The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, April 22, 1904, Image 2

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* ’- i^ r' i ' wii ' ^aa ' ia?- » : vmu » to gKag T . >:ll t- _ j^gy. - g » ^ ; j r T. ' .r j WL” ’T’ vi^j r rc T- t tss— arCTsrararai rS*S J$NS T3? • ■ mf. mm ? m ** *&ks51 -fr-F A , 0. .1 ■ r* t 111 m* •M *■. *<■- % V ■m ... -J*sf ~e. N i I * \ \S:- \ 111 & Nfe H> - i a S4 % > . C” Y. ’■V;' ■jgs&sT,. m mm •,?.ra$re > Aj:! i y v-i ,-w m * y, i' A ■*L'? m ;d* T Mm * V ■'W f mm frii:} • iCT HEkIS A y tl ■i-. w iy, Mm j » yy. m mm ijv ’ • - mm * r: M c . ■ t r-1 • .A m X t’v'AJ’V. 1 ’ ' B'& .;S V A / _ ./ 1 i •‘W life* w w? •- £ 1 . j. t i ■if, . - ■ -.. / >» I ;* V a J / 111 w .? ■ Z •j* ,t. ■ xi : ‘hi : V ,-{• *. « y-. % : ■t 2 i ■ a> 1 3 ■ : L / f To be a successful wife, to retain the love I and admiration of her husband should be a woman’s constant study. Mrs. Brown and M rs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit of all wives and mothers. “ Dkar Mrs. Pinkham :—Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable Com pound will make every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged through nine years of miserable existence, worn out with pain and weariness. 1 then noticed a statement of a woman troubled as I was, and the wonderful results she had had from your Vegetable Compound, and decided to try what it would do for me, and used it for three months. At the end of that time I was a different woman, the neighbors remarked it, and my husband fell in love with inc all ever again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suf fering and with inflammation and falling of the womb, but your medicine cured that built up my entire system, till I was indeed like a new woman.— Sincerely yours, Alas. Cii as. F. Brown, 21 Cedar Terrace, Hot Springs, Ark., Vice President Mothers’ Club. Stifforing women should not foil to profit by Mrs. Biown’s ex periences ; .just as surely as she was cured of the troubles enumer ated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compound cure other women who suffer from womb troubles, Inflammation of the ovaries, khlney troubles, nervous excitability, and nervous prostration. Kead the story of Mrs. Potts to all mothers: — l#- mn m V ■:M\ - W*™ < A- stffiim mSS a; r BPS & ■/, w tr Sr* /> 'A m "in / xyMtm •stfbv \'u? yytu ,y Sjra&I;. •# iv • \iw mm I .V.® >S ■ V m ■■A. . H J|/ S*. ■ ' ; •/ . mmy i ham, Lynn, Mass., and you will be advised free of charge- Lydia L» Pinkbam’s Vegetable Compound has cured and is curing thousands of cases of female troubles — curing them inexpensively and absolutely. Remember this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting Lysine £ a PmkfazaMi'® Weg@$siM® G@mpouBSdJm FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in* structions absolutely Free and Post" paid, enough to prove the value of pQxtine Toilet Antiseptic M ft Paxtine is In powder /Ms form to dissolve in water — lion-poisonous and far superior to liquid h f~ antiseptics containing X alcohol which irritates tfr inflamed surfaces, and t,/ -—, have no clcensir gprop erties. The contents [A Mfi of every box srakes tyiS more Antiseptic Solu ■vj L, tion — lasts longer — V’ r / goes further—has more Tab,? uses in the family and OT docs mo re good then any v / antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with ^reat success as a Vaginal Wash, for Leucorrhoza, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sere Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and ail soreness of mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxtine is invaluable. Used as a Vaginal Wash we challenge thoroughness. the world to produce its equal for It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. box All leading druggists keep Paxtine; price,50c. a ; if yours docs not, send to us for it. Don’t take a substitute— there is nothing like Paxtine. Write for tboFroe liox of Paxtine to-day. E. PAX1CH CD., 7 Tope Bldg,, Boston, Mass. CURED Gives XI Quick Relief. Removes all swelling in 8to?o daj-s; effects a permanent cure r' / injoto 6odays. '1‘rialtreattifent P given free. Nothingcan be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, I !L. Speciilisis, Box B Atlanta,'He. Best „ WIRESWHEREALAELSEFAILS. Cough Syrup. ’X’astes Good. Dae NET _in tlrue. Sold bv drucgiRts. W edt ■ r t ir ri ■ f ftn ■ ■ fl^Tk* - t-Aa^ (( Bear Mrs. Pinkham : — During the early part of my married, life I v/as very delicate in health. I had two miscarriages, and both mv husband and I felt very badly as we were anxious to have children. A neighbor who had been using Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable Compound advised me to try it, and I decided to do so. I soon felt that my appetite was increasing, the headaches gradually decrc IXfjCcT CLI) d finally disappeared, and my general health improved. I felt as if new blood coursed through my veins, the sluggish tired feeling disappeared, and I be came strong- and well. Within a year after I became the mother of a strong healthy child, the joy of our home. You certainly have a splendid remedy, and I wish every mother knew of it. — Sincerely yours, Mrs. Anna Pott.3, 510 Park Ave., Iiot Springs, Arlc. If you feel that there h anything, at all unusual or puzzling about your case, or if you wish confidential advice of the III •*rw!i?YJEa3SEBaisazxa THE BEST pmmi j BN THE,WORLD //; &•$ o /> 2 M//A *3 / n////&///x / 7 // ^/wte^.Likc /Mfir^coats, all Juita our waterproof and Kata ^/7 --"if* for all kinds of wet work. / ‘ it i 2 > often imitated but FOR SALE. DP ALL never Made in equalled. black RELIABLE DEALER*. and fully or yellow 5 TICIA TO THE: guaranteed by SIGN CfiTiifl PI 5 H. A J T0WER CO, TOWER CANADIAN CO, M 3 TON.NAS.U 2 A. tlMCtO.TORONTO CAN iEagiwg» wCT ' m .•'■v v t y • .Lv y-i iminiiiiii m< mu 11■. Cotton Must Have Potash Potash is an essential plant food [ which must be added as a fertilizer \\ or the soil will become ex hausted, as is 1 true of so IJ/i, I many cotton 1 fields. m j. We have books sivinj valuable de TO W tails about fertiliz ' ers. We will send them free to any farmer who asks us for them. QERHAN KALI WORKS, New York —S3 Nassau Street, or Atlanta, Uo.--2~!j So. Rroad St. j v r r^'7 PRESS WRITERS ARE IN Russia. Shuts Down on System of Telegraphy. WIRELESS NEWS Correspondents Detected Using That Means oi Obtaining Iaicnnation Will be Shot as Spies. ! A Washington dispatch zays: Russian government has t-5 • > iven that newspaper correspondents v ireless telegraphy will be treated spies and shot. This notice v/as served on the state department by Count Cassini the sian ambassador, Friday, and it :s derstood that similar were made to all foreign officers. text of the ccmmunicaticn is as fol lews: “I am charged by my government, in order to avoid all possible standing to communicate to your celency that the lieutenant of his esty in the Far East has just made the following declaration: “ ‘In a case in which neutral steam ers having on board correspondents who might communicate war news to the enemy by means of perfected ap paratus not being yet foreseen by ex isting conventions lias baen arrested near the coast of Kuan-Tong or in the zone of operations of the Russian fleet, the correspondents will be look ed upon as spies and the steamers furnished with wireless telegraphy seized as prises of war.’ ft This notice opens up an entirely new line of treatment of correspond ents. The reference to existing con ventions is taken to express the belief of the Russian government that if w'reloss telegraphy had been practiced prior to The Hague declaration con cerning implements and practice of war, it would surely have been pro hibited in neutral hands. It happens that some of the leading British news paper correspondents are making free use cf wireless telegraph in the trans mission of their war news, and it is possible that they will appeal to the government to define their own privi I 1 leges and to secure official determi an nation of the quest'on as to whether a neutral on his own ship outside the territorial waters of a belligerent power and without contraband of war on board can be treated as a spy. Company Files Protest. The American DeForest Wireless Telegraph Company at New York has telegraphed to Secretary Hay at Wash ington protesting against the attitude of the Russian government relative to the use of wireless telegraphy by cor respondents in the zone of war. The Protestants say: ‘AVe claim the right under all inter national laws to use the high seas for peaceful purposes, and demand for onr operators, who are American citi zens, and for our property the full pro tection of the United States govern meat. * i senate passes pa\ama bill. Measure Desiqaed for Government of the CcSnal Z'ine on th? Isthmus. The Panama canal question occupied the major p’ortion of Friday’s session of the senate "and was passed without division. When\the last section of the bill, that providing for a government depository in the \canal zone, was reached, Mr. Aldrich 'moved that it be stricken out, saying that the commit tee on finance was of the opinion that it should not he retained, not with standing the recommendation of the secretary of the ‘ N treasury. Mr. Morgan congratulated' Mr. Aid rich upon the motion, at this same time expressing his surprise. \‘T am astonished at the senator's boldness in venturing upon a course not inVlors ed by an execut've department, he said, “but I hail it as an indirat'on'pf ‘he return to (he variety manifested b> the senate in its earlier days.” HEARST INDORSED BY POPULISTS. \ ' Party in Kansas Hold Convention Bat No State Ticket is Named. The Kansas populist state conven tion met in Topeka and adjourned without making any nominations. The delegates will meet in Topeka on Au gust 3, at which time an effort will bs made to fuse with the democrats. A state convention of democrats will be held the same date. The resolution reaffirms allegiance to the last national platform,condemns the republican record in state and na tional a.Vairs. and indorse William It Hearst for president. T5 -y’rrrrrii r -yr .4. •: y.i:r r.~ IHlSIY-iWO VICTIMS. Three More Deaths Occur as of Exp.osioa oa Missouri--Victims Ruriei at Pensacola. Three mere seaman who v*ere jured in the terrible explosion board the battle ship Missouri at get practice off Pensacola, Fla., dead as a result. The total ist of now numbers thirty-two, one man ,r>g expired Weaaesany nignt and Thursuay. it is haruiy prooaole other deaths will occur. There is also one man of the crew missing irom the ship. It is general opinion that he was blown overboard or else escaped the turret by jumping overboard, mg crazed with pam and with the c.teinent that then prevailed on ship he was not missed. The funeral of seventeen of the men occurred Thursday afternoon each ship of the fleet was ed, Fully five thousand men present, while thousands from the of Pensacola were in attendance., ery place of business being closed the aiternoon and nags over all ings placed at half-mast. The bodies of the officers and of the seamen were shipped to former homes, and the others are ing held to await advices from tives. The Missouri will not conclude target practice, but will go to York to be docked as soon as the of inquiry makes its findings. The damage to the battle ship much greater than was at first In addition to the large amount of munition ruined by the magazine ing flooded, which will amount thousands, of dollars, the after is also badly injured, the top burned away, and all brass work ed inside. The hoist is a mass, and the mechanism of the completely ruined. The damage ised from the explosion will $50,000. This is the estimate upon it by seme naval officers. The entire navy department is ned by the appalling catastrophe. That the newest battle ship of navy had a narrow escape from both being blown, to pieces by tlie explosion of a magazine and also Being beached came to light Thursday. Captain Cowles prevented the latter when the vessel was within 250 yards of the beach by giving orders that the ship’s course be changed, and Chief Gunner's Mate Monson saved the ship and the lives of over six hundred men by closing the open magazine. When the first explosion occurred in the turret the men in the handlin rr room knew in an instant what had oc curred. The big magazine door was open and standing against it were four charges of powder. Without a mo ment’s hesitation Monson shoved these aside and jumped into the turret and pulled the door closed after him. The magazine was totally flooded with wa ter and when the men opened the door they found Monson barely alive, water having reached his neck. HEARST MEN COLT IN MEW JERSEY. They Withdraw from delegated Convention and Act Independently. At Trenton, N. J., Thursday a prac tically harmonious democratic state convention of more than 1,200 dele gates to elect delegat&s to the nation al convention at St. Louis, which se lected an uninstructed delegation, v/as followed by a bolting convention of the suppor'ers of William Randolph Kearst. The bolt convention nominated dele gates at large and delegates from five congressional districts. These will go to St. Louis and contest the seats of the men selected at the regular con vention. JAPS IH5P1FASH) AT CHINESE. Chcrgc Made tint Food Slufls are Being Supplied the Russians. Japanese journals express much discontent, says a dispatch from Tokio, at China’s failure to enforce or at tempt to enforce neutrality on the t.iao river, where the whole district hat- been allowed to become a source for suppying Russian with food stuffs" TELEGRAPH pi OPEL AT GUTS. Western Union Employes Cut Wires ol Postal Gomonov *t S/'vnnnnh. Monday the Western Union started .a crusade against the Postal Telegraph Company i m Savannah. Manager Peebles, of the Western Union, took a fierce wjres from of linemen the Western and cut down the Union poles, oil which they had been strung. This cth out an important sub-station of Postal and destroyed three circuits. An appeal was mada to the city an (laorities, but found it was unsuuptorted hV any ordinance. f ONE OF THOSE GFm Jr “So your husband is / ho?” bus y - “Yes; Ly?o-i cr has been pretty steady of late. . »i What is he doing now?” | “He’s trying “° write tho *4 > i j Prayer in the least P ossible j j Indianapolis Sun. G * NG the PwOTijq) i Miranda—I g accepted Mr. ’ jj 453 .J last night, and he is somg to engagement ring today. ?! Muriel—Oh. he already has ! returned to him this mornin* v, he gave me.—Life. punishment by pp t0 , { t i! A mother recently brought 1 boy to school for the ne fl > time 1 she said to the 'teach er: “This little boy is verv delid he is afther a fit of harmonya d loongs, but if he does anything -and I know he will—bate* the next, to him an’ ’twill frighten] —Chicago Journal. TITS permanently cured. No ness h erve after Restorer. first day’s -|; 21 rial use bottlean of l)r. Kline treat] ,' L Dr. It. If. Kline, Lt d d.. S:p Arch St,, something Reciprocity is don’t the art of e::ch [ you want for SOEifi you do. k Nr?. Winslow’s EcochingSynipforeiii leGthing,soften the gums,r6ducesii]f. a - Don allays pain,cures wind colic. 2ce d What a jolly old world this would ail men practised what they preach! Old siifas. Dactsr .it Chairs, etc.. p a j dyed with Putnam Fadkucss DyeJ Love may intoxicate a man, but mad sobers him. Donbas I cio not unequal believe for Piso’s coughs Cure and for ConJ Trinity cold* Feb? I .Dovnn, Springs, Inch, id. they Two offen made cCase to be .company are one. T,i"1i!ing cnU "Water. It is practically impossible to d an electric spark of high electron'.] force to leap from one surface q liquid to another. For this reason] IT! 1*0 t lightning strikes the ui, ol water. How’s Tliis? We ofTer One Hundred DollarsT.cwr.i any case of Catarrh that cannot be cur Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Wo, the undersigned, have known | Cheney for the last 15 years, and believa j eri'cetly honorable in all business traa tions and financially able to carry out obligations made by their firm. Wl ;t & Tar ax, Wholesale Druggists, 1 ledo, O, Valdixo, Kiknan k Mabtin, V.’lioi; Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, ing directly upon the blood and mucous laces of the system. Testimonials sent 1’rice, 75c. per bottle. Mold by all Drugs Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa I Has Uiglit to Pray tor Japan. I At least one man in Missouri pioj prays that victory may perch on banner of the Jap iu the Avar now ing waged. This is Colonel John bieski, of Richmond, lineal heir King John Sobieski, of Poland. IT COSTS 08 E CE Write us a u-' ea''d for a free samnl STUART’S GIN AND BUC We cheerfully send it to all sufferers of! ney, Liver, Heart. Bladder and Blood di» on reouest. It-wili do all that we claim fo Full directions with sample spnt. Men this paper. Address STUART DRUG H' CO., 28 Wall Street, ATLANTA. GA. PRSEfHSSEESi^t'SasiMB Our Latest la ilSAW MILLS Kiss with Simultaneous Heye's Universal I.o.v Beams,Rectillq and the Heal ear, Set Works unci |ee!le(. eock-King for Variable Feed Works are pfB.unJ aco.ubacv, simplicity, fal itt and ease ofoperation. Write for descriptive circulars. Manufactured by tiJ .SALEM IRON WORKS,Wlnston-SsleuudG -----itwwWT ---------------- This is What Yon Have You Any Malaria! Troubles! Do you want to pet well and gvt well quick! the send a Poatoilice order for fifty cents to REGAL MEDICINE GO.,of Stamford,Goi for medicine and directions. A quick and cure guaranteed in' all cases of malaria, cauls It)ver,dumb ajj-ue and. intermittent fever. ELECTRIC FUJI A Th<“ great pain wl rheumatism, neuralgift. andw cn„i an d all aches W f! Why. Nothing Have doctor’s like it. bills. Try Ask a i £//7®'druggist fiX HCGHKN, to tret it. or Atlaf sf n “ >1 W. C. his? ' Us. Agents wanted; W. L. S4.0Q, S3.5Q, S Z.OO, UNION SHOES B MADE TH E W.L. Douglas shoes are worn than by more men any other make. The reason ww % is, they hold their &• .LA ' shape,fitbetter, longer, and wear m r have greater intrinsic - value than any other shoes. JL h i'' Sold Everywhere. /'®'’ 1 T.nnk for munr imtl jwiec on Ix’I*u Douglas uses Corona Coltskin, finest ", i.jUfH evorywliereeoiirodotl tobeMie • j I.eathor yet prod need. Fast Co or EyVH i Slioes I'V mail.ZS .-puts ortr i. Write for On 1, XV. 1,. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Give the cf th.s paper VVfl! name writing to advertisers—(At17-04) It IVCiL-k. nlllii-trd xvith Tu n -*** ,n r» r ■ Frs h ■ is* Ug»C