The Cairo messenger. (Cairo, Thomas County, Ga.) 1904-current, June 03, 1904, Image 8

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Let's Have Water. It is a sure fact that it now lies in the power of Cairo citi zens to enjoy the blessings of pure water at a very small —and to have it conveniently at hand too. The well which has been sunk upon the residence lot of Mr. K. P. Wight has been finished and promises to supply sufficient water for the entire ci ty if the necessary arrangements can be made to utilize it. W hy not let the city put in a system of mains and supply pipes and furnish the water to the resi dents of the city? A tower on the high point where the well is situated would not have to be very high to give the desired pressure, and once the system is ever established the revenue from consumers would eliminate any cost to the city. T he city needs the water and we believe the people as a whole will be glad to see the city fathers take the necetsary steps to supply it. Good water is conducive to good health; and without good health no town can prosper. Woodland Items. The light showers that fell in this community Sunday and Mondav were very much needed. The faces of our farmers have somewhat assumed their natural looks. They were getting aw ful long. Blackberries are getting ripe. That means pies if we can get the stuff to make the crust. A few of the brethren Woodland church met Thursday and finished the house which helps the of the interior of the very much. Our efficient teacher of Woodland school, Goldie visited homefolks Saturday Sunday. Air. I. D. Singletary and ly visited his brother-in-law, John Aldridge on Sunday. Air. J. S. Fulford and spent the day Sunday with Thomas Alathis. Air. Walter Harper some smoke in the bee’s Alonday night and robbed of a nice chance of sweet honey—to those were lucky enough to be Air. W. H. Waldren and of his sons, Alessrs. Clifford Alalcom went down to ville Tuesdav. Air. J. T. Dixon went Cairo trading Wednesday, bv the way, have you seen field of cotton of W. L they say r that he has been ting some more “joaner” that cotton. Begins to look he might get to handle some that long green. I see the grass peeping at me and it begins to look I shall have to miss that bridge picnic Friday. I know those candidates will at their same old tricks of to pull the wool over their Uncle Jake. That up-to-date, hustling Mauldin Bros., have a change advertisement in today’s enger and unless you keep with the moving procession calling on them you will some rare bargains. Limesink Varieties. We had a refreshing shower of rain Sunday afternoon, which j was much needed, Mrs j A Whigham is spend j n g a f ew days j n Whigham this week the guest of relatives. Messrs. A. E. Whigham and Oscar BoyeU went to Bain bridge Thursday on business. Messrs. J. R. King and F. M. Cox went to Pelham Saturday on business There was no Sunday School j at Spring Hill Sunday afternoon on account of rain. Mrs. F. M. Whigham and daughter Miss Claudie spent the day with Mrs. J. L. Larkins Sat urday. A good many from our settle ment attended the picnic^at Oak Grove Thursday and Pleasant Hill Friday; and report a good time at both. Miss Fannie Cox of Tallahas see returned to her home last Thursday after a stay of several weeks with her sister, Airs. A. E. Whigham. Aliss Eva Larkins was the guest of her cousin Miss Ro melle Barineau Saturday night. Air. J. L. Peebles and daugh ter Aliss Bessie from Whigham visited the Autry and Peebles turpentine still Saturday. Air.. Peebles is a business turpentine man. Air. and Airs. F. M. Cox was the guests of Air. W. F Whigham Sunday. Air. and Mrs. J. L. Larkins was the guests of Air, E. E. Bar ineau and family Sunday. Aliss Bessie King visited the little Alisses Orie and Nora Cox Sunday afternoon. Air. and Airs. W. F. Whigham went to Cairo Friday shopping. On. last Thursday 1 ight about two o’clc ck Air. W. G. Alartin was waked by a fife at his saw mill. The loss was about thir ty thousand feet of nice lumber just ready for shipping, The fire was supposed to have caught fiom some burning trash. Air. Martin is a business saw mill man. Air. Robert Cox was the guest of Alessrs. Connells Saturday night. Aliss Leila Cox visited her grandmother, Airs. R. E. Whig ham Sundav afternoon. Little Aliss Clyde Whigham is spending a few days with her grandmother Airs. F. O. Duggar this week. Visitor. TRIUMPHS OF MODERN SURGRKY. Wonderful things are done for the hu man body by surgery. Organs are taken out and scraped and polished and put back, or they may be removed entirely; bones are spliced; pipes take the place of diseased sections of veins; antiseptic dressings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and like injuries before inflamma tion sets in, which causes them to heal without maturation and in one-third the time required by the old treatment. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm acts on this same principle. It is an antiseptic and when applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffering which such injuries entail. For sale by Wight & Browne. Read matter on every page of the Alessenger. Council Proceedings. May 31 st, 1904 Council met in regular ses sion; Mayor R. L. Vanlanding ham presiding. Alderman J. L. Poulk, K. P. Wight, K. Powell and Chas. o 7 Mauldin present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. By motion the Street Commit tee was instructed to see an at torney in case of moving Mr. McManeus’ fence out of street. The Street Committee report e( l they had estimated the cost of marking the streets at $1 5.00 and by motion they were m structed to have the signs put up. The following ordinance was read the third time and approved: An ordinance for keeping whis key for sale. Be it ordained by mayor and council of the town of Cairo, that on and after the passing of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person or per sons to have or keep on hand any whiskey of any kind for sale within the incorporate limits of the town of Cairo. Any person or persons convict ed of the above offense shall be made to pay a fine of not less than one dollar and not more than fifty dollars, or work the streets of the town not less than one day or more than fiftv days —either or both in the discre tion of the mayor. All laws or parts of laws con flicting with the ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed, this the 29th, day of Afarch, 1904. The following accounts were ordered paid: Poulk Bros. $ 7-95 Wight Bros. 6.27 R. L. Nicholson, 40 Cairo V ariety Works, 50 Cairo Furniture Co. I.IO £>. W. AIcAIaneus 2.50 H. J. Hart 4.25 Marshal reported $23.60 col lected in month of Alay for sam ple room, impounding fees and fines. Council adjourned. Jno. L. Poulk, Clerk & Tres. The city tax books are now open. A word to the wise is sufficient; All kinds of country taken in exchange for subscrip= * tions to the Messenger. m MUNJ’MUIItMl IliJJJUl Ira L. Hurst Dealer Jn Fancy and Family Keeps constantly m stock a fresh lot of J. E. M. t 3 S m -SmrrrtmfPMEtiPi * FLOUR. ’Phone 31. REMOVAL SALE! My stock of General Merchandise must be sold at once, I have sold my store building and must give possession by August 1 st Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats, Etc., AT Less Than Actual Cost. Money is scarce and it will pay you to investigate my stock at once. Produce accepted in payment for goods. G.JL. DIJREIN, M- W. Montcricf Manager. P. S. We pay highest prices for country produce. So Vo ifiaggett & jCewis Sor J’ertilizerOy jfcay> Srain Si all /c/nclj *11/are Seneral housemen. Phone 58. We Invite Inspection. —Our line of Spring and Summer ft DRESS GOODS Is Now Complete. The assortment consists of euerything that is up-to-date—from the finest to the cheapest—and the price is reasonable too. We give a free McCall Dress pattern with each dress we sell. We are continually receiving new goods in the P. -•Vl IVlillinery and Haney Goods Department and you will lind a splendid assortment in this line, J. L. OLIVER, Agent for Brown’s Shoes and McCall’s Patterns. 50,000 Free Samples You Can Get One. * ! ■ BLACK WEED, the great vegetable remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, and Kidney and Bladder complaints, has met with almost instantaneous success be cause it has made some noteworthy oures of very severe cases. Mr. John Post, of the Atlanta Fire Dept., writes: <« For months I suffered with my kid neys. I made every effort to get relief, but failed until I accidentally came m possession of a bottle of Black Weed. The rehef obtained from its use was so great before half the first bottle had been used, that I put aside all other medicines and am now sound -and well, having been cured completely by Black Weed. At the same time I had an ag gravated case of Catarrh of the head and throat. Black Weed has completely cured this, and my head is now as clear as a bell.” BLACK WEED is sold by all drug gists at $1.00 a bottle, or we will send prepaid upon receipt of price. Send Your Name at and once address for a trial sample of this great remedy, which will be sent absolutely free, to gether with our book containing valua ble information and endorsements. Please mention this paper. Address, Slack Weed Medicine Co.. _____ Atlanta, Ga. $5.00 Reward. I will pay a reward of $5.00 for the detection., with evidence to convict, of the person who cut my cow on yesterday (Thursday) while my family were away from home. The animal was dark, brindle and was cut on one of her hips. W. G. Baggett rVTTTTTV1 *▼▼▼▼ I j NOVELTIES 1 ===IN=== SILVERWARE. ► ► ► ► ► ► t Since finishing the Interior improve- 5 ► ments to my store I have put upon display ► one of the handsomest and most complete t lines of Silverware and Novelties ever 1 i ► shown in this t section. : ♦ t [Any < 4 Article t From the daintest novelty hand- j ► to the \ som est table piece in sterling and Solid \ and Plated Ware can be found in my } f [ line , makjnga diBplay comblntng b , a uty i [ and elegance with quality ... and , service. . ; I Everybody, the ladies especially, invited 1 ► to ca " an d inspect this handsome line. 1 l H• SflndSFSj f w* l ► l Jeweler, 4 : ► 4 ► 1 i Cairo Georgia .\ 1 H a = = JkAAAAAA 4 AAAaJ DR W AT. SEARCEY, DENTIST Office next to Wight & Browne Drug Store. Cairo, Georgia. W. EARLE OLIVER PHBSICIAN & SURGEON. Cairo Goorgia. Residence ’Phone No. 47 . Office Phone No. 12 . Jno. R. Singi.etery. B. W. ABKIN • SINGLETERY & ADKINS. ATTORNEYS. CAIRO. GEORGIA. Office over B. F. Powell’s store. Mi Commercial law and Collections. -