The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, March 11, 1904, Image 5

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£ocal Stems ^Personal c fffention. Fruit ; t crops are pretty safe iow. Read tax receiver’s notice in Lis issue Local news has been scarce Lis week - Mauldin wants i ,ooo hens, Will pay 3 o cents cash. Read new ad. of J. L. Oliver L this issue. Mr. F. B. Walsh visited Thom Lsville Wednesday. 'Phone 36 they will send for lour laundry. Leived Car of Cypress shingles just by L. A. Free. Mr. Julian Weil was here from Savannah Tuesday. Chickens and eggs pass the Line as money at Mauldin’s. Mr. Lewis Butler, of Concord, Fla., was in town Wednesday. Mr. H. J. Vincent is having a Lely time hauling candidates. Maudlin Bros, pay 30 cen's I lot bens. Setters or non-setters. I hi. and Mrs. J. L. Oliver re I turned Monday from Atlanta. I 11 r. Henry Howze, of Bain Ibridge, was here Wednesday. We are reliably informed that [Mauldin [hides, Bros, pay cash for cow coon skins and all kinds bfsaleable furs. Seed Irish Potatoes. If you want the Genuine Red Bliss, Early Rose, White Bliss and Bliss Triumph Seed Irish Potatoes go to the RED FRONT STORE. We also have a fine lot of Onion Sets and Early Corn. Would be glad to have you call and examine same before you buy. Geo. W. Hurst, Manager. PHONE 1 S. » '' Spring Goods. We are now receiving an elegant line of new spring goods of all kinds. We would be glad to have our friends and patrons call and see them. We also have a choice selection of Hats and Shirts to please the young men. Before buying call and see these goods and you will save yourself some money. Remember us when you need 9 as weep them the freshest and nicest of everything *n this line. Yours very truly, Belcher, Sanders & Co. ^ext Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store. Battle-Axe shoes at Mauldin’s. Carry your laundry to Maul din’s. Carload of Cypress shingles | just received by L. A. Free. Miss Ora Brinson s^ent Sun day at Thomasville. Mr. Murray Maxwell visited Whigham Sunday. A complete line of Coffins and Caskets always on hand. Sapp Hardware Co. Mr. J. N. Butler states that: he now lias water-melon vines up. Mr and Mrs. Tom Maxwell,, of Calvary, were the guests 01 friends in this city Sunday. Mr. E. A. Alderman, of Thom asville was a visitor to the city j Sunday. Mr. W. H. Bennett, a well known drummer, spent Satur day here with relatives. Messrs. Anderson Brown and Seab Davis went over to Moul trie on a short visit Sunday. The new Barrett Stoves are selling. See it. Sapp Hajdware Co. Messrs. Yaney Bryan, Mack Johnson, Aigie Baggett, Seab Davis and Anderson Brown vis ited Thomasville Sunday. Dr. E. F. Sapp has sold his drug business in Douglass and is expected co be among home folks soon. Messrs. Thomas and G. A. Wight went down to Tallehas see Saturday on a visit to rel atives. It’s an undisputed fact that Mauldin Bros, buy more chick ens and eggs than any firm in Thomas county. Miss Fannie Walsh, of Con cord, Fla., is visiting the family of hei uncle, Mr. F. B. Walsh. Gardens are now coming up and unless something happens spring vegetables will soon be added to the menu. Miss Annie Cooke went up to Thomasville Wednesday to be the guest of friends for a few da vs. Misses Kathryn and Jonnie Brown returned Wednesday from a stay of several davs in Atlanta. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Walsh will be glad to know that little Charlie is slowly recovering after a serious illness of two months. Messrs. H. J. Hart, Richard Pearce and Dr. W. M. Searcv mt went up to Thomasville Tues day evening to attend a meet ing of the Thomasville K. P’s. The social meeting of the Ep wo; th League will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. „ S. TTT Wight . , next 1 ucsday night. w A splendid program has been arranged ana an enjoyable even ing is assured. Rev. and Mrs. Padrick and little son arrived in the e.ty Monday from Lake Park. The little fellow, who was recently operated upon for appendicites by Dr. Walker, is not doing so well and has been brought back for treatment. Shipment Florida Oranges just received. They are extra nice 20 to 30c per dozen at Ira L. Hurst’s. Mauldin Bros, sell Sewing machines. Carload of Cypress shingles just received by L. A. Free. Dr. Oliver B. Bush, of Pelham, spent a part of this week in the city. Mrs. J. W. Maxwell is visit ing relatives at Whigham this week. Misses Lena and Hattie Maul din went over to Thomasville Sunday. Buy your blacksmith tools of us—Sapp Hardware Co. Mr. E. F. Baggs visited the fair sex at Thomasville Sunday afternoon. Mr. B. W. Adkins visited homefolks at Moultrie and Doe run Sunday. Mrs. H. W. Montcrief and Miss Allie Brinson visited Thom asville last Friday. Dr. Searcy paid Whigham a visit last Friday. Mr. W. P. Cox was here from Thomasville Tuesday. Mauldin Bros, have a new ad. this week. Read it. Owing to a rush of job work we are forced to leave off sup plement pages. Read new ad. of Cairo Furni ture Co. this week. DO YOU If so wt- have the gauds and the prices that will interest vou. Our Stoves at $8,50, $13.00. $10.00 and are values that you cannot afford to overlook. We have the Best Stove for the Money ever offered in Cairo. This is no idle Boast. We have the goods and are prepared to prove what we claim. We sell them on the Easy Payment plan also. We take country produce of all kinds .11 ex<hai gc for* merchandise. ww awnttm / Farmers’ Column. Edited weekly by W. B. Roddenbery. Farm labor is scarce and high. This makes it imperative that all successful farmers must vise Labor Saving Tools. Planting time is near at hand and every up-to-date farmer should have a Guano Distributor, Cotton Planter and Corn Planter, hut no one should buy three seperate machines provided ho can got. all throe successfully combined in one machine. Coles Universal Planter will open the furrow and plant either Cotton, Com, Oats. Peas, Beans or Pinders one at the same time put out in the furrow with 1 I 10 seed Guano in any quantity desired and cover the seed all at same operation with one hand and one horse and it will lx- better done than if done by hand - Stop a moment and figure how much labor you can save by the use of this implement. The Cole Planter is no experiment hut has been fully tested around Cairo by a number of our most successful farmers and is a proven success. Mr. H. .J. Poulk. one of our most successful farmers says posi tively that he would not take $50,00 for his machine if he could not get another one like it. I have a small lot of those machines on hand and cannot get more unless t hey are ordered at once, you should therefore place your order with me at once for one so as to he sure to get one, if you wu t you will miss it. I keep in stock a full line of Labor Saving Implements such as Disc Plows, Steel Two Horse Turning Plows, Disc and Truth Har rows, Disc and Sohvei Cultivators both riding and walking for one or two horses. Also don’t forget that 1 am HEADQUARTERS FOR F ft- LLWOOD nvii FIELD FENCE, POULTRY. RABBIT AND LAWN FENCE. SB INCH Absolute efficiency at ieast expense, soinch A practical fence that will positively cattle, 42 INCH turn hogs and 34INCM pigs A feflce that j s strong t |g (mcm practically ever- •fffif m tasting, proven [ thoroughly effi-^ U ■i cient underi tUpSoORfcLO possible FENCE every condition. EVERY ROD OF ELLWOOD FENCE IS GUARANTEED. If you want your fencing problems satisfactorily solved, call and see the | ELLWOOD FENCE and let us show you for how little money you can get absolute satisfaction. Yours for better farming, W. B. Rothfenberi’.