The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, May 13, 1904, Image 5

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Stems Personal 9/Jention. See change of ad of J. L. Oli ■ this issue. Mr. M. A. Shaw was a visitor from Whigham Sunday. The last of the strawberry crop w ill soon be gone. Mr. F. J. Wind was a Sunday visitor to Thomasville. Mr. S. W. Clifford went over to Boston Monday evening. A nice rain fell a few miles of here Monday afternoon. M. T. W. Wood spent Sun up at Camilla on a visit to folks. Rev. White filled his regular at the Baptist church in this city Sunday. The many friends of Prof. W. [H. Searcy are glad to see him Lble to be out again. j Hon. Jno. R. Singletary paid IWhieham a business visit Mon I o iav. I Mrs. Arminta Self of Cullman. Ila. is in the city visiting friends [his week. Miss Sarah Clower came up from Valdosta Saturday for a fchort visit to liomefolks. ! Mr. F/A., Belcher went up to trhomasville on a business visit Monday afternocn, Julian Weil of Savannah was greeting the grocery trade here Monday. Don’t overlook the fact that the picnic party will need all the teams they can get on May 26th. Mr. Jas. L. Mauldin went Sown to Lake Iamonia Monday i>n a business trip. Mr. W. E. Dunn paid horne jolks at Newton, Ala., a visit Sunday. Snap beans are plentiful at present and most anybody can low live high. The shade trees along Cairo’s [beets are beautiful now and [jive pearance. the city a cool, restful ap j The many friends of Mrs. M. p- McManeus will regret to learn hat she is not improving at pres i nt. | Mr. J. W. Bryan, as big and pUyas ever, was in the city Mon ty in the interests of the Atlan a Journal. Rev. G. P. Reviere went over P A higham Sunday to fill his Ppintment at the Method’st Nrch in that citv. I be baseball team of this city ,re tr ying to arrange with Pel lam to have a game in that city 111 1 hursday, May 26th. 1 The ordinance of Baptism was ^ministered to Mr. T. L. Rush- 1 at the Baptist church Sunday HJht at the close of the regular Caching service, Aiss Clarke, of Dublin, loc"l Missionary of the Mercer Bap S t Assoeiati on, spent Monday the city to attend a meeting the Woman’s Missionary Un- Mr. and Mrs. Jonce Money han and little son, who have been spending sometime in this city, left Monday for their home at Orleans, Ind. Mr. Moneyham states that he will visit us again next winter, to which we will add that a wel come awaits him every time he comes. We carry a full line of Coffin& and Caskets. Sapp Hdwe. Co. Mrs. Blackshear and daugiuer, Miss Hattie, of Susina were among the pleasant visitors to the city Tuesday. The devotional service of the Epworth League was held at the Methodist church Tuesday night. Selling out to move. See ad vertisement in this paper. G. L. Duren. Mr. T. B. Twitty, drummer, was circulating among friends here Tuesday. The proceedings of the city Council appear in this weeks is sue. C. F. Sanders, the jeweler, has a new ad in this week’s pa per. Council Proceedings. Cairo Ga. April 26 1904. Council met in regular session Mayor R. L. Vanlandingham presiding. Alderman K. P. Wight, J. L. Poulk, Chas. Mauldin, K. Pow ell present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Ordinance for keeping whiskey for sale was read the second time and passed to the third reading. The following accounts were ordered paid: W, B. Roddenbery Poulk Bros 10,28 Wight Bros. IH 5 B. F. Williams 3 > 9 ° R. L. Nicholson 80 The marshal reported $71,72 collected in April for rents, fines, sampie room and impounding fees. Clerk and Tres. reported $58,91 paid in by the Mayor from Thom as County Commissioner on ac eount of small pax. By motion the street Commit tee was requested to make a plan and estimate of the cost of working the streets. Council adjourns. John L. Poulk, Clerk & Tres. We have any style right or left hand” Clauss” scissors-We guarantee perfect satisfaction Sapp Hardware co. Surrounding counties have an eye up on Thomas and her better roads move ment. Aud we believe the people of Thomas are a unit on the question of im proving our roads and will endorse any step that our commissioners may take looking to that end. Don’t send your orders for job printing away from home—just let us know your wants; and we w ill satisfv you with style, qual ity and price. COL SINGLETARY ENDORSED. Leading Citizens of the District Are Strictly tor Him==An Open Letter. Cairo, Ga., May 10 , 1004 . At a meeting of the leading democrats and supporters of Col. Jno. R Singletary held here to day, presided over by W. S. Wight as chairman and B. W.j Adkins as secretary, the following open letter to the democratic vo-j ters of the county was adopted as ; the best means of expressing the j sentiments of our people in the j present legislat ive contest and to set at naught any rumors to the contrary: To the Democratic Voters of Thomas County: In view of the many rumors that have gamed circulation rel ative to the position our people occupy in the race for representa tive, We, the undersigned citi zens and voters of the Oairo dis trict, desire to inform our friends throughout- the county that our present representative from this section, Hon. Jno. R. Singletary has our entire confidence; that his course in the present legisla ture meets with our approval, and that we unanimously endorse his candidacy for re-election to thei next House, and ask our friends everywhere to support. W. 8. Wight, J. T. Pearce. J. W. Booth. Ed ward F. Richter, W. Y. Bryan, O. Sapp. C. M. Butlei, J. K. Sapp,F. T. Brown, H. Hart. H.J. Oriner, R. W. Pearce, E. M. Maxwell, \V. H. Robinson, T.W Wood, Walter Davis, W. H. McManus, D. D. Owaltney, W. G. Baggett. .1. VV. Whidden. L. G. Merritt, 8. R. Davis, G. VV Hurst. J. R. Evans. O. T. Davis. W. B. Rodden bery. L. A, Free. J. E.Hall, J. M. Miller. W. J. White, W. W. Watts, E. E. Hurst, M. G. Mc Manus, Jas, T. Lee, F. A. Richter, L. B. Powell. . 1 . B. Worrell, T. H. Hester, T. A. Stringer, W. T. Merrill, G. A. Wight. J. T. Glower, 0. F. Sanders, R. L. Vanlandingham, T. J. Brown, Z. R. Jones, K. P. Wight. W. T. Crawford. Thomas Wight, F..I. Wind. J. L. Oliver. D. F. Oliver E. G. Kolbie. Kedar Powell, Janies 8. B. Singletary, John L. Poulk, J. B Haw thorne, B. M. Johnson. R. L. Nicholson, J. T. Dunbar. M. M. Poulk, J.M. Poulk. J. H. Pearce, M. C. Poulk, J. K. Arline, 0.0. Mauldin, James Dekle, F. B. Walsh, Z. F. Booth, B. F. Powell, T. A. Powell. Ira L. Hurst, W, C. Hornsby. R. L. Forester, T. F. Belcher, J. M. Merritt, Jr., M . B, Lorn, Jno. A. Hudson, Dave Davis, M. D. Dollar. James L. Mauldin. F. M. Brannon. VV. 0. Cheshire, Dr. Eugene Clower, H. A. Hin son, Perry Baggett, 0, R. Muggridge, W. L. Muggridge, W. E, Sanders, Joseph Chasen, F. A. Belcher. W.T. Odum. John H. Barwick, Dr. J.A. Lindsoy. Charley E.Griner, W.B. Browne, j. H. Massey. Dr. A. B. Cooke. Thos.F. Graves, J. W. Anderson, Jonas Johnson, T. W. Brown, .1. 8. Fulford, J. W. Southall. I. D. oingletary, R. W, Green, Joe Worley, h. J. Willis, E. E, Prince, J. A. Hornsley Cary Griffin, F. Brown. W. J. Hurst, J. L. Powell, W. C. Mathews. J. C. Mathews, J. I. Gandy, J. T. Gandy. R. J. Nor ton, H. M. McManus, Col. John F. Stone, W. H. Collins, R. Brinson, H. A. Vanlandingham, Geo. W. Hinson, Dr. W. B. Oliver, J J. McMa nus. R. W. Cook. J. J. Hurst, J. D. Thomason W. J. Middleton, P.B. Gray. H. R. Hurst, B. G. Willis. N. A. Horton, A. D.Brinson T. A. Math is, Casper Walker, J. H. Hall, J. I. Robinson. Dr. T. J. Arline.Thomas Davis, E. A. Parish, jndge J. N. Barrow. W. G. Lewis, J. W. Hurst, j. B. Watts. R. T. Hinson. E. A. Williams John G. Rehberg. W.F. Key, J. F. Spooner. I. D. Lewis, J. I. Gandy, Jr.. Win. Howze, A. B. Connell. J. E. McManus. R. L. Butler, D.W. Chason, W. D. Thursley, VVm. Walded, F. G. Thursley. C. C. Miller. C. E. Vanlandingham. O G Lewis, Leander Smithf Dr W M Searcy, J 1 Vanlandingham, W D Barber, I T Taylor, J E Hurst. A Williams, I W Clifford, Prior Lewis, A Poulk. WT Lewis, Algie Baggett, B F Wil liams, H J Dorothy. R Y Hurst, W C Barrow. H B Sutton, Dr VV A Walker, T W Brinson, C L Brinson, A Shurry Singletary, Harvey Single tary- A .1 Blitch, J A Hinson. J R Hinson L O Albritton, W S Haarison, M Chason, J VV Han ley. J A Adkisson, J A Grant. C Singletary Ed Sholar, B F Cook, VV T Woolfork. D VV Tyus. J VV Tyus. J 'V Nicholson. VV L Puffer. J H P Lewis, B VV McManus, H J Vinson, A C Fores ter. B W Adnlns. We are now prepared to do any and all kinds of job print ing in a neat and artistic man ner and at short notice. Now, when you want printing done, give us a chance to please you in workmanship and you will please us by giving us your work and patronizing home enterprise. An open Letter. From the Chapin, S.C. News: Early in the spring my wife and I were taken with dsarrhoea and so severe were the pains that we called a physician who pre scribed for us, but failed to give any re lief. A friend who had a bottle of Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy on hand gave each of us a dose and we at once felt the effects. I procur ed a bottle and before using the entire contents we were entirely cured. It is a wonderful remedy and should be found in every household. H. C. Bailey, Edi tor. For sale by Wight & Browne. ! We specialsT) have picked | up some UNUSUAL VALUES in Rockers and, while they last, our customers will 4 * Reap the saving. \ Large, High Bach, cane Seal Rocher, Nicely finished in Oak or Mahogany, well worth $ 2 . 25 , while they last $ 1 75 . . Cane Seat Nurse Rockers, worth * 1.00. Our price....................................... H 5 c. Nurse Rockers with High Bocks and Open Cane Seats, the kind von have been paying $ 1.50 for. Yau can get them here for #1,2 o Verg Large Porch Rockers, the “Comfort Line, ? 5 Best Rocker for t he money ever offered in Cairo. 2 stvles $>I.f>0 and $l.Sf>. These Chairs are not “Shoddy” goods but well made and finished and our guarantee goes with every one. Hammocks, Mosquito Canopies, Window Screens and Sum= mer House Furnishings. We have them and cheaper than we ever bought them before. -^JUL 5 S3 d For Young Men When selecting Spring Wear ing Apparel don’t forget to in spect our line of N ew obby eckwear. O tyles. elect hirt Cool, Comfortable Collars. In fact you should call and inspect our line of Gent’s Furnishings before you buy. Belcher, Sanders & Co. Next Door to Sanders’ Jewelry Store. Harry J. Hart. Tinner and Steam Fitter. Repair Work of all kind at reasonable Prices. Steam Pittlngs and /Vlill Supplies CAIRO, GEORGIA. tThe j City Shaving Parlor.c j 3 t \V. Ak. ALSTON, Proprietor. 3 3 -/■having, -Thampooing, Hair Cutting, Massages, Etc. 6 t 3 Prompt and Polite Attention, Expert Workmen, Tharp Tools 3 Clean Linen at all times. Public Patronage Solicited. C ====F= Read Tine Messenger. /