The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, March 25, 1904, Image 8

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A CAMPAIGN LIE NAILED. M Truth Travels With Leaden Heel But Strikes With Iron Hand. »• To The Voters Of Decatur County: When Mark Twain was a didate for Gove rnor of Nevada, he says that he was a confirmed bachelor so a. raid of women that the flutter of a skirt on a clothes line would cause him to shv to the other side <»t the street—yet in two weeks his op ponents published affidavits to prove that he had eight wives, and while he was making an in dignam denial of the charge be fore a large audience sixteen small children ran across the stage to him crying out “Papa ki Papa." When I became a candidate for Judge of the City court of Decatur county and heard that I was being charged with some ; wrong doing in dealing with a respected citizen of Decatur j county, I thought of Mark Twain’s experience and smiled, knowing that there had been ! nothing in my conduct that the most critical could complain at. j However, continuing to hear al lusions to the matter, 1 tried to j loeate the source and find out the charge- I could do neither after diligent effort. Somebody had locked wise, shook his head and said somebody J else had inti mated that somebody else had heard something wrong, and this was about as definate as I could get it. but not caring to have my character stabbed by inuendo, hint and insinuations I publish the following lette*-, the original of which has been shown to the editor of the Mes senger and other prominent cit izens, making use of this paper because it appears to me the quickest and best way to reach the eastern part of the county, where the slanderer seems to have been at work just before the primary. 4* Near Whigham, Mar. 18-04. ‘Mr. A. L. Townsend Dear Sir and Friend: I understand some of youi political opponents are report ing that you had treated me wrong in some business transac tion. I wish to say in justice to you that such charge is un founded in fact and that I am for you in this race and hope you will get the office of Judge. It they can get nothing to use against you but this they must be hard up for campaign mate rial. Yours truly, R. E. Whigham. 1 his complete repudiation of the slander will reach 1st. My friends who knew it false before; to them it will be a vindication of their faith and friendship. 2nd. Those who were hon estly mislead by the report, this will be all sufficient to them. 3rd. The political partisans who did not care whether it was true or false, but used it to make votes for his favorite, if he is fairly honest this will take this weapon out of his hand, if dis honest he will twist the lie into some other shape or invent a new one as expediency may dic tate. ed. That class of upright men who despise a lie and de test a liar and who condemn Department Political argument cotinues. Mrs. D. G. McNair has returned from her trip to home folks at Camilla, Judge Townsend again pre sented his pleasing face in whigham last week. The Judge (to be) has numerous friends all over this section that are spread ing the good tidings in his behaf. Mr J. W. McCord of Tallahas see Fla. spent Saturday and Sun day with his son, Dr. McCord of our town. Hon. Russell Brinson was a visitor to whigham last Friday in defense of his candidacy and his syrup bill. Mr. Brinson is at present a member of the gen eral assembly and asks the go^d people fora return,which he ex pects to get. 1 be revival is still in progress ^ the Methodist church, The attendance has been good and the preaching bas been better, but no new conversions so far. Rev. Briggs, the Baptist state evangelist, preached a very fine Sermon at the methodist church Sunday last to a large congrega tion. Rev. Merritt of Cairo circuit has been assisting Rev. G. P. Reviere in his services last week and will help some more this week. M. N. Trulock has returned from Quincy to spend a while with home folks. Our mayor, Hon. T. J. Mills, gathered the first garden peas of this season. That is only a sign of our mayor’s energy. The peas were gathered on Sat urday the 19th of March. How many other people can say that they have done so well. Mrs. Fuller, of Thomasville, Ga. who was once our esteemed music teacher in Whigham High School visited friends here the early part of the week, guest of Mrs. S. P. Swicord. She has many friends here that gladly extend a welcome to her. Miss Weldon and Mrs. Perry each give a very beautiful spring opening Tuesday and Wednes day last. Whigham is becom ing quite a millinery center. Mr. C. T. Jordan of the firm of Bryan, Jordan & Co., of Sof ke, was a visitor to our town Saturday last. Messrs. J. R. Anderson, L. | A. Roberts and E. A. Belcher took the second degree in ma sonr y j n Whigham lodge Thurs day night last. 4,000 Seed Cane For Sale. 1 have about 4,000 good aver age length seed cane for sale. If vou want them call on or ad dress. Dr. M. M. McCord, Whigham, Ga. the use of slander to break down and besmirch character and a fair name to make votes, and these will show their hearty con demnation of such means at the polls on April 1st in such a way that one will hesitate hereafter to stab a character to try to make a vote. Yours truly, A. L. Townsend. Announcements. Decatur County. FOR SOLICITOR. To the Voters of Decatur County. I desire to announce that 1 am a candidate for the office of the Solicitor of the City Court of Bainbridge, subject to the action of the white Democratic Primary. I was liorn and rearer in Decatur county, and have lived here all my life, during the last eight years of which 1 have been actively engaged In the practice of law and feel that 1 could fill the responsible position to the satisfaction of the public. Those who know me know that 1 am dilligent in business, and am always found on the side of right and duty. The other can didates have held this office. Mr. Gilpin held it under tne Aet creating the City Court of De catur county, before the City Court of Bain bridge was established in its stead, and Mr. Russell, the present incumbent has held the position under the Act creating the City Court of Bainbridge, his term of office of four years in this position will expire shortly after the general election of this year. This office, with its duties, being one that will gseatly develop a young man in the praetiue of law. and the other two candidates haviug held the posi tion, there could be no wrong in electing me to the position and gratifying a laudible am bition. and I therefore respectfully and earn tstly ask the suffrage and support of all the white citizens of this county. M. E. O’Neal. FOR SOLICITOR CITY COURT. I nesire to announce tnat I am a candidate j for re-eiection as solicitor oft the city court, £££.■*,rsrs: to all *and injustice to none. It has been my i endeavor to punish the guilty- and not to op- : Z perform the duties than ever before, lf eW " ted I shall discharge them Saithfully, ann to the best of my ability, i respectfully ask the suffrage and support of the white citizens of j Decatur county. j ALBERT H. RUSSELL. FOR JUDGE OF COURT. I am a candidate for judge of the City court ; of Bainbridge, subject to the Democratic \ white primary. I respectfully solicit the suf- j frage of the democratic voters of Decatur county, pledging the people of the county that | if elected I shall enter upon the duties of the position with a strong determination to dis-j charge them faithfully, intelligently, impar tially and conscientiously. \V. M. HARRELL. Church Directory. METHODIST CHURCH. Sunday School every Sunday af- j ternoon at 8 o’clock, B. A. Pra Par- j ker, Superintendent. ver-; meeting on Thursday evenings at ! ^ 7 o’clock, in which all are invited to take part. Preaching every 2 nd and 4 th Sunday mornings and evenings bv the pastor, Rev. G. P. i Reviere. All cordially invited. BAPTIST CHURCH. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock conducted by Mr. R. M- Bower, Superintend ent. Prayer-meeting or Mid Week service on Wednesday even ing at 7 o’clock, generally con ducted by pastor but ajl are invi ted to join in the exercises. Preaching every 1 st and 8rd Sun day mornings and evenings by the pastor, Rev. N. G. Christopher. A welcome is extended by pastor to all to attend these services. Mr. Ira A. Allen, of Climax, took the third degree in mason ry in the lodge here last Thurs dav night. Dr. M. M. McCord left Tues day for New York where he goes for a special course of about six weeks in medicine and surgery. He was joined on his trip by Dr. W. A. Walker, of Cairo. Judge W. N. Spence of the Albany circuit, chambered court in our town last Saturday. That was the first time that Su perior court has met in our town. JNO. R. SlNGl.ETERY. B. W. Adkins. SINGLETERY & ADKINS, ATTORNEYS. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Office over B. F. Powell’s store. Commercial law and Collections, 5 The Grandest DISPLAY OF Hats, Flowers and Ribbons ever shown in Whisham will be put before the public at my Spring Opening next Tuesday and Wednesday. A general invitation is extended to all to call in aud see. my line on the above dates. Very Respectfully, Miss Do I lie Weldon, WHIGHAM, GEORGIA. i The Invitation : to call and and inspect our line of General Merchandise. We are in the business for the business. OUR MOTTO : ► 3 t “is to , . such , satisfaction .. - ,. with ... first ... purchase . i give you your that . i ; wil1 do wur fu,ure «> verti8te * wi,h ♦» : I We 811 kinds of country produce at highest j market DI*iC6S » * ? j We respectfully and promise solicit a satisfaction share of your patronage you in return. ► Respectfully, J ► Higdon & Maxwell, » ► Successors Cobb ► ► to & Lewis, ! Whigham, Ga. J - « = ► r.-.-. , « • *dor . . !Pure *Druga and TTJeciicines. Especial attention paid to the compounding of {Physicians ’ {Prescriptions. We keep in stock all the standard Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Extracts and Florida Water, also a nice line < » f Stationery, Toilet Soaps, Bath Soaps, Face Powders, Tooth Powders, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Dressing and Fine Combs, imported and domestic Cigara and Uhe finest Soda *lltater tn 7 jo wn. Customers will find our stock complete, We are constantly adding every new novel article that comes within our line of business. If you see a medicine advertised and want it we will gladly get if for you it we don’t have it in stock. Your patronage always appreciated. Yours Respectfully, Si. Jinderoon, ~ Whigham, Set. * Vote for Wm. M. Harrell For Judge. Why? Because**■ 1 st. He is thoroughly quali fied; having had nineteen years of practice, study and experience at the bar. 2nd. He is reckoned one of the best lawyers in this section. 3rd. He is as well qualified as the other aspirants for the Judgeship, and will make a good City Court Judge. 4th. He sprang from the people, and has always stood closer to the people than other aspirants for the position. 5 th. He is sympathetic, con scientious, sober, intelligent and induvstrious, and will therefore make the people a just, upright, impartial and conservative judge. 4 6th. All other things being equal, the office would be of greater benefit to him; both of the other candidates being inde- pendent financially, and the peo ple will bestow the most deserv ing, as well as the best qualified. 7th. He i s endorsed by a majority of the bar, by whom he was urged to ofier for the of fice. He is endorsed and sup ported by a majority of influen tial business men and farmers in every section of the county. 8th. and last. Because he is a winner. These reasons are published by a committee of Mr. Harrell’s friends, who are deeply interest ed in his success, without his knowledge and consent. They are true, and everyone that knows him knows that they are true, and therefore we believe that they should be of weight to the undecided votes —Committee of Many Voters