The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, May 06, 1904, Image 4

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. Published every Friday at Cairo, Thomas county, Georgia. _ B. VV. ADKINS, Editor. e:g. kolbie j Publishers. F. J. WIND, ) p. j. WIND, Business Manager. Entered as second-class matter Januuary •21st, 1904 at the post office at Cairo. Ga., under the Act of Congress of March 3rd, 1879. SUBSCRIPT ■ ‘ > 1 N' KATES, ONE YEAR..........., $1.00 SIX MONTHS...... 50c THREE MONTHS 25 Advertising rates reasonable, and furnished upon application. Salutatory. In assuming an interest in the Cairo Messenger, I have few promises to make, as I prefer to let future deeds rather than present words speak for me. Cairo is the best town in the county and I shall do my best to make the Messenger a paper worthy of the town, If hard work and earnest effort can bring this about it will certainly come to pass. 1 have had considerable expe rience in the newspaper busi ness, and shall put it all into practice for the Messenger. I can do nothing without the aid and support of the people of the community. This I respect fully solicit and hope to receive. Backed by it, the paper will soon speak for itself, and will be a power for the advancement of Cairo and its vicinity. Respectfully, F. j. Wind. Down and Out. With last week’s issue, my connection with the Messenger in a financial way . was termi nated, Mr. F. J. Wind, a well known and worthy citizen of Thomasville having purchased an interest in the publication. And before retiring it is becom ing and right that I should ex press thanks and appreciation upon the part of the past man agement to the people of the city and section who have given ns so much aid and encourage ment in establishing the little paper. Looking back over a period of twelve years and the establishment of several papers, I can say that it has never been good fortune to cast my among a cleverer, more or accommodating set of than here at Cairo and much I value their esteem friendship is beyond my to say, For the present at I shall not cut loose from the environments of old life, but shall assist my su cessors in the work of the Messenger brighter newsier than ever. In ion I ask for them a of past favors. B. W. Adkins. Tomasville gives an account of various ical rumors as to more dates yet to enter the field. say let ’er go till the old boils over. The more the rier. There are few towns in the that can support two banks Cairo does. And the beauty the thing lies in the fact both institutions are doing Hon. John R. Singletary sitting so steady in the boat unless appearances deceive will sit steady in the House another term. Picnic at Pleasant Hill. We are requested to announce that a big picnic will be given at Pleasant Hill school house about seven miles from this city May 27th. The closing exerci ses of the Pleasant Hill School will be held. Rev. J. P, Swaun the teacher, has arranged an in teresting program and an enjoy - able time is promised, Our good friend, M. D. Dollar, will be on hand to refresh the par ticipants with delightful lemon ade and other cold drinks. Ev. erybody is invited, and to all the candidates of the county is the invitation especially extended to be present. Picnic at Woodland. Mr. J. B. Dixon was in the city Tuesday and stated that the annual Sunday School picnic would be held at Woodland on Saturday May 15th. Hon Fon dren Mitchell of Thomasville is booked for an address and every arrangement is being made to make the occasion one to be re membered. Mr. Dixon was making arrangements while here to have badges printed for the School. . When to Seine. For the benefit of .some of our readers who like this kind of fis catorial sport we quote the fol lowing from the acts of the leg islature of 1903: Sec. 9. Be it futher enacted, that it shall not be lawful for any person to catch or take any fish with any seine, net or like device from any of the waters of this state, between the first day of June and the first day of Sep tember in each year; provided, that the provisions of this t’on shall not be construed to forbid the catching of fish the means of east nets or and line. The act provides that any son or association of persons alating this action shall be ed guilty of a misdemeanor. Justice Court. The regular monthly term Justice court was held for this (753rd) district yesterday, J. M. Barrow presiding. al jury cases were tried and sposed of in addition to a lot minor cases without jury the rendition of several ments Upon cases where no fense was filed. This will likely be Judge rows last court, as his tion has been sent in for time and his successor ed, who will probably for the office before term of the court will be Cairo and her cane teritory will be pretty well vertised at the St Louis tion, but there are many valuable and satisfactory to advertise ourselves. State Fair is one, a good is another, the various kinds advertising matter showing different syrup making scenes a third, a pure and article of the syrup a and so on down the line. could mention a hundred and would be glad to see land owner in this section an ffiterest in the matter and pusl\ the industry ahead. Doft’t forget the coming Fair. Now is the time to fix it. \ V Annoucenments. Thomas County. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for representative subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful performance of all the duties of the office. My past record in the of fice is open to inspection and relying of upon the this X submit my claims to the voters county and solicit their support. John R. Singletary. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Sheiff of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, and solicit the sup port of the voters of the county. If elected i will give my personal and undivided attention to the duties of the office and will discharge those duties to the best of my ability. J. J. CONE. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of sheriff of Thom as county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. If re-elected 1 will continue to give the office my personal attention and will discharge its duties to the best of my ability. T. J. HIGIIT. , FOR ORDINARY'. Desiring to thank my old comrades and friends generally for their four-years gift of the office of ordinary, I hereby announce my self a candidate for re-election, subject to the Democratic primary, promising if elected to do my utmost to perform all the duties -of the of fice faithfully in the future as I have tried to do in tne past. Wm. M. Jones. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re election to the Legislature subject to the Dem ocratic primary. Having served the people legisla- to the very best of my ability in the last ture. 1 feel that I can confidentially and the con scientiously solicit their support in ap proaching primary. J. B. ROUNTREE. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver of Thomas county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will give the office the same careful attention as in the I>ast. I solicit the support of the voters of the county. JOHN F. HOWARD. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I respectfully announce that I am a candi date for re-election as Treasurer of Thomas county, subject the action of the Democratic primary. thankful to the people for the fa I am very vors and coufldence shown me in the past, and pledge, if elected, my very best and mosi conscientious efforts to give them faithful, ef ficient. and satisfactory service. support and friendly I earnestly solicit your co-operation. Gratefully and faithfully yours, JNO. F. PARKER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas county, subject to the action of uie Democratic primary. 1 solicit the support of the voters of the county. E. M. SMITH. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the people of Thomas eounty: s' ppreciating the past honors you have con firmed upon me I take this method of an nouncing that I am a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives of Georgia, in the discharge of my duties in the past as your representative 1 have to the best of my ability worked for your interests and the in terests of the whole people of Georgia, l again ask your support. My candidacy is subject to the action of the Democratic primary. FONDREN MITCHELL. FOR CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Superior court of Thom as county, subject to the Democratic primary. I solicit the support of my old friends and promise them if elected to faithfully perform the duties of the office in future as I have al ways tried to do in the past. J. W. GROOVER. FOR TAX COLLECTED. I most respectfully announce mvself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. In making this announce ment I beg to extend my thanks to the voters of Thomas eounty for their kindness to me during the past and to solicit a continuance of their support. P. S. HEETH. Tax Notice. second round. Coolidge April 25 Pavo April 26, A. M. Patten April 26. P. M. Boston April 27 Glasgow i pril 28 Metcalfe April 29 Thomasville April 30 Duncanville May 2 Cairo May 3 Spence ■ May 4 Meigs May 5 Ochlocknee May 6 Pine Park May 7, A. M. I will have with me a book, as provided by law, for people to register their lands ou which hunting is forbidden. Jno. F. Howard, Tax Receiver, LOST—Small E p w o r t h League badge, pin of gold, with maltese shaped pendant of gold and white enamel. Finder will please leave at this office and receive suitable reward. For Rent —2 5-room houses on Mock and Arline street Cairo Ga. Prices reasonable, For further iuofrmation apply to R R. Pyles or J. M. Cairo Ga. Attention Cane Planters. We are prepared to make con* tracts for the purchase of cane for fall delivery. Price $3.50 per ton. Those interested will please write us at once as contracts are nearing completion. GEORGIA CANE SYRUP CO Thomasville, Ga. A. L. SMITH, Supt., P. 0. Box 273. L Planting Time is drawing near and it is time that you were looking to your plow gear, harness, etc. And lest you forget let us remind you that we carry a full line of Harness, Leather Goods, Plow and Wagon Gear. W e manufacture our own Harness and we know what they are. We cam supply you with either a full set or any part of a set down to a mere hame string. We make and handle Buggy Bridles, Bits, Saddl pc W w Saddle Stirrups, Storm Aprons, Buggy Curtains, Buggy Cushions, 1 | Whips, Curry Combs, Riveters, Tubular | Rivets, Hame Tug Buckles, Saddle Pads m and Collar Pads. I If you want your Shoes repaired ours is the place to have this done. We also make a specialty of this class of work and use the best of stock. If wliat you need is in the Leather Line consult us. Yours for Business, jtfudson <& Sraves. TSa Picnic Season is now here, and we wish to say that we are prepared to furnish all kinds Extracts, Spices and Teas; also Baker’s Chocolates, sweet or bitter, Shredded Cocoanut, Gelatines, Ketchups, Pickles and Olives, Can Pine Apple in chunks or grated, and in fact almost everything in the Line —Can be found at the— Red Front Stove. Geo. W. Hurst, Manager PHONE JH B. W. ADKINS, Real Estate and Insurance. I have just established a Real Estate and Insur= ance Agency here, and if you have land to sell or houses to rent, list them with me and I will find you a purchaser. PHONE 40. We are now prepared to do all kinds of Job Work