The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, March 11, 1904, Image 4

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. Published every Friday at Cairo, Thomas county, Georgia. B. W. ADKINS, Editor. E. O. KOLBIB, Bus. Manager. Entered as second-class matter Januuary 21st, 1904 at the post office at Cairo. Ga., undar tne Act of Congress of March 3rd. 1879. j SUBSCRIFTION HATES, ONE YEAR .....*1.00 SIX MONTHS .......50c THREE MONTHS 25 Advertising rates reasonable, and furnished upon application. .’Phone 4.0 We need a better school build mg. Heart's boom in Georgia seems to have gone glimmering. The rural mail carriers are appreciative of the raise in their salaries. It appeals now as though the people are to be bored with a rehearsal of the Dreyfus affair. We must, shall and will have a better school building for Cairo and give our young folks better advantages. The patriotic American nurses going to Japan to nurse wound ed soldiers might find more worthy purposes at home. Don’t forget the Democratic mass meeting to he held at Thomasville on Wednesday, March 16th, at eleven o’clock. Some candidate or other had better be stirring or when the primary is pulled off he may wake and find that he’s only been dreaming. Politics are warm all over the state at present, but it is hoped that the farmer will hear the speil of Mr. Candidate behind a moving plow and not have to stop. Political questions only arise occasionally, but the meat and bread question is always with us. A country hog goes to the large packing houses at four and a half cents a pound and comes back breakfast bacon at twenty-two cents a pound. He is not the only hog in the trans action.—Valdosta Times. And it might be added that a few natural fools are also mixed up in the affair. Plenty of peo ple had rather be robbed than not. The neat manner in which the court house grounds at Thomasville are kept is a source of pride and pleasure to every Thomas countian. Among the stern realities of legal lore and inexorable justice how sweet the fragrance of the blushing rose or the drooping violet. And then the refreshing sight of green shrubbery in the glo rious spring time, how sweet and refreshing it is! Those in charge at Thomasville are to be congratulated. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured William Shaffer, a brakeman, of Den nison, Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with inflammatory rheu matism. 4 4 I used many remedies, 9 } he sa}-s. i « Finally I sent to McCaw’s drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and in one week’s time was able to go to work as happy as a clam. » » For sale by Wight & Browne. Mr. Hackney and his company left Saturday for Pelham. While here Mr. Hackney got very few good houses, which was caused, however, from unfortunate cir cumstances rather than an in ferior show. It is exceedingly strange how some business men treat a coun try paper. If the editor goes to a merchant and asks for credit ’till fall if he gets at all he pays a boUt jq pgr Ceilt. interest On . tllC blllj II n0 gOCS tO 3 . lOCcll bank and is so fortunate as to borrow a little of the long green he pays from 8 to 12 per cent, on it; and so it goes on down the different lines of trade and traffic. But on the other hand let the editor add 8, io or 12 per cent, interest on his subscrip tion price for fall payment and a howl will resound from Maine to Mexico. . -itt, Who is • usually , best able to extend credit without in terest, the merchant, the banker or the multi-millionaire pushing the quill on a two-by-four coun try weekly? And the echo comes back that the latter is billed for the Good Samaritan act. As sure as fate he is des tined to be the patron saint of every community. It Never Disappoints. F. J. Williams, proprietor of the Ham ilton Drug Co., Hamilton, Iowa, says Chamberlain’; Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy is practically the only remedy he sells for cramps, diarrhoea and colic, for the plain reason that it never disappoints. For sale by Wight & Browne. Hon. Fondren Mitchell. In our columns this week we publish the announcement of Hon. Fondren, who is a candi date for re-election as represen tative of Thomas county in the legislature. Everbody knows Fondren Mitchell and his excel lent record in the House and ’tis needless for us to enumerate the many characteristics which so eminently fit him for the legis lative hall. As a parliamenta rian no man in the Georgia legislature ishis superior and with the entire body of law-ma kers he is very popular. Unless this scribe is badly fooled he will be the next speaker of the House of Representatives. At least all the straws point that way now. 'Eres 'oping he will have a walkover. A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its pleasant taste and prompt cures have made Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a favorite with the mothers of small chil dren. It quickly cures their coughs and colds and prevents any danger of pnue monia or other serious consequences. It not only cures croup, but when given as coon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack. For sale by Wight & Browne. Hon. J. W. Groover. Among the old county officers to announce for re-election will be found this week that of Hon. J, W. Groover, as a candidate for re-election to the clerks of fice. For twenty-five years Mr. Groover has filled the office ac ceptably and with entire satis faction to every citizen of the county and by his courteous treatment of his constituents he has made friends who will ever be with him. He is in every way qualified for the office. Mr. W. E. Dunn, of Newton, Ala., has been in the city this week for the purpose of complet ing arrangements to begin work upon the two new brick stores to be erected by Poulk Bros, and Mr. Tno. L. Poulk in the near future. We learn that Mr. Dunn will be here ready to begin work about April the 15th. His many Cairo friends were glad to meet him while here. Announcements. Thomas County. FUR representative. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful performance of all the duties of the office. My past record in the of fice is open to inspection and relying upon this I submit my claims to the voters of the county and solicit their support. John R. Singletary. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheiflf of Thomas county', subject to the action of the Democratic primary. *ndsolicit the sup port of the voters of the county. If elected I will give my personal and undivided attention to the duties of the office and will discharge those duties to the best of my ability. J. J. CONE. for sheriff. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate f or re-election to the office of sheriff of Thom as county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. If re-elected I will continue to give the office my personal attention and will discharge its duties to the best of my ability. T. J. HIGHT. FOR ORDINARY. Desiring to thank my old comrades and friends generally for their four-years gift of the office of ordinary. I hereby announce my self a candidate for re-•lection, subject to the Democratic primary, promising if elected to do my utmost to perform all the duties of the of fice faithfully in the future as I have tried to do in tne past. Wm. M. Jones. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to the Legislature subject to the Dem ocratic primary. Having served the people to the very best of my ability in the last legisla ture. I feel that 1 can confidentially and con scientiously solicit their support in the ap proaching primary. J.B. ROUNTREE. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will give the office the same careful attention as in the past. I solicit the support of the voters of the county! JOHN F. HOWARD. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I respectfully announce that I am a candi date for re-election as Treasurer of Thomas county, subject the action of the Democratic primary. I am very thankful to the people for the fa vors and coufidence shown me in the past, and pledge, if elected, my very best and mosi conscientious efforts to give them faithful, ef ficient. and satisfactory service. I earnestly solicit your support and friendly co-operation. Gratefully and faithfully yours, iNO. f. darker. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I solicit the support of the voters of the county. E. M. SMITH. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the people of Thomas county : Appreciating the past honors you have con firmed upon ine I take this method of an nouncing that 1 am a candidate for re-clection to the House of Representatives of Georgia. In the discharge of my duties in the past as your representative I have to the best of my ability worked for your interests and the in terests of the whole people of Georgia, 1 again ask your support. My candidacy is subject to tne action of the Democratic primary. FONDREN MITCHELL. FOR CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Superior court of Thom as county, subject to the Democratic primary. I solicit the snpport of my old friends and promise them if elected to faithfully perform the duties of the office in future as I have al ways tried to do in the past. J. W. GROOVER. Proper Treatment of Pneumonia. Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease for anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although he may have the proper reme dies at hand. A physician should always be called. It should be borne in mind, however, that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of the grip, and by the proper treatment of these dis eases a threatened attack of pneumonia may be warded off. There is no question whatever about this, as during the thirty years and more that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been used, we have yet to learn of a single case of a cold or attack of the grip having resulted in pneumonia when this remedy was used. It is also used by physicians in the treatment of pneumonia with the best results. Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., who is also a druggists, says of it: “I have been selling Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and pre scibing it in my practice for the past six years. I use it in cases of pneumonia and have a' ways gotten the best results. >1 Sold by Wight & Browne. And still the announcements come. Let us have lights and water! Mr. Earle Donaldson, who is a candidate for the legislature from Decatur county, was here from Bainbridge Tuesday. Attention Cane Planters. We are prepared to make con= tracts for the purchase of cane for fall delivery. Price $3.50 per ton. Those interested will please write us at once as contracts are nearing completion. GEORGIA CANE SYRUP CO •9 Thomasville, Ga. A. L. SMITH, Supt., P. 0. Box 273. H. J. Hart. Tinner and Steam Fitter. Repair work of all kind at reasonable Prices. Steam Fittings and Mill Supplies. « Cairo, - - Georgia. Planting Time is drawing near and it is time that you were looking to your plow gear, harness, etc. And lest you forget let us remind you that we carry a full line of Harness, Leather Goods, •u Plow and Wagon Gear. We manufacture our own Harness and we know what they are. We can supply you with either a full set or any part of a set down to a mere hame string. We make and handle Buggy Bridles, Bits, Saddles, Saddle Stirrups, Storm Aprons, Buggy Curtains, Buggy Cushions, Whips, Curry Combs, Riveters, Tubular Rivets, Hame Tug Buckles, Saddle Pads and Collar:Pads, If you want your Shoes repaired ours is the place to have this done. We also make a specialty of this class of work and use the best of stock. If what you need is in the Leather Line consult ns. Yours for Business, ♦ Sfudson dc So Vo Sfayyett & jCeivis J*or fertilizers Sfay, Sr a in & all kindj feed Stuff* Soneral ‘ll/arehousemon. Phone 58. a The City Shaving Parlor, a » W. A. ALSTON, Proprietor. | id I V -/"having, -Thampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. 1 t i i t Prompt and Polite Attention, Expert Workmen, Tharp Tools, 3 j Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. 3 t 3