesz writing to advertisers—At9-Q4) CAPSICUM VASELINE (PUT 1 JP IN COHUAPBIilLK TUBBSJ AfinbsLitute forand superior to any mostdelicaie other plaster, skin. and will pain-allayiag*»a not blififees-tiajr '1 bo curativequalitie 1. It will the 80 ftlii toothache 8 article»rew«»d«r fu relieve headache stop at We CfjseevaaMJ and sciatica. rtnwrar* rnend it as the best and safest ezima) counter-irritantknown,also asanexteanuad remedy for pains in the chest andstiuEsiwv’ir a nd al i r lieum atic, ri eu r al gi c a n d gon! y «.-*«■» plaints. A trial will prove whqt we«-I»ins forit, in the and household.Manypeoplesay“itiisSul!* it will be found to be invalwaMr bestof all of your preparations.” Pric**»5 cts..atall druggists or other d ealers, Itj sendiugthisamount tube tousinpostagestkiispt- by mail. No we willsend you a artac'r should be accepted bythepublicunle**t.fer sam e carries on r label, asotherwiseiti**i(ydt genuine. CHESEBROUGH MFG. C©.„ 17 State Street, New You* Caar* na ^ PISO T SECURE FOR D Best LUKES WHEKfc ALL ELSE FAILS. Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Vixs __in time. Sold by druggists. GONSUMPTIO f, It afflicted with Thompson’* EytVb&r. weoii eyes, use