The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, April 29, 1904, Image 5

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J/ocat Stems «?&£ /Personal T B Twitty, of Camilla, spent Monday in the > ity. Richard Pear ce was a visitor Thom asville Monday. to j. C. Butler, of Calvary, Sunday with Cairo iiicnds. s eih Mr F> J. Wind, of Thomas ’ vine, v isited the citv last Friday. \\r. H. Searcy, Jr. was among visitors to Whighum Sun the day Rev u White filled the Baptest pulpit in this city Sunday morn mg and evening. Mr W. T. Odom went over to Whigham Sunday to attend the qii 19 rterly meeting. - The woods are full of flowers and red bugs, without which no picnic would be a success. Mr jerry Jones, of Valdosta, spent a few days of last week in this city on a visit to relatives. Have you seen our“ New Bar rett” stove? Its the talk of the country. Sapp Hdwe. Co. We are sorry th note that Dr. f, A. Walker has been quite sick since his return from New York, R. L. Vanlandingham We carry a full line of Coffins, j and Caskets, SappHdwe.Co. rx j Dr. Z. V. Parker was up from Wh 'gham Monday to bid his friends (who are many) goodbye preparatory to leaving for his old home in North Carol 1 na Ml where he will likely locate in f u I 1 ture. Dr. Parker has many j warm friends here who see him depart with regret. We have any style right oi • left hand“ Clauss” scissors-We guarantee perfect satisfaction Sapp Hardware co. For Rent—2 5 -room houses on Mock and Arline street Cairo Ga. Prices reasonable, For further inofrmation apply to R R. Pyles or J. M. Miller. Cairo Ga. Mr. E. G. Kolbie went to Ca milla Saturday. Sc’atic Rheumatism Cured. “I have been subject to sciatic rheuma tism for years,” says E. H. Waldron, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. ‘ My joints were stiff and gave me much pain and discom fort. My joints would crack when I straightened up. I used Chambeerlam s Paiu Balm and have been thoroughly cured. Have not had a ache or pain from the old trouble for many months, It is certainlv a most wonderful liniment. For sale by Wight & Browne. and E. M. Maxwell attended Quarterly meeting at Whigham Sunday. See notice elsewhere in this , paper of an Epworth League badge lost, Finder will please notify this office. Mr. L. A. Free is having ad dition d rooms built on to his residence in the southwestern part of the city. Mr. Dickey and Miss Annie Lou Blackshear drove over from Sustna and spent Sunday with Cairo friends. The infant babe of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Brown has been quite sick for several days past, but it is hoped that it will be well again. Dr- W. A Walker returned Friday from New York where he has taken a special course in the eye and ear department of the Polyclinic hospital. A delightful rain fell here TiLesday morning which was a boon to growing vegetation, as the ground had become quite dry and the dust unbearable. Mr. T. R. McEachern arrived in the city the latter part of last week from W T aycross and is now with Mr. Dunn on the new brick buildings, His many old friends are glad to see him again. Capt. W. T. Forester, the pop ular Coast Line conductor, be tween Thomasville and Albany, spent a couple of days here last week on a visit to his brothers, Messrs. A. C. and R. L. Fores ter. Rev. W. P. Owings, Presi dent of Young’s Female College, Thomasville, filled the Presbyte rian pulpit here Sunday morning and evening. He also gave the Members of the Methodist day School a short but ate talk in the afternoon. Hon. S. G. McLendon ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR LEGISLATURE. Presents Petition Signed by Scores of Citizens, the Honorable S G. McLen-i| \V«. the uj,d m i K ned c.t.^ns voters of Thomas county, res and earnestly request that you allow your name for to the be j presented as a c andidate | office of Representative from Thomas county for the ensuing' ■ term of the legislature, subject to j the action of the Democratic Pri mary to be held August 19 th, next. We are prompted to make the request on account of the high re gard we have tor you personally, and the opinion we entertain for your ability to fill the office. Respectfully A. H. S. Cooke, A. P. Harley, H. W. Lester, J. L. Trull, T. J. Ball, R. J. Miller, J. B. Chisholm C. G, Swift, Chas Wolf, S. M. Wolf, Louis Steyr man, S. Richv, L. Loeb, R. G. Fleetwood, T. L. Watt, C. T. Gandy, W. J. Taylor, C, L. Ward, J. E. White, R. Thoni as Jr, E. M. Mallette, C. C. Stone, Lee Neel, L. H. Jerger, W. Fiei i - burg, Joseph Jerger, C. R. Poole, H. T. Poole, E. L. Alderman, S. L. Mallard, Heeth Varnedoe, H. E. Cochran, rr I , lies McCartney, J. Miller, W. L. Ball, J.,Watt, W . i'i f H Watt> R()ljt Alaxail • W. M. Reese, S. n Sampson, n G. der, A. P. Hansell, W. C. Snodgrass, W. Ball, M. R. Mallette, R. H, Neel, W. A. Rockwell, W. D. Har- Residence Burned. News was received here Tues day that Mb J. W. Blair, a prom | nent f arm er living about 3 miles sout p e ast of here, lost his home anc j near jy its entire contents by fire early Tuesday morning, The fire, which originated from the kitchen, had gained good headway before discovered by the sleeping family, and but very little could be saved from the building. It is thought the or igin of the fire was from a small wooden box of ashes left on the kitchen floor. The loss to Mr. Blair was a heavy one, but fortunatelv he carried an ranee policy for $1,000 in Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Mr. F. J. Winn Buys an Interest in the Cairo Messenger. Mr. F. J. Winu, who has for sometime been foreman in the Times-Enterprise has purchased interest in the Cairo Messen eer and i will take personal charge of that paper this week. Our ne ighboring city gains a valuable acquisition and its paper a splen did manager, Mr. Winn has long experience in both the editorial and meehan ical departments of a newspaper. He has lived the greater part of his life in Thomas county and needs no introduction to his neighbors. The same qualities of honesty, industry and fidelity to duty which have made him a val uable employee will catry him to success in his new enterprise. Cairo and the Messenger are to be congratulated, It is al ready a bright and succeasful sheet and will continue to pros per and grow with the progres sive town whose name it bears. The Times-Enterprise commends Mr. Wind to the best treatment of the people of Thomas county. —Times-Enterprise. grave J, H. Merrill, J. C. Morse, , C A. Hancock, J. W. Dillon, A. M C. Davenport, Jas Foss, H. M, I Cave, M. M. Huchingson’ Jas Mc Kinnou, M. C. Ball, T. H. Mitch-II ell, Wertz & Son, S. A. Jones, F. I A. Jones, J. W* Blanton, D. E. | Blanton, w. L. Adams, C. F. Cole- j man, w. Robison, N. Austin, F, i. Smith, L. Spence, C.C. | S. R. h. |] Smith, George Cox, J.W. Peacock, B. A, Daniels, C G Goehrini ro J T Culpepper, S W Davis, P c Dickey, q E Martindale, c e smith, A \\ II Stewart, J F Evans, J Mitchell, j j E M Flemming W E Beverly, w R DuRant, Kirkland, W J A G Wheeler, Crovat, S J L T Hayes, Drake, j A W J B Mitchell; E P Ward, R H Dixon. J E Dean, J F Pittman, W H Bibb, T N Hopkins, S A Price, P H Milton, W C Pittman, J T Pittman, J D Carioll, B H Wright, J M Dekle, M A Fleetwood, S 1 Steyerman, J A Davenport, A W Palin, A H Palin, C W Cooper, Chas Tattle, F But W Butler, T W Mallard, M I) Me. Kinnou, R L Wylly, S B Van Dyke, T J Bottoms, J S Montgomery, W I) Sills, B Griffin, C F Davis. W H Jeter, P FI Mur- j phey, T M McIntosh, II Wise, Henry I E Baker, T C McMath, J A McKinnon Dunk McKinnon, R E Lester, M Blackshear, Jr., BF Betjeman, J C Parnell, J Gribben, J B Eason, J M Mc kinnon, T B Chisholm, Chas E Mims W C Lambert, T C Duren, A Bennett, John G Wurst, J L Briley, M Pope, W N Har man, J T Spengler, B W Stone, John C Blalock, W S Blackshear, Harry Steyer man, Mr. McLendon’s Card. Thomasville, Ga., April 21 , 1004 . Editors Times-Enterprise: I wish to express to each and all of the gentleman whose names are signed to the foregoing, most grate ful thanks for this agreeable evi dence of their good will and to an nounce my willingness to serve as a member of the House of sentatives. if nominated ,at primray in August . I have asked if 1 would favor a in this county if elected. I answered that I would not, would I favor the sale of 111 this county in that or any way. The people of the county settled that question twice and tled it permanently. only to thank I wish not signers of the toregoing but the many others who kindly offered hie assurance of port. S. Q. McLendon. 2/ou Save Can 9/foney by Tjrad 9/s. Why? Because we deal in JTfouse j/umishinys exclusively, buy in large quantities and by giving our entire time to the study of this one line we are in a position to know where to buy in rder to give our customers 77}ore S’orXJheir than >ur competitors. It will be 97 /oncy Saved if you will call on ns when in need of any thing in our line. We have three patterns of Smporteci TJcible Crockery in beautiful decorations that we can sell you cheaper than you can 1 duv -j the ordinary plain white goods elsewhere. We postively guarantee these goods nat to craze and this 18 a rare opportunity to furnish your table with attractive dishes for a very small sum. *Do 2/ou jCove Stowers? If so doirt tail to see our Jardinieres Flower Pots, Jardi niere Stands, Flower Pot Brackets, etc. Yours for Better Furnished Homes. t warn; I HOUSE furnishings d *s.l: For Young Men. When selecting Spring Wear* tag Apparel don’t forget to in= spect our line of obby elect ew hirt eckwear. tyles. Cool, Comfortable Collars. 1 | In fact you should call and inspect our iine 1 of Gent’s Furnishings before you buy. I J j Belcher, Sanders & Co. j j Next Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store. ] Harry J. Hart. Tinner and Steam Fitter. Repair Work of all kind at reasonable Prices. Steam Fittings and ATill Supplies CAIRO, - - GE2BSIA. t i The City mg Parloi-J 3 .S rON, Proprietor. 'j W. A. A f t 6 i /having, -Thampc oing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. fi fc 6 1 a Prompt and Polite 7t attention, all times. Expert Public Workmen, Patronage Tharp Solicited. Tools, s a Clean Linen j t pedd Tie messenger. ) : )