The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, June 03, 1904, Image 3

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D priNlTB ;ii" INFORMATION. | tr ^ :a « ■’ said the man of | ; to the o4re boy, “I am going t shaved. >» L to 6 et said the. boy, hesitat- % . F ' fi glr,” ’one and wants to | , -if an> r calls | : where vou are will I say you’ve bow - down to Wall ■P* to the barber’s or r ^-Yonkers Statesman. ^ER record. WigS 5 _Cook -has only broken Mrs. to-day. dear. dish —That’s better. How did fir. en? ihgt bap? —It was the last one.— Mrs. Wi SSS 5, HIS POINT OF VIEW. ‘But,’ protested the typewriter boarder, “Adam wasn’t contented without a wife. “Perhaps not, t* rejoined the old *M!or. “1>»‘ ■* «■« »*«*' “» he didn’t know anything of good evil- —Chicago News. or . D, Dinners’ 9“ Huckleberry Cordial Ur. Grftat southern Remedy. The ^hfaXDxsentr?°ChotIrrMo^ Cures . 1:1 such as Rioodv Flux, and also children bus uething. Ld permanent , It seldom , cures fa f !s a y° s {^^ ac h vjwel diseases. See testim«nial of the late t/. GTiA-ny. „ D L X,iter s?r A. Taylor, Is tho Atlanta, first cert Ga. If 5 cate D “. l This the merit* , nl , h v ever given a« to ‘ 3 medicine, but I take pleasure In ° f Amending Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry $,Tl I consider It the best remedy mac" have ever used In my family for 1 8 in and bottle Bowei of this Trouble*. medicine 50« to In- be Sd a beginning of etomach Jnuhte in the any ‘doctor’* will Often save Hfe as well as a large bill. I have a friend whose wa6 rn my opinion, saved by the , Biggers’ Huckleberry KX. use ® f For sals by all Druggists, 25 and 50c per bottle. GRADY. (Siflnad) HENRY W. Atlanta, Ga.. May 23, 1887. Haltiwanger-Taylor Drug Co^ Prop^ Atlanta, Ga. "Twlor’s Cberokeo Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein will cure Coughs. Croup »rd Consumption. Price 25c and SI a bottle, Cotton Must Have Potash Potash is an essential plant food which must be added as a fertilizer or the soil will become ex hausted, as is true of so many cotton 1 Si fields. 1 1 \ NVe have books *11? 1 H fjf jfis? giving tails about valuable fertiliz- de ers. We will send them free to any farmer who asks us for them. (iERHAN KALI WORKS, >CW York-DC Nassau Street, er Atlanta, Ce.--£8^ So. Broad St. FREE to WORSEN A Large Trial Box and book of h!» structions absolutely Free and Post paid, enough to prove the value of Pax fine Toilet Antiseptic Paxtine is dissolve In powder in form to water — non-poisonous liquid arui farsuperior containing to antiseptics which irritates alcohol Inhorned surfaces, end 'ffis® & ft SssSsitA have no cleansing prop ertics. The contents cl every box makes v -J? more Antiseptic Solu . m . tion—lasts goes further—has longer more — uses in the family and 1 good that: r. y doe a m 0 re a ZS/J antiseptic buy. preparation you can The formula of a noted Boston physician, Wash, used with great success as a Vaginal for Leuconhoea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, ap -d all soreness of mucus membrane. invaluable. Injocal treatment of female, ills Paxtine raailonge Used as a Vaginal Wash we the world to produce its equal thoroughness. healing It ip a revelation in cleansing Ca inflammation power; It kills all germs ” 86 and dischargee. I’ ““ ox leading >t druggists keep Paxtine; price, , » yours does not, send to us for it. “0 a substitute— there is nothing like V, rite for the Free Box of Paxtine • PAXT017 CO,, 7 Pope Bldg., Boston, v 1 ■ * Sraj ii e-rZ*- c /MISS TNS jndiffestinn, i Absolutely Gm OS ° Poison Catarrh, Neuralgia. j, j and all other germ diseases. aK ven used for 20 and has 100,000 wrsementfi. years, booklet IT WILL CORE YOU! °n germ diseases free. CiERMETUER MEDICAL CO., Dept. 0—Larnesville, Ga. K ft Removes all swelling in days; effects a permanent Trial .N\ in joto 6o days. „ given free. Nothingcan be Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons. _------’ Gpeclalisis, Box B Atlanta. Giv s the name of this paper Wri'j n S to advertisers—(At23-C4) Jit w-ith ■, faompson’e Eye TENNESSEE IS TOR PARKER. D * mocrats . . ^ State Convention He’d at Nashville Go on Hecord. In state convention at Nashville, Wednesday, Tennessee democrats nominated James D. Frazier to suc ceed himself as governor, and adopted a platform instructing delegates to the national convention to vote for the nomination of Judge Alton B. Parker, of New York, for president, and to vote as a unit on all questions. The platform commends the admin istration of Governor Frazier and in dorses the Adams temperance iaw, re news allegiance to the fundamental doctrines of the party, demands a re formation of the taruf and an investi gation of the postoffice and other al leged frauds in the departments at Washington. In arraigning the present adminis tration, the platform, among other things, says; "It is especially necessary to re strict the executive head of the fed eral government within the constitu lional limits of his authority, and no argument of temporary expediency «an i ustif >’ th * assumption by him of powers conferred, exclusively upon the legislative department of the gov ernment, or the violation by him of plain provisions of constitutional, stat ute and treaty law. “We therefore denounce the many unlawful acts and acts of usurped au thority by the present occupant of the white house, as attaok upoa the very existence of constitutional government in this country. “We favor the prompt construction of the trans-isthmian canal, bat w* condemn the course of the administra tion in deliberately pursuing a lawless, revolutionary and dishonorable course in that matter when the same end could have been accomplished law f ttmy- „ j 1 CONFLAGRATION IN GRIENWOOD. Half of Business Section of South Carolina City a Heap of Ashes. ! Fully one-half of the business por | tion of Greenwood, S. C., was wiped out by firs ear-ly Wednesday morning. The property loss will approximate $133,000, with about $70,000 insurance. Mrs. Annie Moseley, proprietress of the Central hotel, lost her life in the fire. The fire originated, ft is believed, m the kitchen of the Central hotel, lo cated in the building owned by J. & D. M. Spiget and occupying the entire second story, The first alarm was given at 3:15 a. m. by an engineer on a Charleston and Western Carolina freight train standing in the yard. The train crew’ was soon on the spot and the boarders were awakened by by them. R. A. Abernethey, wdio oc eupied the room next to the kitchen, was almost overcome by smoke, but was able to wake Mrs. Moseley, w’ho was sleeping in the room next above him. She w’as greatly excited and be gan screaming, lt was supposed that she would at once escape, as all the others were doing. Just a few minutes before a ladder arrived her cries hushed and the red tongue of flames filling her window tod the horror-stricken few that her death agony had come and was over. TYNER EXONERATED BY JURY. Aged Ex-Postoffice Official and Nephew Not Guilty of Conspiracy. At Washington, Wednesday, within twenty-two minutes of the retirement of the jury in th^case of James N. Tyner and Harrismi J. Barrett, trie i on charges of conspiracy, in connee tion with their duties as iaw officers of the postoffice department, a verdict of not guilty was returned. The throng which filled the court room through the arguments to the jury hardly had time to leave the building before the jury was back, and the foreman announced that a verdict had* been reached. General Tyner, expecting a longe? wait, «had been wheeled from the room and his nephew and co-defendant hastened to give an order which caused him to re turn. appeared greatly ex General Tyner tii cited as he attempted to face e jury, and when the verdict was re turned, he broke down completely. Several of the jurors wept with Imn, and ail of them shook hands with him. MILLION-DGLLAR C3NELAGRATJ0N. Roilroad Piers, Freight Cars and Destroyed at Jersey City. Seven freight and coal piers of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad in Jersey City were destroy ed by a fire that started Sunday after noon in pier 12, on which a number . of . barrels of oil were stored. A number of canal boats and several tugs were burned, the loss of small boats being variously estimated at from 30 to 200. The number of freight cars burned is not known. The loss is estimated at $1,000,000. JAPAN’S NAVAL CARETS. j Physical and Financial Qualfc fications Demanded. Japan’s system of selecting naval is altogether unlike the Ameri system of appointment by Con If a Japanese hoy wishes become a naval cadet he must first from the public schools. he must pay his own expenses a naval preparatory school. These are equivalent, in American to about six dollars a month, graduated from tlie prepara tory school he forthwith enters the naval college, and from that time on his expenses are borne by the govern ment. Any Japanese boy who has the necessary mental, physical and Snan cial qualifications can thus become a naval cadet It was a very proud moment for the writer, you may oe sure, when he first donned the uniform of the Kanda School and b«ime one of the four hundred students there. The uniform was plain, consisting of a simple blue jacket with a single row of brass but tons, plain blue trousers, and a naval cap of English pattern. Our arms were not calculated to strike terror to even the most timid heart, since they were nothing tut mock wooden guns. Yei we boys must have fancied that the martial spirit of the old time sumari dwelt in those harmless make-believe muskets, for it would have been difficult indeed to find a flercer-looking lot of youthful warriors than we were at drill. What did we study? First of all the Japanese and Chinese languages, delving a little into the classics of both. Then we were obliged to write compositions in Japanese and Chinese, and disliked the tasks just as heartily as American hoys do heir English and Latin compositions. We were taught English also, and composition in that language were added to our tortudes. Arithmetic, algebra, a short course in Japanese history, a short course m geography and free-hand drawing, cluding map-work—surely this was enough for boys of thirteen or teen years of age! I feel sure all of my young American readers agree with me on this point. ary military drill and instruction rowing were elective branches; there were few boys who did not them up. Five days and a half every were devoted to these studies. discipline was not unnecessarily and on the whole our life was jollier than American boarding life. We were a fun-loving lot of end many were the pranks we upon each other. Even our ors did not always escape. But ing," as the term is understood in country, is unknown to Japanese dents.—From Teiichi Yamagata’s Japanese Middy,” in St. Nicholas. HE DIDN’T LIKE HER. “Look here, tf said the lady who had answered his sonal,” "your ad. is a fake; it tinctly stated ‘object matrimony. > ft “Well—er—um—you see,” the man, nervously, “there was mistake. The printer omitted a The ad. should have read, ‘object matrimony.’ "—Town Topics. Having a Pic-nic. There is something particularly The about going to a Pic-Nic. very Pie-Nie good time. brings The pleasant idea of anticipations going out to of_ woods and fields or down by some brook lake, with luncheon to be served on grass and under the trees, has a fascination. The fresh air and contribute to give a heart}’ appetite to and everything at luncheon seems better than the finest course^ dinner a French chef ever served. Wooden su pp’.ant Dresden china, and p aper ver trays, when the “good tilings cat” are spread upon the ground. without Pic-Nics are never complete bread with_ sandwiches, sweet white a of between. ~ erous layer meat ideal for Pig-Nics canned meats are outings. The cans are so easily nnd the contents .so fresh and that no Pic-Nic is a success Libby’s “Natural Flavor” Food Products. When a young man tells a girl he her for herself alone interference it’s equivalent from to injunction the family. against test of Could Von Use Any Kind of a Machine at Any Price? If there is any price so low, any fer so liberal that you would think accepting on trial a new high drop cabinet or upright Singer, W1 ioplor Sc 1 Ison. White or New Home- Sewing cut out and return this notice, and will receive by return mail, free of cost, the handsomest machine catalogue ever published. will name you prices on the Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Standard and New Home sewing chines that will surprise you; we make you,a new and attractive tion. a sewing machine offer that astonish you. If you can make v use of any ing machine at any price, if any of an offer would interest you. fail to write US at once (be sure to out „ , and , lCtlllll tins spetidi notice! nonet; o get our latest book, our latest our new and most surprising tion. Address Sears, Roebuck & Co.. Chicago. If ail women who look back were into salt pillars the streets would be of statues. DOCTOR ADVOCATED OPERATION - PE-RU-NA SACE KNIFE UNNECESSARY. -■ i.\I - RS EVA raRTHO, 133 East 12th St.. New York City, M. Y., writes: tt I suffered for thiee years with leucor rhea and ulceration of the womb. The doctor advocated an operation which _ 1 dreaded very much, nd strongly objected to go ..nder it. Now I am a changed jjpp^ taking it, as I dreaded an operation so much. 1 am to day in perfect health and have not felt so well for fifteen Mrs. Senator Roach, of Lartmore, A. Dak.; Mrs. Senator Warren, of Cheyenne, Wyo.; Belva Lockwood «»«I Mrs. General Longstreet, of Washington, D. C., are among the prominent ladies who indorse l*c runa. Miss Helen Rolot, Kaikauna, Wis., writes: . • Several times during the past two years o rmore my system has been greatly in need of a tonic, and - t those limes Pe run a has been of great help in building up the system, restoring my appetite and se curing restful sleep."—Helen Rolof. Miss Muriel Armitage. 36 Greenwood Ave., Detroit, . 1 i. "Xf Mich., IaL TMnAni/tA District Organizer Ar/ro of the Royal Templars of Temperance, writes tes as as follows: tollows: (i I suffered for five years with uterine irregular: ies, which brought on hysteria and made me a physical wreck. I tried doctors from the different scho< ’a of med icine, but without any perceptible I change called in my condition. In my despair on an Id .iurse, who advised me to try Peruna, and promised good results if I would persist ar.d take it regularly. steadily 1 kept this up for six months, and gained strength and health, and when I had used fifteen bottles I considered myself entirely cured. 1 am a grateful, happy woman to-day.”—Miss Muriel Armitage. Miss Lucy M. Riley, 33 Davenport St., Cleveland, Ohio, writes: “I wish to add my iifcorsement to thou sands cc other women who have been cured through the use of Peruna. 1 suf fered ior five years with severe backache, and when wearied or worried in the I had prolonged headache. I am now in Malsby & Co. 41 South Forsyth St. f Atlanta, Ga. Is L-,—tjtf V • - 1 1 ' fntwj] Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills and all kinds of Complete line carried in .dock for 1 MM EDI A TE shipment Best Machinery. Lowest Prices and Best Write us for catalogue, | etc., before buying. I II SAW IV! ILLS Our lar proved Saw Latest Mills, ' | with Heye's Universal Log gear. Simultaneous Set Works and the | jgcoek-King acelleo for Variable Feed simplicity, Works are awueacv, I ^descriptive n ITT AND EASE circulars. OP OPERATION. Manufactured Write for by ; ^SALEM I IRON - 1 11 PL #t I tried all kinds of blood remedies which failed 50 do me any good but 1 have found the right thing at last. My face was full of pimples and black heads. After taking Case a rets they all left. 1 am continuing the urq of them and them to my friends. I feel fine when 1 rise u morning. Hope to have a chance to {-*a&careu&> ‘ Fred C. Witten, 76 Elm St., Newark, N. J. *7-I’Sx a Best For rvl The Bowels w CANDY CATHARTIC ijt > Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Ta«te Good. Do Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe, 10c. i-c. .•><,<!. *old in bulk. The sonuine tablet etamped Uaaranteed to cure or your money back. Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or N.Y. 595 AgH'JAL SALE. TEH MiLUOS The Great East TEXAS‘S and West Line Across the En tire States of THE >1 TEXASffi ^ LIpacific W RAILWAY No trouble to answer questions. 85 shortest route Shreveport to Dallas. for new book on Texas, free. E. Y. General Passenger Agent, Dallas, Texas. | This is What You Want j J Have You Any Malarial Troubles? j Do you Postoffice want to order get well for anti fifty get cents well to quick? the If send a j REGAL MEDIGiNE G0.,Of StaiMOrd, . , - for meuiciae and directions. A quick ami cure fever.duinb guaranteed in and all intermittent cases of malaria, fever. chills | ague _ j smmzpr££ UUHES WH£ff£ ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cougb Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Sold bv druggist?. » s;um: j ♦ 4 j i I * j * t i ! J « ' * * it i\ ♦ # * t « Wmm * 7.' i * j » ♦ * * * 4 4 i \ ♦ .a III 4 U ^4 M t * « « « 4 hi 1 ! I t I ♦ , m 4 > > , > * ^ - > * * t 4 4 0 4 4 > 4 * 1 ♦ » * ,« * 4 4 .1 4 4 4 4 i r it ♦ ' it 4 4 4 e 4 ^ $ * 4 , “ J !s 4 J 4 « a r , J J : . 4 MRS. EVA BARTHO r* j 4 •WVWA? J ♦ ' perfect health, enjoy life and have neither an ache or ; tin, thanks to Peruna. ’—Lucy M. Riley. longer question to whether It is no a as all such Peruna can be relied o to cure cases. During the many years in which Peru.ta has been pu* to test in all forms an d stages of acute and chronic catarrh no one year lias put this remedy to greater test than the >ast year. with If all the women who suffering any form of female weakness would write to Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, and give him a complete description of their symp toms and the peculiarities of their troubles, he will immediately reply with charge. complete directions for treatment, free of Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Oliio. SLEE 0 0 S S 4 w. in Warm Baths with , © w .1 •£§>* And gentle anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, and purest and sweetest of emollients. It means instant relief and refreshing sleep for tor tured, disfigured, itching, ( and burning babies, and I | fretted ■ rest for tired, mothers, when all else fails. Sold throughout the world. Cuticura Soap, ^»c., Otet* inent, 50e., Reiolveiit, 60c. (in form of Chocolate Coattu Filli, 26c. per vial of 00). Depots: London, 27 Charter* bouse Sq.; Pans, 5 K-we de la Falx ; Boston, 137 < o.umbUl Ave. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole i’ropriotorj. aaf-Send lor Uow to Cure httby liuaior*." jj&rrr*. PIP AMR TA BULKS ax0 the bast dys* 47*. v ‘ X pepsin medicine ever made. A hun SSVf&Mfbi ( iaaEiDKleyoer. millions of them ConsUp-,.on, fcav.-beon beart- sold *C SoJ breath, t,::rn, sick sore headache, throut and dizziness, every illness bad win Ml Ii arlsinsr from a disordered stomach i are relieved or cured by JUpeus trive relief Tab ules. One will generally isenough within twenty minutes. The five cent packs gf for an ordinary occasion. All Uruicgists sell them.