The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, March 11, 1904, Image 3

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? THE rr £SKlMO DATH. Ordinary > Persons Would e* r'joos Its Ejects. Die From make a fuss because their TiO 1 Vt ho take frequent i^o'e them to Oi glad thaf they are not P- ld be “'children living on the shore l by® 0 ‘ sound. In that cold region Lf y'ortou ail t boys are obliged rf Ala. a week, and take a sweat bath every to bath is no j i-oke, you will find. - - 1C s of driftwood is . built in the A h re of the kashim—the tre o! the noor „ rwmrf H»“ se * ihere the men and oe-i village pass most of their boys „ of *nd a the smoke has pass time when off an d the wood is reduced to red, ed coals, a cover is put over the gJ , ° n . in <r roof, and the place siEcke-kmv te hole in iu the teC ° m intensely hot. boys then must take off their The sit about the furnace like and becomes men t until their skin as s - art shell of a boiled lobster ^ point of blistering. f« ems on the Owing to the intense heat, the ibathers are obliged to wear respira " protect their .. lungs. These to of shavings bound -pirators are pads ♦needier, concave on the inside and nvex on the outside, and large o the mouth, nose and oug h to cover t of the cheeks of the wearer. par. sit there until they are The boys Then " with perspiration. rush outside into the intense Ipold and roll in the snow. spent between \ gentleman who four and five yoars in the neighbor ed of Behring Strait says that on !e veral occasions he saw them go rom the sweet bath to holes in the pee on a neighboring stream, and there, pour ice water over backs and shoulders with a dipper, apparently experienc the greatest pleasure from the operation. Eskimo Although the boys seem to [withstand [and such a bath it as would, this all in right all even to enjoy it, [probability, kill any boy who tried it. i NOT IN TRAINING, i ]onK-That’s my boy, Tr^ my. Best ■ football player in the high school— ■ mate forty-yard runs every game lie plays. I Smith—What’s he looking so grouchy'’ about? Jones—Oh, his m oh ter wants him to run an errand probably.—Judge. HER DECOLLETE GOWN. It took her a long time to dress for tie ball.” "After seeing her, I should have [judged that most of her time was oc cupied in undressing for it.”—Chicago L A BROOKLYN GIRL.' "I told him I would never give my consent till he had proved his ability » wife. .. „ to support . a I "Oil! father! Do you want to Dreaa py heart?”—Brooklyn Life. MUSIC OF THE SPHERES. Mrs. Gusher—Don’t you think my 'daughter has a heavenly voice? Mr. Weereigh—Well—er—it certain ly sounds unearthly. Woman’s Home Companion. HIS permanently cured. No flts-or nervous teafterfirst iKmeRestorer. day’’s use of Dr. Kline's Great H.k.H. $"2trialbotticund treatisefreo Kline, Ltd., f81Archbt..Phiia.,Pa I It is said that gray horses live longer ban those of any other color. Salzer’s Home Builder Com. So named because 50 acres produced so [home. heavily, that its proceeds built a lovely See Salzer’s catalog. Yielded in *)3 in Ind. 157 bu., Ohio 160 bu.. Tenn. j™ hu.. and in Mich. 220 bu. per acre, jlou PHAT can beat this record in 1904. YIELDS DO YOU THINK OF THESE PER ACRE? pbu. MO bu. Salzer's Beardless New Barley National per acre. Oat3 per A. [1.000 ®[hu. bu. Saber Pedigree Speltz Potatoes and Macaroni acre. Wheat. «tons of rich per Grass Hay. Ii-rpOO Billion Dollar 'b s - Victoria Rape for sheep—per A. fin 04,000 lbs. ^s. Teosinte, Salzer’s Superior the fodder Fodder wonder. Corn —rich, juicy fodder, per A, L-'OW, Parmer, such yields you can have. Mr. Hs. in 1004, if you will plant Salzer’s [A.C.L.] jest send this notice and 10c. If jt stamps to John A. Salzer Seed Co.. La r os se V; is., and receive their great cata , I°S ’ . and seed samples. lots of farm •^physician in Germany lias discovered Method of obliterating wrinkles. tiip' 'f ^ 8, insi s °fi °w’s the Soothing reducesinflamma- Syrup forohildren tin- ei1 gums, s allays pain,cureswind colic. 25c. abottle rp, . ip,OOO Plants For 16c. g,, 18 * s a remarkable offer the John A. I'lCv ■J 1 Will “Tuf^ send V°., you La Crosse, their big Wis., plant makes. and seed c atalog, together with enough seed i grow bfinn fel«iou« s °hd Cabbages. | Carrots, 2 non ; ia nc un K. nutty Celery, MS? splendid rit [b, l buttery Onions. Lettuce, 1'onn r ? re luscious Radishes, 8'onougjy .* 'ru: ^ brilliant Flowers. du Ce grea offer is made in order to in forVir v 0 try their warranted seeds— grow n 0u °°ce plant them you will n un others, ,L and Provid ALL FQli Bl,T I6c r0STAGE ' - 1 ^iii bou'5n you S Dd w 'll them return 20c this notice, they and add i M the - in postage, Jhoua ^er.mer L above a package of the fa* Cauliflower. [A.C.L.] llffrk"? she Wor wants ries to a woman tell like forgetting HOW TWO BEAUTIFUL WOHEN ESCAPED DREAD CATARRH BY USE OF PE-RU-Nfl. Catarrh Rods Women of Health and Beauty. Pe-ru-na Makes Women Healthy and Beautiful. m immm / , } ^ mm X ■ V/ 1 y. ' bJ 1 fSSm O] ss & % u !P£ 'Vi •/ i‘.v 9 i e i A Miss Flora Hauser, 1032 S. New Jer- « sey street, Indianapolis, Ind., writes: * • . 1 think I must have been J troubled with ca ta rrh ever since / J was very young, aggravated each * i time I caught a cold. This did not $ prove sufficiently serious to be ob- * t noxious until last winter. Then t j my head and nose were so stopped + up that I felt I must do something, e ! Peruna was recommended to me * by a friend. I used it for four* weeks, and found to my relief that * it cured me. 1 have not had a bit * trouble since. My head is clear, * of and 1 can safely affirm that Pe- * runa cured me.”—Miss Flora o t * Ha user. * Hundreds of Women Cured by Pe-ru-na of Annoying Catarrh. I) It. HARTMAN has probably done more than any other physician to ward popularizing a means of escape from the facial deformities, such as watery eyes, twisted nose, offensive breath, dry cracked i lips, due to the ravaging effects of catarrh. He has made chronic catarrh a life-long 1 study. His remedy, popularly known as Peruna, is the most famous remedy for catarrh in existence. Probablv there is not a man or woman, boy or girl, within the bounds of the United States that has not heard of Pe runa. By far the largest majority have used Peruna. The multitude of people that have been cured oi chronic catarrh by using Peruna can never be known. f«b Off ■?, A . * ih 4 C f 18 »r mm ALAB ASTI N E 4&e Durabale Wall Coating, Won’t Rub Off; WHY? Because it cements to, and is not stuck on the wall with decaying, animal glue, as are the various so-called “wall fin ishes, ” which are kalsomines sold under fanciful names. hu can apply Alahasline. I ¥ mMzm fOWERjmte •j ^ HlLED%M :■»; I CUOTHtNc.- if.) a! L,* “f:V TH6 HIGHEST SYANSAftP OP QUALITY THAM POrt KOBE IMIS 1 KALP A CEBTURY. I ESprliJ t n 1 ’fit? AJUDWR gilt: lomoiMBMiaiumttiofWiacAK. CtAtflOWBrWiiKC. I ^27; JW K BEUUIC - Give the nams of this paper when writing to advertisers—(AH , .. 1-04) FEET THAT Hurt, Sweat, Blister, cured by ROYAL Keeps FOOT tho feet WASH. cool. If | Removes odors of feet, armpits, etc. | | not at druggists send 26c to Eaton Drug Co., Atlanta, Ga.. full sise. postpaid;gam-pie, postpaid, for 2c stamp. Oxu application j roves its merit. for Miss Amanda Johnson, Fairchild, Wis., writes: “I write to tell you how much Peruna benefited me. For a number of years I had pain in my head around my eyes, and I thought it was because my eyes needed treatment, so I went to an oculist and had glasses fitted to my eyes and wore them for some time, but felt no relief whatever. In fact, I felt worse than before, and came to the conclusion that the trouble was not with my eyes, but with my head and that it must be catarrh. As so many of my friends had used Peruna with benefit for this trouble, I thought I would try it. I was not sorry that I did so, for in a short time I began to improve, and in four weeks my eyes were in splen did condition, my general health was much improved and all the catarrh of the head was gone. I was glad to get rid of this trouble, and am glad to endorse such a good medicine as Peruna.”—Miss Amanda Johnson. V.V.V.VA’. AV.Vu*. .VA I ^ will B mm M * to u m *. » a V C n *. mm fMY/f' 5 a * nr K- r CJ 1 5 A all Jmf a 13 IS =: J S := M D - j. % v > & » H n \ No ■b c ; \ „■ Woman » a r ! "■ Afflicted S'! " B With ■ % Catarrh j nr ■ «? j ” e e K ■« I Can Be } S n” Either u a " B Beautiful a“ a ", or Attractive. m mm n E B “ “* * I u n a ci ! 5 P r K n •m K a Miss Flora. Hauser. N i B i.V 0 V.V»V.V 0 %V.V-V.V-V.V.V B V»V-V»V B V." B , B V»V-V»W«VA"«“- Many a girl has regained her faded beauty, many a matron has lengthened the days of her comely appearance by using Peruna. Peruna produces clean mucous mem- and branes, the basis of facial symmetry a perfect complexion. dis The women have not been slow to cover that a course of Peruna will do more toward restoring youthful beauty than all the devices known to science. While it is true that Peruna cures ca tarrh wherever located, yet it fs advisable for everyone to use Peruna as a preventive ALABASTINE The Only Sanitary and Permanent Wall Coating A LABAST1NE Is not a disease-breeding, hot water gluo wall finish, furnish ing a lodgment and harbor-ground for disease germs; it is a natural, rock-base composition, in white and many exquisitely beautiful tints; in powder form, ready for use by simply mixing with cold water. Anyone can brush it on. ALABASTINE cements to walls, distroys disease germs and vermin, and never rubs off or scales. Other wall coatings, under fanciful names, and usually mixed with hot water, are unhealthful kalsomines, stuck on the wall with glue, which soon rots, nourishes germs of deadly disease, rubs and scales, spoiling walls, clothing and furniture. When it is necessary to refinish, the old coats must be washed off—an expensive, nasty, disagreeable job, making the rooms damp and unfit to live in. When walls are once coated with Alabastine, succeeding coats may be applied, year after year, without washing the walls, thus saving great expense and annoyance. Hot and Cold Water Kalsomines Have No Merit Some dealers try to sell them, buying them cheap, and trying to sell on Alabastine’s demand until such time as their customers learn of the imposition. THEY ARE WORTHLESS PREPARATIONS If you cannot buy Alabastine of your hardware, paint or drug dealer, refuse all imitations, and write us. We will tell you where you can get Alabastine without delay, or sell it to you direct. $500.00 GIVEN AWAY. Write for particulars. Leaflet of dalntv tints, hints on decorating, and our artists’ up-to-date labeled. ideas on beau tifying the home, Free. Buy Alabastine only in package, properly Alabastine Company GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. and 105 Water St, New York City. $av^ mills The DeLoach Patent Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 h. p. cuts 2,000 feet per day. All sizes and prices te suit. DeLoach Shingle Mills, Edgers, Trimmers. Planers ; Corn and Buht Mills, Water Wheels, Lath Mills, Wood Saws Our handsome new Catalog will interest you DeLoach Mill Mfg. Co.. Box S 44 , Atlanta. G» Dropsy CURED '.Y Gives Quick Relief. Removes all swelling in 8 to 70 davs ; effects a permanent cure in 30 to 60 days. Trial treatment i given free. Nothingcan be fairer ! Write Or. H. H. Ureen’s Sons. "!! Specialists, Box B Atlanta. Ga. ■ft i .PISOs’S CURE FOR CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Uso In time. Sold by druggists._ gO NSU MR T10 N I and not wait until catarrh has fastened it self in some part of the system, Peruna acts quickly and beneficially on the inflamed mucous membranes lining the different organs of the body. Thus it will cure catarrh wherever located, If you do not derive prompt and satisfae tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state merit of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable Hartmann, advice gratis. President of Address Dr. The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Malsby & Co. 41 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Qa. & i 1 ; p Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complete line car ried in stock for IMMEDIA TE shipment. Best Machinery, Lowest Prices and Best Terms Write ,,, ___ US for .____, catalogue, _,_____ prices, f -------±—" before buvinff _ TbOmpSOIl’S Ef0 Wate? W. L. DCUCLA3 *3.SS&*3 SHOES IfRIOfi LkLl \V. L. Douglas* slices have by their excellent style, easy-fitting, a n cl superior wearing qualities, achieved 1 the largest sale of m I any shoes in the | world. & They are just as good as those that cost you I $4 to So — the only difference is the price. KN;.\\ Sold Everywhere. j Look for name and § | j price on bottom. Douglas uses Corona 5________________ Coltsklii, which is every where conceded to he the finest Patent !.•- a (tier vet produced. Fast Co or Eyelets used. Shoesb> mail.2f»c.extra. Write for Catalog. W.I..Douglas, Brockton, Mass. U j I ! ii Compisle External and Interna! I Traatat r \ u i n / y'/C 4 v> Xk. Consisting of Cuticura Soap to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; CUTI CURA Ointment to in stantly allay itching, irrita tion, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; and CUTI CURA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood and expel humor germs. A SINGLE SET, costing but ONE DOLLAR, is often suffi cient to cure the most tor turing, disfiguring skin, scalp and blood humors, ec zemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. Sold throughout the world. Cutlenn Re»ol rent, 50c. (In form of Chocolate Touted Pills, £5c.. per rial of 60). Ointment, ' V:.. Soup i’arls, Zac. Depots: Loudon, 27 Charterhouse Sq.: 5 Rue do la Paix: Boston. 137 Columbus Ave. Potter Drug and Chern. Corp.. Sole Pro pa. (rySend for ‘‘flow to Cure Torturing, Dis figuring Humors from Infancy to Age.” FREE i#50 eataIn B oe fur the aftLiog, THE COMET lawns, Sprays trees, windows, plants and rtues, sprinkle* washes carrlaaes.etc. Has no equal, sells on sight. Sprays from bucket or barrel50feet. You want It. H. B. Dt'SI.ER. Johnstown, Ohio This is What Yon Want I j Hare You Any Malarial Troubles ? T)o yen want to get well ami get well quick f If to. semi a PoatofUce order for fifty cents to th<» REGAL MEDICINE CO.,of Stamford. Gone •• for raedlcine and directions. A quick and certain Cure guaranteed In all o«“**s of malaria, chills and i t’jM-r.tiuinh ag-ii* a.ul iulerutitteut fev«.