The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, May 27, 1904, Image 4

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THE CAIRO MESSENGER. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1904. B. W. ADKINS, Editor. E. G. KOLBIE ,) Publishers. F. J. WIND, Published every Friday at Cairo. Thomas county. Georgia. F. .1. WIND, Business Manager. SITllSCKIl'riON* HATBN, ONE YEAR *1.00 •SIX MONTHS 50c THREE MONTHS OR Entered as second-class matter Januuarv 21st. loot at the post office at Cairo. Ga.. under the Act ofOiifss >f 1 • 1 -ird. 1H70. Advertising rates reasonable, and furnished upon application. The man with the peach or chard! The whole cheese now. 4 4 Turn the Rascals Out” is easily enough said, but will be hard to accomplish. Roosevelt is keeping his weather eye open for his run ning mate. The Georgia solons will soon hold another bout and it’s sum mer time too. Refreshments handy! Still we had rather be a live country editor in a blackberry patch than a dead millionare banker. It seems that the majority of the people are for Parker, so why not let the delegates be in structed for him without more ado. The Georgia association of Peach Growers will convene in Marietta next Tuesday, No dc ubt matters of a sweet and juicy nature will be discussed. The Augsta Chronicle is glad over the discovery that the Re v. Samuel Small has secured a good job out west. A good job is no Small joke, however. The suicide of Mr. R. H. Plant of Macon, late president of the banks which failed last week, only emphasises the fact that after all poverty has its blessings as well as hardships. Judging from the number of free trips that have been given as prizes for various purposes over the country the St Louis exposition will have a good at tendance from this source aione. The war in the far east dra^s on regardless of Hearst, Parker, Roosevelt, the St Louis conven tion or what not. And the peo ple are forced to review all ev ery day. Early visitors to the St Louis exposition state that the sights # are not so many from the fact that things are not in complete shape. A case of early bird too early for the worm. Before turning your Xray ap paratus upon the faults ai d short-comings of your neighbor, first look over your own anato my and see if you can’t find a vulnerable spot that might be reached by your neighbor’s ray. It matters little to us who the “big four” to the St Louis con vention will be. By the time they outlive the refreshments, take a turn “the pike” F and dnu tret back DacK home nomc they won’t be any too big nohow. . no matter who they are. The Democratic Platform. The democratic platform to constructed at St Louis should as brief and expressive as it possible for language to make It should strike the minds the people like a whiff of shot. Dead issues should avoided, and only live ones consideration. The issues Free Silver, Imperialism, Re of the Tariff etc., are dead. live issue is a very live man, his name is Roosevelt. the Second, King of Eng usurped the constitutional of parliament, and his in and outraged subjects him from his throne. has defied the consti of his country as defiant as King James ever did the law of his. The should rise up and drive into oblivion. Down with Roosevelt! up the constitutional liberties our people, its good enough matter tor us. Roose >s the concentrated essence everything the Democratic hates—therefore, down him!—Baiabridge Argus Abolish The Two=Thirt’s Rule. This rule in congressional and conventions has long since abolished in Georgia. Why, then, should it continue to prevail in national conven tions? It is nothing more, and has ever been the cause of strife and discord in the party coun cils. The Republican party— the greatest and most success ful political organization on earth, always operates under the majority rule. Their conven tions are never blocked or ham pered with this ancient and ob solete handicap. The rule of the majority is good enough for them. If the two-thirds rule prevails at St. Louis, a majority may prevent the nomination of the party’s choice. Hearst with his barrel and his heelers can pre vent the nomination of any ma jority candidate, and if we are not woefully mistaken that is his game. The Georgia convention shoulc suggest to the St. Louis conven tion by an overwhelming vote that the iron-clad hindrance of the two-thirds rule be abolished. —Bainbridge Argus. While so much comment is being made upon an article in a recent issue of the Augusta Chronicle concerning what the people of the Second Congress ional district owe Jim Griggs it is a good time to speak out in open admiration of the Chroni cles editorial page. Tom Lo; less always has, now has and al ways will have courage to speak out in meeting and when he does there’s something said. The Marietta Journal says; Hate, envy or revenge are that never pay to nurse. No man being ever lost anything value by appreciative words and acts towards another. It ts such a grand, beautiful there is so much room between and the stars for generous and broad emotions—there is such vast audience, human and divine, for each one of us—why not • a , ,, lielpmg , - , lui (ls , an< re ac 1 °, ut ” | and warm thoughts . to one er as iv.. journey along to I goal. Annoucenments. Thomas County. FuR REPRESENTATIVE. hereby announce myself as a candidate for subject to the action of the | primary. If re-elected I all pledge the j to a faithful performance of of the office. My past record in the of is i open to inspection and relying of upon the submit my claims to the voters 1 and solicit their support John R. Singletary. FOR SHERIFF. 1 hereby announce mvselfasa candidate for of Thomas county, subject to the action the Democratic primary, and solicit the sup of the voters of the county. if elected 1 give my personal and undividedattention the duties of the office and will discharge duties to the best of my ability. .1. J. CONE. FOR SHERIFF. \ 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate re-election to the office of sheriff of Thom county, subject to the aetidu of tile Demo primary. If re-elected I will continue give the office my personal attention and discharge its duties to the best of my T. J. HIGHT. FUR ORDINARY. Desiring to thank my old comrades and generally for their four-years gilt of office of ordinary, i hereby announce my a candidate for re-election, subject to the primary, promising if elected to do utmost to perform ail the duties of the of faithfully in the future as I have tried to in tne past. Wm. M. Jones. FOR THE LEGISLATURE. I hereby announce my sell a candidate for re to the Legislature subject to the Dem primary. Having served the people legisla- to very best of my abiiiiy in the la’st 1 ieei that solicit 1 can confidentially^ support in anti the con- ap their primary. J. K. ROUNTREE. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself asaeandidate for ! i ..-election to the office of lax Receiver of Thomas county subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-elected I will give the office the same careful attention as in the past, 1 solicit the support of the voters of the county. JOHN F. HOWARD FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I respectfully announce that I am a candi date for re-election as Treasurer of Thomas county, subject the action of the Democratic primary. thankful to the people , for . the .. , fa L am very the past, vors and confidence shown me in and pledge, if elected, iny very best and most conscientious efforts to give them faithful, ef ficient, and satisfactory service. I earnestly solicit your support and friendly co-operation. Gratefully and faithfully yours, iAO . PARKER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue of Thomas county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I solicit the support of tile voters of tne county.. E. M. SMITH. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the people of Thomas county : / mreciating the past honors you have con firmed upon me 1 take this method of an nouncing that 1 am a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives of Georgia. In the discharge of my duties in the past as - your representative I have to the best ol mj ability worked for your interests and the in terests of the whole people of Georgia, 1 again ask your support. My candidacy is subject to the action of the Democratic primary. FON DRK N M1TCHELL. FOR CLERK OK COURT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as Clerk of Superior court of Thom as county, subject to the Democratic primary. of old friends , and , 1 solicit the support if elected to my faithfully perform promise them al the duties of the office in future as i have ways tried to do in the past. J. W. GROOVER. FOR TAX COLLECTED. I most respectfully announce mvself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Collector subject to the action of the Dem ocratic primary. In making thanks this announce- the voters ment 1 beg to extend my to of Thomas county for their kindness to me during the past and to solicit a continuance of their support. P. S. HEETH. Tax Notice. THIRD ROUND. Patten May 13U1 A. M. Boston May 17 Glasgow May 18 P.M. Metcalfe May 19 Thomasville may 14 Duncanville May 20 Cairo May 23 Abridge May 24 / . M. 7 to 11 Spence May 24 P. M. 1 to Meigs May Ochloeknee May Chason School House May 27, A. I will be in Thomasville Thursday, Friday and Saturday up to 20th of June when my books will Jno. F. Howard, Tax Receiver, LOST—Small League badge, pin of gold, maltese shaped pendant of and white enamel. Finder please leave at this office receive suitable reward. For Rent— 2 5-room on Mock and Arline street j Ga. Prices reasonable. , further inofrmation apply R to ■ _ R Pyles J. T .. M. Miller. ~ . - or Ga. Attention Cane Planters. We are prepared to make com for the purchase of cane for delivery. Price $3.50 per ton. Those interested will please us at once as contracts are completion. GEORGIA CANE SYRUP CO •9 Thomasville, Ga. A. L. SMITH, Supt., P. 0. Box 273. Harness, Leather Goods —I Plow and Wagon Gear. B —5! We manufacture our own Harness and we know what they are. We can* supply you with either a full set or any part of a set down to a mere hame string. Whips, Curry Combs, Tubular Rivets, Harn^ Tug Buckles, Saddle Pads 4 and Collar Pads. Lap Dusters 20 cents up. ■«* If you want your Shoes r< paired ours is the place to have this done, We also make a specialty of this class of work and use the best of stock. If what you need is in the Leat her Line consult us. I Yours for Business, J jfcudson & Sraves i $6 (.A- u Picnic Season is now here, and we wish to say that we are prepared t< furnish all kinds Extracts, Spices and Teas; also Baker's Chocolates, sweet or bitter, Shredded Cocoanut, Gelatines, Ketchups, Pickles and Olives, Can Pine Apple in chunks or grated, and in fact almost everything in the Can be found at the Geo. W. Hurst, Manager. PHONE 18 T“—~ B. W. ADKINS, Real Estate and Insurance. I have just established a Real Estate and Insur= ance Agency here, and if you have land to sell or houses to rent, list them with me and I will find you a purchaser. PHONE 40. We are now prepared to do all kinds of Job Work