The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, May 13, 1904, Image 7

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if. BE WARNED! d nature’s warning. Pain tells of rr U ee Backache kidney disease. is rklCg t -arning of kidney ills. Urin a v troubles, too., ary fgj>k come to tell you (be i, tfQB? ■t WB kidneys are srefc. i w v Constant weariness, headaches, dizzy k spells, days of 1 n pain, nights of uii '"•1 rest, are danger sig m nais vyaraing you to j If 99 cure the kidneys. Use Devin’s Kidney Pills, which have made thousands of - permanent cures. Frank D. Over haugh, cattle-buyer d farmer, CatskiM. N. Y. t says: •Doctors fold me tea .years ago that I ' ’.j ^right’s disease, and said My back they uid de nothing to save me. "i idied s* 1 could ur-t stand it to even jrive a bout, and passages of the kid hey s^retions were so frequent as to | ,„ nnV m e greatly. I was growing (corse ill the time, but Doan’s Kidney pills-cured me, <md I have been well ;ver'Siuce. ' • \ FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mr. Overbaugh ri U 5 e mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address ['otter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y. L r sale by all dealers; price 50 ceaxts her box. ahead of the game. “Well,” Bessie, have you teen a tood girl today?” ■No, I ain’t. What’s the itse? .Ma bwes me a penny for being good,yea ferday?”—Indianapolis Sentinel. T COSTS ONE CENT trite us ft postal card for a free sample Of STUART’S cheerfully send GIN it AND all BUCHU. ,'e to sufferers of Kid e, Liver, Heart. Bladder and Blo-td diseases n'request, fell directions it will with do all sample th*t we sent. claim Mention for it. us paper Address STUART DRUG M'F’U. 0 „ 28 Wall Street. ATLANTA. GA. y / GUAITMf. TEED BY A 15,000 BAim DEPOSIT Railroad Fare Paid. 500 FREE Courses Offered. Mfaft _ Board Cost. v if at Write Quick iOSfilA-AWBAIWA BUSINESS COLLEGE, Kacon,6a s®** i s it , 11 i w ii iiwnil ■ ■■>'! 1 ' i n 1 i i iiiii ii ti n a si ilSaS c r t g , -i I , / rhere is no satisfaction keener | thin being dry and comfortable t when out in "the hardest storm. ! YOU ARE Sm OF Hid IT- YOU WEAK r 1 ; WATERPROOF j OILED ClOTfflN | MADE !N BLACK CR YELLOW J And backed by ouk guarantee. L Ja .1 TOWEB CO., '&0370N.MA5S,U.}A lOtVtK (ANAillAK Cul.LlMITCD.TVIIONTO.-CAN^ | -J AiK YOUR D£ALr.R. ff he will not supply you ^ li! *iil ■ X* for cotelooue of (torments and hats. our free assw’ 'nim—niwniiir Given Away 8 H Write os or ask an Ala’oaetln!* dcfti-sr ior ^ partlcDlsra and freo sample covd-cf i cv^v ... rs. ft •» Tlie Sanitary Wall <yoatinsr Kf j DoBtroj'Sdisease^ermscn^ venaiu.. mp rubs or scales. Yen can app^7 it—w itn g. cold water. Beautiful effects fis white end. delicate tintjg. Net a discaso-uresding, out cfdate hot-water f^ue preraratiou. Buy® Aiabaetino in 6 lb. peerages, properly !& !“ belled, of paint, hardware and drug dealcra. Arjiets* m Hints oa Deco ratine.'* ®n& our u.] | ideas f roe 43^1 CG.» Giftfli Midi, [Pf SMBSSBBnHk 105 Water St, B. I* * ft vrrrnsmim assES^r A Golden Rule i of Agriculture: Be good to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash ai, frthefertilizerspellsquaJity d quantity iJ ( Wx/iAA A. I 1 in the bar- , vest. Write us and ? e w 'll send you, P'ee, by next mail, ™ s our money winning books. GERMAN kau works, Eew York—93 Nassau St. :l ■jr Atl :nta,Sa.~22;i. So.Drosd Si i : : ti W/' Wi ■. V/i mi ±'Y- i M'* V ; At?, mk fin » j'/feat ‘west Line East TEW.S® LOUISIANA •°88 the K u Statens of THE m r TEXASM | ll?PACIFIC -L; *0 RAILWAY |r‘(Lr, flew ouV lo ’'® l ltrt to Shreveport answer questions, m, miles LJ 5®°* h to Dallas. Write i assenger on Jexa-, free. E. P. TtJRJfiiit. • Agent, DallftSi Texati, A Half Solved Mysttry. Detroit has a suburban grocer who ts sotnething of a joker, and, having bought a crock of birtter of Uncle Reuben a few days ago, he slipped a five pound stone in the empty crock and exhibited it to the farmer and said: “Uncle Reub, I’ve known you for the last five years, and I’d have sworn that you were an honest man. I’m sorry to see this.” “Waal, chat half solves the mys tery,” replied the old man as he pick ed up the stcne, hefted it and looked it over in a puzzled way. “What mystery?” queried the gro cer. “Three or four days ago a strange dog came along by our plane, and my son Bill heaved this rock at him. The dog and tlie stone disappeared like a flash, and., though Bill hunted around tor half an hour, he couldn’t find either. ’I can’t say where the dog Sot to, but the reck must have come down ore this crock of butter and sunk £ Free the -Press. T bottom ^ out ** «sHt.’’-Detroit u Green Dutchman M One Honest Mart. Gottlieb Wittier, who forty years ago found a box containing" 362,000 in gold and gwernment bonds, stolen from the United States paymaster, and which he immediately returned to General Fremont, is dead. For forty years he conducted one of the largest contracting enterprises in Missouri. During the civil war he was engaged by the United States Government in the construction, of forts along the Mississippi River, and while building a fort in South St. Louis a tin box was unearthed. Mr. I Witter found it where it had been thrown aside by the workmen. A lock on the side aroused his curiosity, and he pried open the lid. Covered Rh . brown w paper was a pile of gold and wvexumeui Government bonds umius. Mr. Wittier at once drove to Gen. Fremont’s headquarters at Eighth street and Chouteau avenue. As he walked from the office an officer remarked: “That green Dutch man could have kept this money'’.” To this Gen. Fremont replied: “I vim we had a few more of such green Dutch in this country. He is one man.”—St. Louis Chronicle. Twelve Was This Plan’s Hoodoo. The big clock in the bankruptcy clerk’s office in the Monadnock Build ing was striking twelve recently at boon when a man with a disappointed ' look his face sauntered on into the room and leaned heavily on the desk of Assistant Clerk John E. Fay. “My debts are twice as much as my assets,” he said. “I be a bankrupt.” As Mr. Fay recorded the man’s name he ventured, smiling: “All right, on the stroke of 12.” The clerk’s words produced an ef fect almost magical in the would-be bankrupt. “What do you know about that? the man almost gasped, 'becoming much excited. “About what?” asked the .clerk. “On the stroke of 12 ,’” replied the man. “That sentence has been .a hoodoo to me for years. I was robbed on the stroke of 12, almost scorched by fire at 12, 1 awaken in the night 9 s the clock strikes midnight, and the reason I am filing a petition in bank ruptcy is because, fool that 1 was, I attempted to launch a theatrical com pany producing a play of that name.” As the man turned away, Clerk Fay numbered the petition. “10412” and entered it on the twelfth page of his ledger. •Chicago Inter-Ocean. Any one can dye with I’UTXAW Fade LESS 'Dyes; no experience requited. Usu ly when two women quarrel they are batii in the wrong. H. IT. Ui-.kkn's Sons, of Atlanta, Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world,. See their liberal offer in advertise ment in .another column of this paper. A lot oi misery conies to the man who sits down and waits. Mrs. Winslow’s Nootbing Syrup forchildren teething, soften the gums, reduces Mamma non allays pain,cureswiud colic. 25c. abottie Many a man falls in love with a work of art and marries it. piso’s Cure is the best medicine we ever used lor all affections'Of throat and iungs.-— Wm. , 0. Lkdblky, Vanburen, ind.. Feb. 10, IDOL | >; 0 woman is always right and no worn art’s husband is always wrong. “ 1 *’ fU ft 6 a I a fl ? I i n 0ur Latest Ira-jh- ! a ui i ? Beams,Rectilin-j* Wwith §Ie:M\ Hege’s Universal Log Hoa-gj SSeock-Klng Simultaneous Set Works and the Variable Feed Works are di’Kabii.-B unex-ffi Krelief, fofTr for AmniAcr. simcucitv. H ANn EASE OF OVKKATION. Write for full Kdewrintive 53SALEM circulars. Manufactured by the® IRON WORKS.Winston-.Salem.N.C Wmm ‘-■J* V;'~ \ r nm 3 * CURED , c ; .i OiD ck j»- Ds T t Relief. J) sli swelling in 8 to r>o WfSgX j Y days: Removes effects permanent cure A a in ?oto 6o days. Trial treatment Y. A given free. Nothinyean be fairer oQWLMA ' Write Lr. H. H. Green’s Sons Specuhsis, Aox a AFanla T-. j it I Ha¥3 Every Reason lo Praiss Pe-ra-na, 93 > t r WRITES MRS. KANE, OF CHICAGO. il ,\N; >:• > imMr mm mm ■ & •>> y.; L£r : V. « • ’vM ^||| BN ®V'I >X‘ V a: .. •S: / 1 II a a ,3 m < k>S .'.V s ' :<■: 9. ■> a a mmmm i Hi 4. m I ■V. ■X 1 ///AUBREY * f m X >>; '! III HCDZTOM, S; :u V Latnroq.Mich. 1 :« m m nV-;‘.'X ■; ; w • r--; itm ■N ; • X> mm SSfel-Si; . / Wm :>• {/GEACt EDWAK). KYRTLL m S'x CEGRGE m® RIEVLS KANt ire 172 oeborjt Chicago, 111 IS :• J Mrs. K. Kdwe, 172 Sebor Street, Chi- * ^ cago, 111., writes-: ♦ J in •‘Peruna family lain that been l used so know long J « our Uo not * £ J how have 1 could given gee it to along till without it. J * of my chit- * * dren suffered, at different times cold* when they | y • « with croup, and the *, J many ailments that children are { ■t ■> subject la, and am pleased to say * X iluit it has Kept them in splendid. * -catarrhal difficulty oj long stand- ♦ t ing ana li cure a me in a short J * tiute, so i have every reason to * t praise Peruna.’ , -—Mrs. A. nunc. 2 •» ♦ l -Pe-ru-na Protects the Entire House noia Against Catarrnai Diseases. One of the greatest foes with which ■ every family has to contend is our change able climate. «i.o protect the family Hum voids and coughs la always a serious proo iem, and often impossible. fcoouer or later it is the inevitable fate of every one to catch cold. Care in avoid ing exposure and tne use ot proper cloth ing wnl protect from the frequency and perhaps ttie severity of colds, but with the 0 reuiest of precautions they will* come, xhis is a settled tact ot human experience. Avery body must expect to be caugut some where or somehow. .Perhaps it clothes, will be wet feet, ora draught, or damp or it may bp one ot a thousand other nttle mishaps, but uo one is shrewd enough to always avoid the inev itable catching cold. ihere is no lace of medical science better known than that i’eruna cures catarrh wherever located. Thousands of families in ail parts o, the United States are pro tected from colds and catarrh by i’eruna. Once in tne family i’eruua always stays. Mo home can spare i’eruna after the first trial oi it. We have on file many thousand testimo- FEET HURT Sweat, Itch, Blister? ROYAL FOOT WASH cures them. Removes oddrs of feet, armpits, etc.; stops chafing. If not at druggists send 25c to EATON DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga., for full size, post paid ; sample for 2cstamp. One application proves its -merit. Money back if not satisfied. m m li JMM vfi n. ) n A a /■. ■: lj ¥1 U J/M !■ X :. : mm f /.,W ■?\ wmm m U-” A. #« l J/ ///lit. //// #• M Jl mwM W MM * ,,-A - %<ni \/it •’ mmh \ [> m e 2 ^; ■’MW’ ■K.'% P J H wm j\ Hk & y. a f Mi ww /« (M WWl-rS ? P ly'S « X R r f ’ ' 25 ^ i 5 ! grip V V fSfeSjfSr*. teM***. f --A v For Dainty Luncheons *7. There tying is nothing Libby’s soYempting Luncheon and satis delicious , r Libby’s os meats, are many ways Peerless Dried Beef, Potted and Deviled II i .ii can be served for Send "Luncheons. for Libbj^S (Natural Flavor) pQOd PfQdUCtS Libby's our book, “How to Make Good Things to Eat.-” Atias of the World sent postpaid for five 2 c stamps. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago, U. S. A. Aver; & Gempaav SUCCESSORS TO avery & McMillan, j til-CS South Forsyth St,, Atlanta, Ga —ALL KINDS OF— i MACHINERY ; i i iV l wk 0 MI •smrnrn J filSi I ^ MS I cm. I Reliable Frick Engines. Boilers, all Sizes. Wheat Separators. tit* gps --^ OFST IMPROVED SAW MILL ON EARTH. Large Engines and Boilers supplied promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Sawe.Saw Teeth,Patent Dogs, Steam Governors. Full iine Engines & Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue X Alls. A. Hobson, 225 Washington sit., ♦ 2 Lansing, Alicb., writes: J 2 4 4 "Pmmtt has been such a bless-* 4 ing io my only child, us uetl as* 2 mysclj, testimonial, (oat. eject tie inuueeu hus aluuys* lo give ♦ 4 toy 2 suffered j rom catarrh to oj the htuu J * 4 X uuu throat, ana a tiau use extra precautions so as not lo have him » 5 exposed io dump or cotd ueaihvr. * 2 Lust year lie uas tuuen u itn la * 2 * grippe, and us it severe case, J caaseU me muen anxiety. actuate* J)o* J Per medicine helped him mi * ana. a noucea an improve- * ? metu at once anu in inree weeks 2 J he was a different child; the grippe J t nail oeen completely cured ono a * 2 noticed that luc color eu was mam * * heller, Jie Kept taking il iuo» 2 weeks longer,uhen he ttus entii eiy * J 2 well. 1 now use ti off unit on jot . cotils, crumps, indigestion or gen- * J 2 erui indisposition, anu jtnu u sii- J perior to any aoeiors or medicine J 2 a ever tried, child, it in Keeps peeject me, as well J « ! 2 4 as my itetuui, ffnd a ylaaiy recommend il io * * mothers. ’’--Mrs. a. Hobson. 4 .. nials like the ones given above. We can only give our readers a siigfc. glimpse ot the vast array of unsolicited enuorsemenis we are receiving every month. Aio otner physician in the world has received such a volume of enthusiastic and grateful letters of thank'; as Dr. Hartman for i’eruna. is What Yon Want! Hays You Any Malarial Troubles ? Do yon want to yet well and get well quick ? If so, send a Postotfice order for fifty cents to the REGAL filEDIGIHE CC.,cf Stamford, Conn., for modiciae and directions. A quick and certain fever,dumb cure gniaranteed in aD cases of malaria, chills and afrue and intermittent lever. o'.‘- swai ^oflaBniEgm tSt FaIlsT^ ss^M, Best „ BUR£SWH£R£ALL Cough Syrup. in Tastes Good. V&e / 1 timfe Sold by druggists. 'Jr. *AU a;; mi m bowels m C--/ il • ■ • t L r - •>. r. V ,.v •?s CANDY fta-.-v-v Tj At “ CATEARTr .3 sods/ ft * \ il lLC^ :■ v* • V H mmetmsPBmm ______ S GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel troul hs. eppendicitia, t iliousnesn, bed breath, bad 8 | blood, wind on the stomach, bloated bowels, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, Il y pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow rltin and dizziness. When your bowels don’t move L » 3 regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseas-rs together. It H starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. No matter whet ails you, stsrt taking M ff CASCARETS today, for you will never get'well and stay well until you get your bowels B I 1 right Take refunded. our advice, start vrith Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure cr U ij money The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterlin g Re medy Company, Chicago or New York. soa Ti^usamxi: i . t Promoted by mm Yf? YA\ 41JB ■ j . a mm \K / / V Y. -/ « 6 £ 5 f Shampoos of , : ! i I P •tV‘> j And light dressings : r pT T r rTr'I Jl) A ti OI V_^ U 1 1 U lv/\, t tlG \ Q1 ( opr] : ^lwcXL rcreot wofv.lll -i n V—ctllvJ. pj-p 1 r- o. SWCCteSt OI emOilientS. This treatment at once stops falling hair, removes crusts, scales, and dandruff, destroys hair parasites, soothes irritated, itching sur faces, stimulates the hair fol licles, loosens the scalp skin, supplies the roots with energy and nourishment and makes the hair grow upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp, when all else fails. N. B. Complete External and Internal Treatment for every Ilumor from Pimples to Scrofula, from Infancy to Age, consisting of CUTICURA Soap, Ointment, and Pills, may now be had of all Druggists for One Dollar. Sold throughout the world. Cuticura Soap, 25c. f Oint Villa, ment, 25c. 50c., Resolvent, vial 50c. (in form of Chocolate Coated house Sq.: per Paris, Rue of 60). de la Depot*: London, 27 Charter- 5 Pai*; Boatoo, 1;7 Columbus Are. Potter Drug Si Chem. Corp., Sole Proprietor*. 09"* Send for “ How to Preserve, Porify and Loautiff 7 the Skin, Scalp, Hair and Hands." FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Box and book of in structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic T Paxtine is in powder form to dissolve in water — non-poisonous and far superiorto liquid I’UHTNj-nKl alcohol antiseptics containins: \ which irritates aW£,vIsz>. fffSf fey > er^VlvaB’;} Jnfiamed have no cleansingprop- surfaces, and crlies * Tfae contents m of every box makes w tion— more Antiseptic lasts Solu v further—has longer— goes more uses in the family and Vi does more good than any antiseptic preparation you can buy. The formula of a noted Boston physician, and used with great success as a Vaginal Wash, for Lcucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all soreness o f mucus membrane. In local treatment of female ills Paxtine is invaluable. , Used challenge the world as a Vaginal Wash we thoroughness. It to produce its equal for is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all germs which cause inflammation and discharges. All leadingdruggists keep Paxtine; price,50c. abox; substitute if yours docs not, send to usfor it. Don’t take a — there is nothing like Paxtine. Write for the Free Box of Paxtine to-day. R. PAXTON CO., 7 Pope Eldg., Boston, 2£ass. Give the name of this paper when writing to advertisers—(At20-04) M o M o r e E ii n d H c * ’ s e s S?', n p « f; n d c ^? I- o t b at Kve^. Ra*-rv co„ fowaCity. la., have a surp cur®