The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, March 04, 1904, Image 7

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£ocal Stems ftnd {personal Keep UP 3 demand for electric edits and waterworks. The windy month is here, but little wind so far. ■ery Mauldin Bros, sell Sewing ^chines. Harry Gottheimer, Atlanta, ■as in the city Monday. Mauldin wants 1,000 hens. yiH pay 30 cents cash. Dr. Z. V. Parker was a Sun [ay visitor from Whigham. Considerable new ground is , e ing burned off at present. Dr. Searcy went over to Whig .am last Friday on business. Chickens and eggs pass the same as money at Mauldin’s. Mr. Arch Harrell was in the sty from Whigham Monday. Mr. Higdon was among Sun day’s visitors from Whigham. Mr. W. A. Johnson was among Sunday’s visitors to Thomasville. Maudlin Bros, pay 30 cents for hens. Setters or non-setters. Candidates are slipping in and 'out of Cairo nearly every day DOW. Baseball interests are begin ning to be discussed on every hand, 'Phone 36 they will send for your laundry. Cairo school enrollment now reaches near the two hundred 'mark. Mr. C. R. Muggridge went over to Thomasville on business Monday. Col. R. R. Terrell, of Whig Ihatn, was greeting Cairo friends Monday. When in need of laundry work phone 36. Collars 2 cents, Cuffs 4 cents. All work guaranteed. Battle-Axe shoes at Mauldin’s. Mr. E. F. Baggs visited the fair sex at Thomasville Sunday. Lyman Brinson, of Concord, was here Sunday on a visit to homefolks. Messrs. C. M. Butler and B. W. Adkins, spent Sunday Bainbridge. Postmaster J. B. Crawford went over to Bainbridge Mon day evening. Tuesday was the 1st. and of course it brought out the man with the bill. There is some talk of organ izing and equipting a cornet band for the city. Business was fairly good here last Saturday though the crowd in town was small. We call attention to the new adv. of G. L. Duren which ap pears in this issue. Miss Nannie Crozier returned Sunday from a visit to home folks at Cedar Springs. It’s an undisputed fact that Mauldin Bros, buy more chick ens and eggs than any firm in Thomas county. Let’s all think about a new school building, and after due thought let’s act in the matter. Rev.G. F. Taylor, of Vada, in Mitchell county spent several days here since our last paper. We are reliably informed that Mauldin Bros, pay cash for cow hides, coon skins and all kinds of saleable furs. Mr. W. T. Christopher, repre sentingthe Kemper-Gabhart Co., of Cincinnati, who was for a long time editor and publisher of the Americus Herald, spent a couple of days here this week. f aThe City Shaving Parlor, t j , t W. A. ALSTON, Proprietor. s t Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. t /having, Jhampooing, it t t j Prompt and Polite Attention, Expert Workmen, /harp Tools j Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. i t a One Third Off. We are closing out Fall and Win= ter millinery at a discount of 331=3 per cent—just one third off. All varieties seed Irish Potatoes, Golden Dent and Maryland White early corn, Early seed Oats, Seed Peanuts, Etc. Fresh Garden Seeds, 2 papers 5 cents. Red, White and Multiplying Onion Sets 10 cents quart. J. L. OLIVER. Carry your laundry to Maul An early state primary will suit everybody in this neck of the woods. We are glad to note the or ganization of a third Sunday school. Let the good work go on! Mr. G. L. Duren, of Meigs, spent a couple of days here this week looking after business in terests. Hons. J. B. and J. H. Palmer, of Camilla, passed through the city Sunday enroute t0 Bain ’ bridge. Guano wagons are still to be seen moving to and from the city. A suie sign of a big cotton acreage. Don’t miss a chance at those automobiles the Royal Tailors are giving away to their custo mers. Cairo Furniture Co. will tell you all about it. Mr. G. S. Keys, of Whigham, spent Saturday in the city as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. F. A. Belcher. Blind tigers can’t roam in Cairo, nor those with eyes either, for that matter. Our police of ficers are vigilant. Rev. Stimpson came up from Climax and filled his regular ap pointment at the Presbyterian church in this city Sunday. The picnic season will soon be here and then everybody will be glad; for who on earth is there that doesn’t enjoy them. The circulation of the Mr senger grows larger each week and our advertisers are greeting new people through its columns. Buy your spring suit from the Royal Tailors, of Chicago. Workmanship the best. Fit guaranteed. Prices the lowest. Cairo Furniture Co. Local deal ers. Getting out a good local pa per in a small town is no easy job at its best; so if you know of any local news items, let us have them. Mauldin Bros, are agents tor Troy Steam Laundry, Macon, Ga. They guarantee satisfac tion, 16 years experience. Messrs. J. W. Miller, L. M. Powell, W M. Dekle, Algy Bag gett, Ansley Stringer and J. A. Beard formed a party who went over to Thomasville Sunday night to hear Will Upshaw. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Oliver left last Friday for Atlanta to be gone several days. While there Mrs. Oliver will attend the mil linery openings and purchase her spring and summer stock. Dr. M. M. McCord is the au thorized representative of the Messenger at Whigham and will receive and receipt for subscrip tions, etc. Arrangements may also be made with him tor ad vertisements and job printing. Mr. George Faison, of Moul trie, came down Monday for a visit to his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Mauldin. Mr. Faison celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday Wed nesday, and though the frosts of many winters have imparted their whiteness to his locks, he is still able to mave around and enjoy life, and made the trip fiom Moultrie to this city alone. May he live to celebrate many more birthdays. Ten Automobiles FREE. This year the Royal Tailors, of Chicago, are giving Automo biles to their customers. Your chance is as good as the next man’s. Call and see us about it. * \Zwc 4wniitiirt m / Notice! Notice! Notice! We want you to know a few facts that will be of great benefit to you now and in the future. 1st That Richter & Rushin are among the largest dealers in General Merchandise in the county. 2rd That Richter & Rushin sell everything and buy every thing from a coon skin to a house and lot. 3rd That the prices of Richter & Rushin can always be re lied on. in fact that they are price makers for a great many things. 4th That Richter & Rushin sell the famous Blackshear brands of Guano’s. 5th That no matter how great an amount of produce you have or large an amount of purchases you wish to make that Richter & Rushin can serve you. Call on us and see for yourself if these are not facts. Respectfully, F^ichter <Sz Rushin. Spring Goods. We are now receiving an elegant line of new spring goods of all kinds. We would be glad to have our friends and patrons call and see them. We also have a choice selection of Hats and Shirts to please the young men. Before buying call and see these goods and you will save yourself some money. Remember us when you need as weep them the freshest and nicest of everything in this line. Yours very truly, Belcher, Sanders & Co. Next Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store.