The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, April 08, 1904, Image 3

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REACH THE SPOT. cure an aching back, pains of rheumatism, tired-out feelings, 1 ,„<r reach the spot—get at the You nm* 1 use. ’tis the kidneys. In cost cases 5 the kid •« Kidney Pills are for rtoaii ifS. Bierbaeh. stone contractor, Cbaries -d-’o Chestnut St., Erie, Pa., in g at “For two says: years I bad kidney ;'~K trouble, and there m such a severe v, was tv *.<■ pain through my >*: loins and limbs that I could not stoop or straighten up without great fngSflS pain, had difficulty . in getting about u and was unable to m rest at nig?it, aris . ing in the morning IU V, m tired and worn out. ■A The kidney secre mg mm tions were irregu U-U-i ular and deposited ieavy sediment. Doctors treated me rhetni) atism. but failed to help me. lost a il confidence in medicine, and Ban tn feel as if life were not worth ll!g. Doan's Kidney Pills, however, i«ed me so (illicitly and so thorough ..‘iLt { , nt i giadlv made a statement to for publication. This was 80 S and during the six years which Te “'lapsed I have never known ons Kidney Pilis to fail. They ;, tl rov wife of a severe case of back ie m the same thorough manner.” t free trial of this great kidney rued ie which cured Mr. Bierbaeh will be lied i on application to any part of united States. Address Foster burn Co, Buffalo. N. Y. For sale all druggists; price 50 cents per box. Statue of Pope Leo, ionifii, the Italian sculptor, has com (neetl to work on the great marble Le\f Ln the late pontiff, which will y hill that overlooks Carpiueto, L Pope Leo’s birthplace. Its | c? Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lm Iras County. ‘ J. Cheney make oath that he is lor [doing partner of the firm Of F. J. Cheney & business in the City of Toledo, lory [will and State aforesaid, and that said pay each th(^ and sum of one hundred dol b for every case -of catarrh t cannot be cured by tho use of Hall's ms Cue$. Frank J. Cheney. torn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem n. ber, A. D., 1886. A.W. Gleason, Catarrh Notary Public. ill's Cure Is taken internally, and directly on the blood and mucous sur i of the system. Send for testimonials, F. .T. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Id by all Druggists, 75c. keHalt's Family Pi lls for co nstipation. Agriculture in Castile. pi bed in Castile is in greater part to the production of wheat, during planting and harvesting s laborers, especially reapers, are (n there from Galicia. STED—In each state salesman to sell line tobacco; permanent position: aiTobacco Works Co., Penieks, Va. list KIBLIIE'S IS NO VAX s ckjo and after man/years ise on the eastern coast. Towel'a wproof Oiled Coats were introduced k West and were called Slickers 5y pioneers and cowboys. This graphic 1 hw come into such genera! use that 'frequently though wrongfully.applied substitutes. You want the genuine 'jb Look for the .Sign of the fish, and U. the nme Tower on the buttons. / mace in b,acx an» yellow and SOLD BY REPRESENTATIVE TRADE , l „ . THE WORLD OVER. _ IB TCS'ER AJ.TOWER C0..B0ST0R,MASS..U.S.A. CAKANAN CO, Limits. TOJONTO. CAN. i fetish I IjLWiijh Li WM Ife HB 6 I •Co, i 1 ft ft ft K 8 I v. L 1 ii i! ' l 0ar money winning books, Rtten by men who know, tell F all about Potash p °. : 7 vvn are needed field by every man ,.l 5 a and a plow, and . f'th® eS * feS t0 ln0St OUt ^eyar ifret. Send postal card. Fork-os german kali wohks Mas nau £lroet* Atlanta, o * Ca.-23H So. Broad Pt. t electric fluid. The great pain extractor; cures neumatism, neuralgia, colie, e<r JP ot hiJig 8 ft hd like all aches and pain. " it. Try a bottle. Iw'y-',*' f ‘ doctor’s bills. Ask your '5,1', up "*st to get it. or send to C<i\ I v HUOHEN, Atlanta, ,tl Agents wanted; big pay 3 f >;D LfifiGEB FATAL CURED »< fjy$\ RADIllftfl ,i0 “* ' vilh EtlxfR 0 flSlQQI without f-uib, plubttr, <>r ><mlo ; nlsii positively curea dhrnuic hlooti d|wpHn..,» an ft C*D* tilmik .r„t Trw -Ure, 1810 U.iard A\e., i’liileui., I# •m Wh:n Nature is Hemlss. Mature nods undoubtedly at times, as in tho case of the child born with out a brain, v.hose case has been ! made public this week, Not long ago an infant was born and lived for three weeks with a hole through its heart. Thousands cf us are blind, others have no musical sense, And there are many Laura Bridg mans, many Helen Kellers. The ! Queen of Roumania has or had at her : court in personal attendance j herself upon the daughter of a blind noble man. She could neither hear nor speak and had to be taught to com mimicate by homing the throat of a speaker and imitating the vibration produced by the effort, But what a grudge against nature must such a one as Lyon Playfair discovered ever feel! Here was a girl who was blind, deaf, dumb and could neither taste nor smell. One might be pardoned for asking if such a life was worth | living. Yet there was a beautiful les son in such an existence, as the great , * aim * e * vt of Playfair discovered. He sent her a pretty finger ring, and the poor mite replied in this pitifully j pretty letter: “Dear Sir Lyon Play fair; Sir Lyon Playfair sent Edith . . Edith n§ in ]° x ' thank Sir Lyon p. ai air 01 r . :ns Sir Lyon Playfair : ' | o see EJit i , b. Good-by. Edith. ft Durms hls v **it the child had closely ® xammed bands, wrists, arms and face ’ her touch bein £ marvellously f ccurate - A >' 8a r later he went again, I to see h er. At first she did not recog j\ 1Ze him and no one betrayed his entlt ^ At length she turned back the Cllff of „ hls shirt v and touched his f nst Her face ut U P witb intense joy - <( ‘ Zt 1S the Englishman who gave me the nn S.” sh « rapidly spelled out j on her fingers. And in a second she had flung her little arms around his neck and was weeping wita delight at the recognition.--St. dames’ Ga f zette. SLIGHT CORRECTION IN TITLE. “Before they were married, ' • says the knowing one, “he called her the angel of his life.” j “Well?” asked the listener. j i “No*w he says she is the angle of Ms life. ft ! “Says she brought him up with a ffiort turn. ft -Judge. THE POINT OF' VIEW. “But I don’t know why I should in troduce that bill,” said the legislator. “I can’t make any sense out of it at all. 1 don't see a thing in it.” “That’s just the point,” said the corporation lawyer. “That’s why we want this bill passed.”—Kansas City World, THE SMART PUPIL. it In making a paste jewel,” remark ed the manufacturer of imitation jew elry to Ms intelligent pupil, “you first must be sure that your paste is of the proper consistency. • ’ “I see,” quoth the apt scholar; i> consistency is jewel.”—Cleveland a Plain Dealer. FITSoermanentiy cured. Ko fits ornervous ness after first dav's use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. -f'St rial bottleand trsatisefres Dr. R. H. Kltne. J fd.. 981 Arch St., Phila.. Pa George B. McClellan never delivers extemporaneous speeches. He always reads from manuscripts. Piso's Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of throat and lungs. -Wm. O. Endslf.y, Vanburen; Ind., Feb. 10, 1000. Death is one thing teat never funs to come to the man who waits. Fruit acids will not stain goods dyed with Putnam Fadeless Dyes. One way to dodge the divorce courts is to stay single. For UPc. and This Xotloe The John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis.. will send free 1 pkg. Mav 1st Carrot............. T0e. 1 pkg. Earliest Green Fating Onion 10 c. 1 pkg. Peep Of Day Tomato. .. .... .20c. 1 pkg. Salzer’s Flash Light Radish. .T0c. 1 pkg. Long Quick. Quick Radish.. 10c. 1 pkg. Salzer's Queen of All Radish..10c. Above six rave novelties, the choicest and finest of their kind, have a retail value of 70c.. but they are mailed to you free. Iq getlier with Salzer’s big catalog. wpIi worth 8100.00 to every wide-awake gar dener all upon receipt of but 30e. iu post age and this notice. f A.U.L .l After a young man lias called or> a girl at least three times she imagines there is an odor of orange blossoms in the air. Mrs. Winslow’s SoothingSyruu forchildwn teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion allayspain.c ureswind colic.25 c.abottie No man objects to being assured that lie is not in it when jail is the subject of con versation. WORLD’S FAIR ST. LOUIS. Louisville and Nashville R. R, Short est Line, Rest Time and Service. Round trip season, sixty-day and ilfteen day tickets will be sold daily from all points beginning April 25th. Very low rate Coach Excursion tickets sold May 16th and 31st. Special rates made for military on applica tion. Don’t miss the Greatest Fa r the world has ever known. Ask for tickets via the L & N. R. R. For World's Fair literature, with list ami rates of hotels and boarding houses, sched ules. cost of tickets, slet ping car space and lull information, apply to J. G.‘ HOLLENBECK, Dist. I’ass. Agent, Atlanta Ga. i j A VENERABLE PASTOR I CURED BY PE-RU-NA. i ' Peruna is a Catarrhal Tonic Especially Adapted to the Declining Powers cf Old Age j Jj, T sickened u aadTS” , . ! tion. I This leads to partial loss of hearing, smell and taste, as well as digestive dis turbances. Peruna corrects all this by its specific operation on all the mucous membranes of the body. One bottle will convince any one. Once used and Peruna becomes a lifelong stand by with old and young, m ■ k * :#■ / ; /•;, 'ill IQ, i SJSm j i H ti -i O o'o! O o|rV y km € a M\ k\\y .-A I k ■ i 7 cC. m f-r XT' . \ ' m! 1 Wmfo: M w « MS M I mm I f. & i : Mm <kKi s L-JS y !)' gOj l \uyx l 'y , ■ ■ C* / l 'I o. ''h’uii i m 't.rz mmrn m til o • .V Ui i m\ matic pains are all gone, I cannot speak % too highly of Peruna. and now when :h If 88 years old can say it has invigorated my whole system. I cannot but think, dear Doctor, that you must feel very thankful i to the all loving Father that you have been 3ter. <zf.N.% | I a permitted blessing to as live, you and have by been your skill to suffering be such humanity.”—Rev. J. N. Parker. Strong and Vigorous at the Age of — Eighty-eight. - Rev. J. N. Parker, Utica, N. Y., writes: “In June, 1901, I lost mv sense of hear ! ing entirely. My hearing had been some what impaired for several years, but not so much affected but that I could hold converse with my friends; but in June, j I 1901, could my hear sense of sound hearing whatever. left me so that no I was ! also troubled with rheumatic pains in ! ! ni and Y limbs. I commenced taking Peruna j it now my prior hearing is restored as good as was to June, 1901. My rheu- The spring is the best time to treat catarrh. Nature renews herself every spring, The system is rejuvenated by spring weather. This renders med iclnes more effective. A short coarse of Peruna, assisted by the balmy air °f spring, will cure old, stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted treat ment for years. Everybody should h i ve a ropy of Dr. Hartman’s latest book on catarrh. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. FEET HURT send Sweat, odors 25c of Itch, to feet, LA Blister? armpits, l ON DRUG ROYAL etc.; CO. FOOT stops Atlanta, chafing. WASH Ga., cures If for not them. full at size, druggists Removes post paid . , sample , lor 2c stamp. One application , ; pi ones it. mer.t. Money back if not satisfied. JELLIED APPLES IN BISCUIT CUPS. Six apples, six shredded wheat bis cuits, three cups of water, one point of milk, one cup of gelatine, one quarter of a cup of cold water, the grated rind and juice of one lemon. Put the gelatine to scale in the cold water: peel and cere the apples and put. them into a stewpan with the three cups of water to cook. Let them simmer until tender. Take them out and drain them. Dip the top halves of the biscuits in the milk and shape them into six cups. In each cup place ono of the apples. Add to the water in which the apples were cooked the sugar, the gelatine, the lemon juice and gratc-d rind. Cook until reduced to one-third. Turn this mixture over the apples until the cups are full. Serve with whipped cream and powdered sugar. This dessert should be prepared the day before it is ' wanted. IT COSTS ONE CENT Write us a postal card for a free sample of STUART’S GIN AND BUCHU. We cliearful!;,* send it to all sufferers of Kid ney. Liver, Heart, Bladder and Blood diseases I on request. It will do all that we claim for it. I Full directions with sample sent. Mention i this paper. Address STUART DRUG Al’F’U. 1 CO.. 28 Wa : i Street. Street.. ATLANTA ATLANTA. GA. GA Saw Fllilis The DcLoach Patent Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with 4 h. p. cuts 2,coo leet per day. All sizes and prices to suit. DeLoach Shingle Mills, Kdgers. Trimmers, Planers; Corn and Buhi Mills, Water Wheels, Lath Mills, Wood Saws Our handsome new Catalog will interest you DcLoach Mill Mfg. Co.. Box 834. Atlanta. G» | This What Yon Want! is Have You Any Malarial Troubles ? Do you want to tret well and get well quick ? If so, send a Postoffice order for lifty cents to the REGAL McClCiKE CO.,of Stamford, Conn., I for medicine and directions. A quick and chills certain cure guaranteed in aR case3 of malaria, and fever,dumb ague and intermittent fever. •a*RIPANSTABTTLES pepsia medicine ever are made. the best A hu.v dys- i l /TtJTftwH ruyxaP') dred millions of them have been sold I GX' PJi .if>/ in a single year. Constipation, heart- ! burn, sick headacho, dizziness, bad breath,sorethioatand disordered every illness ; arising from a stomach are relieved or cured bv Uipans Tab- 1 ules. On ■ will generally give relief I within twentvminutes. The five cent package isenough for an ordinary occasion. All druggists sell them. Give the name of this paper when writing ... to advertisers—(At15-04) , .. A Bishop’s Letter. T. H. Lomax, D. D.. Bishop 2nd Dist. A- M. E., of Charlotte, N. C., writes: "1 recommend your Peruna to all who want a strengthening tonic and a very effective remedy for all catarrhal com plaints.”—T. H. Lomax. If you do not receive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to I)r. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. President of Address Dr. Hartr an, The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. The Great K;>- i THIS-LOUISIANA and West Line Across the En tire States of ■J THE TEXASfl i Ll PACIFIC '%ln&!LWAY No trouble to answer questions. SO miles shortest route Shreveport to Dallas. Write for new book on Texas, free. E. P. TURNER, General Passenger Agent, Dallas, Texas W. L. DOUGLAS $4.DO, 83.50, 83.00, S2.50 UNION SHOES BEST IN MADE THE WORLD. W.L. Douglas shoes are worn by more % men than any other ■V l make. The reason ST* is, they hold their v 0 longer, shape,fit-better, wear .'V and have 4 SlRl|b -j greater intrinsic value than any a other shoes. / Sold Everywhere. V nil VMM I.niik for 1 If Douglas minisi ii$ pricp on liotfnm. uses Corona Coltskin, vvlii<-b is everywhere conceded to be tlie fines) Patent Leather yet produced. Fast Co or Eyelets used. Slioes liy mail, <-ents extra. Write for Catalog. TV. I,. DO ) GCAS. Brockton, Mass. cokisp S Qp @ Sul $ RttnaTioT,®! f e y r J d n during ? y?^ this I suffered time 1 with had chronic to take eon TnmuaS f W!irm ya er L’4 hours an 1 could have , ' once every before tried Casearets, an action on my bowels. Happily I During the and todav I an, a well n-an J“*®red nine yenrs before I used Oasearets I untold misery with internal idles Thanks to ion 1 am free from all that this morning You * can use Una 111 behalf of suffering h jumaalty.” ott h. 1'isber, . XCottnoke, IU. Best For Sioccwettt The Bowels - candy cathartic lib iF 1 Saver Pleasant, Sicken, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good Do OnnA sold in bulk. Weaken or Gripe. 10c, 2Y' 50e Never Guaranteed The gennino tablet stamnod ('On ^ to cure or your money hack ’ St.rlin. rerjing Kemejy Co., Chicago or L. N.Y. f 13 TES EliLLIQH BOXES *‘t afflicted with fhcsjpsen's Eys W ?c? .vtuu. eyes, aw 3 Cotton Gin Machinery J, m Sto, ■H pp? PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. SIMTH. We make the most complete line oi any concern in the world. We also make ENGINES and BOILERS, U1NTERS lor OIL MILLS. We sell everything needed about a Cotton Gin, Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Continental Gin Co Birmingham, Ala. FREE to WOMEN A Lar^e Trial Box and book of in structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of Poxtine T oilet Antiseptic Paxtins ie in powder form to dissoive in w fir-. .i i i water and iar — superior non-polsonous to liquid 7 \ antiseptics containing m. alcohol which irritates inflamed surfaces, and lit have no cleansing prop L« erties. The contents i#,' R* of every box makes l T sj more Antiseptic Solu h tion—lasts longer — joes further—has more< t uses in the family and doesmoregood than any J antiseptic buy. preparation you can The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, forLeucorrhcca, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxtino is invaluable. Usod as a Vaginal Wash wo challonge tho world to produce its equal for thoroughness. and It is a revolution all in cleansing which healing power; it kills germs cause inflammation and discharges. All leading druggists keep Paxtino; price, 50 <t. abox; substitute if yours does not, send nothing to us tor it. Don’t take a — thero is likePaxtine. Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day. K. PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, Mata. w ANTED—LOCAL $1,000 THE RIGHT TO $5,000 MEN A MANAGERS YEAR. FO&. We are about to offer to t he public, stock in one of the mining and smelting companies in America; demand for when shares tho facts become known the will be immediate and strong. Before scription advertising wish this stock for public sub in all the we principal to cities appoint and a towns man or a firm to repre sent us. We are not seeking canvassers unless they wish to canvas on their own account. That is to say, all inquiries in answer to our newspaper wi ill be referred to our manager. The duties of our local managers will be to call or send a representative to call upon tho writers of thesi letters of inquiry, and to lay before them the facts ana information for which they have asked. This is not a small catch-penny scheme, h , one of tho greatest and most compreher mining It should enterprises in America todaj . further be understood that wo aro not seeking cheap men. We want the best men to be had. Men who are capable of uarn ing$1,000 to $5 0JO a year. We want men of good reputat on, gentlemanly address, wide act To juaintance, those who and give most satisfactory undisputed reliability. offer us references offer we can good income a permanent to who position. We can a small a portion of their men time to can business. give even Prompt our anxious to application should be made as we are make all appointments as early as possible. Write us at once for full information concerning our proposition. THE STECNER BROKFRAC CO. Laclede Bldg. ST. LOUIS, MO. Malsby & Co. 41 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, fia. A ti C 5 * iir nilij I Portable andl Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY Complete line carried in stock for IMMEDIA TE shipment. Best Machinery, Lowest Prices and Best Terms Write us for catalogue, prices, etc., before buying. fcSsS :SAW MILLS Our Latest Im-B proved Circu-H lar Saw Mills, jg & with Hege’s Universal Log Beams,Rectiiin• ear. Simultaneous Set Work-sand the Hea-1$ celled cock-^Aing for Variable Feed Works are uiiex-ffl acuuracv, simplicity, nuRARrT, ityand eask op operation. Write for full SALEM descriptive circulars. Manufactured by the IRON WORKS,Winston Salem.N.C. Dropsy in CURED Gives Quick Relief. Removes all swelling 8 to 30 davs jtoto ; effects a permanent cure in 60 days. Trialt.'eatment given free. Nothingcan be fairer Write Dr. 11. K. dreen’s Sons. Specialists, Box B Atlanta, Ga. 'V.O» PlSOrS^CURfE UURfcS WHEKS ALL ELSE DilS. Best Cough bynip. Tastes Good. j I n time. Sold by druggists. iSi