The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, March 18, 1904, Image 2

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1 11PUW L-LLMBM i mm % & § ■ <3,4 / w Miss Rose Kenncssy, well fcaown as a poetess and elocu tionist, of Lexington, Ky., tells tiow she was cured of uterine inflammation and ovaritis by the use of Lydia E. Pinkhain’s Vege table Compound. '** Dear Mrs. Pink ham :— For years I enjoyed the best of health and thought that I would always do so. I attended part ies and receptions thinly clad, and would be suddenly chilled, but I did mot, think of the results. I caught a bad cold eighteen months ago while menstruating, and this caused inflam mation of the womb and congested «wrarios. I suffered excruciating pains and kept getting worse. My attention van called to your Vegetable Com pound and the wonderful cures it had performed, and I made up my mind to try it for two months aril see what it would do for me. W5thin one month I felt much better, and at the close of the second I was entirely well. «■ 1 have advised a number of my lady friends bo use i •i s;,i r;ii -‘-nr r themselves as well i u.i’r-d V.'iLh ' ;3 results as I was. M Sc, r i: : . i;A Hkssi’SKST, 41G tt r» o-t i\. uexing- 4 fixt, Ky- $5900 fnr‘- .*(* - rii/ircl of a' iw let tbtr pnivini nrrviin>'n*x* r-- no# h* 'VANISHED 1 »' 1TIGF.. ■W»:o is that?” askfd Hi bantam. "That, M replied the bra. * min. : is the farrwviTS goose that lays t. gold-'h "Well, she needn’t put on t rs. At «.-urrent market quotations the ken *Bat lays the plain old-fashioned egg w quite as valuable.”—Washington Star. BOBBY. Bobby—Grandma, do your glasses magrwify ? Grandma—Yes, dear. Bobby—Well, when you cut off my cake will you please take them off?— Harper’s Bazar. Americans write about forty letters a year, and that average equals forty per rent, of all the letters written in Site world. #100 Keivaril. SilOO. *Fh« readers of this paper will be pleased to fmarn that there is at .least one dreaded dis *men that science has been able to cure in ail Sis stages!, and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh €luc is the only positive cure now known to thfs> medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con ft&itutionai disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall 's CatarrhCure is taken* nter wafiJy, acting directly upon the blood and mu < sans surfaces of the system, thereby de&l roy ingthe foundation of the disease, and gi ving patient strength by building up the con s«»fcuifon and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in it*curative powers that they offer One ilun clrwl Dollars for any case that it fails to cura. Seatl for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney <t Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. 'Sake Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. Steam launches with glass bottoms are now at the service of those who wish to view the marine growth about datalina Island, Cal. Gorlland county has 19 granges, with 1.C00 membership, The most of them have been organized for more than 25 years. The Pomona -r' ’ . vz _ m. r ■ ........ iW emit !V\> e * e - VJfeiGlSl Tfit- flavor of TOBACCO may be in jured by the use of stable and rank organic manures. RL in the Covin of sulphate produces yield. an improved flavor and a good Tobacco must have Potash. TKir tittle book. “Tobacco Culture.” con much valuable information, and every V aofetoco sro-ver can obtain a copy iree of charge by writing for it. GERMAN KALI WORKS ySi^m York— 11 # Xai>nuu Street, or Atlanta, Go.—CSiD So. Broad St L y Removes all swelling in **’ A [ days; iii to effects 6o days. a permanent Trial r 50 free. Nothinacau be given D-. II. M. Orea >’$ Sons. rrnJ'" Wr.te Sjwib)* a, B Atmina, ■anaegaag xgj^ign g si HOT PROTEST FROM Bristow Report Raises Regular Whiriwind of Wrath DENOUNCED IN CONGRESS Members of Both Senate and House are R led at Imputations of Wrong-Doing. A Washington special says: That an investigation of the postoffice de partment by the house of represen tatives will resuit from the publication of the report involving members of congress in that connection, was indi cated by every expression possible short of a vote in that body Wednes day. With a whirlwind of protest the report was taken up by indignant members, their personal connection with it explained and epithets hurled at Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Bristow. “The Bristow report was conceived in iniquity, born in sin and has trav eled its course until it has struck the public of the United States as a great attack upon a body of men as free from wrong doing, corruption, crime and irregularity as any equal number of men on the face of the earth. >> Th j s was the parting shot of Represent ab Grosvenor, of Ohio, in paying his hte to the report. «i That document is the production of a liar and a scoundrel,” shouted Representative Hill, of Connecticut, on making an explanation of his connec tion with certain leases. He added that he should vote to investigate him self and also the fourth assistant postmaster general. Overstreet Defends Members. “Theie h nothing in any of it to impugn hny improper motive or con duct upon any u. -fiber of the house,” was the expression f Chairman Over street, cf he commid e who combat ted the idea of ar- investigation. Mr. \yiiliams, the democratic leader, 1 urged a complete investigation the ex wbo* ^office department and ie ceivc-u 'Jj? hearty applause of both sides of tBe 'bc^SK^ud the galleries, which h ^,.|U Ied a ring the discussion, it whfiS®^ gPbeen j^md that the two hours allotted to the subW wasll going to be near enough |lme t( he personal explana tlons wliibh mi Irs were demanding the right to make, and a motion to ex tend rfie debate until 4 o'clock Thurs i day aftij jfDn was -carried with vim. Mr. Sept proposed a postpone ment JI e discussion until Monday in order to give'the members more time. Mr. Hay, of Virginia; Mr. Fin ley, 0 f South Carolina, and others op posed postponement. Mr. Hepburn, republican, of Iowa, said that an investigation of the post oiiiefc department would not elicit any facts not brought out by the commit tee report. “I say «n investigation would elicit further fact^and that these facts have ■ been suppressed,” retorted William Adder SicUV amid loud applause trom I the floor and galleries. As to the Hay resolution, Mr. Wil liams said it did not touch the ques tion “that somebody at the postoffice department has somehow included m the report the name of man after man in the house of representatives and m the senate guilty of apparent wron a nr t guilty of no violation of any law, j guilty of no moral obliquity, guilty o f nothing that bears even the tinge ot criminality.” “What was the motive of it?” he vigorously inquired. “Wasn’t it to give the congress notice that the department held something over con gress and that congress had better let the department alone?” he inquired, his words be'ng drowned by applause from both sides. Mr. Cooper, of Wisconsin, declared that President Roosevelt had directed, the prosecution of members of his own party. Mr. Moon, of Tennessee, facing the republican side, said: These thieves being yours and not ours, it is for you, not us, to say if they shall have your protection. y» POISONED SELF AND WHOLE FAMILY. German Officer, in Fit of Melancholy, Author of Horrible Crime. Lieutenant Carl Beseke (retired), citizen of Berlin, Germany, after long and steady decay of fortune, his fast money Tuesday and gave splendid dinner in honor of his old daughter’s birthday. Beseke poisoned his wife, daughter, two respectively 12 and 16 years old, dets at the military academy, and him self with cyanide of potassium, he seemingly inserted in the mouth each in the form of a pill after had gone into a drunken sleep. itfMia I EMPRESS EUGENIE’S JEWEL3 How They Were Carried Through Irv dia and Sold to a Native Prince. The story of the Servian jewels must recall to the ex-Empress Eu j genie her own experiences w-hen the 1 waves first began to dash about her throne. She determined to sell the greater part of her jewels in hope to I do something to save the dynasty. Publiciity had to be avoided, and a market was not to be found in Eu i rope, newly thrilled by the horrors I of Sedan. The Empress looked to the East for a market. An English | man was on his way home for a holi day. A telegram at Bombay awaited him from one of the greatest Eur^* j pean financial houses and informed j him of the determination of the Em press. The difficulty had been to find J a man with sufficient influence to be able to approach the princes of In dia in secret with a view to selling them the jewels. Not less hard was i it to lay hands on the man who had moral strength sufficient to carry with j 1 j m surr 3 ptitiously hundreds of thou san( j s of pounds’ worth of jewels in lands where the Queen’s writ did not run, and where the protection of the constable is not immediately avail able. i j Every cara had been taken to in sure secrecy. The jewels had been taken to pieces; the gems removed j from “jointed” their to admit settings; of their the latter j holding and bein^ worn around the waist of ■ their bearer in a belt of soft leather. i Yhc Englishman put on the belt, armed himself with a trusty revolver, engaged a trusty awf set -9rth on hIs miS3ion - ^ or three at-tltlia | * lver wanr The ^ ersc ^ respoMiofUty over road, rail of %nd his - I trust, the tl constant <laagerj?f : ? ry ’ th ® dlfficulty .J f ' U * P< f ms °*u 4 * | t o ' ldll At"last ^ | succc , ssfuL xho j 3W( o 3 ware 30 a _ rince who % theip prope^of'a tl r^ mnrr for that they distressed W* <**’4 have bosn Do-eA.kJ'|l®L ti e matter but tae iaal .• Bf ; k;har Ted t.h e un - certaking^ an courage a kdliii, wortp conditions hich ’merit A’gril a story or’commerci i j regard of enterpris^ personaS» >?$'■ ; exciting k to make popular not —St. - James Gazette. ■ NOT IN' PINING. Jones—That’s my boy, Tommy. Best football player in the high school makes forty-yard runs every game he plays. Smith—What’s he looking so t* grouchy” about? Jones—Oh, his mohter wants him to run an errand probably.—Judge. ICarliest .. , _ , 4 Green ^ Onions, „ The rru John t i A. ac! balzer >eej - , o C«x. t L,v Wis., 'always have sorvijjdriv * iley $\v. some'-’ thine valuable. This year offer among their new moner making vegetables an Earliest (Ireen Eating Onion. It is m winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener! JUST SEND THIS NOTICE AND tfiC. and they will send you theii big plant and seed catalog, together with enough s. d to grow solid Cabbages, | i- 1.000 fine, 2.000 delicious Carrots. 2.000 Blanching, nutty Celery, ¥ 2.000 rich, hntterv Lettuce, | 1.000 splendid Onions. Radishes. 1.000 rare, luscious 1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers. In all over 10,000 plants^—this great effpr is made to get you to test their warranted vegetable seeds and ALT, FOR BUT IOC. TORTAGE. providing you will return this notice, and if vou will send them 20c. in postage, th^v will add to the above a package of the fa mous Berliner Cauliflower. fA.C.L.] As a rule the man who isn’t afraid to stand up for his rights imagines that he has a right D> anything lm wants. Mrs. WIdsIow’s SoothingSvrupfO'ro'hildren teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion allays pain,cureswind eolie. 25e. abottle I In the production of lumber California now holds second place among the States. Salzer’s Earlleet Cane. Another new thing. Gan be cut six times during a season and sprouts again with lightning rapidity. Next to Saber's Teosinte it will make more green fodder than anything else, cheap as dirt and grows everywhere. Of Salzer’s Renovator Grass Mixture, just the thing for dying out pastures and meadow, Mr. E. Rappold, East Park, Ga., writes, “I sowed Salzer’s Grass Mixture on soil ‘so poor two men could not raise a fuss on it,’ and in forty-one days after sowing I had the grandest stand of grass in the county. Salzer’s Grass Mixtures enrollt barrels quickly and produce Seed enormously. ■ > 100,000 choice Potatoes. salzer’s new NATIONAL OATS. Here is a winner, a prodigy, a marvel, enormously prolific, strong, healthy, vigor ous, producing in thirty States from 150 to 300 bu. per acre. You had best sow a j lot of it, Mr. Farmer, in 1904, and in the fall sell it to your neighbors at $1 a bu. for seed. [A.C.L.l The port of New Chwang, at tire mouth of the Liao River, is the. greatest beaa market in the world. ! I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consump Boa hi vs aoequai for cougos and colds.—J ohn | F.Boykk, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. J City It during cost $318,366,047 1903. to run New York -1 ; You can fio your dyeing in half an hour with Putnam Kadki.kss Dyes. Liverpool has closed one-third of its sa loons during the last ten years. 4 k l PORT ARTHUR IMPREGNABLE Again Japs Shell Stronghold With out Much Damage, AMMUNITION IS WASTED j i Mikado's MeD are Determined, How ever, to lake ihe Fort--Details of Viadivostock Bombardment. An Assoeiatd Brass dispatch says: The Japanese fleet appeared off Pori j Arthur harbor at miumght Wednes | day night and bombarded the city in ■ termittently until 8 o’cIock morning. I The Russians replied to the Japan ese fire. A message from the signal station at 11 o’clock p. m., announced the appearance of a Japanese squad ron on the horizon. Fifty minutes lat er the shore , ... batteries . opened , fire „ on i the Japanese vessels. A gale sprang | * U P ail( * the attacking fleet soon with i ^ rew - j A dispatch from _ Tokio, v Japan, says: j Vice Admiral Kamimura, reporting the ’ bombardment of Viadivostock on , March 6, says the attack commenced j at 10 minutes of z in the afternoon, and the firing was kept up about forty ( minutes. He believes the bombard i to ent w-as elective and demoralizing | to KnySian the enemy. forts did On this reply occasion Jap- the j not to the ar^ ?3 fire. Japanese cruisers subse reconnoitered several adjacent on the coast, but found no trace t ^ e - ,nemy - The report of vice Admiral Ka " mimura ’ ' vho commands the second Ja ^? eSe sq,1 f droa ' says: Am wa reached the enirancf i .:*^vlafiivostook on the 111 * °f througa a frozen ! S6a ’, 1 he were not seen 0utside the harboi¥ ‘'^’ approached ■ | the batteries on the nQtheast coast i^from^a j ’ poi'nt beyonu th orange of the me jk on the Balzaf»promontory a lll» ( 'w ! ^ ^&rous w|er harbo^affij strait. M %r bombari I = «: ty minutes, , frot» NjjStS’clock afternoon, w I keP i , the bombard •W 04*1*1 a c »*Ted «& Pr.derable damage. i.g'm k rs&Were s#' fi, but the land bat tMT^ did not repiv to our fire. Black ; sip&ke was observed at the east en I trance to the harbor about 5 o’clock and was thought to be from the ene my’s ships, but this smoke gradually disappeared. A I On the mbralng of March 7 we re ccnnoitered America bay and Strelok jbay, QacM but gav/ nothing unusual. We ap , edS'--Cb.o fiiisri entrance to Vladi " i , at hoot; The _ . ships enemy s ° v ° ^visible . . and batteries did were ; . oe riot fire. We turned toward Possiet ; bay.«tt not seeing ' the enemy ’ re tired s' CllAvIc life fS GE0FSS4MGH COURT, Associate Justice Tyrne Resigns and is Succeeded bv Jutf#? SVW Evans. Judge Beverly u. EAmns, of San dersville, judge of the middle Georgia circuit, becomes an associate justice cf the supreme court of Georgia on April 1 next by appointment of Gov ernor Terrell, succeeding Associate Justice Henry G. Turner, who tender i ed his resignation to Governor Ter rell Thursday, taking effect on the date named. The resignation of Justice Turner and the appointment of Judge Evans came as a decided surprise to the en tire state. Justice Turner has been on the su preme bench only about eight months, and could have had the remainder of the unexpired term of the late Jus tice Samuel Lumpkin without opposi tion—a period of four years mor« from January 1 next. He is known to have been highly pleased with the associa tions and with the work. Meeting of Russian and Jap Scouts. Russian and Japanese mounted scouts met north of Ping Yang Thurs day, says a cable dispatch from Tokio. After a brief engagement the Russians retreated. No casualties are reported on either side. WANT MILLIONS LOST BY TRUST. Annual Report is Given Out by United States Steel Corporation. The second annual report of the United States Steel Corporation, dated March 1, was issued at New York Sat urday. The statement is a volumin ous one. It shows that net earnings for the year after deducting expenditures fo* maintenance and interests on bonJs and fixed charges of su .sidiary com panies were $109,171,152, compared with $133,308,763 in 1902. The balance of net earnings for 1903 are $83,675,786, as against $108,534.- 374 in 1902. f A BAFFLING CASE. | j Naggsby—And what would you S3' if I were to tell you that mv y w 'fe an I had been married ten years, had had out first quarrel and nieht? oaly last Wages by—I might recommend SO" form of treatment for loss of mem. and I might tell what r? you I ren thought, if weren’t ? ; you in such ro foundedly good condition.—Baltic ore American. I FITS permanently-cured. No fits nr nerve ! ness after }testorer.*2 first day's use of Dr. Kline's ulf r° H 41 Nerve trial bottleand treat Dr. It. IT. Kli ne. Ltd .. 931 Arch St., Phila p The 15,000 convicts in England cost I 000,000 every year. 80 Bushel* Macaroni "Wheat I'er Acre Introduced tremendous by the U. S. Dept, of a* It is a cropper. vieMin» , lands, good land such SO bu. per found acre, in and Mont.. on drv V;3 as are wifi THaho the Dakotas, Colo., etc., it yield from a JJUna'^Grieyllnd^BromurTnemis Billion Do”ar Grass, makes an an ‘ if l and fatten hogs it possible grow and cattle wherever soil is found. JUST SENT* 10c. ANT) TJTTR NOTICE to the John A. Salzer Sml Co.. La Crow i i Wig., ibis and Wheat they will and send other you farm free a sam' j m seeds, to . H-ether with their great catalog ,i nn „ ?100 .00 to nnv wide-awake farmer. [A.CLi w j t j 1 themselves to he seriously injured m j ! an ordinary !ovc affair, rr»e\ii It Is the only cure for Swollen, Rmartin? Tired, Aching, Hot. Swentim? Feet,Corns ami Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. Cures while von walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores 25e Don’t accept any substitute. Sample sent Free. Address,Allen 8. Olmsted, Lefioy.N.Y Many a man would be glad if his wife would talk to herself. An Unliinely Death. An untimely death so often follows neg lect of slight cough or cold. If Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mul lein is taken in time it will prevent anv evil results. It cures coughs, colds and consumption. At druggists, 2oe., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. Respect for the man who is a better financier thalffi&u than yourself doesn't indicate would be willing to let him run your business. h TWO OF THEM. | May I ask.’ inquired the Melancholy | | Ftranger, “what is your pursuit, in life?” “It depends.” replied Subbubs, upon whether I’m going or coming. It’s the 7:48 train in the morning, and tlh-e 6:12 at night.”—Philadelphia Press. | j Grange has $700 in the treasury. j The Albany Pomona Grange has chosen as its legislative committ ! Mrs. John Houghtaling and John H r ber, of Selkirk, W. L. Coughtry, and Minard DeFreest, of Slingerlands, and E. II. Chapman, of Albany. PRIVACY. Briggs—Tc ere go the Swathers. They are very exclusive, I believe. Griggs—Yes; they travel in a pr: ! va to car private cauriages and pri vate yachts. a I see. Everything about them is private except their lives.” Life. A BEGINNING. r He—We must economize, Suppose, darling, that, you try your hand at making your own clothes. She—oh. George, dear, I never’could ' j U do that! Suppose I begin by trying to make yours?- ■New Yorker. RESTORED TO HEALTH. Many weak, suffering women do not know that their kidneys are sick. Backache tells of sick kidneys, and so do urinary disorders. 5 Sick kidneys make bad # blood, and bad blood S makes bad digestion,* It heart palpitation, diz zy headaches, nervous- sci- | I / ness, sleeplessness, atica, rheumatic j and constant defies* sion. Can’t be restored to health until the kid neys are cured. Read how one woman was restored by using Doan’s Kidney Pills: ! Mrs. H. A. Van Siclde, fill 6th Ave., S. W., Roa toke, Va., says: “Kidney trouble was heredi tary In our family, and I had been disease so continually afflicted with the that I began to despair of even tempor , m-y relief. Sometimes I suffered so se verely that i was confined to my bed. The aching in my back was intense, and the kidney disorder caused an ex ce ss of uric acid in my brood which im paired my digestion. I was compelled ; t° deny myself of many of the little delicacies of diet. The doctors diag nosed my 'ase as congestion of the kid neys. I bail about given up hope when, I began using Doan’s Kidney Pills, but I took only a few d-oses when their curative powers were proven to my satisfaction. I have never been with out them hi the house since. •» Doan's Kidney Pills are sold by a !! dealers; price, 50 cents, or mailed on receipt of price by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Write for free trial.