The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, March 25, 1904, Image 5

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JEoccd Stems Personal Ttfention. Calf iro 0 is on no jboom, but is eadilv growing Read new adv.- of Mauldin ros in this issue. guy your blacksmith tools of s-'Sapp Hardware Co. - A late county primary will no oubt bring out more camdates. The new Barrett Stoves are telling- See it.' ‘ Vi Sapp Hajdware Co. Messrs. W. T. Crawford and b M. Maxwell visited the Styx Sunday. Judge Anderson Roddenbery was in the city a short while sat urday. The Messenger job office has been quite busy for the past sev eral days. A complete line of Coffins and Caskets always on hand. Sapp Hardware Co. The Merry-go-round has gone land things seem a little quiet since it left. Policeman Z. E. Norton, of Pelham, spent a while in the city Saturday. The Cairo Furnitre Co. have 'anew ad in this issue to which we direct attention. Mr. E. L. Whitmorth, of Ca milla, paid his usual weekly visit to the city last Friday. Dr. T. M, Mc.Intosh was downjrom Thomasville on a pro fessional visit Sunday. The millinery and dry goods stores are now making prepara tions for the Easter trade. Mr. R. L. Wylly, of Thomas ville, was among the visiting Knights Monday night. Dr. R. D. Coleman, who is well known throughout this sec tion, was m the city Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Thomas F.Graves came over from Ochlochnee Sat urday for a visit to home folks. We are glad to say that Mrs. M. G. McManeus, who has been ill for some time, is improving. We would appreciate the favor if the citizens of the city would report their visitors. Our phone is no. 40. Close Cut Sale— March ig 2 ^’ Everything reduced, many items at cost. The Ten Cent Store. Just Received At The RED FRONT STOTE. A fresh lot of Postum Cereal, Oat Meal, Levering’s Special Blend Coffee, Brazil Shredded Cocoanut and kinds Extracts, Spices and Teas. So when you need anything in Grocery line just ’phone 18 . Qeo. W. Hurst, RHONE 18* Picnics and red bugs are next on program. Mrs. Davis, Quitman, spent Monday in the city. The K. Ps. had a high time at the hall Monday night. Mr. T. F. Dison of Meigs spent Monday in the city. Traveling men have been fre quent visitors here this week. Mr. J. E. Proctor, traveler, has been in the city several days. A big fruit cr< p th s year will mean many shekels to Georgia growers. John Hudson is now doing the honors o r the Mestnger’s com posing room. Miss Grace Jenkins of Thomasville, was a visitor to city last Friday. Mr. Cicero Thompson, of Thomasville, spent Monday in the city on business. Miss Hattie Blackshear, of Susina, was the guest of friends in this city last Saturday. Mr. B. D. Hartsfield came down from Moultrie and spent a couple of days last week. They say “the prettiest I ever saw is at Duren’s.” Mr. W. H. Brandon, the Thom asville drummer, was greeting the trade here the latter part of the week. W. H. Robinson & Co. have a new adv. in this weeks issue that will interest you. Look it up on another page. A full and complete line of up-to-date Millinery at G. L. Du ren’s. Mrs. W. A. Johnson came down from Thomasville to spend some time with her band in this city. Mr. E. F. Baggs, who has an employee of the for some time, left Monday his home at Camilla. Silk Persian Lawn, Silk Nauvautes De Champa g n Champagne fancies, India Lawn, Pique, and fancy drygoods at G. L. Miss J. D. Brown & Co. an ad. in this weeks issue will interest our lady Don’t fail to see what they to say. Phone 36. They will for your laumdrv. Lawson Stapleton, shoe man *; was here Wednesday. Mrs.S. E. Cates and Mr. Bithe Me Clelland, from Madison Fla., are visiting Mr. M. G. McManeus and family. Messrs. J. A. Beard, Algie Baggett and Anslier Stringer visited the fair sex at Thomas ville Sunday. Close Cut Sale—M arch 19th to 26th. Everything reduced - many items at cost. The Ten Cent Store. Mr. Jesse Reynolds,a popular employee of the Thomasville Times-Enterprise, spent Sunday in the city. For Rent —A nice 5-room house painted and ceiled. In gcod neighborhood, possession April 1st. Apply to C. C. Skel ton, Cairo, Ga. The Messenger will be great ly improved in the near future and its columns will contain much more reading matter. Fresh shipment Conida’s Bon Bons, Chocolates and other pack age candies just received, No oetter sold on this market. Try t icm.—Ira L. Hurst. There is talk among the young folks of fixing up a park some where in the city so as to have somewhere to gather during the summer evenings. Troy Steam Laundry pleases all—Mauldin Bros. Agents. Mr. R. M. Cooke, a well known hotel man of Blue Ridge, Ga., has been in . the city for some days, the guest of his brother, Dr. A. B. Cooke. In the good old summer time; carry your laundry to—Maul din’s. Messers. Andrishok, Barrow, Lewis, and Moneyhan, of Thom asville, came down Monday night to assist in giving the Ori ental degree to local Knights of Pythias. NOTICE. On and after this date cattle, with exception of those that are mischievous, will be allowed at large upon the streets of Cairo until Oct. 1st, next. By order of mayor and ceun cil, this March 15 th, 1904 The Merry-go-’Round. The benefit run given by the merry- go’round for the baseball team last Friday night was in deed a most enjoyable affair. Comparatively speaking all the yong folks of the city were pres ent, and several of the older ones too for that matter, and without exception all had a gay time. From an early hour in the even ing until about half past ten o’clock the horses and chariots were well filled by a joyous throng. The ball team received $15 for their part of the proceeds. The members of the team as well as the management of the machine request us to return thanks to the people for the lib eral support given them. dixie Lodge H. P. NO. 150. Regular meetings 1 st and 8rd Monday nights in each month at 7 :80 o’clock. L. B. Powell, C. C. T. A. Powell K. of R. & S. ---- nr. ouse <**. - Cleaning! - t ti iiiui ****** **** ******* * * ff.*^*^** -r A **-**■,* i i i m 11 n fit 11 « i New that the annual House Cleaning season is here and you are dusting out the Corners and re-arranging the Furni ture we wish to call your attention to the fact that we can aid you very materially in . . Prightentng *llp 2/our JVome . • and the Cash outlay required will be a very small matter. t-- • Jfotv about a 7feu> Trailing for the floor? We have some Brand New patterns in Cotton Warp Mat ting that are beauties and having bought a large stock of these goods we have some prices to quote that will tickle your purse. Sn China Tifatting we have some heavy close woven patterns that we are of fering very low while they last. We also have floor covering specially suitable for halls. Possibly you have found c Some Corner Chat *9/sects a Center Cable, or some room that needs another Chair or two or a Rocker. Those Lace Curtains in the Parlor are beginning to look worn and dingy and New Ones would add so much to the at tractiveuess of the room. Che ^Dining Poom would look so much more inviting if a nice Side Board were in that space that now looks so bare. A few more pictures on the wall would add much to the general appearance of things. Chat Stove in the JCitchon that has been giving you so much trouble of late has been a good one possibly, but it cannot last always and it would real ly be economy to buy a new one. Come djwn to our store this afternoon or tomorrow and have a look' at the strong line of Jfousm J'umtsktngs we have to offer and we are sure you will feel repaid for the coming. * # 1 HOUSE FURNISHINGS w * = 31 .:.^:;=: r™ Spring a Goods. We are now receiving an elegan line of new spring goods of all kinds. We would be glad to have our friends and patrons call and see them. We also have a choice selection of Hats and Shirts to please the young men. Before buying call and see these goods and you will save yourself some money. Remember us when you need 9 as weep them the freshest and nicest of everything in this line. Yours very truly, Belcher, Sanders & Co. Next Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store. Harry J. Hart. Tinner and Steam Fitter. — Repair Work of all kind at reasonable Prices. Steam Pittings and Mill Supplies CAIRO, - GEORGIA. m d The Messenger.